--[[ VLSub Extension for VLC media player 1.1 and 2.0 Copyright 2013 Guillaume Le Maout Authors: Guillaume Le Maout Contact: http://addons.videolan.org/messages/?action=newmessage&username=exebetche Bug report: http://addons.videolan.org/content/show.php/?content=148752 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] --[[ Global var ]]-- -- You can set here your default language by replacing nil with -- your language code (see below).Example: -- language = "fre", -- language = "ger", -- language = "eng", -- ... local options = { language = nil, downloadBehaviour = 'save', langExt = false, removeTag = false, showMediaInformation = true, progressBarSize = 80, intLang = 'eng', translations_avail = { eng = 'English', cze = 'Czech', dan = 'Danish', dut = 'Nederlands', fin = 'Finnish', fre = 'Français', ell = 'Greek', baq = 'Basque', pob = 'Brazilian Portuguese', por = 'Portuguese (Portugal)', rum = 'Romanian', slo = 'Slovak', spa = 'Spanish', swe = 'Swedish', ukr = 'Ukrainian', hun = 'Hungarian', scc = 'Serbian' }, translation = { int_all = 'All', int_descr = 'Download subtitles from OpenSubtitles.org', int_research = 'Research', int_config = 'Config', int_configuration = 'Configuration', int_help = 'Help', int_search_hash = 'Search by hash', int_search_name = 'Search by name', int_title = 'Title', int_season = 'Season (series)', int_episode = 'Episode (series)', int_show_help = 'Show help', int_show_conf = 'Show config', int_dowload_sel = 'Download selection', int_close = 'Close', int_ok = 'Ok', int_save = 'Save', int_cancel = 'Cancel', int_bool_true = 'Yes', int_bool_false = 'No', int_search_transl = 'Search translations', int_searching_transl = 'Searching translations ...', int_int_lang = 'Interface language', int_default_lang = 'Subtitles language', int_dowload_behav = 'What to do with subtitles', int_dowload_save = 'Load and save', int_dowload_load = 'Load only', int_dowload_manual = 'Manual download', int_display_code = 'Display language code in file name', int_remove_tag = 'Remove tags', int_vlsub_work_dir = 'VLSub working directory', int_os_username = 'Username', int_os_password = 'Password', int_help_mess =[[ Download subtitles from opensubtitles.org and display them while watching a video.


Start your video. If you use Vlsub witout playing a video you will get a link to download the subtitles in your browser but the subtitles won't be saved and loaded automatically.

Choose the language for your subtitles and click on the button corresponding to one of the two research methods provided by VLSub:

Method 1: Search by hash
It is recommended to try this method first, because it performs a research based on the video file print, so you can find subtitles synchronized with your video.

Method 2: Search by name
If you have no luck with the first method, just check the title is correct before clicking. If you search subtitles for a series, you can also provide a season and episode number.

Downloading Subtitles
Select one subtitle in the list and click on 'Download'.
It will be put in the same directory that your video, with the same name (different extension) so VLC will load them automatically the next time you'll start the video.

/!\\ Beware : Existing subtitles are overwritten without asking confirmation, so put them elsewhere if they're important.

Find more VLC extensions at addons.videolan.org. ]], int_no_support_mess = [[ VLSub is not working with Vlc 2.1.x on any platform because the lua "net" module needed to interact with opensubtitles has been removed in this release for the extensions.
Works with Vlc 2.2 on mac and linux.
On windows you have to install an older version of Vlc (2.0.8 for example) to use Vlsub:
]], action_login = 'Logging in', action_logout = 'Logging out', action_noop = 'Checking session', action_search = 'Searching subtitles', action_hash = 'Calculating movie hash', mess_success = 'Success', mess_error = 'Error', mess_no_response = 'Server not responding', mess_unauthorized = 'Request unauthorized', mess_expired = 'Session expired, retrying', mess_overloaded = 'Server overloaded, please retry later', mess_no_input = 'Please use this method during playing', mess_not_local = 'This method works with local file only (for now)', mess_not_found = 'File not found', mess_not_found2 = 'File not found (illegal character?)', mess_no_selection = 'No subtitles selected', mess_save_fail = 'Unable to save subtitles', mess_click_link = 'Click here to open the file', mess_complete = 'Research complete', mess_no_res = 'No result', mess_res = 'result(s)', mess_loaded = 'Subtitles loaded', mess_not_load = 'Unable to load subtitles', mess_downloading = 'Downloading subtitle', mess_dowload_link = 'Download link', mess_err_conf_access ='Can\'t find a suitable path to save'.. 'config, please set it manually', mess_err_wrong_path ='the path contains illegal character, '.. 'please correct it', mess_err_cant_download_interface_translation='could not download interface translation' } } local languages = { {'alb', 'Albanian'}, {'ara', 'Arabic'}, {'arm', 'Armenian'}, {'baq', 'Basque'}, {'ben', 'Bengali'}, {'bos', 'Bosnian'}, {'bre', 'Breton'}, {'bul', 'Bulgarian'}, {'bur', 'Burmese'}, {'cat', 'Catalan'}, {'chi', 'Chinese'}, {'hrv', 'Croatian'}, {'cze', 'Czech'}, {'dan', 'Danish'}, {'dut', 'Dutch'}, {'eng', 'English'}, {'epo', 'Esperanto'}, {'est', 'Estonian'}, {'fin', 'Finnish'}, {'fre', 'French'}, {'glg', 'Galician'}, {'geo', 'Georgian'}, {'ger', 'German'}, {'ell', 'Greek'}, {'heb', 'Hebrew'}, {'hin', 'Hindi'}, {'hun', 'Hungarian'}, {'ice', 'Icelandic'}, {'ind', 'Indonesian'}, {'ita', 'Italian'}, {'jpn', 'Japanese'}, {'kaz', 'Kazakh'}, {'khm', 'Khmer'}, {'kor', 'Korean'}, {'lav', 'Latvian'}, {'lit', 'Lithuanian'}, {'ltz', 'Luxembourgish'}, {'mac', 'Macedonian'}, {'may', 'Malay'}, {'mal', 'Malayalam'}, {'mon', 'Mongolian'}, {'nor', 'Norwegian'}, {'oci', 'Occitan'}, {'per', 'Persian'}, {'pol', 'Polish'}, {'por', 'Portuguese'}, {'pob', 'Brazilian Portuguese'}, {'rum', 'Romanian'}, {'rus', 'Russian'}, {'scc', 'Serbian'}, {'sin', 'Sinhalese'}, {'slo', 'Slovak'}, {'slv', 'Slovenian'}, {'spa', 'Spanish'}, {'swa', 'Swahili'}, {'swe', 'Swedish'}, {'syr', 'Syriac'}, {'tgl', 'Tagalog'}, {'tel', 'Telugu'}, {'tha', 'Thai'}, {'tur', 'Turkish'}, {'ukr', 'Ukrainian'}, {'urd', 'Urdu'}, {'vie', 'Vietnamese'} } -- Languages code conversion table: iso-639-1 to iso-639-3 -- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes local lang_os_to_iso = { sq = "alb", ar = "ara", hy = "arm", eu = "baq", bn = "ben", bs = "bos", br = "bre", bg = "bul", my = "bur", ca = "cat", zh = "chi", hr = "hrv", cs = "cze", da = "dan", nl = "dut", en = "eng", eo = "epo", et = "est", fi = "fin", fr = "fre", gl = "glg", ka = "geo", de = "ger", el = "ell", he = "heb", hi = "hin", hu = "hun", is = "ice", id = "ind", it = "ita", ja = "jpn", kk = "kaz", km = "khm", ko = "kor", lv = "lav", lt = "lit", lb = "ltz", mk = "mac", ms = "may", ml = "mal", mn = "mon", no = "nor", oc = "oci", fa = "per", pl = "pol", pt = "por", po = "pob", ro = "rum", ru = "rus", sr = "scc", si = "sin", sk = "slo", sl = "slv", es = "spa", sw = "swa", sv = "swe", tl = "tgl", te = "tel", th = "tha", tr = "tur", uk = "ukr", ur = "urd", vi = "vie" } local dlg = nil local input_table = {} -- General widget id reference local select_conf = {} -- Drop down widget / option table association local app_name = "VLsub"; local app_version = "0.10.2"; local app_useragent = app_name.." "..app_version; --[[ VLC extension stuff ]]-- function descriptor() return { title = app_useragent, version = app_version, author = "exebetche", url = 'http://www.opensubtitles.org/', shortdesc = app_name; description = options.translation.int_descr, capabilities = {"menu", "input-listener" } } end function activate() vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Welcome") if not check_config() then vlc.msg.err("[VLsub] Unsupported VLC version") return false end if vlc.input.item() then openSub.getFileInfo() openSub.getMovieInfo() end show_main() end function close() vlc.deactivate() end function deactivate() vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Bye bye!") if dlg then dlg:hide() end if openSub.session.token and openSub.session.token ~= "" then openSub.request("LogOut") end end function menu() return { lang.int_research, lang.int_config, lang.int_help } end function meta_changed() return false end function input_changed() collectgarbage() set_interface_main() collectgarbage() end --[[ Interface data ]]-- function interface_main() dlg:add_label(lang["int_default_lang"]..':', 1, 1, 1, 1) input_table['language'] = dlg:add_dropdown(2, 1, 2, 1) dlg:add_button(lang["int_search_hash"], searchHash, 4, 1, 1, 1) dlg:add_label(lang["int_title"]..':', 1, 2, 1, 1) input_table['title'] = dlg:add_text_input( openSub.movie.title or "", 2, 2, 2, 1) dlg:add_button(lang["int_search_name"], searchIMBD, 4, 2, 1, 1) dlg:add_label(lang["int_season"]..':', 1, 3, 1, 1) input_table['seasonNumber'] = dlg:add_text_input( openSub.movie.seasonNumber or "", 2, 3, 2, 1) dlg:add_label(lang["int_episode"]..':', 1, 4, 1, 1) input_table['episodeNumber'] = dlg:add_text_input( openSub.movie.episodeNumber or "", 2, 4, 2, 1) input_table['mainlist'] = dlg:add_list(1, 5, 4, 1) input_table['message'] = nil input_table['message'] = dlg:add_label(' ', 1, 6, 4, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_show_help"], show_help, 1, 7, 1, 1) dlg:add_button( ' '..lang["int_show_conf"]..' ', show_conf, 2, 7, 1, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_dowload_sel"], download_subtitles, 3, 7, 1, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_close"], close, 4, 7, 1, 1) assoc_select_conf( 'language', 'language', openSub.conf.languages, 2, lang["int_all"]) display_subtitles() end function set_interface_main() -- Update movie title and co. if video input change if not type(input_table['title']) == 'userdata' then return false end openSub.getFileInfo() openSub.getMovieInfo() input_table['title']:set_text( openSub.movie.title or "") input_table['episodeNumber']:set_text( openSub.movie.episodeNumber or "") input_table['seasonNumber']:set_text( openSub.movie.seasonNumber or "") end function interface_config() input_table['intLangLab'] = dlg:add_label( lang["int_int_lang"]..':', 1, 1, 1, 1) input_table['intLangBut'] = dlg:add_button( lang["int_search_transl"], get_available_translations, 2, 1, 1, 1) input_table['intLang'] = dlg:add_dropdown(3, 1, 1, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_default_lang"]..':', 1, 2, 2, 1) input_table['default_language'] = dlg:add_dropdown(3, 2, 1, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_dowload_behav"]..':', 1, 3, 2, 1) input_table['downloadBehaviour'] = dlg:add_dropdown(3, 3, 1, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_display_code"]..':', 1, 4, 0, 1) input_table['langExt'] = dlg:add_dropdown(3, 4, 1, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_remove_tag"]..':', 1, 5, 0, 1) input_table['removeTag'] = dlg:add_dropdown(3, 5, 1, 1) if openSub.conf.dirPath then if openSub.conf.os == "win" then dlg:add_label( "".. lang["int_vlsub_work_dir"].."", 1, 6, 2, 1) else dlg:add_label( "".. lang["int_vlsub_work_dir"].."", 1, 6, 2, 1) end else dlg :add_label( lang["int_vlsub_work_dir"], 1, 6, 2, 1) end input_table['dir_path'] = dlg:add_text_input( openSub.conf.dirPath, 2, 6, 2, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_os_username"]..':', 1, 7, 0, 1) input_table['os_username'] = dlg:add_text_input( type(openSub.option.os_username) == "string" and openSub.option.os_username or "", 2, 7, 2, 1) dlg:add_label( lang["int_os_password"]..':', 1, 8, 0, 1) input_table['os_password'] = dlg:add_password( type(openSub.option.os_password) == "string" and openSub.option.os_password or "", 2, 8, 2, 1) input_table['message'] = nil input_table['message'] = dlg:add_label(' ', 1, 9, 3, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_cancel"], show_main, 2, 10, 1, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_save"], apply_config, 3, 10, 1, 1) input_table['langExt']:add_value( lang["int_bool_"..tostring(openSub.option.langExt)], 1) input_table['langExt']:add_value( lang["int_bool_"..tostring(not openSub.option.langExt)], 2) input_table['removeTag']:add_value( lang["int_bool_"..tostring(openSub.option.removeTag)], 1) input_table['removeTag']:add_value( lang["int_bool_"..tostring(not openSub.option.removeTag)], 2) assoc_select_conf( 'intLang', 'intLang', openSub.conf.translations_avail, 2) assoc_select_conf( 'default_language', 'language', openSub.conf.languages, 2, lang["int_all"]) assoc_select_conf( 'downloadBehaviour', 'downloadBehaviour', openSub.conf.downloadBehaviours, 1) end function interface_help() local help_html = lang["int_help_mess"] input_table['help'] = dlg:add_html( help_html, 1, 1, 4, 1) dlg:add_label( string.rep (" ", 100), 1, 2, 3, 1) dlg:add_button( lang["int_ok"], show_main, 4, 2, 1, 1) end function interface_no_support() local no_support_html = lang["int_no_support_mess"] input_table['no_support'] = dlg:add_html( no_support_html, 1, 1, 4, 1) dlg:add_label( string.rep (" ", 100), 1, 2, 3, 1) end function trigger_menu(dlg_id) if dlg_id == 1 then close_dlg() dlg = vlc.dialog( openSub.conf.useragent) interface_main() elseif dlg_id == 2 then close_dlg() dlg = vlc.dialog( openSub.conf.useragent..': '..lang["int_configuration"]) interface_config() elseif dlg_id == 3 then close_dlg() dlg = vlc.dialog( openSub.conf.useragent..': '..lang["int_help"]) interface_help() end collectgarbage() --~ !important end function show_main() trigger_menu(1) end function show_conf() trigger_menu(2) end function show_help() trigger_menu(3) end function close_dlg() vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Closing dialog") if dlg ~= nil then --~ dlg:delete() -- Throw an error dlg:hide() end dlg = nil input_table = nil input_table = {} collectgarbage() --~ !important end --[[ Drop down / config association]]-- function assoc_select_conf(select_id, option, conf, ind, default) -- Helper for i/o interaction between drop down and option list select_conf[select_id] = { cf = conf, opt = option, dflt = default, ind = ind } set_default_option(select_id) display_select(select_id) end function set_default_option(select_id) -- Put the selected option of a list in first place of the associated table local opt = select_conf[select_id].opt local cfg = select_conf[select_id].cf local ind = select_conf[select_id].ind if openSub.option[opt] then table.sort(cfg, function(a, b) if a[1] == openSub.option[opt] then return true elseif b[1] == openSub.option[opt] then return false else return a[ind] < b[ind] end end) end end function display_select(select_id) -- Display the drop down values with an optional default value at the top local conf = select_conf[select_id].cf local opt = select_conf[select_id].opt local option = openSub.option[opt] local default = select_conf[select_id].dflt local default_isset = false if not default then default_isset = true end for k, l in ipairs(conf) do if default_isset then input_table[select_id]:add_value(l[2], k) else if option then input_table[select_id]:add_value(l[2], k) input_table[select_id]:add_value(default, 0) else input_table[select_id]:add_value(default, 0) input_table[select_id]:add_value(l[2], k) end default_isset = true end end end --[[ Config & interface localization]]-- function check_config() -- Make a copy of english translation to use it as default -- in case some element aren't translated in other translations eng_translation = {} for k, v in pairs(openSub.option.translation) do eng_translation[k] = v end -- Get available translation full name from code trsl_names = {} for i, lg in ipairs(languages) do trsl_names[lg[1]] = lg[2] end if is_window_path(vlc.config.datadir()) then openSub.conf.os = "win" slash = "\\" else openSub.conf.os = "lin" slash = "/" end local path_generic = {"lua", "extensions", "userdata", "vlsub"} local dirPath = slash..table.concat(path_generic, slash) local filePath = slash.."vlsub_conf.xml" local config_saved = false sub_dir = slash.."vlsub_subtitles" -- Check if config file path is stored in vlc config local other_dirs = {} for path in vlc.config.get("sub-autodetect-path"):gmatch("[^,]+") do if path:match(".*"..sub_dir.."$") then openSub.conf.dirPath = path:gsub( "%s*(.*)"..sub_dir.."%s*$", "%1") config_saved = true end table.insert(other_dirs, path) end -- if not stored in vlc config -- try to find a suitable config file path if openSub.conf.dirPath then if not is_dir(openSub.conf.dirPath) and (openSub.conf.os == "lin" or is_win_safe(openSub.conf.dirPath)) then mkdir_p(openSub.conf.dirPath) end else local userdatadir = vlc.config.userdatadir() local datadir = vlc.config.datadir() -- check if the config already exist if file_exist(userdatadir..dirPath..filePath) then -- in vlc.config.userdatadir() openSub.conf.dirPath = userdatadir..dirPath config_saved = true elseif file_exist(datadir..dirPath..filePath) then -- in vlc.config.datadir() openSub.conf.dirPath = datadir..dirPath config_saved = true else -- if not found determine an accessible path local extension_path = slash..path_generic[1] ..slash..path_generic[2] -- use the same folder as the extension if accessible if is_dir(userdatadir..extension_path) and file_touch(userdatadir..dirPath..filePath) then openSub.conf.dirPath = userdatadir..dirPath elseif file_touch(datadir..dirPath..filePath) then openSub.conf.dirPath = datadir..dirPath end -- try to create working dir in user folder if not openSub.conf.dirPath and is_dir(userdatadir) then if not is_dir(userdatadir..dirPath) then mkdir_p(userdatadir..dirPath) end if is_dir(userdatadir..dirPath) and file_touch(userdatadir..dirPath..filePath) then openSub.conf.dirPath = userdatadir..dirPath end end -- try to create working dir in vlc folder if not openSub.conf.dirPath and is_dir(datadir) then if not is_dir(datadir..dirPath) then mkdir_p(datadir..dirPath) end if file_touch(datadir..dirPath..filePath) then openSub.conf.dirPath = datadir..dirPath end end end end if openSub.conf.dirPath then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Working directory: " .. (openSub.conf.dirPath or "not found")) openSub.conf.filePath = openSub.conf.dirPath..filePath openSub.conf.localePath = openSub.conf.dirPath..slash.."locale" if config_saved and file_exist(openSub.conf.filePath) then vlc.msg.dbg( "[VLSub] Loading config file: "..openSub.conf.filePath) load_config() else vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] No config file") getenv_lang() config_saved = save_config() if not config_saved then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Unable to save config") end end -- Check presence of a translation file -- in "%vlsub_directory%/locale" -- Add translation files to available translation list local file_list = list_dir(openSub.conf.localePath) local translations_avail = openSub.conf.translations_avail if file_list then for i, file_name in ipairs(file_list) do local lg = string.gsub( file_name, "^(%w%w%w).xml$", "%1") if lg and not openSub.option.translations_avail[lg] then table.insert(translations_avail, { lg, trsl_names[lg] }) end end end -- Load selected translation from file if openSub.option.intLang ~= "eng" and not openSub.conf.translated then local transl_file_path = openSub.conf.localePath.. slash..openSub.option.intLang..".xml" if file_exist(transl_file_path) then vlc.msg.dbg( "[VLSub] Loading translation from file: ".. transl_file_path) load_transl(transl_file_path) end end else vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Unable to find a suitable path".. "to save config, please set it manually") end lang = nil lang = options.translation -- just a short cut if not vlc.net or not vlc.net.poll then dlg = vlc.dialog( openSub.conf.useragent..': '..lang["mess_error"]) interface_no_support() dlg:show() return