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  <subtitle>News about flight simulators.</subtitle>
    <title>Meridian GMT Announces Initial Product Line</title>
    <link href="/news/mgfswa"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d6fd7ebbef2a2020524978_Screenshot%202025-03-16%20at%2010.31.54%E2%80%AFAM.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: OTHER. Meridian GMT announced its initial product line during today's final presentation at FSWeekend. Founded by Honeycomb Aeronautical founder and former CEO Nicki Repenning, Meridian GMT hopes to break into an increasingly competitive hardware market. ‍ Their initial lineup consists of three new products: The Sierra Plus Flight Controls, the Tango Plus Throttle Quadrant, and the X-Ray Flight Controller. Meridian’s focus for these products is a multi-purpose and modular approach. ‍ Repenning started the presentation by showcasing the Sierra Plus (not to be confused with the Honeycomb Sierra TPM), which he says includes many improvements over his previous designs, chiefly the Honeycomb Alpha. The Sierra Plus will boast features such as swappable button and switch panels, quick-release yoke, vibration motors, and under-table mounting. Multiple panel configurations will be available for the Sierra Plus, including a commercial configuration based on the Boeing 737 and a general aviation configuration complete with a chronometer. On release, the Sierra Plus will be priced at approximately $325 (€299.99). Next, Repenning moved to what he says is “the product that I am most excited about”, the Tango Plus Throttle Quadrant. Like the Sierra Plus, the Tango Plus builds on previous designs' success, adding modularity, among other features. Meridian has packed the Tango Plus with features, including an annunciator panel, trim wheel, exterior light switches, auto brake knob, and more. The flagship feature of the Tango Plus is the swappable avionics and throttle configurations. Users can customize their quadrant based on the type of aircraft they are flying, with Repenning mentioning configurations for single and multi-engine general aviation, as well as configs for Airbus and Boeing, which will include detents. The avionics receive the same treatment, the general aviation config receiving a Garmin-style radio and autopilot panel, the Boeing panel styled after the 737 MCP, and the Airbus panel made to represent the FCU. Meridian’s final product is the X-Ray Flight Controller, which Repenning says is “the product that will launch first into the market”. The X-Ray Flight Controller is Meridian’s answer to the increasingly popular console market, being an Xbox controller with various features specific to flight simulation. No pricing information has been announced for the Tango Plus or the X-Ray controller, but Threshold will keep you informed, so stay tuned! ‍ If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon!</summary>
    <title>iniBuilds Updates A350 Airliner for MSFS 2020/2024</title>
    <link href="/news/350104"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d74ca627ae5eebe484b673_104.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. iniBuilds has recently issued an update to their newly released A350 Airliner for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024, bringing system depth improvements, art tweaks, and more. Update v1.0.4 aims to increase the systems simulation further, bringing extra depth and more overall fidelity. Following customer feedback and further investigation, the art was also tweaked on the long-winglet model for the A350-900, improving its shape and profile.  ini has also done extra optimization work for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 version by tweaking node counts and refining the system for swapping cockpits. These changes significantly reduce CPU load and bring smoother performance and fewer stutters, especially on lower-end systems. As the update changes the 3D model to some extent, all liveries will need to be redownloaded or updated to work with the new version in both Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024. They claim this was necessary to ensure the key fixes in the patch could be carried out at once. More WASM fixes were also introduced to enhance the product’s stability further, resolving multiple crashes related to TCAS activation, flight plan imports, and Navigraph integration.  The developers claim to remain dedicated to continuous improvement and deeper simulation accuracy, with ongoing refinements across all areas of the A350’s systems.  The complete changelog for the update follows below: v1.0.4Systems &amp; EFB ⚙️🖥️Fixed - WASM*** EFIS_Gauge_Update crash fixed Fixed - WASM*** Crash on CPNY F-PLN IMPORT after changing data source crash Fixed - WASM*** Exception c000005 in gauge SND on SB ImportFixed - 2020 ***WASM*** MFD exception while editing SEC planFixed – WASM - Repeatable WASM crash, closest airports&gt;DATAFixed- WASM - Exception in Gauge MFD – TCASFixed - Navigraph_FunctionResult WASM crash Fixed - Navigraph commbus/function WASM crashFixed - WASM crash when selecting FIX INFO and inserting runwayImprovement - Dynamic fuel temp simulation Fixed - HDG bar missing on the PFD in Raw DataFixed - Incorrect GD, S, F speeds in APPR page in some situations Fixed - Unable to DTO custom wptFixed - Insert to next waypoint causing navigraph function to dieFixed - NAV ACCUR UPGRADED should be white instead of amberFixed - SEC copy active did not copy the flight numberFixed - Incorrect landing weight being displayed in some situations Fixed - Changing approach (but not inserting it) clears the minima in some casesFixed - Able to have 2 menus open in FPLN pageFixed - THS trim "wheel" moving in opposite direction in some cases Fixed - Wind Data KNOT spd limit too smallFixed - Turning SPD knob while on managed speed issue bug Fixed - MFD Local Time issue bug Fixed - Swap active not carrying over the CRZ ALT bug Fixed - ENG SD COOLING text alignmentFixed - Incorrect colour coding in SEC plansFixed - MFD Cancel noise missing *Fixed - SD Page formatting - CAB V/SFixed - Unable to reselect SLSFixed - No STEP DELETED message bug Fixed - Step Alt persistence after climbing to new altFixed - HSP = too far right bug Fixed - Fuel over waypoints when LB selected shows T bugFixed -  TMPY UNDO* prompt bug Fixed - PFD Vls line issue bug Fixed - DESCENT SPD LIM and the respective SPD LIM vertical revision entry is missingFixed - Decel Point in F-PLAN - Does not activate approach mode/phaseFixed - FMA change box behaviourFixed - FIX INFO pge not fully clearing dataFixed - FMS F-PLN/AIRWAYS page - if you enter a wrong WPT, there is no way to "reset" the fieldFixed - LEG RNP visible in FPLN at the topFixed - SEC PLAN TMPY syncing with active plan on insert prior to swap Fixed - Wind Page CRZ waypoint logic doesn't match IRL Fixed - A/THR failure, thrust not lockedFixed - ARPTs being limitedFixed - Small zone in THR lever without FMA indicationFixed - Anti-skid logic incorrect -1000Fixed - EFOB on F-LPN being calculated in KG regardless of simbrief and aircraft being set to LBS.Fixed - Copy active SEC has magenta dotsFixed - Deleting STEP Climbs erases F-PLN in some cases Fixed - The SEC F-PLN PERF APPR GA Page does not consider the SEC F-PLN Destination.Fixed - bracket behind aircraft while in offset on max zoom in bug Fixed - Min DEST EFOB disappears after engine bug Fixed - Incorrect IGNITION memo during startFixed - PFD: Altitude indication issueFixed - PFD: altitude value not centered vertically Fixed - FUEL&amp;LOAD, extra on ground errorFixed - MFD CLB incorrect display when no noiseFixed - FO unable to capture alt constraint and not transferring to planFixed - CPLDC scroll HL missingFixed - Cannot select CSTR,ARPT + WPT/VORD/NDB at onceFixed - ENG FF value alignmentFixed - FO MFD changes automatically to GO AROUND pageFixed - GPWS 50 and 40 callouts play too earlyFixed - CPDLC cursor flash rate is too fastFixed - Trip wind not working in some cases Fixed - CPDLC normal messages should have a 10second aural delayFixed - Turnaround state, block fuel not clearedFixed - 2nd flight remembered noise values from 1stFixed - Polar: No SELECT TRUE NORTH REF msgFixed - No auto switch over to TRUEFixed - Step climb info crz page showing first step onlyFixed – RA faults bug Fixed – Extensive ECAMS review for double ECAMS bug Fixed - SUGT: Add sidestick AP on engage soundFixed - There are duplicate ECAM messages left and right side when the TO and LDG MEMO's are displayed.Fixed - ACFT STATUS page review model/engine formatFixed - All variable probes outside are at incorrect angles (and excessive)Fixed - Add limit to OFP Text size buttonsFixed - OFP page - Text size not saved bug Fixed - Landing Calculator using Live gross weight bug Fixed - OIS OFP page - add zoom feature bug Fixed - OIS TO Perf, MTOW perf needs to change depending on conditions/optionsFixed - OIS TO perf SYNC current WT not TOWFixed - OIS Maintenance: opening fueling panel and hyd refill panel opens door 1L in flightFixed - AFK mode to not be exclusive to time acceleration when option is onFixed - Can't use default ATC optionsFixed - [FS20] ENROUTE CHARTS BLACK / POSITION DESYNCFixed - FS20]  Report - Performance Degradation due to Enroute Map over long flights in VRImprovement – Interactive points reviewFixed - aircraft still getting airborne before Vr or with minimal inputFixed - ECAM Memo - Missing "SURV TCAS STBY" ECAM alertFixed - IR in align memo messageFixed -  Green/Yellow HYD fault ECAM issuesFixed - T.O INHIBIT memo disappears at rotationFixed - Excessive Hoppie/SayIntentions server loadFixed - The TO SHIFT field is not calculating when manually entering TORA and other valuesFixed - OIS OFP Page - Shortcuts not working properly if using format other than LIDO | WKGFixed – [FS20] UPDATE NAVDATA does not clear FMS same as swapping navdata sourcesFixed - SB profile taxi amount != FMS taxi fuel 3D Art 🎨🖌️Fixed - Long winglet model updated for -900 variant - We've listened to your concerns and concluded our investigations. The shape and profile of the long-winglet type featured on the A350-900 has been improved as per new technical and image reference data we been able to obtain.Fixed - Rain wiper mask added to windshields in FS24.Fixed - Various animation and alignment fixes on gear door mechanisms, hatches and panels.Fixed - FS20 click spot inaccuracy issues resolved - system for swapping cockpits between variants in FS20 changed to increase clickspot accuracy issues several users were experiencing.Fixed - FS24: Integral light difference in brightnessFixed - APU flap not animated Fixed - Split up cockpits/cbays between 900 and 1000 export FS2020Fixed - Bleed doors reflecting sunlight when in "IN" configFixed - FS24: Ice indicator light not workingFixed - FS24: Avionics bay lights not working (red/green flashing lights)Fixed - EFIS Mode and Range Selector lights are not tied to the ANN LT TEST SwitchFixed - FS24: Small see through gaps on inside of engine cowlingsFixed - FS24: No cabin variants lack physical windows from the interior - no rain drops on windowsFixed - FS20 performance improvements - node counts optimized and system for swapping cockpits in FS20 has been changed to be more optimal resulting in less of an impact for CPU-limited users. Users on lower end system specifications have noticed a decrease in stutters and smoother frame rates when this optimization was carried out. Sounds 🔊Fixed - no sound for evac selector switchFixed - no sound for evac horn off squibFixed - no sound for several smooth rotary knobsFixed - no sound for ecam checklist buttonsFixed - no sound on some isis buttons Fixed - no sound on engine man start buttonsFixed - no sound for baro selector Fixed - fms keys virtually inaudible Fixed - some duplicate manip sound events Fixed - Improved apu start/loop blending ‍ The A350 Airliner is available for purchase at the iniBuilds Store for roughly $76.16, requiring at least 10.63 GB of free hard disk space to install. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>Drzewiecki Design Announces Western Sydney International Airport for MSFS 2024</title>
