CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ETL; /** Example DDL for logging tables **/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS etl.job_log( run_id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , script_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , status VARCHAR(100) , start_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , end_time TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS etl.job_details ( detail_id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL , run_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES etl.job_log ( run_id ) , log_time TIMESTAMP , log_level VARCHAR(10) , log_message VARCHAR(2000000) , rowcount DECIMAL(18) ); --/ CREATE OR REPLACE LUA SCRIPT etl.query_wrapper () RETURNS ROWCOUNT AS local function is_null( X ) -- Result values returned by EXASolution 4.1 and above, as well as non-existing columns/variables (EXASOL-1064) within result sets if X == null then return true end -- Result values returned by pre-4.1 and non-existing columns/variables pre-4.1 and post-4.2 if X == nil then return true end return false end local function trim(str, chs) if not str then return nil end chs = chs or "%s" return string.match(str, "[^" .. chs .. "]+.+[^" .. chs .. "]+") end function wrap_query( self, sql_text, options ) options = options or {logging=true} local success,info = pquery( sql_text, options.params or self.query_params ) if not success then self:log( 'INFO', info.statement_text ) self:log( 'ERROR', info.error_message ) if self.on_error == 'abort' or self.on_error == 'rollback' then self:finish({rollback=(self.on_error=='rollback')}) -- The second parameter is the error level, 2 is the calling function, 1 would be the query_wrapper itself error( info.error_message .. '\n Statement was: ' .. info.statement_text .. '\n', 2 ) end return success, info else local rows = #info if not is_null( info.rows_affected ) then rows = info.rows_affected else if rows == 1 and #info[1] == 1 and string.find( info.statement_text, 'count' ) then -- simple count(...) statement? rows = info[1][1] end end if self.verbosity >= 3 and options.logging then self:log( 'DEBUG', info.statement_text, rows ) elseif self.verbosity == 2 and options.logging then self:log( 'INFO', info.statement_text, rows ) end end return success, info end function wrap_log( self, message_type, message_text, rowcount ) message_text = trim(message_text) or '' if string.len( message_type ) > 10 then message_type = string.sub( message_type, 1, 7 ) .. '...' end if string.len( message_text ) > 20000 then message_text = string.sub( message_text, 1, 19995 ) .. '...' end self.messages[1+#self.messages] = { self.run_id, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), message_type, message_text, rowcount } if message_type == 'ERROR' then self.errors = self.errors + 1 end end local function write_log_details( self ) if self.message_log_offset == nil then self.message_log_offset = 1 end -- Finally insert all messages in log_table if self.message_log_offset <= #self.messages then self:set_param( 'TMP_LOG_TABLE', self.log_table ) local prep = self:prepare( [[ INSERT INTO ::TMP_LOG_TABLE( RUN_ID, LOG_TIME, LOG_LEVEL, LOG_MESSAGE, ROWCOUNT ) VALUES ( ?, TO_TIMESTAMP( ?, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), ?, ?, ? ) ]] ) -- Limit number of executed statements to avoid "out of resultsets" error local vector_size = 100 local i_max = #self.messages while self.message_log_offset <= i_max do local i_end = self.message_log_offset + vector_size if i_end > i_max then i_end = i_max end local success, res = prep:execute( self.messages, self.message_log_offset, i_end, {logging=false} ) -- #res is the number of attempted executions, it will include the failed one. Thus, we skip that next time self.message_log_offset = self.message_log_offset + #res if not success then self.log( 'WARNING', 'Failed to write detail log: ['..res[#res].error_code..'] '..res[#res].error_message ) -- Optionally: abort here, but we will just try to get all messages written. end res = nil end prep = nil end end local function wrap_transaction( obj, sql, options ) local success, info = obj:query( sql, options ) if success and obj.log_table ~= nil then write_log_details( obj ) -- Do not call wrap_commit to avoid recursion! obj:query( 