#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2119 # shellcheck disable=SC2120 # shellcheck disable=SC2128 # shellcheck disable=SC2154 ################################################################################ # This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com # You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. # Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com # License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) ################################################################################ # # Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs # # Originially based on Script provided by Bill Landry (unofficialsigs@gmail.com). # ################################################################################ # # THERE ARE NO USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS IN THIS SCRIPT # ALL CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ARE LOCATED IN THE INCLUDED CONFIGURATION FILE # ################################################################################ ###### ####### # # ####### ####### ####### ###### ### ####### # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # ###### ####### # # ####### # ####### ###### ### # ################################################################################ # Detect to make sure the entire script is avilable, fail if the script is missing contents if [ "$(tail -n 1 "${0}" | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-7)" != "exit \$?" ] ; then echo "FATAL ERROR: Script is incomplete, please redownload" exit 1 fi # Trap the keyboard interrupt (Ctrl + C) trap xshok_control_c SIGINT ################################################################################ # HELPER FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ # Support user config settings for applying file and directory access permissions. function perms() { if [ -n "${clam_user}" ] && [ -n "${clam_group}" ] ; then "${@:-}" fi } # Prompt a user if they should complete an action with Y or N # Usage: xshok_prompt_confirm # if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then # xshok_prompt_confirm && echo "accepted" # xshok_prompt_confirm && echo "yes" || echo "no" # shellcheck disable=SC2120 function xshok_prompt_confirm() { # optional_message message="${1:-Are you sure?}" while true; do read -r -p "${message} [y/N]" response < /dev/tty case "${response}" in [yY]) return 0 ;; [nN]) return 1 ;; *) printf " \\033[31m %s \\n\\033[0m" "invalid input" esac done } # Create a pid file function xshok_create_pid_file() { # pid.file if [ "${1}" ] ; then pidfile="${1}" if ! echo $$ > "${pidfile}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not create PID file: ${pidfile}" exit 1 fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi } # Intercept ctrl+c and calls the cleanup function function xshok_control_c() { echo xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---------------| Exiting ... Please wait |---------------" "-" xshok_cleanup exit $? } # Cleanup function function xshok_cleanup() { # Wait for all processes to end wait xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Powered By https://eXtremeSHOK.com " "#" return $? } # Check if the current running user is the root user, otherwise return false function xshok_is_root() { if [ "$(uname -s)" == "SunOS" ] ; then id_bin="/usr/xpg4/bin/id" else id_bin="$(command -v id 2> /dev/null)" fi if [ "$($id_bin -u)" == 0 ] ; then return 0 else return 1 # Not root fi } # Check if its a file, otherwise return false function xshok_is_file() { # filepath filepath="${1}" if [ -f "${filepath}" ] ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; # Not a file fi } # Check if filepath is a subdir, otherwise return false # Usage: xshok_is_subdir "filepath" # xshok_is_subdir "/root/" - false # xshok_is_subdir "/usr/local/etc" && echo "yes" - yes function xshok_is_subdir() { # filepath shopt -s extglob; filepath="${filepath%%+(/)}" if [ -d "$filepath" ] ; then res="${filepath//[^\/]}" if [ "${#res}" -gt 1 ] ; then return 0 ; else return 1 ; # Not a subdir fi else return 1 ; # Not a dir fi } # Create a dir and set the ownership function xshok_mkdir_ownership() { # path if [ "${1}" ] ; then if ! mkdir -p "${1}" 2>/dev/null ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not create directory: ${1}" exit 1 fi perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi } # Check if a user and group exists on the system otherwise return false # Usage: # xshok_is_subdir "username" && echo "user found" || echo "no" # xshok_is_subdir "username" "groupname" && echo "user and group found" || echo "no" function xshok_user_group_exists() { # username groupname if [ "$(uname -s)" == "SunOS" ] ; then id_bin="/usr/xpg4/bin/id" else id_bin="$(command -v id 2> /dev/null)" fi if [ "${2}" ] ; then if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] ; then #use ruby, as this is the best way. Ruby is always avilable as brew uses ruby ruby -e 'require "etc"; puts Etc::getgrnam("_clamav").gid' > /dev/null 2>&1 ret="$?" else getent_bin="$(command -v getent 2> /dev/null)" $getent_bin group "${2}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ret="$?" fi fi if [ "${1}" ] ; then if $id_bin -u "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "${2}" ] ; then if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then return 0 ; # User and group exists else return 1 ; # Group does NOT exist fi else return 0 ; # User exists fi else return 1 ; # User does NOT exist fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi } # Handle comments with/out borders and logging. # Usage: # pretty_echo_and_log "one" # one # pretty_echo_and_log "two" "-" # --- # two # --- # pretty_echo_and_log "three" "=" "8" # ======== # three # ======== # pretty_echo_and_log "" "/\" "7" # /\/\/\/\/\/\ # type: e = error, w= warning, a = alert, n = notice # will auto detect using the first word "error,warning,alert,notice" # type e will make a == border # type w will make a -- border # type a will make a ** border # type n will make a ++ border function xshok_pretty_echo_and_log() { # "string" "repeating" "count" "type" #detect if running under cron and silence mystring="$1" myrepeating="$2" mycount="$3" mytype="$4" if [ "$comment_silence" != "yes" ] && [ "$force_verbose" != "yes" ]; then if [ ! -t 1 ] ; then comment_silence="yes" fi fi # always show errors and alerts if [ -z "$mytype" ] ; then shopt -s nocasematch if [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR " ]] ; then mytype="e" elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING " ]] ; then mytype="w" elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT " ]] ; then mytype="a" elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE " ]] ; then mytype="n" fi fi if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] || [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then comment_silence="no" fi # Handle comments is not silenced or type if [ "$comment_silence" != "yes" ] ; then if [ -z "$myrepeating" ] ; then if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] ; then myrepeating="=" elif [ "$mytype" == "w" ] ; then myrepeating="-" elif [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then myrepeating="*" elif [ "$mytype" == "n" ] ; then myrepeating="+" fi fi if [ -z "$myrepeating" ] ; then echo "${mystring}" else myvar="" if [ -z "$mycount" ] ; then mycount="${#mystring}" fi for (( n = 0; n < mycount; n++ )) ; do myvar="${myvar}${myrepeating}" done if [ -n "${mystring}" ] ; then echo -e "${myvar}\\n${1}\\n${myvar}" else echo -e "${myvar}" fi fi fi # Handle logging if [ "$enable_log" == "yes" ] ; then #filter ===, --- mystring=${1//===} mystring=${mystring//---} if [ -n "$mystring" ] ; then if [ -n "$log_pipe_cmd" ] ; then echo "${mystring}" | $log_pipe_cmd else if [ ! -e "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then # xshok_mkdir_ownership "$log_file_path" mkdir -p "$log_file_path" touch "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" 2>/dev/null perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" fi if [ ! -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then echo "WARNING: Logging Disabled, as file not writable: ${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" enable_log="no" else echo "$(date "+%b %d %T")" "${mystring}" >> "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" fi fi fi fi } # Check if the $2 value is not null and does not start with - function xshok_check_s2() { # value1 value2 if [ "${1}" ] ; then if [[ "${1}" =~ ^-.