false end SetDownloadBehaviours() if not openSub.conf.dirPath then setError(lang["mess_err_conf_access"]) end -- Set table list of available translations from assoc. array -- so it is sortable for k, l in pairs(openSub.option.translations_avail) do if k == openSub.option.int_research then table.insert(openSub.conf.translations_avail, 1, {k, l}) else table.insert(openSub.conf.translations_avail, {k, l}) end end collectgarbage() return true end function load_config() -- Overwrite default conf with loaded conf local tmpFile = io.open(openSub.conf.filePath, "rb") if not tmpFile then return false end local resp = tmpFile:read("*all") tmpFile:flush() tmpFile:close() local option = parse_xml(resp) for key, value in pairs(option) do if type(value) == "table" then if key == "translation" then openSub.conf.translated = true for k, v in pairs(value) do openSub.option.translation[k] = v end else openSub.option[key] = value end else if value == "true" then openSub.option[key] = true elseif value == "false" then openSub.option[key] = false else openSub.option[key] = value end end end collectgarbage() end function load_transl(path) -- Overwrite default conf with loaded conf local tmpFile = assert(io.open(path, "rb")) local resp = tmpFile:read("*all") tmpFile:flush() tmpFile:close() openSub.option.translation = nil openSub.option.translation = parse_xml(resp) collectgarbage() end function apply_translation() -- Overwrite default conf with loaded conf for k, v in pairs(eng_translation) do if not openSub.option.translation[k] then openSub.option.translation[k] = eng_translation[k] end end end function getenv_lang() -- Retrieve the user OS language local os_lang = os.getenv("LANG") if os_lang then -- unix, mac os_lang = string.sub(os_lang, 0, 2) if type(lang_os_to_iso[os_lang]) then openSub.option.language = lang_os_to_iso[os_lang] end else -- Windows local lang_w = string.match( os.setlocale("", "collate"), "^[^_]+") for i, v in ipairs(openSub.conf.languages) do if v[2] == lang_w then openSub.option.language = v[1] end end end end function apply_config() -- Apply user config selection to local config local lg_sel = input_table['intLang']:get_value() local sel_val local opt local sel_cf if lg_sel and lg_sel ~= 1 and openSub.conf.translations_avail[lg_sel] then local lg = openSub.conf.translations_avail[lg_sel][1] if not set_translation(lg) then vlc.msg.err("[VLSub] Couldn't not set translation") return false end SetDownloadBehaviours() end for select_id, v in pairs(select_conf) do if input_table[select_id] and select_conf[select_id] then sel_val = input_table[select_id]:get_value() sel_cf = select_conf[select_id] opt = sel_cf.opt if sel_val == 0 then openSub.option[opt] = nil else openSub.option[opt] = sel_cf.cf[sel_val][1] end set_default_option(select_id) end end openSub.option.os_username = input_table['os_username']:get_text() openSub.option.os_password = input_table['os_password']:get_text() if input_table["langExt"]:get_value() == 2 then openSub.option.langExt = not openSub.option.langExt end if input_table["removeTag"]:get_value() == 2 then openSub.option.removeTag = not openSub.option.removeTag end -- Set a custom working directory local dir_path = input_table['dir_path']:get_text() local dir_path_err = false if trim(dir_path) == "" then dir_path = nil end if dir_path ~= openSub.conf.dirPath then if openSub.conf.os == "lin" or is_win_safe(dir_path) or not dir_path then local other_dirs = {} for path in vlc.config.get( "sub-autodetect-path"):gmatch("[^,]+" ) do path = trim(path) if path ~= (openSub.conf.dirPath or "")..sub_dir then table.insert(other_dirs, path) end end openSub.conf.dirPath = dir_path if dir_path then table.insert(other_dirs, string.gsub(dir_path, "^(.-)[\\/]?$", "%1")..sub_dir) if not is_dir(dir_path) then mkdir_p(dir_path) end openSub.conf.filePath = openSub.conf.dirPath.. slash.."vlsub_conf.xml" openSub.conf.localePath = openSub.conf.dirPath.. slash.."locale" else openSub.conf.filePath = nil openSub.conf.localePath = nil end vlc.config.set( "sub-autodetect-path", table.concat(other_dirs, ", ")) else dir_path_err = true setError(lang["mess_err_wrong_path"].. "
".. string.gsub( dir_path, "[^%:%w%p%s§¤]+", "%1" ).. "") end end if openSub.conf.dirPath and not dir_path_err then local config_saved = save_config() trigger_menu(1) if not config_saved then setError(lang["mess_err_conf_access"]) end else setError(lang["mess_err_conf_access"]) end end function save_config() -- Dump local config into config file if openSub.conf.dirPath and openSub.conf.filePath then vlc.msg.dbg( "[VLSub] Saving config file: ".. openSub.conf.filePath) if file_touch(openSub.conf.filePath) then local tmpFile = assert( io.open(openSub.conf.filePath, "wb")) local resp = dump_xml(openSub.option) tmpFile:write(resp) tmpFile:flush() tmpFile:close() tmpFile = nil else return false end collectgarbage() return true else vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Unable fount a suitable path ".. "to save config, please set it manually") setError(lang["mess_err_conf_access"]) return false end end function SetDownloadBehaviours() openSub.conf.downloadBehaviours = nil openSub.conf.downloadBehaviours = { {'save', lang["int_dowload_save"]}, {'manual', lang["int_dowload_manual"]} } end function get_available_translations() -- Get all available translation files from the internet -- (drop previous direct download from github repo -- causing error with github https CA certficate on OS X an XP) -- https://github.com/exebetche/vlsub/tree/master/locale local translations_url = "http://addons.videolan.org/CONTENT/".. "content-files/148752-vlsub_translations.xml" if input_table['intLangBut']:get_text() == lang["int_search_transl"] then openSub.actionLabel = lang["int_searching_transl"] local translations_content = get(translations_url) if not translations_content then collectgarbage() return false end local translations_avail = openSub.option.translations_avail all_trsl = parse_xml(translations_content) local lg, trsl for lg, trsl in pairs(all_trsl) do if lg ~= options.intLang[1] and not translations_avail[lg] then translations_avail[lg] = trsl_names[lg] or "" table.insert(openSub.conf.translations_avail, { lg, trsl_names[lg] }) input_table['intLang']:add_value( trsl_names[lg], #openSub.conf.translations_avail) end end setMessage(success_tag(lang["mess_complete"])) collectgarbage() end return true end function set_translation(lg) openSub.option.translation = nil openSub.option.translation = {} if lg == 'eng' then for k, v in pairs(eng_translation) do openSub.option.translation[k] = v end else -- If translation file exists in /locale directory load it if openSub.conf.localePath and file_exist(openSub.conf.localePath.. slash..lg..".xml") then local transl_file_path = openSub.conf.localePath.. slash..lg..".xml" vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Loading translation from file: ".. transl_file_path) load_transl(transl_file_path) apply_translation() else -- Load translation file from internet if not all_trsl and not get_available_translations() then setMessage(error_tag(lang["mess_err_cant_download_interface_translation"])) return false end if not all_trsl or not all_trsl[lg] then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Error, translation not found") return false end openSub.option.translation = all_trsl[lg] apply_translation() all_trsl = nil end end lang = nil lang = openSub.option.translation collectgarbage() return true end --[[ Core ]]-- openSub = { itemStore = nil, actionLabel = "", conf = { url = "http://api.