{ "exercise": "bob", "cases": [ { "uuid": "e162fead-606f-437a-a166-d051915cea8e", "description": "stating something", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to." }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "73a966dc-8017-47d6-bb32-cf07d1a5fcd9", "description": "shouting", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "WATCH OUT!" }, "expected": "Whoa, chill out!" }, { "uuid": "d6c98afd-df35-4806-b55e-2c457c3ab748", "description": "shouting gibberish", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "FCECDFCAAB" }, "expected": "Whoa, chill out!" }, { "uuid": "8a2e771d-d6f1-4e3f-b6c6-b41495556e37", "description": "asking a question", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "81080c62-4e4d-4066-b30a-48d8d76920d9", "description": "asking a numeric question", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "You are, what, like 15?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "2a02716d-685b-4e2e-a804-2adaf281c01e", "description": "asking gibberish", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "fffbbcbeab?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "c02f9179-ab16-4aa7-a8dc-940145c385f7", "description": "talking forcefully", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Hi there!" }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "153c0e25-9bb5-4ec5-966e-598463658bcd", "description": "using acronyms in regular speech", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "It's OK if you don't want to go work for NASA." }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "a5193c61-4a92-4f68-93e2-f554eb385ec6", "description": "forceful question", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "WHAT'S GOING ON?" }, "expected": "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" }, { "uuid": "a20e0c54-2224-4dde-8b10-bd2cdd4f61bc", "description": "shouting numbers", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "1, 2, 3 GO!" }, "expected": "Whoa, chill out!" }, { "uuid": "f7bc4b92-bdff-421e-a238-ae97f230ccac", "description": "no letters", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "1, 2, 3" }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "bb0011c5-cd52-4a5b-8bfb-a87b6283b0e2", "description": "question with no letters", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "4?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "496143c8-1c31-4c01-8a08-88427af85c66", "description": "shouting with special characters", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!" }, "expected": "Whoa, chill out!" }, { "uuid": "e6793c1c-43bd-4b8d-bc11-499aea73925f", "description": "shouting with no exclamation mark", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "I HATE THE DENTIST" }, "expected": "Whoa, chill out!" }, { "uuid": "aa8097cc-c548-4951-8856-14a404dd236a", "description": "statement containing question mark", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Ending with ? means a question." }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "9bfc677d-ea3a-45f2-be44-35bc8fa3753e", "description": "non-letters with question", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": ":) ?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "8608c508-f7de-4b17-985b-811878b3cf45", "description": "prattling on", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?" }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "bc39f7c6-f543-41be-9a43-fd1c2f753fc0", "description": "silence", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "" }, "expected": "Fine. Be that way!" }, { "uuid": "d6c47565-372b-4b09-b1dd-c40552b8378b", "description": "prolonged silence", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": " " }, "expected": "Fine. Be that way!" }, { "uuid": "4428f28d-4100-4d85-a902-e5a78cb0ecd3", "description": "alternate silence", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" }, "expected": "Fine. Be that way!" }, { "uuid": "66953780-165b-4e7e-8ce3-4bcb80b6385a", "description": "multiple line question", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "\nDoes this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?\nNo." }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "5371ef75-d9ea-4103-bcfa-2da973ddec1b", "description": "starting with whitespace", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": " hmmmmmmm..." }, "expected": "Whatever." }, { "uuid": "05b304d6-f83b-46e7-81e0-4cd3ca647900", "description": "ending with whitespace", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "Okay if like my spacebar quite a bit? " }, "expected": "Sure." }, { "uuid": "72bd5ad3-9b2f-4931-a988-dce1f5771de2", "description": "other whitespace", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "\n\r \t" }, "expected": "Fine. Be that way!" }, { "uuid": "12983553-8601-46a8-92fa-fcaa3bc4a2a0", "description": "non-question ending with whitespace", "property": "response", "input": { "heyBob": "This is a statement ending with whitespace " }, "expected": "Whatever." } ] }