    <link href="/news/ddssyd"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d75244a47f8ad7c024a98c_syd1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. Drzewiecki Design recently announced the development of Western Sydney International Airport (YSWS) for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. The airport is set to begin operating in late 2026 and supplement Sydney’s Kingsford Smith International, which has been operating at capacity due to a legislated curfew. After a more than decade-long debate on the location, the government officially designated the site in April 2014. It was conceived to operate 24 hours a day, with no curfews whatsoever, helping mitigate the fact Sydney’s main airport is already operating at capacity and with limited slots. The administration has decided to build the airport in multiple phases, starting with a smaller terminal and a single runway and eventually building up as required. Phase one – which is nearing completion – consists of that one “small” terminal, able to handle up to 10 million passengers a year, and a single 3700m runway. As of June 2024, the terminal was 80% ready and set to reach total completion by January 2026. It’s going to be Australia’s first fully digital air traffic control system, using a 45-meter-tall mast with over twenty high-definition cameras instead of a traditional control tower. The developer plans to fully utilize Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024’s capabilities, aiming to deliver highly detailed visuals, optimized performance, and an immersive flight simulation experience. For that, they seek reference materials, including airport documentation, high-quality images, charts, blueprints, and operational insights. If you fit the criteria, feel free to contact the developer here.  There’s no information on pricing or a release date yet, but Threshold will keep you informed! If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>Papa Delta Studio Releases Szczecin-Goleniów Airport for MSFS 2020/2024</title>
    <link href="/news/pdsszc"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d9aa154505b7b8b1fce749_scz1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. Papa Delta Studio recently released their rendition of Szczecin-Goleniów Airport (EPSC) for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024. The airport serves Szczecin, Poland, and has a yearly average of 600,000 passengers. It was built as a standard military airport between 1953 and 1956 during the Cold War, with a 1,800-meter runway and basic infrastructure. It wasn’t until eleven years later that it became a civilian airport. In the late 1970s, the runway was extended to 2,500 meters, and a new passenger terminal was built. Extra effort was made in the late 1990s to improve the runway and the main apron, followed by the opening of a new passenger terminal in 2001.  Four years after its inauguration, the new terminal underwent expansion to accommodate the predicted passenger figures for the decade. Completion was achieved a year later, in 2006. LOT Polish Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Ryanair, Smartwings Poland, and Wizz Air serve it. The scenery features an accurate rendition of the airport, with a high-quality terminal model, custom ground textures, an up-to-date ground layout, custom static aircraft, custom 3D people models, custom ground service equipment, custom clutter, and more. ‍ It’s available on SimMarket for roughly $7.31, requiring at least 87.55 MB of free hard disk space to install. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>MOZA Announces New Flight Sim and Sim Racing Products</title>
    <link href="/news/mozafr"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d9bc2556c4aa22dcd3a16e_Banner_Image.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: OTHER. MOZA recently announced a range of new products for flight simulation and sim racing during their launch event. They introduced a total of four flight sim peripherals, while the sim racing lineup includes two new products, upgrades for their direct drive wheelbases, an AI-driven training tool, and a development kit. The new MOZA AY210 Yoke Base has been announced as part of the flight simulator lineup. It boasts an impressive torque of 9 Nm and a push force of 210 N, providing ample power for an immersive flying experience. The yoke base features a travel distance of 150 mm and includes a quick-release mechanism made of aluminum. The price of the yoke base is $699.00. The next announcement features the new MOZA MFY Yoke, designed specifically to be paired with the yoke base. Made from high-strength materials, it includes an aluminum quick-release mechanism. The yoke is equipped with a variety of triggers, hall effect joysticks, and customizable RGB lighting, making it an ideal companion for the yoke base. It is priced at $149.00. The new MOZA MTP Throttle is designed specifically for military simulation enthusiasts. It boasts a sleek fighter jet design and includes customizable detents, programmable switches, and hall effect joysticks, all aimed at providing smooth and accurate inputs. The throttle is priced at $329.00. The final announcement in the flight simulation lineup is the MOZA MTLP Panel. Inspired by the F/A-18, this panel includes a variety of knobs and buttons, including an authentic parking brake mechanism. It is designed to integrate with the MOZA MTP Throttle and is priced at $149.00. Within the sim racing announcements, the team at MOZA introduced the highly anticipated MOZA mBooster Active Pedal. This pedal features an active force feedback system and is priced at $799.00. Additionally, they announced the MOZA Active Shifter, which can be used with the MOZA AB9 FFB Base. This shifter knob offers a realistic shifting experience and allows for H-pattern, sequential, or handbrake modes. The shifter knob is priced at $39.00, while the MOZA AB9 FFB Base required for the shifter is priced at $588.00. ‍ Besides these new products, MOZA is also upgrading its direct drive wheelbases. A new AI-driven training tool called MOZA Coaching is now available through the MOZA Pit House software, and they have announced the MOZA SDK for developers. MOZA has announced several new products, and we look forward to their future offerings. ‍ For the latest flight simulation news, remember to stay tuned on Threshold! ‍ If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon!</summary>
