--- title: Discord Thread Template tags: `support, community, discord, routinehub, forums, shortcuts, template` uuid: 3E7B3ACE-B97A-4475-B133-DC1FCF4CD1FB local: drafts://open?uuid=3E7B3ACE-B97A-4475-B133-DC1FCF4CD1FB created: 10112022-100224 syntax: MultiMarkdown --- # Discord Thread Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [Thread URL]([[clipboard]]) - [WTF](https://davidblue.wtf/drafts/[[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [DavodTime Conversion](shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=DavodTime%20Conversion) --- ## Reply If you're ever looking for more information about a native action, Matthew Cassinelli maintains an Action Directory: https://matthewcassinelli.com/actions/view-content-graph I made a little "utility" for it. All it does is append asked input to the URL format and yet I find myself using it all the time lol. https://routinehub.co/shortcut/10921/ Just to be clear, though, I *do not* want to discourage asking questions like this, here. Threads dedicated to individual native actions are actually a great idea. --- ## OP `ChesterWOV#4052` [10112022-060900](https://discord.com/channels/503976650439131183/1029350069096431666/1029350069096431666) What does the **View Content Graph** action do? When I saw "Content Graph", I thought maybe it shows a dictionary structure. However, it just showed a bunch of "text", "boolean", "PDF" etc.. So what does this actually do? Thank you. [](https://discord.com/channels/503976650439131183/1029350069096431666)