* ]] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option or value begins with -" exit 1 fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi } # Time remaining information function function xshok_draw_time_remaining() { #time_remaining #update_hours #name if [ "${1}" ] && [ "${2}" ] ; then time_remaining="${1}" hours_left="$((time_remaining / 3600))" minutes_left="$((time_remaining % 3600 / 60))" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${2} hours have not yet elapsed since the last ${3} update check" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No update check was performed at this time" "-" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Next check will be performed in approximately ${hours_left} hour(s), ${minutes_left} minute(s)" fi } # Download function function xshok_file_download() { #outputfile #url #notimestamp if [ "$downloader_debug" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "url: ${2} >> outputfile: ${1} | ${3}" fi if [ "${1}" ] && [ "${2}" ] ; then if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then if [ -f "${1}" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --time-cond "${1}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11 result=$? else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11 result=$? fi else if [ ! "${3}" ] ; then # the following is required because wget, cannot do --timestamping and --output-document together this_dir="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" output_file="$1" url="$2" output_dir="${output_file%/*}" output_file="${output_file##*/}" url_file="${url##*/}" wget_output_link="" cd "${output_dir}" || exit if [ "$output_file" != "$url_file" ] ; then if [ ! -f "$url_file" ] ; then if [ ! -f "$output_file" ] ; then touch "$output_file" fi ln -s "$output_file" "$url_file" wget_output_link="$url_file" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --timestamping "${2}" 2>&12 result=$? if [ -z "$wget_output_link" ] ; then if [ -L "$wget_output_link" ] ; then rm -f "$wget_output_link" fi fi cd "$this_dir" || exit else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --output-document="${1}" "${2}" 2>&12 result=$? fi fi return $result fi } # Handle list of database files function clamav_files() { echo "${clam_dbs}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" if [ "$keep_db_backup" == "yes" ] ; then echo "${clam_dbs}/${db}-bak" >> "${current_tmp}" fi } # Manage the databases and allow multi-dimensions as well as global overrides # Since the datbases are basically a multi-dimentional associative arrays in bash # ratings: LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH | REQUIRED | LOWONLY | MEDIUMONLY | LOWMEDIUMONLY | DISABLED function xshok_database() { # rating database_array # Assign current_rating="${1}" declare -a current_dbs=( "${@:2}" ) # Zero declare -a new_dbs=( ) if [ -n "${current_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#current_dbs} -ge 1 ] ; then for db_name in "${current_dbs[@]}" ; do # Checks if [ "$enable_yararules" == "no" ] ; then # YARA rules are disabled if [[ "$db_name" == *".yar"* ]] ; then # If it's the value you want to delete continue # Skip to the next value fi fi if [ -z "$current_rating" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) else if [[ ! "$db_name" = *"|"* ]] ; then # This old format new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) else db_name_rating="${db_name#*|}" db_name="${db_name%|*}" if [ "$db_name_rating" != "DISABLED" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "$current_rating" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) elif [ "$db_name_rating" == "REQUIRED" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) elif [ "$current_rating" == "LOW" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) fi elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) fi elif [ "$current_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ]; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) fi fi fi fi fi done fi fi echo "${new_dbs[@]}" | xargs # Remove extra whitespace } # Manage the databases to be removed and allow multi-dimensions as well as global overrides # Since the datbases are basically a multi-dimentional associative arrays in bash # ratings: LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH | REQUIRED | LOWONLY | MEDIUMONLY | LOWMEDIUMONLY | DISABLED function xshok_remove_database() { # rating database_array # Assign current_rating="${1}" declare -a current_dbs=( "${@:2}" ) # Zero declare -a new_dbs=( ) if [ ${#current_dbs} -ge 1 ] ; then for db_name in "${current_dbs[@]}" ; do db_name_rating="${db_name#*|}" db_name="${db_name%|*}" removed="no" # Checks if [ "$current_rating" == "DISABLED" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) removed="yes" elif [ "$current_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ||[ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) removed="yes" fi elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] ; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) removed="yes" fi elif [ "$current_rating" == "LOW" ] ; then if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ]; then new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) removed="yes" fi fi if [ "$removed" == "no" ] ; then # not already removed, process futher if [ "$enable_yararules" == "no" ] && [[ "$db_name" == *".yar"* ]] ; then # YARA rules are disabled AND it's the value you want to delete new_dbs+=( "$db_name" ) fi fi done fi echo "${new_dbs[@]}" | xargs # Remove extra whitespace } ################################################################################ # ADDITIONAL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ # Generates a man config and installs it function install_man() { if [ -n "$pkg_mgr" ] || [ -n "$pkg_rm" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script (clamav-unofficial-sigs) was installed on the system via ${pkg_mgr}" exit 1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Generating man file for install...." # Use defined varibles or attempt to use default varibles if [ ! -e "${man_dir}/${man_filename}" ] ; then mkdir -p "$man_dir" touch "${man_dir}/${man_filename}" 2>/dev/null fi if [ ! -w "${man_dir}/${man_filename}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: man install aborted, as file not writable: ${man_dir}/${man_filename}" else BOLD="\\fB" #REV="" NORM="\\fR" manresult="$(help_and_usage "man")" # Our template.. cat << EOF > "${man_dir}/${man_filename}" .\\" Manual page for eXtremeSHOK.com ClamAV Unofficial Signature Updater .TH clamav-unofficial-sigs 8 "${script_version_date}" "Version: ${script_version}" "SCRIPT COMMANDS" .SH NAME clamav-unofficial-sigs \\- Download, test, and install third-party ClamAV signature databases. .SH SYNOPSIS .B clamav-unofficial-sigs .RI [ options ] .SH DESCRIPTION \\fBclamav-unofficial-sigs\\fP provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, etc. It will also generate and install cron, logrotate, and man files. .SH UPDATES Script updates can be found at: \\fBhttps://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs\\fP .SH OPTIONS This script follows the standard GNU command line syntax. .LP $manresult .SH SEE ALSO .BR clamd (8), .BR clamscan (1) .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com .TP You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. .SH LICENSE BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) .SH BUGS Report bugs to \\fBhttps://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs\\fP .SH AUTHOR Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com Originially based on Script provide by Bill Landry EOF fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed: man installed, as file: ${man_dir}/${man_filename}" } # Generate a logrotate config and install it function install_logrotate() { if [ -n "$pkg_mgr" ] || [ -n "$pkg_rm" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script (clamav-unofficial-sigs) was installed on the system via ${pkg_mgr}" exit 1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Generating logrotate file for install...." # Use defined varibles or attempt to use default varibles if [ -z "$logrotate_user" ] ; then logrotate_user="${clam_user}"; fi if [ -z "$logrotate_group" ] ; then logrotate_group="${clam_group}"; fi if [ -z "$logrotate_log_file_full_path" ] ; then logrotate_log_file_full_path="${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" fi if [ ! -e "${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" ] ; then mkdir -p "$logrotate_dir" touch "${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" 2>/dev/null fi if [ ! -w "${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: logrotate install aborted, as file not writable: ${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" else # Our template.. cat << EOF > "${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" # https://eXtremeSHOK.com ###################################################### # This file contains the logrotate settings for clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh ################### # This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com # You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. # Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com ################## # # Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs # # Originially based on: # Script provide by Bill Landry (unofficialsigs@gmail.com). # # License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) # ################## # Automatically Generated: $(date) ################## # # This logrotate file will rotate the logs generated by the clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh # # To Adjust the logrotate values, edit your configs and run # bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-logrotate to generate a new file. $logrotate_log_file_full_path { weekly rotate 4 missingok notifempty compress create 0640 ${logrotate_user} ${logrotate_group} } EOF fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed: logrotate installed, as file: ${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" } # Generate a cron config and install it function install_cron() { if [ -n "$pkg_mgr" ] || [ -n "$pkg_rm" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script (clamav-unofficial-sigs) was installed on the system via {$pkg_mgr}" exit 1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Generating cron file for install...." # Use defined varibles or attempt to use default varibles if [ -z "$cron_minute" ] ; then cron_minute="$(( ( RANDOM % 59 ) + 1 ))" fi if [ -z "$cron_user" ] ; then cron_user="${clam_user}"; fi if [ -z "$cron_bash" ] ; then cron_bash="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)" fi if [ -z "$cron_script_full_path" ] ; then cron_script_full_path="$this_script_full_path" fi if [ "$cron_sudo" == "yes" ] ; then cron_sudo="sudo -u" fi if [ ! -e "${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" ] ; then mkdir -p "$cron_dir" touch "${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" 2>/dev/null fi if [ ! -w "${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: cron install aborted, as file not writable: ${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" else # Our template.. cat << EOF > "${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" # https://eXtremeSHOK.com ###################################################### # This file contains the cron settings for clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh ################### # This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com # You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. # Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com ################## # # Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs # # Originially based on: # Script provide by Bill Landry (unofficialsigs@gmail.com). # # License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) # ################## # Automatically Generated: $(date) ################## # # This cron file will execute the clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh script that # currently supports updating third-party signature databases provided # by Sanesecurity, SecuriteInfo, MalwarePatrol, OITC, etc. # # The script is set to run hourly, at a random minute past the hour, and the # script itself is set to randomize the actual execution time between # 60 - 600 seconds. To Adjust the cron values, edit your configs and run # bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-cron to generate a new file. # Uncomment to enable emails to the root user #MAILTO=root $cron_minute * * * * ${cron_sudo} ${cron_user} [ -x ${cron_script_full_path} ] && ${cron_bash} ${cron_script_full_path} # https://eXtremeSHOK.com ###################################################### EOF fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed: cron installed, as file: ${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" } # Auto upgrade the master.conf and the function xshok_upgrade() { if [ "$allow_upgrades" == "no" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: --upgrade has been disabled, allow_upgrades=no" exit 1 fi if ! xshok_is_root ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Only root can run the upgrade" exit 1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updates ..." found_upgrade="no" if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" fi # config_dir/master.conf if [ "$latest_config_version" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086 if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then found_upgrade="yes" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading config from v${config_version} to v${latest_config_version}" if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" "notimestamp" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" exit 1 fi if ! $grep_bin -m 1 "config_version" "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "ERROR: Downloaded master.conf is incomplete, please re-run" exit 1 fi # Copy over permissions from old version OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${config_dir}/master.conf" 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$OCTAL_MODE" ]; then OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -f '%p' "${config_dir}/master.conf")" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Running update process" if ! mv -f "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: failed moving ${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp to ${config_dir}/master.conf" exit 1 fi if ! chmod "$OCTAL_MODE" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${config_dir}/master.conf" exit 1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$latest_version" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086 if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then found_upgrade="yes" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading script from v${script_version} to v${latest_version}" if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" "notimestamp" ret=$? if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" exit 1 fi # Detect to make sure the entire script is avilable, fail if the script is missing contents if [ "$(tail -n 1 "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-7)" != "exit \$?" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Downloaded clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh is incomplete, please re-run" exit 1 fi # Copy over permissions from old version OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${this_script_full_path}" 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$OCTAL_MODE" ]; then OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -f '%p' "${this_script_full_path}")" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Inserting update process..." # Generate the update script cat > "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh" << EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Running update process" # Overwrite old file with new if ! mv -f "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" "${this_script_full_path}" ; then echo "ERROR: failed moving ${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp to ${this_script_full_path}" rm -f \$0 exit 1 fi if ! chmod "$OCTAL_MODE" "${this_script_full_path}" ; then echo "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${this_script_full_path}" rm -f \$0 exit 1 fi echo "Completed" # echo "---------------------" # echo "Optional, run as root: " # echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-all" echo "---------------------" echo "Run once as root: " echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force" #remove the tmp script before exit rm -f \$0 EOF # Replaced with $0, so code will update and then call itself with the same parameters it had #exec "${0}" "$@" bash_bin="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)" exec "$bash_bin" "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh" echo "Running once as root" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$found_upgrade" == "no" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updates available" fi } # Decode a third-party signature either by signature name function decode_third_party_signature_by_signature_name() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a third-party signature name to decode (e.g: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "a hexadecimal encoded data string and press enter:" read -r input # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the whitelist input string input="$(echo "${input}" | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '`')" input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/} if echo "${input}" | $grep_bin "\\." > /dev/null ; then cd "$clam_dbs" || exit sig="$($grep_bin "${input}:" ./*.ndb)" if [ -n "$sig" ] ; then db_file="${sig%:*}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${input} found in: ${db_file}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${input} signature decodes to:" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "$sig" | cut -d ":" -f 5 | perl -pe 's/([a-fA-F0-9]{2})|(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\))/defined $2 ? $2 : chr(hex $1)/eg' else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature ${input} could not be found." xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script will only decode ClamAV 'UNOFFICIAL' third-Party," xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "non-image based, signatures as found in the *.ndb databases." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Here is the decoded hexadecimal input string:" echo "${input}" | perl -pe 's/([a-fA-F0-9]{2})|(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\))/defined $2 ? $2 : chr(hex $1)/eg' fi } # Hexadecimal encode an entire input string function hexadecimal_encode_entire_input_string() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input the data string that you want to hexadecimal encode and then press enter. Do not include" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "any quotes around the string unless you want them included in the hexadecimal encoded output:" read -r input xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Here is the hexadecimal encoded input string:" echo "${input}" | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' } # Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string function hexadecimal_encode_formatted_input_string() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a formated data string containing spacing fields '{}, (), *' that you want to hexadecimal" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "encode, without encoding the spacing fields, and then press enter. Do not include any quotes" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "around the string unless you want them included in the hexadecimal encoded output:" read -r input xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Here is the hexadecimal encoded input string:" echo "${input}" | perl -pe 's/(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\)|\*)|(.)/defined $1 ? $1 : sprintf("%02lx", ord $2)/eg' } # GPG verify a specific Sanesecurity database file function gpg_verify_specific_sanesecurity_database_file() { # databasefile xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" if [ "$enable_gpg" == "no" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "GnuPG / signature verification disabled" "-" else if [ "${1}" ] ; then db_file="$(echo "${1}" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')" if [ -r "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "GPG signature testing database file: ${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" if [ -r "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" ] ; then if ! "$gpg_bin" -q --trust-model always --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --verify "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ; then if "$gpg_bin" -q --always-trust --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --verify "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi else exit 0 fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature ${db_file}.sig cannot be found." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "File ${db_file} cannot be found or is not a Sanesecurity database file." xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Only the following Sanesecurity and OITC databases can be GPG signature tested:" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi exit 1 fi } # Output system and configuration information function output_system_configuration_information() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** SCRIPT INFORMATION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${this_script_name} ${script_version} (${script_version_date})" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Master.conf Version: ${config_version}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Minimum required config: ${minimum_required_config_version}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** SYSTEM INFORMATION ***" $uname_bin -a xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** CLAMSCAN LOCATION & VERSION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${clamscan_bin}" $clamscan_bin --version | head -1 xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** RSYNC LOCATION & VERSION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${rsync_bin}" $rsync_bin --version | head -1 if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** CURL LOCATION & VERSION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${curl_bin}" $curl_bin --version | head -1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** WGET LOCATION & VERSION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${wget_bin}" $wget_bin --version | head -1 fi if [ "$enable_gpg" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** GPG LOCATION & VERSION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${gpg_bin}" $gpg_bin --version | head -1 fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** DIRECTORY INFORMATION ***" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Working Directory: ${work_dir}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clam Database Directory: ${clam_dbs}" if [ "$custom_config" != "no" ] ; then if [ -d "$custom_config" ] ; then # Assign the custom config dir and remove trailing / (removes / and //) xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Custom Configuration Directory: ${custom_config}" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Custom Configuration File: ${custom_config}" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Configuration Directory: ${config_dir}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" } # Make a signature database from an ascii file function make_signature_database_from_ascii_file() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" echo " The '-m' script flag provides a way to create a ClamAV hexadecimal signature database (*.ndb) file from a list of data strings stored in a clear-text ascii file, with one data string entry per line. - Hexadecimal encoding can be either 'full' or 'formatted' on a per line basis: Full line encoding should be used if there are no formatted spacing entries [{}, (), *] included on the line. Prefix unformatted lines with: '-:' (no quote marks). Example: -:This signature contains no formatted spacing fields Encodes to: 54686973207369676e617475726520636f6e7461696e73206e6f20666f726d61747465642073706163696e67206669656c6473 Formatted line encoding should be used if there are user added spacing entries [{}, (), *] included on the line. Prefix formatted lines with '=:' (no quote marks). Example: =:This signature{-10}contains several(25|26|27)formatted spacing*fields Encodes to: 54686973207369676e6174757265{-10}636f6e7461696e73207365766572616c(25|26|27)666f726d61747465642073706163696e67*6669656c6473 Use 'full' encoding if you want to encode everything on the line [including {}, (), *] and 'formatted' encoding if you want to encode everything on the line except the formatted character spacing fields. The prefixes ('-:' and '=:') will be stripped from the line before hexadecimal encoding is done. If no prefix is found at the beginning of the line, full line encoding will be done (default). - It is assumed that the signatures will be created for email scanning purposes, thus the '4' target type is used and full file scanning is enabled (see ClamAV signatures.pdf for details). - Line numbering will be done automatically by the script. " | command "$sed_bin" 's/^ //g' echo -n "Do you wish to continue? " if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then echo -n "Enter the source file as /path/filename: " read -r source if [ -r "$source" ] ; then source_file="$(basename "$source")" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "What signature prefix would you like to use? For example: 'Phish.Domains'" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "will create signatures that looks like: 'Phish.Domains.1:4:*:HexSigHere'" echo -n "Enter signature prefix: " read -r prefix path_file="$(echo "$source" | cut -d "." -f -1 | command "$sed_bin" 's/$/.ndb/')" db_file="$(basename "$path_file")" rm -f "$path_file" total="$(wc -l "$source" | cut -d " " -f 1)" line_num="1" while read -r line ; do line_prefix="$(echo "$line" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')" if [ "$line_prefix" == "-" ] ; then echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file" elif [ "$line_prefix" == "=" ] ; then echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\)|\*)|(.)