'commit -- wrapper-log', {logging=false} ) end return success, info end function wrap_commit( self, options ) return wrap_transaction( self, 'commit -- wrapper', options ) end function wrap_rollback( self, options ) return wrap_transaction( self, 'rollback -- wrapper', options ) end function wrap_finish( self, options ) options = options or {} -- Commit / rollback will also write log details. if options.rollback then success, res = self:rollback() else success, res = self:commit() end if not success then error( '[querywrapper] finish() while commiting / rollbacking [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) end -- Persist messages? if ( self.run_id ~= nil ) then -- Close entry in MAIN_LOG for corresponding RUN_ID main_state = 'FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY' if self.errors > 0 then main_state = 'FINISHED WITH ERROR' end local success, res = self:query( [[ UPDATE ::MAIN_LOG_TABLE SET end_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , status = :MAIN_STATE WHERE run_id = :ID ]], {logging=false, params={ MAIN_LOG_TABLE = self.main_log_table, ID = self.run_id, MAIN_STATE = main_state }} ) if not success then error( '[querywrapper] during finish [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) end success, res = self:commit({logging=false}) if not success then error( '[querywrapper] finish() while commiting [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) end end -- if if not is_null( self.starting_schema ) then -- rollback any schema movements self:query( 'OPEN SCHEMA ' .. self.starting_schema, {logging=false} ) end return self.messages, self.messages_types -- Return messages end -- wrap_finish function wrap_setParam( self, name, value ) self.query_params[name] = value end function wrap_getParam( self, name ) return self.query_params[name] end function wrap_loadParams( self, paramDict ) if paramDict ~= nil then for name, value in pairs( paramDict ) do self:set_param( name, value ) end end end function wrap_loadParamsFromTable( self, table_name ) self:set_param( 'PARAMETERS_TABLE', table_name ) suc, res = self:query( [[SELECT * FROM ::PARAMETERS_TABLE]] ) local str = "{ " for i = 1,#res do self:set_param( res[i][1], res[i][2] ) if #str > 2 then str = str..', ' end str = str..'"'..res[i][1]..'" = "'..res[i][2]..'"' end str = str.." }" -- write state of parameter table in log self:log("INFO", "Loaded Parameters from Table "..table_name..": "..str) end function wrap_run( self, package, function_name, ... ) if package[function_name] ~= nil then self:log( 'START', 'Entering function ' .. function_name ) local success, info = pcall( package[function_name], self, ... ) if not success then self:log( 'ERROR', function_name .. ' returned with error: ' .. info ) if self.on_error == 'abort' then error( info ) end else self:log( 'INFO', 'Finished function ' .. function_name ) end return success, info else self:log( 'ERROR', 'Undefined function ' .. function_name ) error( 'Undefined function ' .. function_name ) end end -- This function returns a unique id for the current execution context function get_unique_run_id( self, main_log_table, log_table, script_name ) if is_null( main_log_table ) then return nil end self.main_log_table = main_log_table self.log_table = log_table -- Step 1) insert a new row -> generates RUN_ID local success, res = pquery( [[ INSERT INTO ::MAIN_LOG_TABLE ( status, script_name ) VALUES ( 'RUNNING', :SN ) ]], { MAIN_LOG_TABLE = main_log_table, SN = script_name } ) if not success then -- self:log( 'WARNING', 'Failed to register job for persistent logging: [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) error('[querywrapper] get_unique_run_id() failed to register job for persistent logging [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) end -- Step 2) retrieve max ELT_RUN_ID local success, res = pquery( [[SELECT MAX( run_id ) FROM ::MAIN_LOG_TABLE]], {MAIN_LOG_TABLE = main_log_table} ) if not success then self:log( 'WARNING', 'Failed to retrieve job id: [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) pquery( [[ROLLBACK]] ) return nil end self.run_id = res[1][1] self:log( 'INFO', 'Job nr. ' .. self.run_id .. ' registered' ) -- Step 3) COMMIT to avoid transaction conflicts success, res = self:commit({logging=false}) if not success