    <title>DarkBlue Releases Tokyo Haneda Airport for X-Plane 11 &amp; 12</title>
    <link href="/news/dblhnd"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67d9c0401ed6ab22aff643d0_tyo1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: X-Plane. DarkBlue has recently released their rendition of Haneda Airport (RJTT) for X-Plane 11 and 12. The airport serves the Greater Tokyo Area and has a yearly average of 78.7 million passengers, making it the busiest airport in Japan. The airport started its life in 1931 as a tiny airfield with a 300-meter-long concrete runway, a small passenger terminal, and two hangars.  Traffic figures grew throughout the 1930s, leading to the extension of the runway to 800 meters and the construction of a new—also 800-meter-long —runway. The airport's land size also grew from the initial 53 hectares to 72.8 hectares.  It was also during that time period that the Japanese government started planning to build a new Tokyo Municipal Airport on an artificial island in Koto Ward. At the time, it was five times the size of Haneda and easily the largest airport in the world by the era's standards. Work was scheduled to start in 1939 and reach completion by 1941, but World War 2 put a permanent stop to it. Post World War 2, Haneda was occupied by the United States Army, becoming Haneda Army Air Base. Many nearby residents were evicted during that time so they could carry out further expansion to accommodate their infrastructure. Both runways were extended to 1,650 meters and 2,100 meters, respectively. By the time everything was finally completed in 1946, the airport was already occupying 257.4 hectares, slightly larger than the old Tokyo Municipal Airport project. Part of the base was returned to Japan in 1952 and named Tokyo International Airport. The remainder remained under American control until it was returned to Japan in 1958. When Japan Airlines started its domestic operations out of the airport, there was no passenger terminal. This became a reality in 1955 after two years of hard work, followed by an extension for international flights in 1963. The introduction of jet aircraft in the 1960s led to many changes and improvements, including runway extensions, the repurposing of a runway as an apron, and a new international arrivals facility. In the late 1970s, Narita Airport was inaugurated, taking most of the international service in the area and relegating Haneda to a majorly domestic airport. For the next 32 years, Haneda lived through its "domestic era," a period in which many expansion projects were carried out to ensure it could actually serve Greater Tokyo properly: a new landfill in the mid-1980s, a new passenger terminal, new runways in the late 1990s/early 2000s, and a new international terminal in 1998. ‍ After completing a third international terminal in October 2010, the government opened the airport again to overseas operations as long as they operated between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. ‍ The international terminal was further expanded in 2014 with a new eight-gate pier, an expanded apron, an expanded check-in, and more.  It's a hub for All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines and an operating base for Air Do, Skymark Airlines, Solaseed Air, and StarFlyer. Air Canada, Air China, Air France, American Airlines, Asiana Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Emirates, EVA Air, Finnair, Garuda Indonesia, ITA Airways, Korean Air, Lufthansa, Qantas, Scandinavian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines, and Vietnam Airlines also serve it. ‍ The scenery features an accurate rendition of the airport, with 4K textures, highly detailed passenger terminal and airport buildings, custom ground markings, an up-to-date ground layout, performance-friendly optimization, and more. ‍ It's available on OrbxDirect for roughly $15.89, requiring at least 2 GB of free hard disk space to install. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>Eagle Dynamics Previews Cold War Germany Map</title>
    <link href="/news/edcwgm"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67db15617263341757b24d3e_In_Dev_14.03.2025.7.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: DCS. A new map has been announced by Eagle Dynamics! This time, it is a “green map” - based on Germany in the Cold War. ‍ The map features an accurate rendition of West and East Germany in the 1980s, as well as smaller parts of Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The map has quite a large size 980x800km and has an accurate and faithful representation of cities such as Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hannover, Lubeck, and others.  Aside from the cities, the map has over 100 detailed civil and military airfields with the likes of Rammstein, Spangdahlem, Hahn, Bitburg, Sembach, Tegel, Schönefeld, Tempelhof, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Hannover. Additionally, a multitude of army bases, naval bases, training grounds, listening posts and weapons storage facilities as well as the East and West German militarized borderline have been implemented. Ugra-Media, a development group known for their work on the Syria and Normandy 2 maps, provides users with a precise rendition of rail, road networks and core infrastructure such as industrial areas, power plants, train stations, and tunnels, alongside prominent historical landmarks. As is usually the case, the initial release will mainly focus on the central part of both West and East Germany, and will only contain summer textures. Future updates and releases will of course bring more detail to the other parts of the map and bring Spring, Autumn and Winter textures! If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon!</summary>