/defined $1 ? $1 : sprintf("%02lx", ord $2)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file" else echo "$line" | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Hexadecimal encoding ${source_file} line: ${line_num} of ${total}" line_num="$((line_num + 1))" done < "$source" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Source file not found, exiting..." exit fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature database file created at: ${path_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "$path_file" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports database integrity tested good." echo -n "Would you like to move '${db_file}' into '${clam_dbs}' and reload databases?" if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then if ! cmp -s "$path_file" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then if $rsync_bin -pcqt "$path_file" "$clam_dbs" ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" perms chmod -f 0644 "$clam_dbs"/"$db_file" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi $clamd_restart_opt xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature database '${db_file}' was successfully implemented and ClamD databases reloading." else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to add/update '${db_file}', ClamD database not reloading." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Database '${db_file}' has not changed - skipping" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No action taken." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports that '${db_file}' signature database integrity tested bad." fi fi } # Remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script function remove_script() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" if [ -n "$pkg_mgr" ] || [ -n "$pkg_rm" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script (clamav-unofficial-sigs) was installed on the system via '${pkg_mgr}'" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "use '${pkg_rm}' to remove the script and all of its associated files and databases from the system." else cron_file_full_path="${cron_dir}/${cron_filename}" logrotate_file_full_path="${logrotate_dir}/${logrotate_filename}" man_file_full_path="${man_dir}/${man_filename}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This will remove the workdir (${work_dir}), logrotate file (${logrotate_file_full_path}), cron file (${cron_file_full_path}), man file (${man_file_full_path})" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Are you sure you want to remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of its associated files, third-party databases, and work directory from the system?" if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This can not be undone are you sure ?" if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/purge.txt" ] ; then while read -r file ; do xshok_is_file "$file" && rm -f -- "$file" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Removed file: ${file}" done < "${work_dir_work_configs}/purge.txt" if [ -r "$cron_file_full_path" ] ; then xshok_is_file "$cron_file_full_path" && rm -f "$cron_file_full_path" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Removed file: ${cron_file_full_path}" fi if [ -r "$logrotate_file_full_path" ] ; then xshok_is_file "$logrotate_file_full_path" && rm -f "$logrotate_file_full_path" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Removed file: ${logrotate_file_full_path}" fi if [ -r "$man_file_full_path" ] ; then xshok_is_file "$man_file_full_path" && rm -f "$man_file_full_path" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Removed file: ${man_file_full_path}" fi # Rather keep the configs #rm -f -- "$default_config" && echo " Removed file: $default_config" #rm -f -- "${0}" && echo " Removed file: $0" xshok_is_subdir "$work_dir" && rm -rf -- "${work_dir:?}" && echo " Removed script working directories: ${work_dir}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " The clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of its associated files, third-party" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " databases, and work directories have been successfully removed from the system." else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Cannot locate 'purge.txt' file in ${work_dir_work_configs}." xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Files and signature database will need to be removed manually." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Aborted" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Aborted" fi fi } # Clamscan integrity test a specific database file function clamscan_integrity_test_specific_database_file() { # databasefile xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" if [ "${1}" ] ; then input="$(echo "${1}" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')" db_file="$(find "$work_dir" -name "$input")" if [ -r "$db_file" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan integrity testing: ${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "$db_file" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports that '${input}' database integrity tested GOOD" exit 0 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports that '${input}' database integrity tested BAD" exit 1 fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "File '${input}' cannot be found." xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Here is a list of third-party databases that can be clamscan integrity tested:" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Sanesecurity ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_sanesecurity" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== SecuriteInfo ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_securiteinfo" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== MalwarePatrol ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_malwarepatrol" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Linux Malware Detect ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== interServer Detect ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_interserver" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Malware Expert Detect ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_malwareexpert" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Linux Malware Detect ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_yararulesproject" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== User Defined Databases ===" ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_add" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Check the file name and try again..." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option" exit 1 fi } # Output names of any third-party signatures that triggered during the HAM directory scan function output_signatures_triggered_during_ham_directory_scan() { xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" if [ -n "$ham_dir" ] ; then if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "The following third-party signatures triggered hits during the HAM Directory scan:" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "$work_dir"/*/*.ndb | cut -d ":" -f 1 $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "$work_dir"/*/*.db | cut -d "=" -f 1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No third-party signatures have triggered hits during the HAM Directory scan." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Ham directory scanning is not currently enabled in the script's configuration file." fi } # Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2 format function add_signature_whitelist_entry() { #signature xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature Whitelist" "=" if [ -n "$1" ] ; then input="$1" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a third-party signature name that you wish to whitelist and press enter" read -r input fi if [ -n "$input" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Processing: ${input}" cd "$clam_dbs" || exit # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the string input="$(echo "${input}" | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '`"')" input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/} yaratest="$(echo "$input" | cut -d "." -f 1)" shopt -s nocasematch if [ "$yaratest" == "YARA" ] ; then echo "YARA signature detected" sig_full="$input" sig_extension="" sig_name="$input" else sig_full="$($grep_bin -H -m 1 "$input" ./*.*db)" sig_extension=${sig_full%%\:*} sig_extension=${sig_extension##*\.