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc", path = nil, HTTPVersion = "1.1", userAgentHTTP = app_useragent, useragent = app_useragent, translations_avail = {}, downloadBehaviours = nil, languages = languages }, option = options, session = { loginTime = 0, token = "" }, file = { hasInput = false, uri = nil, ext = nil, name = nil, path = nil, protocol = nil, cleanName = nil, dir = nil, hash = nil, bytesize = nil, fps = nil, timems = nil, frames = nil }, movie = { title = "", seasonNumber = "", episodeNumber = "", sublanguageid = "" }, request = function(methodName) local params = openSub.methods[methodName].params() local reqTable = openSub.getMethodBase(methodName, params) local request = ""..dump_xml(reqTable) local host, path = parse_url(openSub.conf.url) local header = { "POST "..path.." HTTP/"..openSub.conf.HTTPVersion, "Host: "..host, "User-Agent: "..openSub.conf.userAgentHTTP, "Content-Type: text/xml", "Content-Length: "..string.len(request), "", "" } request = table.concat(header, "\r\n")..request local response local status, responseStr = http_req(host, 80, request) if status == 200 then response = parse_xmlrpc(responseStr) if response then if response.status == "200 OK" then return openSub.methods[methodName] .callback(response) elseif response.status == "406 No session" then openSub.request("LogIn") elseif response then setError("code '".. response.status.. "' ("..status..")") return false end else setError("Server not responding") return false end elseif status == 401 then setError("Request unauthorized") response = parse_xmlrpc(responseStr) if openSub.session.token ~= response.token then setMessage("Session expired, retrying") openSub.session.token = response.token openSub.request(methodName) end return false elseif status == 503 then setError("Server overloaded, please retry later") return false end end, getMethodBase = function(methodName, param) if openSub.methods[methodName].methodName then methodName = openSub.methods[methodName].methodName end local request = { methodCall={ methodName=methodName, params={ param=param }}} return request end, methods = { LogIn = { params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_login"] return { { value={ string=openSub.option.os_username } }, { value={ string=openSub.option.os_password } }, { value={ string=openSub.movie.sublanguageid } }, { value={ string=openSub.conf.useragent } } } end, callback = function(resp) openSub.session.token = resp.token openSub.session.loginTime = os.time() return true end }, LogOut = { params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_logout"] return { { value={ string=openSub.session.token } } } end, callback = function() return true end }, NoOperation = { params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_noop"] return { { value={ string=openSub.session.token } } } end, callback = function(resp) return true end }, SearchSubtitlesByHash = { methodName = "SearchSubtitles", params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_search"] setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": ".. progressBarContent(0)) return { { value={ string=openSub.session.token } }, { value={ array={ data={ value={ struct={ member={ { name="sublanguageid", value={ string=openSub.movie.sublanguageid } }, { name="moviehash", value={ string=openSub.file.hash } }, { name="moviebytesize", value={ double=openSub.file.bytesize } } }}}}}}} } end, callback = function(resp) openSub.itemStore = resp.data end }, SearchSubtitles = { methodName = "SearchSubtitles", params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_search"] setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": ".. progressBarContent(0)) local member = { { name="sublanguageid", value={ string=openSub.movie.sublanguageid } }, { name="query", value={ string=openSub.movie.title } } } if openSub.movie.seasonNumber ~= nil then table.insert(member, { name="season", value={ string=openSub.movie.seasonNumber } }) end if openSub.movie.episodeNumber ~= nil then table.insert(member, { name="episode", value={ string=openSub.movie.episodeNumber } }) end return { { value={ string=openSub.session.token } }, { value={ array={ data={ value={ struct={ member=member }}}}}} } end, callback = function(resp) openSub.itemStore = resp.data end }, SearchSubtitles2 = { methodName = "SearchSubtitles", params = function() openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_search"] setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": ".. progressBarContent(0)) local member = { { name="sublanguageid", value={ string=openSub.movie.sublanguageid } }, { name="tag", value={ string=openSub.file.completeName } } } return { { value={ string=openSub.session.token } }, { value={ array={ data={ value={ struct={ member=member }}}}}} } end, callback = function(resp) openSub.itemStore = resp.data end } }, getInputItem = function() return vlc.item or vlc.input.item() end, getFileInfo = function() -- Get video file path, name, extension from input uri local item = openSub.getInputItem() local file = openSub.file if not item then file.hasInput = false; file.cleanName = nil; file.protocol = nil; file.path = nil; file.ext = nil; file.uri = nil; else vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Video URI: "..item:uri()) local parsed_uri = vlc.net.url_parse(item:uri()) file.uri = item:uri() file.protocol = parsed_uri["protocol"] file.path = parsed_uri["path"] -- Corrections -- For windows file.path = string.match(file.path, "^/(%a:/.+)$") or file.path -- For file in archive local archive_path, name_in_archive = string.match( file.path, '^([^!]+)!/([^!