    <title>iBlueYonder set to Launch Portland International Airport v2 for MSFS on the 21st of March</title>
    <link href="/news/kpdx2"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67dc2755ab67caf2f6718ab9_Skjermbilde%202025-03-20%20152315.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: MSFS20. iBlueYonder is set to launch an extensive update for their KPDX scenery on the 21st of March. Portland International Airport is the largest airport in Oregon, located approximately 14 kilometres northeast of downtown Portland. It serves around 17 million passengers each year, with Alaska Airlines being the largest carrier, serving about 4 million passengers annually. In 2016, a new expansion plan was approved. This plan includes the expansion of Concourse E, the demolition of Concourse A, and the extension of the newer Concourse B. Additionally, the main terminal is currently undergoing an expansion project, which is expected to be completed soon. According to iBlueYonder, their rendition of Portland International Airport is set to be a highly detailed representation of the airport as it will appear by the end of the year. It will include the new terminal building, as well as the updated B and E concourses, all featuring full interior modelling. The scenery will also have improved ground textures, an expanded network of taxiway signs, and several new buildings and garages. Additionally, it will include four custom jetways with branding and a tailored GSX profile. Portland International Airport V2 by iBlueYonder is set to be released on the 21st of March. For more details, refer to the iBlueYonder website. ‍ If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon ‍ ‍</summary>
    <title>Just Flight Releases PA-28-161 Warrior II for X-Plane 12</title>
    <link href="/news/jfpa12"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67dc37a1bfcade78275d816f_Banner_Image.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: X-Plane. Just Flight has just released the native version of the PA-28-161 Warrior II for X-Plane 12. This new version, developed by Just Flight and Thranda Design, is packed with various new features. The new add-on takes full advantage of X-Plane 12's capabilities. It includes revamped flight dynamics, 8K textures for both the interior and exterior, PBR materials, a new EFB, and more, enhancing the aircraft's accuracy. If you have previously purchased the PA-28-161 Warrior II for X-Plane 11, you are eligible for a 20% discount on the new X-Plane 12 version. The new  PA-28-161 Warrior II for X-Plane 12 is now available from Just Flight for $42.99. ‍ For the latest flight simulation news, remember to stay tuned on Threshold! ‍ If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon!</summary>
    <title>Aerosoft CRJ V2 Releasing on the 25th of March</title>
    <link href="/news/aacrv2"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67dc39ba9c05093705c08efa_rbqgpla7s2xylziwxebx.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. The Aerosoft CRJ, one of the first aircraft addons for MSFS is set to receive a large update on the 25th of March. The Bombardier CRJ is one of the most successful regional aircraft in history, with a total of 1,945 units built between 1991 and 2020. The CRJ700 series, which began production in 1999, includes the CRJ 700, CRJ 900, CRJ 1000, and CRJ 705 models. The seating capacity of these aircraft ranges from 66 to 104 passengers, depending on the specific variant. The CRJ series is widely utilized by regional airlines around the world, with SkyWest and Endeavor Air being the largest operators of this aircraft. Aerosoft has announced that the CRJ v2 will feature a completely remodelled cabin and an improved flight model. It will also include full integration with Navigraph charts and additional features. The update will address bug fixes and expand customization options. All variants, including the CRJ700, 900, and the CRJ 1000, will be available through a single purchase. The Aerosoft CRJ v2 will be released on the 25th of March and will be compatible with both MSFS 2020 and 2024.  ‍ For more details on the Aerosoft CRJ v2, refer to the Aerosoft website. ‍ If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon ‍</summary>
    <title>PMDG Publishes New Development Update for MSFS 2020/2024</title>
    <link href="/news/777321"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67536d0cda476a2b5d5c3f25_frei5.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. PMDG has recently published a new development update with further information on their effort to bring the 777 product line to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in what appears to be a “big week for 777 testing”. Their beta team has recently been given access to working beta builds of the 777-300ER, 777-200ER, and 777F for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. PMDG finally feels confident enough in the platform to let their testers try it out without feeling like they would be wasting their time and effort. For those unfamiliar with the saga so far, PMDG was initially somewhat skeptical about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, not in regards to the platform’s capabilities per se but more so on the compatibility aspect, even though Asobo had promised it would be pretty straightforward to port content over. Their skepticism was proven right