--- title: Manpage Template tags: `template, documentation, man` uuid: A673D057-BBA5-4CD7-A990-8E0FED2FA526 local: drafts://open?uuid=A673D057-BBA5-4CD7-A990-8E0FED2FA526 created: 09072022-191050 syntax: MultiMarkdown --- # Manpage Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [WTF](https://davidblue.wtf/drafts/[[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) --- % HELLO(1) Version 1.0 | Frivolous "Hello World" Documentation NAME ==== **hello** — prints Hello, World! SYNOPSIS ======== | **hello** \[**-o**|**--out** _file_] \[_dedication_] | **hello** \[**-h**|**--help**|**-v**|**--version**] DESCRIPTION =========== Prints "Hello, _dedication_!" to the terminal. If no dedication is given, uses the default dedication. The default dedication is chosen by the following sequence: 1. Using the environment variable *DEFAULT_HELLO_DEDICATION* 2. Using the per-user configuration file, *~/.hellorc* 3. Using the system-wide configuration file, */etc/hello.conf* 4. Finally, using "world". Options ------- -h, --help : Prints brief usage information. -o, --output : Outputs the greeting to the given filename. The file must be an **open(2)**able and **write(2)**able file. -v, --version : Prints the current version number. FILES ===== *~/.hellorc* : Per-user default dedication file. */etc/hello.conf* : Global default dedication file. ENVIRONMENT =========== **DEFAULT_HELLO_DEDICATION** : The default dedication if none is given. Has the highest precedence if a dedication is not supplied on the command line. BUGS ==== See GitHub Issues: <https://github.com/[owner]/[repo]/issues> AUTHOR ====== Foobar Goodprogrammer <foo@example.org> SEE ALSO ======== **hi(1)**, **hello(3)**, **hello.conf(4)**