/]*)$') if archive_path and archive_path ~= "" then file.path = string.gsub( archive_path, '\063', '%%') file.path = vlc.strings.decode_uri(file.path) file.completeName = string.gsub( name_in_archive, '\063', '%%') file.completeName = vlc.strings.decode_uri( file.completeName) file.is_archive = true else -- "classic" input file.path = vlc.strings.decode_uri(file.path) file.dir, file.completeName = string.match( file.path, '^(.+/)([^/]*)$') if file.dir == nil then -- happens on http://example.org/?x=y file.dir = openSub.conf.dirPath..slash end local file_stat = vlc.net.stat(file.path) if file_stat then file.stat = file_stat end file.is_archive = false end if file.completeName == nil then file.completeName = '' end file.name, file.ext = string.match( file.completeName, '^([^/]-)%.?([^%.]*)$') if file.ext == "part" then file.name, file.ext = string.match( file.name, '^([^/]+)%.([^%.]+)$') end file.hasInput = true; file.cleanName = string.gsub( file.name, "[%._]", " ") vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] file info "..(dump_xml(file))) end collectgarbage() end, getMovieInfo = function() -- Clean video file name and check for season/episode pattern in title if not openSub.file.name then openSub.movie.title = "" openSub.movie.seasonNumber = "" openSub.movie.episodeNumber = "" return false end local infoString = openSub.file.cleanName if infoString == nil then infoString = '' end if infoString == '' then -- read from meta-title local meta = vlc.var.get(vlc.object.input(), 'meta-title') if meta ~= nil then infoString = meta end end if infoString == '' then -- read from metadata local metas = vlc.input.item():metas() if metas['title'] ~= nil then infoString = metas['title'] end end local showName, seasonNumber, episodeNumber = string.match( infoString, "(.+)[sS](%d?%d)[eE](%d%d).*") if not showName then showName, seasonNumber, episodeNumber = string.match( infoString, "(.-)(%d?%d)[xX](%d%d).*") end if showName then openSub.movie.title = showName openSub.movie.seasonNumber = seasonNumber openSub.movie.episodeNumber = episodeNumber else openSub.movie.title = infoString openSub.movie.seasonNumber = "" openSub.movie.episodeNumber = "" end collectgarbage() end, getMovieHash = function() -- Calculate movie hash openSub.actionLabel = lang["action_hash"] setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": ".. progressBarContent(0)) local item = openSub.getInputItem() if not item then setError(lang["mess_no_input"]) return false end openSub.getFileInfo() if not openSub.file.path then setError(lang["mess_not_found"]) return false end local data_start = "" local data_end = "" local size local chunk_size = 65536 -- Get data for hash calculation if openSub.file.is_archive then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Read hash data from stream") local file = vlc.stream(openSub.file.uri) local dataTmp1 = "" local dataTmp2 = "" size = chunk_size data_start = file:read(chunk_size) while data_end do size = size + string.len(data_end) dataTmp1 = dataTmp2 dataTmp2 = data_end data_end = file:read(chunk_size) collectgarbage() end data_end = string.sub((dataTmp1..dataTmp2), -chunk_size) elseif not file_exist(openSub.file.path) and openSub.file.stat then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Read hash data from stream") local file = vlc.stream(openSub.file.uri) if not file then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] No stream") return false end size = openSub.file.stat.size local decal = size%chunk_size data_start = file:read(chunk_size) -- "Seek" to the end file:read(decal) for i = 1, math.floor(((size-decal)/chunk_size))-2 do file:read(chunk_size) end data_end = file:read(chunk_size) file = nil else vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Read hash data from file") local file = io.open( openSub.file.path, "rb") if not file then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] No stream") return false end data_start = file:read(chunk_size) size = file:seek("end", -chunk_size) + chunk_size data_end = file:read(chunk_size) file = nil end -- Hash calculation local lo = size local hi = 0 local o,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h local hash_data = data_start..data_end local max_size = 4294967296 local overflow for i = 1, #hash_data, 8 do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = hash_data:byte(i,i+7) lo = lo + a + b*256 + c*65536 + d*16777216 hi = hi + e + f*256 + g*65536 + h*16777216 if lo > max_size then overflow = math.floor(lo/max_size) lo = lo-(overflow*max_size) hi = hi+overflow end if hi > max_size then overflow = math.floor(hi/max_size) hi = hi-(overflow*max_size) end end openSub.file.bytesize = size openSub.file.hash = string.format("%08x%08x", hi,lo) vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Video hash: "..openSub.file.hash) vlc.msg.dbg("[VLSub] Video bytesize: "..size) collectgarbage() return true end, checkSession = function() if openSub.session.token == "" then openSub.request("LogIn") else openSub.request("NoOperation") end end } function searchHash() local sel = input_table["language"]:get_value() if sel == 0 then openSub.movie.sublanguageid = 'all' else openSub.movie.sublanguageid = openSub.conf.languages[sel][1] end openSub.getMovieHash() if openSub.file.hash then openSub.checkSession() openSub.request("SearchSubtitlesByHash") display_subtitles() end end function searchIMBD() openSub.movie.title = trim(input_table["title"]:get_text()) openSub.movie.seasonNumber = tonumber( input_table["seasonNumber"]:get_text()) openSub.movie.episodeNumber = tonumber( input_table["episodeNumber"]:get_text()) local sel = input_table["language"]:get_value() if sel == 0 then openSub.movie.sublanguageid = 'all' else openSub.movie.sublanguageid = openSub.conf.languages[sel][1] end if openSub.movie.title ~= "" then openSub.checkSession() openSub.request("SearchSubtitles") display_subtitles() end end function display_subtitles() local mainlist = input_table["mainlist"] mainlist:clear() if openSub.itemStore == "0" then mainlist:add_value(lang["mess_no_res"], 1) setMessage(""..lang["mess_complete"]..": ".. lang["mess_no_res"]) elseif openSub.itemStore then for i, item in ipairs(openSub.itemStore) do mainlist:add_value( (item.SubFileName or "???").. " ["..(item.SubLanguageID or "?").."]".. " ("..(item.SubSumCD or "?").." CD)", i) end setMessage(""..lang["mess_complete"]..": ".. #(openSub.itemStore).." "..lang["mess_res"]) end end function get_first_sel(list) local selection = list:get_selection() for index, name in pairs(selection) do return index end return 0 end function download_subtitles() local index = get_first_sel(input_table["mainlist"]) if index == 0 then setMessage(lang["mess_no_selection"]) return false end openSub.actionLabel = lang["mess_downloading"] local item = openSub.itemStore[index] if openSub.option.downloadBehaviour == 'manual' or not openSub.file.hasInput then local link = "" link = link..""