over time, and the transition has been anything but smooth, with the first glimmer of hope only showing up with the release of SU1 beta in January 2025. They launched an all-hands effort at the time using undocumented methods and practices for the new platform, ensuring it would not be a merely “half-assed” drag-and-drop port but an actual solid conversion that would last and show their quality. The so-called herculean effort has apparently paid off, and they continue to work hard to ensure it will be stable and compliant in MSFS 2024 on PC and Xbox. ‍ Despite sharing many common elements with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, the new platform has plenty of significant changes that were not documented yet or were partially/wrongly documented, which has contributed to slowing down the process quite substantially. ‍ On top of ensuring compatibility, PMDG has also been hard at work upgrading the 777 product line with new MSFS 2024-only features and further polishing it with hundreds of bug fixes, tweaks, changes to handling characteristics, performance improvements, and a near-full refactor of the sound environment using new recording equipment, new processes, and even collaborating with their coding team to build even more fidelity to the airplane’s relatively rich sound environment. ‍ The company is excited to be testing the 777 lineup in MSFS 2024 finally (and soon the DC-6, or so they hint), but there is still no release date in mind until they know for sure it’s ready. ‍ PMDG’s product lineup is available on their official website, with prices ranging from $34.99 to $74.99 If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>iBlueYonder Releases Portland International Airport V2 for MSFS 2020</title>
    <link href="/news/pdxv2o"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67ddde94c2dcf4adcd6c94eb_pdx1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: MSFS20. iBlueYonder has recently released their upgraded rendition of Portland International Airport (KPDX) for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, bringing its ground layout and overall infrastructure up to 2025 standards. The airport opened in 1936, replacing Portland’s Swan Island Municipal Airport, which was deemed too small and impossible to expand due to space constraints. The new project had a much larger area to work with and generated a greatly needed number of jobs, helping many families during the Great Depression.  Employing over 1000 workers, the airport’s construction was said to be one of Portland’s most significant public works improvements during the New Deal era. It was not without its challenges, though: the airport’s low-lying area was highly susceptible to flooding due to its proximity to the Columbia River, which led to the workers having to cover the area with over 4 million cubic yards of sand to help drain the water, along with a series of dikes to keep flooding at bay. By 1941, two runways capable of handling larger commercial aircraft were ready, and it temporarily served as a military airfield for the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. A new terminal opened in 1959, still serving as the present facility, albeit heavily upgraded.  The terminal was first renovated in the 1980s, ensuring Portland was ready for future needs. Ticketing and baggage claim areas were expanded and renovated, and a new concourse was added in 1986. A full reconstruction of Concourse E in 1992 and the opening of Concourse D in 1994 followed. New concourses (A, B, and C) were inaugurated a day before 9/11, giving its present H-shape. Further terminal expansion was only carried out in the early 2020s (part of it was absent from iBlueYonder’s first rendition). Part of the new expansion work is still ongoing and scheduled to launch in late 2025, but the developer has already brought it to the virtual realm of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It’s a hub for Alaska Airlines and served by Air Canada Express, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, American Eagle, British Airways, Condor, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Icelandair, JetBlue, KLM, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, Sun Country Airlines, United Airlines, United Express, Volaris, and WestJet Encore. The scenery features an accurate rendition of the airport, with an up-to-date ground layout, a highly detailed terminal building with full interiors, custom jetways, many new buildings and garages, custom ground service equipment, and a custom GSX Pro profile. It’s available on Contrail for roughly $19.96, requiring at least 3.67 GB of free hard disk space to install. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>iniBuilds Announces London Gatwick Airport for MSFS 2024</title>
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    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67dde76ffe85203834ea32a1_lgw.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. iniBuilds has recently announced the development of London Gatwick Airport (EGKK) for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. The airport serves the Greater London Urban Area and has a yearly average of 40.9 million passengers, making it the second busiest airport in London and the eighth busiest in Europe. ‍ The airport was built in the mid-1950s on top of a preexisting military facility (RAF Gatwick), and its buildings were designed by Yorke Rosenberg Mardall.  ‍ On the other hand, RAF Gatwick took over an aerodrome from the 1920s, which had been operating commercially since the 1930s after authorization from the Air Ministry. Its first terminal, the Beehive, was inaugurated in 1935.  ‍ The 1990s saw huge upgrades to the airport due to British Airways’ decision to build Gatwick as their secondary hub upon acquiring Dan Air, which led to their significant dominance at the turn of the millennium. ‍ Shortly after that, though, British Airways decided to de-hub the airport, which led to the growth of a popular low-cost carrier, easyJet. ‍ It’s a British Airways hub and an operating base for BA Euro Flyer, easyJet UK, Norse Atlantic UK, TUI Airways, Vueling, and Wizz Air UK. Aegean Airlines, Air China, Air Europa, Air India, Air Transat, airBaltic, Atlantic Airways, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Corendon, Croatia Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Eastern Airways, Emirates, Ethiopian, Freebird Airlines, Gulf Air, Iberia Express, Icelandair, ITA, JetBlue, Kenya Airways, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Nouvelair, Qatar Airways, Royal Air Maroc, Ryanair, Saudia, Singapore Airlines, SunExpress, Swiss, TAP Air Portugal, TUI Airways, Turkish Airlines, Volotea, Vueling, and WestJet also serve it. ‍ There’s no information on pricing or release date yet, but Threshold will keep you informed! If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>iniBuilds Updates A350 Airliner for MSFS 2020/2024</title>
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    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67e1b6ddb846c49b9cce2201_filly.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: FS24. iniBuilds has recently issued a new update to their newly released A350 Airliner for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024, bringing further bug fixes, improved GSX integration, ETP (Equal Time Point) functionality, and more. Update v1.0.5 brings a vast list of changes and improvements to systems, art, and sounds, along with improved GSX integration, including an automatic GPU connection on spawn, GSX payload and fuel synchronization, single GPU logic, auto jetbridge connection, and an auto-deboarding trigger. Furthermore, the update also includes support for Equal Time Point calculations, including a dynamic option that calculates the equal time point between two specific reference points rather than from origin to destination, aiding with ETOPS planning. Additionally, the MSFS 2024 version now features time marker aural feedback designed to assist with procedural timing during various phases of the flight. The complete changelog follows below: ‍ v1.0.5Systems &amp; EFB ⚙️🖥️Addition - Add ETP functionFixed – WASM Crash EFIS_Gauge_Draw when loading ANF in NAV mode after IRS alignment on both ND at same timeFixed - WASM crash doing abeam to directFixed - WASM Crash on NG Data UpdateFixed - Copy active SEC" has magenta dots in SPD field bugFixed - On the Ground, the F/CTL SD Page should not display all of the data. bugFixed - PFD speed tape alignment adjustments bugFixed - FCTL SD page display logic bugFixed - Chrono keeps going even during PAUSE AT TOD-pause bugFixed  - Add engine windmilling (bug)Fixed - Cruise below 10,000 issue with speed constraints bugFixed  - Step clb distance errors on FPLN page bugFixed - Cursor flashing box behaviour and alignment formatting bugFixed - S/C consistently moving in FPLN page bugFixed - Wind Data insertion not correct bugFixed - Cruise managed target during sel spd incorrect bugFixed - Dual Engine Failure Scenario - Gears visually down but not actually down bugFixed - DTO issue when the same wpt is in plan twice bugFixed - Traffic diamond and altitude overlapping bugFixed – VNAV - When you are at TOD and close to 1-2 miles and press DES it seems to CLB before it goes down the path bugFixed - GLS EDDF Z 07R issue bugFixed - SEC-FPLN should not go to TEMP as its not active bugFixed - Vmax (Vfe) incorrect behaviour during retraction bugFixed - Missing memos bugFixed - Unlatched DES prioritizing path over speed bugFixed - DES SPD LIMIT issues bugFixed - TERR Does not turn off when TERR SYS set to OFF bugFixed - WXR Does not turn off when WXR/PWS set to OFF bugFixed - Incorrect DES MN/IAS profile bugFixed - Rudder input not disconnecting the AP bugFixed - C/L Menu - Add a RESET ALL buttonFixed-  ISIS QNH display issue when above 30.00 bugFixed - ISIS coordinates bugFixed - ISIS longitude decimal blocked bugFixed - Approach checklist issue bugFixed - MORA display flashing on CA NDFixed- VD Dash seen past the destinationFixed – Some SND bugsFixed - No grid mora in ND bugFixed - RWY inside of VSD terrain bugFixed - VD grey area incorrect in these ranges bugFixed - Polar: track indication on PFD heading tape and ISIS bugFixed - [v0.0.9] Cargo door opening/closing too fastFixed - Master warning still not flashingFixed - Unable to cancel master warning aural by pressing the MW buttonFixed - ATHR disconnection by setting levers to idle missing indicationsFixed - OIS TO PERF, MTOW PERF bugFixed - Add Throttle Calibration reset buttonFixed - Reset throttle calibration buttonFixed - OIS GSX drop down menu needs a lot of double confirmation to get certain GSX functions acceptedFixed - Pack off take off, AIR PACK1(2) OFF appears with no time delayFixed - ENG 1(2) BLEED OFF should show status inopFixed - EFB Takeoff Performance: When I enter the takeoff weight using a , instead of a . (the European way) the field fills normally with the weight, but when I click COMPUTE it gives me an error that no weight would be entered.Fixed - Loadsheet OIS page pax numbers don't add up bug in some cases .Fixed - OIS land perf confusing display of marginsFixed - Display type (OLD/NEW) not correct on spawn, especially problematic on 24 as LIVERY CFG not respectedFixed - Pressing TAB toggles textbox input if any textbox is visible on OISFixed - UX/UI Improvements for contrast and readabilityFixed - OIS ENR: Unable to see any map other than STANDARDFixed - ECAM STS recall behaviour missing bugFixed - First officers EFIS BARO when pre-selecting is in the format of what the captains EFIS BARO is set to bug 3D Art 🎨🖌️Added: FS2024 Windshield rain effect with functioning wiper mask.Fixed: FS2020 Windshield rain effect with functioning wiper mask broken in 1.04.Fixed: Fixed armrest floating parts after animationFixed:  FS20/24: Some animations broken/missingAdded: Pilots visible in cockpit in FS2020Added (due to high demand): Pilots visible in cockpit in FS2024 (Experimental, sometimes pilot will spawn in wrong pose/position)Fixed: Zooming too far out in cockpit causes flashesFixed: Cockpit and Cabin Overhead Temp Selectors do not line upFixed: FS20: Cathay and Qatar missing tail logoFixed: Linear gear animations copied to LODs from LOD0.Fixed: FS24: Nodes optimized/useless skins further on LODs resulting in a small performance boost.Fixed - Domelight switch in cockpit doesn't switch the dome light onFixed - Slide arming lever has no effect on armingFixed - Engine Fan cone is heavily affected by frame generation.Fixed - Some animations broken/missingFixed - Illuminate N/W DISC light in the gear pin box when bypass pin insertedFixed - Screens glitching when moving cameraFixed - Cockpit lighting and displays flicker at extreme wide angle POVFixed - Minor colour format line EWDSounds 🔊Fixed - Modified AP disc sound logic; sidestick dc emits a quieter toneFixed - Increased thud noise to AP clunkFixed - Fixed avionic shutdown sounds cueing incorrectlyFixed - Fixed abrupt cutoff of cockpit avionics on shutdownFixed - Fixed ground roll sound disappearing when switching cameraFixed - Wind noise during takeoff adjustedFixed - Added sound to baro knobsFixed - Fixed event cue with FO side sunshadesFixed - Ground rumbling sound added at higher speedsFixed-  General ground roll mixing adjustmentsFixed - Engine level adjustments in flightFixed- Engine light off sound volume marginally increasedFixed - Fixed some aural callout levels were unbalancedFixed - Reduced intensity of aural speaker reverb effectFixed - Reduced audio ducking of cockpit avionics as engine n1 increasesFixed - FS20 Cabin announcement volume increaseFixed - Fixed FS20 manipulator sounds too quiet when engines are runningFixed - Fixed FS20 Cabin announcements quiet at rear of aircraftFixed - Fixed FS20 cabin ambient sound levels too quietFixed - 90-60 altitude callouts added ‍ The A350 Airliner is available for purchase at the iniBuilds Store for roughly $76.16, requiring at least 10.63 GB of free hard disk space to install. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>X-Crafts Releases E-Jets Family 2.0 &amp; Lineage 1000 for X-Plane 11 &amp; 12</title>
    <link href="/news/emb153"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67e1bbbcf4b39e1b3bc549b7_xcr1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: X-Plane. X-Crafts recently released the long-awaited E-Jets Family 2.0 and the Lineage 1000 expansion for X-Plane 11 and 12. The update brings never-before-seen features, improvements, and a vast list of bug fixes, along with the fifth member of their aircraft product line. Aside from the new addition to the fleet, the changes with update 2.0 to the whole E-Jets family are substantial, bringing the “most authentic” (according to the developer) E-Jets in flight simulation. They have managed to fix X-Plane’s dark cockpit lighting issue by developing their own ambient lighting modifier, featuring three different lighting options (default, dynamic, and natural). Furthermore, the new update brings heavy autopilot improvements, including a glide path autopilot mode with precise vertical guidance for RNAV approaches, like a “fake ILS.”  The EFB tablet underwent massive changes, including improvements to UI and usability and a new settings page for preferences and sound adjustments. They have also introduced a new custom fuel system to all the E-Jets, with special attention to the Lineage 1000’s auxiliary tanks and their automatic fuel transfer process. The full release notes can be found here with further information on the update. The complete family is available on the X-Plane.Org Store for $149.95,  whereas the upgrade price is $84.99 if you already own one of the E-Jets. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>
    <title>Rotate Updates MD-80 Pro for X-Plane 12</title>
    <link href="/news/m80324"/>
    <link href="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5b27a494dc3d312fe5c01da8/67e1cec6612a8f7902706a25_amd1.webp"/>
    <summary>Sim: X-Plane. Rotate recently issued an update to their MD-80 Pro for X-Plane 12, adding new features, a tuned performance model and predictions to match X-Plane 12’s latest flight model adjustments, and many bug fixes. Update 1.51 also brings Apple Silicon support, an autoland mode, and more. The changelog follows below:  ‍ - Added AUTO LAND mode to autopilot. - Added AUTO LAND test. - Added AUTO G/A mode and annunciators. - Added MAP mode with terrain display to the WX instrument. - Added compatibility with Apple Silicon architecture. - Added PUSH position for altitude control in FGCP. - Added compatibility of lights for NewSky and other third party addons. - Added compatibility with improved X-Plane de-icing system. - Improved outflow valve wheel behavior. - Improved autobrake friction to match landing distances. - Improved brake temperatures logic. - Tuned engine performance and fuel burn. - Tuned aerodynamics. - Tuned localizer guidance. - Improved FMC performance predictions. - Fixed CTD when xPilot or other addons write to multiplayer plane's datarefs. - Fixed RTO triggered with aircraft stopped. - Fixed transmission for MIC selection in Audio Control Panel. - Fixed vertical speed control wheel actuator in VR. - Fine tuned some sounds. - Fixed pressurization loss when descending in idle. - Fixed a bug in vertical deviation indication. - Fixed a bug in VVI display. - Fixed autopilot mode transition from FMS-EPR to EPR-LIM. - Fixed geometry in IRS annunciator. - Added commands to control lights. - Fixed minor bug in OpenAL initialization. - Fixed a memory leak in VR when floating windows are resized. - Fixed a bug in navaids processing during initialization. ‍ The add-on is available on X-Plane.Org for $59.95. If you enjoy our content and want to support Threshold, consider joining us on Patreon! ‍</summary>