} shopt -s nocasematch if [ "$sig_extension" == "hdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hdu " ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msu" ] ; then # Hash-based Signature Database position="4" else position="2" fi sig_name="$(echo "$sig_full" | cut -d ":" -f $position | cut -d "=" -f 1)" fi if [ -n "$sig_name" ] ; then if ! $grep_bin -m 1 "$sig_name" my-whitelist.ign2 > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then cp -f -p my-whitelist.ign2 "$work_dir_work_configs" 2>/dev/null echo "$sig_name" >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" shopt -s nocasematch if [ "$yaratest" != "YARA" ] ; then echo "$sig_full" >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" fi if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ; then if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" "$clam_dbs" ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" my-whitelist.ign2 if [ ! -s "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" ] ; then # Create "monitor-ign.txt" file for clamscan database integrity testing. echo "This is the monitor ignore file..." > "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" fi perms chmod -f 0644 my-whitelist.ign2 "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" fi do_clamd_reload="4" clamscan_reload_dbs xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature '${input}' has been added to my-whitelist.ign2 and all databases have been reloaded." if [ "$yaratest" != "YARA" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "The script will track any changes to the offending signature and will automatically remove it, " xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "if the signature is modified or removed from the third-party database." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update my-whitelist.ign2 file - SKIPPING." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports my-whitelist.ign2 database integrity is bad - SKIPPING." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature '${input}' already exists in my-whitelist.ign2 - no action taken." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature '${input}' could not be found." xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "This script will only create a whitelise entry in my-whitelist.ign2 for ClamAV" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "'UNOFFICIAL' third-Party signatures as found in the *.ndb *.hdb *.db databases." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No input detected - no action taken." fi } # Clamscan reload database function clamscan_reload_dbs() { # Reload all clamd databases if updates detected and $reload_dbs" is set to "yes" if [ "$reload_dbs" == "yes" ] ; then if [ "$do_clamd_reload" != "0" ] ; then if [ "$do_clamd_reload" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Update(s) detected, reloading ClamAV databases" "=" elif [ "$do_clamd_reload" == "2" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Database removal(s) detected, reloading ClamAV databases" "=" elif [ "$do_clamd_reload" == "3" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "File 'local.ign' has changed, reloading ClamAV databases" "=" elif [ "$do_clamd_reload" == "4" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "File 'my-whitelist.ign2' has changed, reloading ClamAV databases" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Update(s) detected, reloading ClamAV databases" "=" fi if [[ "$($clamd_reload_opt 2>&1)" = *"ERROR"* ]] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Failed to reload, trying again" if [ -r "$clamd_pid" ] ; then mypid="$(cat "$clamd_pid")" if kill -USR2 "$mypid" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV databases reloading" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Failed to reload, forcing clamd to restart" if [ -z "$clamd_restart_opt" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Check the script's configuration file, 'reload_dbs' enabled but no 'clamd_restart_opt'" else if $clamd_restart_opt > /dev/null ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV Restarted" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV NOT Restarted" "-" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Failed to reload, forcing clamd to restart" if [ -z "$clamd_restart_opt" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Check the script's configuration file, 'reload_dbs' enabled but no 'clamd_restart_opt'" else if $clamd_restart_opt > /dev/null ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV Restarted" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV NOT Restarted" "-" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamAV databases reloading" "=" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updates detected, ClamAV databases were not reloaded" "=" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Database reload has been disabled in the configuration file" "=" fi } # If ClamD status check is enabled ("clamd_socket" variable is uncommented # and the socket path is correctly specified in "User Edit" section above), # then test to see if clamd is running or not. function check_clamav() { if [ -n "$clamd_socket" ] ; then if [ -S "$clamd_socket" ] ; then if [ "$(perl -e 'use IO::Socket::UNIX; print $IO::Socket::UNIX::VERSION,"\n"' 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then io_socket1="1" if [ "$(perl -MIO::Socket::UNIX -we '$s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(shift); $s->print("PING"); print $s->getline; $s->close' "$clamd_socket" 2>/dev/null)" == "PONG" ] ; then io_socket2="1" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamD is running" "=" fi else socat="$(command -v socat 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "$socat" ] && [ -x "$socat" ] ; then socket_cat1="1" if [ "$( (echo "PING"; sleep 1;) | socat - "$clamd_socket" 2>/dev/null)" == "PONG" ] ; then socket_cat2="1" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamD is running" "=" fi fi fi if [ -z "$io_socket1" ] && [ -z "$socket_cat1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: socat or perl module 'IO::Socket::UNIX' not found, cannot test if ClamD is running" else if [ -z "$io_socket2" ] && [ -z "$socket_cat2" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: CLAMD IS NOT RUNNING!" if [ -n "$clamd_restart_opt" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Attempting to start ClamD..." "-" if [ -n "$io_socket1" ] ; then $clamd_restart_opt > /dev/null && sleep 5 if [ "$(perl -MIO::Socket::UNIX -we '$s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(shift); $s->print("PING"); print $s->getline; $s->close' "$clamd_socket" 2>/dev/null)" = "PONG" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamD was successfully started" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: CLAMD FAILED TO START" exit 1 fi else if [ -n "$socket_cat1" ] ; then $clamd_restart_opt > /dev/null && sleep 5 if [ "$( (echo "PING"; sleep 1;) | socat - "$clamd_socket" 2>/dev/null)" == "PONG" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ClamD was successfully started" "=" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: CLAMD FAILED TO START" exit 1 fi fi fi fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${clamd_socket} is not a usable socket" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: clamd_socket is not defined in the configuration file" fi } # Check for a new version function check_new_version() { found_upgrade="no" if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)" fi if [ "$latest_version" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086 if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: New version : v${latest_version} @ https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs" found_upgrade="yes" fi fi if [ "$latest_config_version" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086 if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: New config version : v${latest_config_version} @ https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs" found_upgrade="yes" fi fi if [ "$found_upgrade" == "yes" ] && [ "$allow_upgrades" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Quickly upgrade, run the following command as root:" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${this_script_name} --upgrade" fi } # Display help and usage # Usage: # help_and_usage "1" - enables the man output formatting # help_and_usage - normal help output formatting function help_and_usage() { if [ "${1}" ] ; then # option_format_start ofs="\\fB" # option_format_end ofe="\\fR" # option_format_blankline ofb=".TP" # option_format_tab_line oft=" " else # option_format_start ofs="${BOLD}" # option_format_end ofe="${NORM}\\t" # option_format_blankline ofb="\\n" # option_format_tab_line oft="\\n\\t" fi helpcontents="$(cat << EOF ${ofs} Usage: $(basename "$0") ${ofe} [OPTION] [PATH|FILE] ${ofb} ${ofs} -c, --config ${ofe} Use a specific configuration file or directory ${oft} eg: '-c /your/dir' or ' -c /your/file.name' ${oft} Note: If a directory is specified the directory must contain atleast: ${oft} master.conf, os.conf or user.conf ${oft} Default Directory: ${config_dir} ${ofb} ${ofs} -F, --force ${ofe} Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked ${ofb} ${ofs} -h, --help ${ofe} Display this script's help and usage information ${ofb} ${ofs} -V, --version ${ofe} Output script version and date information ${ofb} ${ofs} -v, --verbose ${ofe} Be verbose, enabled when not run under cron ${ofb} ${ofs} -s, --silence ${ofe} Only output error messages, enabled when run under cron ${ofb} ${ofs} -d, --decode-sig ${ofe} Decode a third-party signature either by signature name ${oft} (eg: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or hexadecimal string. ${oft} This flag will 'NOT' decode image signatures ${ofb} ${ofs} -e, --encode-string ${ofe} Hexadecimal encode an entire input string that can ${oft} be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file ${ofb} ${ofs} -f, --encode-formatted ${ofe} Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string containing ${oft} signature spacing fields '{}, (), *', without encoding ${oft} the spacing fields, so that the encoded signature ${oft} can be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file ${ofb} ${ofs} -g, --gpg-verify ${ofe} GPG verify a specific Sanesecurity database file ${oft} eg: '-g filename.ext' (do not include file path) ${ofb} ${ofs} -i, --information ${ofe} Output system and configuration information for ${oft} viewing or possible debugging purposes ${ofb} ${ofs} -m, --make-database ${ofe} Make a signature database from an ascii file containing ${oft} data strings, with one data string per line. Additional ${oft} information is provided when using this flag ${ofb} ${ofs} -t, --test-database ${ofe} Clamscan integrity test a specific database file ${oft} eg: '-t filename.ext' (do not include file path) ${ofb} ${ofs} -o, --output-triggered ${ofe} If HAM directory scanning is enabled in the script's ${oft} configuration file, then output names of any third-party ${oft} signatures that triggered during the HAM directory scan ${ofb} ${ofs} -w, --whitelist ${ofe} Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2 ${oft} format to 'my-whitelist.ign2' in order to temporarily resolve ${oft} a false-positive issue with a specific third-party signature. ${oft} Script added whitelist entries will automatically be removed ${oft} if the original signature is either modified or removed from ${oft} the third-party signature database ${ofb} ${ofs} --check-clamav ${ofe} If ClamD status check is enabled and the socket path is correctly ${oft} specifiedthen test to see if clamd is running or not ${ofb} ${ofs} --upgrade ${ofe} Upgrades this script and master.conf to the latest available version ${ofb} ${ofs} --install-all ${ofe} Install and generate the cron, logroate and man files, autodetects the values ${oft} based on your config files ${ofb} ${ofs} --install-cron ${ofe} Install and generate the cron file, autodetects the values ${oft} based on your config files ${ofb} ${ofs} --install-logrotate ${ofe} Install and generate the logrotate file, autodetects the ${oft} values based on your config files ${ofb} ${ofs} --install-man ${ofe} Install and generate the man file, autodetects the ${oft} values based on your config files ${ofb} ${ofs} --remove-script ${ofe} Remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of ${oft} its associated files and databases from the system ${ofb} EOF )" # This is very important if [ "${1}" ] ; then echo "${helpcontents//-/\\-}" else echo -e "$helpcontents" fi } ################################################################################ # MAIN PROGRAM ################################################################################ # Script Info script_version="7.2.5" script_version_date="2021-03-20" minimum_required_config_version="96" minimum_yara_clamav_version="0.100" # Discover script: name, full_path and path this_script_full_path="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" # follow the symlinks while [ -h "$this_script_full_path" ]; do this_script_path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$this_script_full_path" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" this_script_full_path="$(readlink "$this_script_full_path")" # if relative symlink, then resolve the path if [[ $this_script_full_path != /* ]] ; then this_script_full_path="$this_script_path/$this_script_full_path" fi done this_script_path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$this_script_full_path" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" this_script_name="$(basename "$this_script_full_path")" if [ -z "$this_script_full_path" ] || [ -z "$this_script_path" ] || [ -z "$this_script_name" ] ; then echo "ERROR: could not determin script name and fullpath" exit 1 fi #allow for other negatives besides no. #disabled_values_array=("0 no No NO false False FALSE off Off OFF disable Disable DISABLE disabled Disabled DISABLED") # if [[ " ${disabled_values_array[@]} " =~ " ${value} " ]]; then # # whatever you want to do when arr contains value # fi # # if [[ ! " ${disabled_values_array[@]} " =~ " ${value} " ]]; then # # whatever you want to do when arr doesn't contain value # fi # Initialise config_version="0" do_clamd_reload="0" comment_silence="no" force_verbose="no" logging_enabled="no" force_updates="no" force_wget="no" enable_log="no" custom_config="no" we_have_a_config="0" # Attempt to scan for a valid config dir if [ -f "/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf" ] ; then config_dir="/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs" elif [ -f "/usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf" ] ; then config_dir="/usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/" elif [ -f "/opt/zimbra/conf/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf" ] ; then config_dir="/opt/zimbra/conf/clamav-unofficial-sigs/" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: config_dir (/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf) could not be found" exit 1 fi # Default config files if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not readable" exit 1 fi if [ -r "${config_dir}/os.conf" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_dir}/os.conf" ) else #find the a suitable os.*.conf file os_config_number=$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | wc -l) if [ "$os_config_number" == "0" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: no os.conf or os.*.conf found" elif [ "$os_config_number" == "1" ] ; then config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | head -n1)" if [ -r "${config_file}" ]; then config_files+=( "${config_file}" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_file} is not readable" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Too many os.*.conf configs found" fi fi if [ -r "${config_dir}/user.conf" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf is not readable" fi # Solaris command -v function returns garbage when the program is not found k # only define the new command -v function if running under Solaris if [ "$(uname -s)" == "SunOS" ] ; then function which() { # Use the switch -p to ignore ksh internal commands ksh whence -p "$@" } fi # sed_bin, this is required to be known upfront, due to how the configs are read. if [ -z "$sed_bin" ] ; then # Detect support for sed or gsed if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "FreeBSD" ] ; then sed_bin="$(command -v gsed 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$sed_bin" ]; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: gsed (gnu sed) is missing" exit 1 fi else sed_bin="$(command -v sed 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$sed_bin" ]; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: sed is missing" exit 1 fi fi elif [[ "$sed_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$sed_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: sed (${sed_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # grep_bin, this is required to be known upfront, due to how the configs are read. if [ -z "$grep_bin" ] ; then # Detect support for grep or gnugrep if [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep ] ; then grep_bin="/usr/gnu/bin/grep" else grep_bin="$(command -v grep 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$grep_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: grep binary (grep_bin) not found" exit 1 fi fi elif [[ "$grep_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$grep_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: grep (${grep_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # Detect if terminal if [ -t 1 ] ; then # Set fonts # Usage: echo "${BOLD}-a${NORM}" BOLD="$(tput bold)" #REV=$(tput smso) NORM="$(tput sgr0)" # Verbose force_verbose="yes" else # Null fonts BOLD="" #REV="" NORM="" # Silence force_verbose="no" fi # Generic command line options while true ; do case "${1}" in -c|--config) xshok_check_s2 "${2}"; custom_config="${2}"; shift 2; break ;; -F|--force) force_updates="yes"; shift 1; break ;; -v|--verbose) force_verbose="yes"; shift 1; break ;; -s|--silence) force_verbose="no"; shift 1; break ;; *) break ;; esac done # Set the verbosity if [ "$force_verbose" == "yes" ] ; then # Verbose downloader_silence="no" rsync_silence="no" gpg_silence="no" comment_silence="no" else # Silence downloader_silence="yes" rsync_silence="yes" gpg_silence="yes" comment_silence="yes" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" "#" "80" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " eXtremeSHOK.com ClamAV Unofficial Signature Updater" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Version: v${script_version} (${script_version_date})" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Required Configuration Version: v${minimum_required_config_version}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log " Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" "#" "80" # Generic command line options while true ; do case "${1}" in -h|--help) help_and_usage; exit ;; -V|--version) exit ;; *) break ;; esac done # CONFIG LOADING AND ERROR CHECKING ############################################## if [ "$custom_config" != "no" ] ; then if [ -d "$custom_config" ] ; then # Assign the custom config dir and remove trailing / (removes / and //) shopt -s extglob; config_dir="${custom_config%%+(/)}" config_files=() if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/master.conf not found" fi #find the a suitable os.conf or os.