..lang["mess_dowload_link"]..":" link = link.."  " link = link.."  " link = link..item.MovieReleaseName.."" setMessage(link) return false end local message = "" local subfileName = "subtitle" if openSub.file.name == nil or openSub.file.name == '' then -- happens on http://example.org/?x=y local uriName = nil if item.SubFileName then uriName = string.sub( item.SubFileName, 1, #item.SubFileName - 4) else uriName = openSub.getInputItem():uri() end uriName = vlc.strings.encode_uri_component(uriName) if uriName then subfileName = string.sub(uriName, -64, -1) end else subfileName = openSub.file.name end if openSub.option.langExt then subfileName = subfileName.."."..item.SubLanguageID end subfileName = subfileName.."."..item.SubFormat local tmp_dir local file_target_access = true if is_dir(openSub.file.dir) then tmp_dir = openSub.file.dir elseif openSub.conf.dirPath then tmp_dir = openSub.conf.dirPath message = "
"..error_tag(lang["mess_save_fail"].."  ".. "".. lang["mess_click_link"].."") else setError(lang["mess_save_fail"].."  ".. "".. lang["mess_click_link"].."") return false end local tmpFileURI, tmpFileName = dump_zip( item.ZipDownloadLink, tmp_dir, item.SubFileName) vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] tmpFileName: "..tmpFileName) -- Determine if the path to the video file is accessible for writing local target = openSub.file.dir..subfileName if not file_touch(target) then if openSub.conf.dirPath then target = openSub.conf.dirPath..slash..subfileName message = "
".. error_tag(lang["mess_save_fail"].."  ".. "".. lang["mess_click_link"].."") else setError(lang["mess_save_fail"].."  ".. "".. lang["mess_click_link"].."") return false end end vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Subtitles files: "..target) -- Unzipped data into file target local stream = vlc.stream(tmpFileURI) local data = "" local subfile = io.open(target, "wb") while data do subfile:write(data) data = stream:read(65536) end subfile:flush() subfile:close() stream = nil collectgarbage() if not os.remove(tmpFileName) then vlc.msg.err("[VLsub] Unable to remove temp: "..tmpFileName) end -- load subtitles if add_sub(target) then message = success_tag(lang["mess_loaded"]) .. message else message = error_tag(lang["mess_not_load"]) .. message end setMessage(message) end function dump_zip(url, dir, subfileName) -- Dump zipped data in a temporary file setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": "..progressBarContent(0)) local resp = get(url) if not resp then setError(lang["mess_no_response"]) return false end local tmpFileName = dir..slash..subfileName..".gz" if not file_touch(tmpFileName) then vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Cant touch:"..tmpFileName) if openSub.conf.os == "win" then -- todo for windows return false else -- using tmp dir to download tmpFileName = "/tmp/"..subfileName..".gz" vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Fixing to:"..tmpFileName) end end local tmpFile = assert(io.open(tmpFileName, "wb")) tmpFile:write(resp) tmpFile:flush() tmpFile:close() tmpFile = nil collectgarbage() return "zip://"..make_uri(tmpFileName) .."!/"..subfileName, tmpFileName end function add_sub(subPath) if vlc.item or vlc.input.item() then subPath = decode_uri(subPath) vlc.msg.dbg("[VLsub] Adding subtitle :" .. subPath) vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), 'sub-file', subPath) return vlc.input.add_subtitle(subPath) end return false end --[[ Interface helpers]]-- function progressBarContent(pct) local accomplished = math.ceil( openSub.option.progressBarSize*pct/100) local left = openSub.option.progressBarSize - accomplished local content = "".. string.rep ("-", accomplished).."".. "".. string.rep ("-", left).. "" return content end function setMessage(str) if input_table["message"] then input_table["message"]:set_text(str) dlg:update() end end function setError(mess) setMessage(error_tag(mess)) end function success_tag(str) return "".. lang["mess_success"]..": "..str.."" end function error_tag(str) return "".. lang["mess_error"]..": "..str.."" end --[[ Network utils]]-- function get(url) local host, path = parse_url(url) local header = { "GET "..path.." HTTP/"..openSub.conf.HTTPVersion, "Host: "..host, "User-Agent: "..openSub.conf.userAgentHTTP, "", "" } local request = table.concat(header, "\r\n") local status, response = http_req(host, 80, request) if status == 200 then return response else vlc.msg.err("[VLSub] HTTP "..tostring(status).." : "..response) return false end end function http_req(host, port, request) local fd = vlc.net.connect_tcp(host, port) if not fd then setError("Unable to connect to server") return nil, "" end local pollfds = {} pollfds[fd] = vlc.net.POLLIN vlc.net.send(fd, request) vlc.net.poll(pollfds) local response = vlc.net.recv(fd, 2048) local buf = "" local headerStr, header, body local contentLength, status, TransferEncoding, chunked local pct = 0 while response and #response>0 do buf = buf..response if not header then headerStr, body = buf:match("(.-\r?\n)\r?\n(.*)") if headerStr then header = parse_header(headerStr); status = tonumber(header["statuscode"]); contentLength = tonumber(header["Content-Length"]); if not contentLength then contentLength = tonumber(header["X-Uncompressed-Content-Length"]) end TransferEncoding = trim(header["Transfer-Encoding"]); chunked = (TransferEncoding=="chunked"); buf = body; body = ""; end end if chunked then chunk_size_hex, chunk_content = buf:match("(%x+)\r?\n(.*)") chunk_size = tonumber(chunk_size_hex,16) chunk_content_len = chunk_content:len() chunk_remaining = chunk_size-chunk_content_len while chunk_content_len > chunk_size do body = body..chunk_content:sub(0, chunk_size) buf = chunk_content:sub(chunk_size+2) chunk_size_hex, chunk_content = buf:match("(%x+)\r?\n(.*)") if not chunk_size_hex or chunk_size_hex == "0" then chunk_size = 0 break end chunk_size = tonumber(chunk_size_hex,16) chunk_content_len = chunk_content:len() chunk_remaining = chunk_size-chunk_content_len end if chunk_size == 0 then break end end if contentLength then if #body == 0 then bodyLength = #buf else bodyLength = #body end pct = bodyLength / contentLength * 100 setMessage(openSub.actionLabel..": "..progressBarContent(pct)) if bodyLength >= contentLength then break end end vlc.net.poll(pollfds) response = vlc.net.recv(fd, 1024) end if not chunked then body = buf end if status == 301 and header["Location"] then local host, path = parse_url(trim(header["Location"])) request = request :gsub("^([^%s]+ )([^%s]+)", "%1"..path) :gsub("(Host: )([^\n]*)", "%1"..host) return http_req(host, port, request) end return status, body end function parse_header(data) local header = {} for name, s, val in string.gmatch( data, "([^%s:]+)(:?)