title: Apple Feedback Template
tags: `i, gist, template, dev, documentation, feedback, reference, support`
uuid: D5638AF5-017D-47CB-9B1F-C444EFB46EEF
local: drafts://open?uuid=D5638AF5-017D-47CB-9B1F-C444EFB46EEF
created: 06062022-213750
syntax: MultiMarkdown
 # Apple Feedback Template

- [**[[clipboard]]**](https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/<|>)
- [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/extratone/i/issues/206)
- [WTF](https://davidblue.wtf/drafts/D5638AF5-017D-47CB-9B1F-C444EFB46EEF.html)
- [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md)
- [Gist](https://gist.github.com/69fb3b553ad6259dc794a8eee27daba0)
- [Redirect](https://davidblue.wtf/feedback) - `https://davidblue.wtf/feedback`

![Feedback Assistant Icon](https://i.snap.as/u7079zZ2.png)

![New Feedback Draft](https://i.snap.as/igMAJsZE.png)


### Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback:
*Example: Unable to make phone calls from lock

### Which area are you seeing an issue with?
*Please select the problem area*

- 3rd Party App
- Accessibility
- AirDrop
- AirPlay
- App Privacy Report
- App Store
- App Switcher
- Apple Card
- Apple Pay
- Audio
- Auto Unlock
- Backup
- Battery Life
- Battery Life - Charging
- Bluetooth
- Books
- Calendar
- Camera
- Car Keys
- CarPlay
- Cellular Service (Calls & Data)
- Clock
- Contacts
- Continuity/Handoff
- Control Center
- Dark Mode
- Device Feels Warm
- Device Syncing
- Face ID
- FaceTime
- FaceTime - SharePlay
- Feedback Assistant
- Files app
- Find My
- Fitness/Fitness+
- Focus
- Haptics/Vibration
- Health
- Home App & HomeKit Accessories
- Home Screen
- iCloud
- iCloud Private Relay
- ¡Tunes Store
- Keyboard
- Lock Screen
- Mail
- Maps
- Messages
- Music
- News
- Notes
- Notification Center
- Notifications
- Phone app
- Photos
- Picture in Picture
- Podcasts
- Printing
- Reminders
- Respiratory Rate
- Rotation
- Safari
- Screen Recording
- Screen Time
- Scribble
- Security
- Settings
- Share Sheet
- Shortcuts
- Sidecar
- Siri
- Sleep
- Software Update
- Split View/Drag and Drop
- Spotlight Search
- System Crashes
- System Crashes
- System Slow/Unresponsive
- Touch ID
- Translate app
- Translation/Localization
- TV app/Apple TV+
- Wallet
- Watch app
- Weather
- Wi-Fi
- Accelerate Framework
- Accounts Framework
- AirPods Beta Firmware
- App Attest
- AppClip Framework
- Appintents Framework
- AppTracking Transparency Framework
- ARKit
- Authentication Services Framework
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- BackgroundAssets Framework
- BackgroundTasks Framework
- Callkit
- CarPlay Accessory Development
- CarPlay App Development
- ClassKit
- CloudKit
- Combine Framework
- Contacts Framework
- Core Animation API
- Core Audio API
- Core Bluetooth AP
- Core Data API
- Core Foundation API
- Core Graphics API
- Core Image API
- Core Location API
- Core Media API
- Core Motion API
- Core Telephony API
- Core Text API
- Core Video API
- CoreML API
- DeviceActivity Framework
- DeviceCheck
- Eventkit
- ExposureNotification Framework
- ExtensionFoundation
- Extensionkit
- External Accessory Framework
- FamilyControls Framework
- FileProvider Framework
- Foundation
- Game Controller Framework
- GameKit
- GameplayKit
- GroupActivities Framework
- Healthkit
- HomeKit Development
- Image 1/O
- lOKit
- JavaScriptCore
- Local Authentication Framework
- ManagedSettings Framework
- MapKit
- Media Player Framework
- Metal
- Metrickit
- Model 1/0
- Multipeer Connectivity Framework
- Musickit
- Natural Language
- NearbyInteraction Framework
- Network Framework
- NotificationCenter Framework
- PassKit
- PDFKit
- PencilKit
- PHASE Framework
- PhotoKit
- ProximityReader Framework
- PushKit
- PushToTalk Framework
- QuickLook Framework
- RealityKit
- ReplayKit
- RoomPlan Framework
- Scenekit
- Security Framework
- Shared WithYou Framework
- Sirikit
- Spatial Framework
- Speech Framework
- SpriteKit
- StoreKit
- SwiftUl Framework
- ThreadNetwork Framework
- UIKit
- UserNotifications Framework
- Vision Framework
- VisionKit
- WatchConnectivity Framework
- WatchKit Framework
- WeatherKit
- Webkit
- Something else not on this list

### What type of feedback are you reporting?

- Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior
- Application Crash
- Application Slow/Unresponsive
- Battery Life
- Suggestion

## Description
**Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:**

*Please include:*
- A clear description of the problem
- A step-by-step set of instructions to reproduce the problem (if possible)
- What results you expected
- What results you actually saw