# Do not edit file-version: '14' # Do you want to check for updates on the startup? check-for-updates: true preview-kits-menu: # Placeholders: {back-menu-display-name} & {back-menu-title} back-button: material: IRON_BARS name: 'BACK' lore: - '' - '(( Click to go back to previous menu! ))' close-button: material: BARRIER name: CLOSE lore: - '' - '(( Click to close this menu! ))' previous-page-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/816ea34a6a6ec5c051e6932f1c471b7012b298d38d179f1b487c413f51959cd4 name: '&a&lPrevious Level: {previous_page}' lore: - '&7Click to go back to the previous level.' no-previous-page-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/3ed1aba73f639f4bc42bd48196c715197be2712c3b962c97ebf9e9ed8efa025 name: '&c&lNo Previous Level' lore: - '&7Viewing Level: {current_page}' - '&7There is no previous level.' next-page-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/9c9ec71c1068ec6e03d2c9287f9da9193639f3a635e2fbd5d87c2fabe6499 name: '&a&lNext Level: {next_page}' lore: - '&7Click to advance to the next level.' no-next-page-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/3ed1aba73f639f4bc42bd48196c715197be2712c3b962c97ebf9e9ed8efa025 name: '&c&lNo Next Level' lore: - '&7Viewing Level: {current_page}' - '&7There is no next level.' no-upgrade-button: material: BARRIER name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: FREE' - '' - '(( This kit has no available upgrades! ))' default-level-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: FREE' - '' - '(( This is the default kit level! ))' available-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Kit level: {upgrade_level} / {maximum_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - ' * Kit cooldown: {total}' - ' * Number of Items: {items}' - '' - '(( Click to buy this upgrade! ))' insufficient-funds-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost} &7&o(Needed {needed})' - '' - '(( You cannot afford this kit upgrade! ))' locked-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - '(( You must to unlock this kit first! ))' maximum-level-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - '(( You have reached the maximum level! ))' unavailable-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Upgrade to level: {upgrade_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - '(( Unlock the previous upgrades first! ))' complete-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Kit level: {upgrade_level} / {maximum_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - ' * Kit cooldown: {total}' - ' * Number of Items: {items}' - '' - '(( You already bought this upgrade! ))' current-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Kit level: {upgrade_level} / {maximum_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - '' - ' * Kit cooldown: {total}' - ' * Number of Items: {items}' - '' - '(( This is your current upgrade! ))' delay-upgrade-button: material: PLAYER_HEAD texture: https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/71bdf5e4225d6683c393d6f8b2b735ed228eb6f3a078d0d791adeca55e4392fa name: ' Upgrade {kit} ' lore: - '' - ' * Kit level: {upgrade_level} / {maximum_level}' - ' * Cost: {cost}' - ' * Buy delay: {buy_delay_remaining} / {buy_delay}' - '' - ' * Kit cooldown: {total}' - ' * Number of Items: {items}' - '' - '(( You have to wait for the delay! ))' first-join-vouchers: [] first-join-kits: - 'Coal;1' allow-claim-kit-with-full-inventory: true # Set 0 to disable data-save-interval-ticks: 12000 placeholders: unlimited-kit-usages: 'Unlimited' time-units: finish: 'Now' days: '{number} Days ' day: '{number} Day ' no-days: '' hours: '{number} Hours ' hour: '{number} Hour ' no-hours: '' minutes: '{number} Minutes ' minute: '{number} Minute ' no-minutes: '' seconds: '{number} Seconds' second: '{number} Second' no-seconds: '' storage: # Available storage providers: YAML, SQLITE, MYSQL, MARIADB, POSTGRESQL, MONGODB # WARNING: The SQLITE, MYSQL, MARIADB, POSTGRESQL, MONGODB providers are currently under development and could # potentially lead to data loss in future updates. For production environments, it is recommended to use the YAML # provider due to its stability and reliability. However, you can choose other providers at your own risk. database: YAML settings: yaml: folder: playerdata sqlite: file: database # Configure here MYSQL, MARIADB, & POSTGRESQL mysql: address: port: 3306 database: advancedkits username: root password: password table-prefix: advancedkits_ # Set the driver class name # Default driver class names: # MySQL - me.extremall.advancedkits.libs.