%s([^\n]+)\r?\n") do if s == "" then header['statuscode'] = tonumber(string.sub(val, 1 , 3)) else header[name] = val end end return header end function parse_url(url) local url_parsed = vlc.net.url_parse(url) return url_parsed["host"], url_parsed["path"], url_parsed["option"] end --[[ XML utils]]-- function parse_xml(data) local tree = {} local stack = {} local tmp = {} local level = 0 local op, tag, p, empty, val table.insert(stack, tree) local resolve_xml = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars for op, tag, p, empty, val in string.gmatch( data, "[%s\r\n\t]*<(%/?)([%w:_]+)(.-)(%/?)>".. "[%s\r\n\t]*([^<]*)[%s\r\n\t]*" ) do if op=="/" then if level>0 then level = level - 1 table.remove(stack) end else level = level + 1 if val == "" then if type(stack[level][tag]) == "nil" then stack[level][tag] = {} table.insert(stack, stack[level][tag]) else if type(stack[level][tag][1]) == "nil" then tmp = nil tmp = stack[level][tag] stack[level][tag] = nil stack[level][tag] = {} table.insert(stack[level][tag], tmp) end tmp = nil tmp = {} table.insert(stack[level][tag], tmp) table.insert(stack, tmp) end else if type(stack[level][tag]) == "nil" then stack[level][tag] = {} end stack[level][tag] = resolve_xml(val) table.insert(stack, {}) end if empty ~= "" then stack[level][tag] = "" level = level - 1 table.remove(stack) end end end collectgarbage() return tree end function parse_xmlrpc(xmlText) local stack = {} local tree = {} local tmp, name = nil, nil table.insert(stack, tree) local FromXmlString = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars local data_handle = { int = function(v) return tonumber(v) end, i4 = function(v) return tonumber(v) end, double = function(v) return tonumber(v) end, boolean = function(v) return tostring(v) end, base64 = function(v) return tostring(v) end, -- FIXME ["string"] = function(v) return FromXmlString(v) end } for c, label, empty, value in xmlText:gmatch("<(%/?)([%w_:]+)(%/?)>([^<]*)") do if c == "" then -- start tag if label == "struct" or label == "array" then tmp = nil tmp = {} if name then stack[#stack][name] = tmp else table.insert(stack[#stack], tmp) end table.insert(stack, tmp) name = nil elseif label == "name" then name = value elseif data_handle[label] then if name then stack[#stack][name] = data_handle[label](value) else table.insert(stack[#stack], data_handle[label](value)) end name = nil end if empty == "/" -- empty tag and #stack>0 and (label == "struct" or label == "array") then table.remove(stack) end else -- end tag if #stack>0 and (label == "struct" or label == "array")then table.remove(stack) end end end return tree[1] end function dump_xml(data) local level = 0 local stack = {} local dump = "" local convert_xml = vlc.strings.convert_xml_special_chars local function parse(data, stack) local data_index = {} local k local v local i local tb for k,v in pairs(data) do table.insert(data_index, {k, v}) table.sort(data_index, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) end for i,tb in pairs(data_index) do k = tb[1] v = tb[2] if type(k)=="string" then dump = dump.."\r\n"..string.rep( " ", level).. "<"..k..">" table.insert(stack, k) level = level + 1 elseif type(k)=="number" and k ~= 1 then dump = dump.."\r\n"..string.rep( " ", level-1).. "<"..stack[level]..">" end if type(v)=="table" then parse(v, stack) elseif type(v)=="string" then dump = dump..(convert_xml(v) or v) elseif type(v)=="number" then dump = dump..v else dump = dump..tostring(v) end if type(k)=="string" then if type(v)=="table" then dump = dump.."\r\n"..string.rep( " ", level-1).. "" else dump = dump.."" end table.remove(stack) level = level - 1 elseif type(k)=="number" and k ~= #data then if type(v)=="table" then dump = dump.."\r\n"..string.rep( " ", level-1).. "" else dump = dump.."" end end end end parse(data, stack) collectgarbage() return dump end --[[ Misc utils]]-- function make_uri(str) str = str:gsub("\\", "/") local windowdrive = string.match(str, "^(%a:).+$") local encode_uri = vlc.strings.encode_uri_component local encodedPath = "" for w in string.gmatch(str, "/([^/]+)") do encodedPath = encodedPath.."/"..encode_uri(w) end if windowdrive then return "file:///"..windowdrive..encodedPath else return "file://"..encodedPath end end function file_touch(name) -- test write ability if not name or trim(name) == "" then return false end local f=io.open(name ,"w") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function file_exist(name) -- test readability if not name or trim(name) == "" then return false end local f=io.open(name ,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function is_dir(path) if not path or trim(path) == "" then return false end -- Remove slash at the end or it won't work on Windows path = string.gsub(path, "^(.-)[\\/]?$", "%1") local f, _, code = io.open(path, "rb") if f then _, _, code = f:read("*a") f:close() if code == 21 then return true end elseif code == 13 then return true end return false end function list_dir(path) if not path or trim(path) == "" then return false end local dir_list_cmd local list = {} if not is_dir(path) then return false end if openSub.conf.os == "win" then dir_list_cmd = io.popen('dir /b "'..path..'"') elseif openSub.conf.os == "lin" then dir_list_cmd = io.popen('ls -1 "'..path..'"') end if dir_list_cmd then for filename in dir_list_cmd:lines() do if string.match(filename, "^[^%s]+.+$") then table.insert(list, filename) end end return list else return false end end function mkdir_p(path) if not path or trim(path) == "" then return false end if openSub.conf.os == "win" then os.execute('mkdir "' .. path..'"') elseif openSub.conf.os == "lin" then os.execute("mkdir -p '" .. path.."'") end end function decode_uri(str) return str:gsub("/", slash) end function is_window_path(path) return string.match(path, "^(%a:.+)$") end function is_win_safe(path) if not path or trim(path) == "" or not is_window_path(path) then return false end return string.match(path, "^%a?%:?[\\%w%p%s§¤]+$") end function trim(str) if not str then return "" end return string.gsub(str, "^[\r\n%s]*(.-)[\r\n%s]*$", "%1") end function remove_tag(str) return string.gsub(str, "{[^}]+}", "") end