then self.run_id = nil error( '[querywrapper] get_unique_run_id() while commiting [' .. res.error_code .. '] ' .. res.error_message ) end end -- Prepared_Statement::execute -- Returns array of query results {success, info} -- watch out for max. number of open result sets! function wrap_ps_execute( self, values, start_index, end_index, options ) local res = {} for row=( start_index or 1 ), (end_index or #values ) do for p=1,self.ps_param_count do self.ps_wrapper:set_param( 'PS_VAL_' .. p, ( values[row][p] or null ) ) end local a, b = self.ps_wrapper:query( self.ps_sql_text, options ) res[1+#res] = b if not a then -- early abort return false, res end end return true, res end -- Prepared_Statement::new == Wrappper::prepare -- Returns class: Prepared_Statement function wrap_prepare( self, sql_text ) local query_tokens = sqlparsing.tokenize( sql_text ) local param_count = 0 local startPos = 1 while startPos < #query_tokens do local paramFound = sqlparsing.find( query_tokens, startPos, true, false, sqlparsing.iswhitespaceorcomment, '?' ) if paramFound ~= nil then startPos = paramFound[1] param_count = param_count + 1 query_tokens[startPos] = ':PS_VAL_' .. param_count else break end end if param_count > 0 then sql_text = table.concat( query_tokens, '' ) end return { -- Member variables ps_wrapper = self, ps_sql_text = sql_text, ps_param_count = param_count, -- Class functions execute = wrap_ps_execute } end --[[ Iterator functionality for result sets ]]-- --[[ Checks if the argument is a string or a resultset. In the first case, it will execute the given query. @returns: given query result or result of executed sql text --]] local function query_or_result( self, sql_or_result ) if type( sql_or_result ) == 'string' then return self:query( sql_or_result ) end if type( sql_or_result.statement_text ) == 'string' then return true, sql_or_result end end --[[ Takes a result set or sql text and returns an iterator for the ROWS of the result. Result fields can be adressed by name or by index (startig at column 1) Example: ----- for data in wrapper:query_rows( 'SELECT * FROM CAT' ) do output( data.TABLE_NAME .. data[2] ) end ----- --]] function wrap_row_iterator( self, sql_text ) local status, resultset = query_or_result( self, sql_text ) local cursor_pos = 0 return function() if cursor_pos < #resultset then cursor_pos = cursor_pos + 1 return resultset[cursor_pos] end end end --[[ Takes a result set or sql text and returns an iterator for the expanded rows of the result. Result fields are returned in order Example: ----- for table_name, table_type in wrapper:query_values( 'SELECT * FROM CAT' ) do output( table_name .. table_type ) end ----- --]] function wrap_values_iterator( self, sql_text ) local status, resultset = query_or_result( self, sql_text ) local cursor_pos = 0 local width = 0 if #resultset > 0 then width = #resultset[1] end local function array_split( data, offset ) if offset < width then return data[offset], array_split( data, offset+1 ) else return data[offset] end end return function() if cursor_pos < #resultset then cursor_pos = cursor_pos + 1 return array_split( resultset[cursor_pos], 1 ) end end end function new( main_log_table, log_table, script_name) local tmp_obj = { -- member variables messages = {}, messages_types = "run_id INT, msg_time VARCHAR2(20), msg_type VARCHAR(10), message VARCHAR(20000), rowcount DECIMAL(18)", query_params = {}, verbosity = 2, on_error = 'abort', -- abort (no rollback) | rollback | continue errors = 0, -- helper function is_null = is_null, -- logging functionality log = wrap_log, register = get_unique_run_id, finish = wrap_finish, -- query parameter handling set_param = wrap_setParam, get_param = wrap_getParam, load_params = wrap_loadParams, load_params_from_table = wrap_loadParamsFromTable, -- statement stuff query = wrap_query, query_rows = wrap_row_iterator, query_values = wrap_values_iterator, prepare = wrap_prepare, -- transactional commit = wrap_commit, rollback = wrap_rollback, -- procedural run = wrap_run } if main_log_table ~= nil then tmp_obj:register( main_log_table, log_table, script_name ) end -- determine current schema local success, info = tmp_obj:query( 'SELECT CURRENT_SCHEMA', {logging=false} ) if success then tmp_obj.starting_schema = info[1][1] end return tmp_obj end /