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver # MariaDB - me.extremall.advancedkits.libs.mariadb.Driver # PostgreSQL - me.extremall.advancedkits.libs.postgresql.Driver # Leave this empty to use automatically one of the above drivers. driver-class-name: '' pool-settings: maximum-pool-size: 10 minimum-idle: 10 maximum-lifetime: 1800000 connection-timeout: 5000 properties: - characterEncoding=utf8 - encoding=UTF-8 - useUnicode=true - useSSL=false - socketTimeout=30000 - tcpKeepAlive=true - autoReconnect=true - cachePrepStmts=true - prepStmtCacheSize=250 - prepStmtCacheSqlLimit=2048 - useServerPrepStmts=true - useLocalSessionState=true - rewriteBatchedStatements=true - cacheResultSetMetadata=true - cacheServerConfiguration=true - elideSetAutoCommits=true - maintainTimeStats=false mongodb: address: port: 27017 database: advancedkits username: admin password: password kit-settings: replace-items: false currency-settings: # This section defines the formatting settings for different currencies. # Available formatting options: # provider - The identifier for the currency provider. # format - The template for formatting the amount. # currency - (optional) The specific currency identifier if the provider supports multiple currencies. formatting: - provider: EXP format: '{amount} EXP' # Examples of additional currency configurations: # Uncomment and modify the following lines to add more currencies. # - provider: VAULT # format: '{amount}$' # - provider: COINSENGINE # currency: COINS # format: '{amount} coins' voucher-settings: # The NBTAPI library is used to inject tags on the voucher display item. nbt-tags: # Do you want to use tags on voucher items? (recommended true) # # When set to true, a tag will be added to vouchers. Vouchers without the specified tag name or with # a different tag name will no longer function. This option offers the best performance and allows # you to modify item values at any time without rendering older vouchers invalid. You can also use # any PlaceholderAPI placeholder without any issues; however, please note that placeholders cannot # be refreshed. # # When set to false, the entire item will be checked for similarity. If any value of the item is # changed, the old voucher will no longer work. You can only use static placeholders in this case; # otherwise, the voucher will no longer function. Choose this option if you already have vouchers # without tags and do not want to invalidate them. enabled: true # Modify this setting if you want to invalidate current vouchers with this tag name. # To enable this functionality, ensure that nbt-tags are enabled above. tag-name: advancedkits-vouchers # Disable the ability to rename vouchers using an anvil. # # Note: When set to true, players will be disallowed from renaming voucher items. # To work this option, nbt tags must be enabled. # To work this option, your server version must be 1.9.4 or newer. disable-anvil-rename: true menu-settings: # Determines whether the current menu should be closed before opening a new one. # If set to true, the current menu will be closed, and the mouse will be centered on the switch. # Note: Sound effects and particles will not be triggered when menus are closed during menu switching. close-menu-before-open: # Close the current menu before opening the main menu. # This occurs when using the back button on a category. main: false # Close the current menu before opening a category menu. # This occurs when opening a category menu from the main menu. category: false # Close the current menu before opening a preview menu. # This occurs when opening a preview menu from the main menu or categories. preview: true # Control whether the menu should close on successful and failed kit claims. close-menu-on-claim-kit: # Close the menu when the player successfully receives the kit. success: true # Close the menu when the kit claim fails (e.g., cooldown, locked, overused, purchasable). failure: true # Define which click types are allowed for specific actions. # Click types can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/ClickType.html click-types: claim-kit: - LEFT preview-kit: - RIGHT buttons: - LEFT - RIGHT # Command settings section defines configurations for various plugin commands. command-settings: # Prefix for fallback commands fallback-prefix: advancedkits # Avaiable command options: # enabled - Whether the command is enabled (true) or disabled (false). # command - The main command keyword for the command. # aliases (optional) - Aliases that can be used instead of the main command keyword. # permission (optional) - Permission node required to execute the command. (remove section to disable) # description (optional) - Description of what the command does. (do not use color codes) commands: # Admin command settings admin: enabled: true command: advancedkits aliases: - ak permission: advancedkits.command.admin description: The main AdvancedKits admin command. # Kit claim command settings kit-claim: enabled: true command: kit aliases: [] #permission: advancedkits.command.kit description: Obtains the specified kit. # Kit preview command settings kit-preview: enabled: true command: kitpreview aliases: [] #permission: advancedkits.command.kitpreview description: Previews the specified kit.