*.conf file config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.conf" -o -iname "os.*.conf" | tail -n1)" if [ -r "${config_file}" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_file}" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/os.conf not found" fi if [ -r "${config_dir}/user.conf" ] ; then config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" ) else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf not found" fi else config_files=( "$custom_config" ) fi fi for config_file in "${config_files[@]}" ; do if [ -r "$config_file" ] ; then # Exists and readable we_have_a_config="1" # Config stripping xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Loading config: ${config_file}" if [ "$(uname -s)" == "SunOS" ] ; then # Solaris FIXES only, i had issues with running with a single command.. clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated) clean_config=${clean_config//\#*/} # Comment line (duplicated) # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | xargs)" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines elif [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "FreeBSD" ] ; then # macOS / OSX / BSD fixes, had issues with running with a single command and with SunOS work around.. # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated) # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | xargs)" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines else # Delete lines beginning with # # Delete from " #" to end of the line # Delete from "# " to end of the line # Delete both trailing and leading whitespace # Delete all trailing whitespace # Delete all empty lines clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' -e 's/[[:space:]]#.*//' -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//' -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "$config_file")" fi #fix eval of | clean_config="${clean_config//|/\\|}" # Config error checking # Check "" are an even number config_check="${clean_config//[^\"]}" if [ "$(( ${#config_check} % 2 ))" -eq 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Your configuration has errors, every \" requires a closing \"" exit 1 fi # Check there is an = for every set of "" optional whitespace \s* between = and " config_check_vars="$(echo "$clean_config" | $grep_bin -c '=[[:space:]]*\"' )" if [ $(( ${#config_check} / 2 )) -ne "$config_check_vars" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Your configuration has errors, every = requires a pair of \"\"" exit 1 fi # backslash pipe #clean_config="${clean_config//|/\|}" # Config loading for i in "${clean_config[@]}" ; do eval "$(echo "${i}" | command "$sed_bin" -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 2> /dev/null)" done fi done # Assign the log_file_path earlier and remove trailing / (removes / and //) shopt -s extglob; log_file_path="${log_file_path%%+(/)}" # Only start logging once all the configs have been loaded if [ "$logging_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then enable_log="yes" fi # Make sure we have a readable config file if [ "$we_have_a_config" == "0" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Config file/s could NOT be read/loaded" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Note: Possible fix would be to checkl the config dir ${config_dir} exists and contains config files" exit 1 fi # Prevent some issues with an incomplete or only a user.conf being loaded if [ "$config_version" == "0" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Config file/s are missing important contents" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Note: Possible fix would be to point the script to the dir with the configs" exit 1 fi # Config version validation if [ "$config_version" -lt "$minimum_required_config_version" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Your config version ${config_version} is not compatible with the min required version ${minimum_required_config_version}" exit 1 fi # Check to see if the script's "USER CONFIGURATION FILE" has been completed. if [ "$user_configuration_complete" != "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: SCRIPT CONFIGURATION HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Please review the script configuration files" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "and uncomment the following line in user.conf" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "#user_configuration_complete=\"yes\"" exit 1 fi # Assign the directories and remove trailing / (removes / and //) shopt -s extglob; work_dir="${work_dir%%+(/)}" # Allow overriding of all the individual workdirs, this is mainly to aid package maintainers if [ -z "$work_dir_sanesecurity" ] ; then work_dir_sanesecurity="$(echo "${work_dir}/${sanesecurity_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_sanesecurity="${work_dir_sanesecurity%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_securiteinfo" ] ; then work_dir_securiteinfo="$(echo "${work_dir}/${securiteinfo_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_securiteinfo="${work_dir_securiteinfo%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect" ] ; then work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect="$(echo "${work_dir}/${linuxmalwaredetect_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwarepatrol="${work_dir_malwarepatrol%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_interserver" ] ; then work_dir_interserver="$(echo "${work_dir}/${interserver_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_interserver="${work_dir_interserver%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_malwareexpert" ] ; then work_dir_malwareexpert="$(echo "${work_dir}/${malwareexpert_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwareexpert="${work_dir_malwareexpert%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_malwarepatrol" ] ; then work_dir_malwarepatrol="$(echo "${work_dir}/${malwarepatrol_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwarepatrol="${work_dir_malwarepatrol%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_urlhaust" ] ; then work_dir_urlhaus="$(echo "${work_dir}/${urlhaus_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_urlhaus="${work_dir_urlhaus%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_yararulesproject" ] ; then work_dir_yararulesproject="$(echo "${work_dir}/${yararulesproject_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_yararulesproject="${work_dir_yararulesproject%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_add" ] ; then work_dir_add="$(echo "${work_dir}/${add_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_add="${work_dir_add%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_work_configs" ] ; then work_dir_work_configs="$(echo "${work_dir}/${work_dir_configs}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_work_configs="${work_dir_work_configs%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "${work_dir_gpg}" ] ; then work_dir_gpg="$(echo "${work_dir}/${gpg_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_gpg="${work_dir_gpg%%+(/)}" fi if [ -z "$work_dir_pid" ] ; then work_dir_pid="$(echo "${work_dir}/${pid_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')" else shopt -s extglob; work_dir_pid="${work_dir_pid%%+(/)}" fi # Assign defaults if not defined if [ -z "$cron_dir" ] ; then cron_dir="/etc/cron.d" fi shopt -s extglob; cron_dir="${cron_dir%%+(/)}" if [ -z "$cron_filename" ] ; then cron_filename="clamav-unofficial-sigs" fi if [ -z "$logrotate_dir" ] ; then logrotate_dir="/etc/logrotate.d" fi shopt -s extglob; logrotate_dir="${logrotate_dir%%+(/)}" if [ -z "$logrotate_filename" ] ; then logrotate_filename="clamav-unofficial-sigs" fi if [ -z "$man_dir" ] ; then man_dir="/usr/share/man/man8" fi shopt -s extglob; man_dir="${man_dir%%+(/)}" if [ -z "$man_filename" ] ; then man_filename="clamav-unofficial-sigs.8" fi if [ -z "$man_log_file_full_path" ] ; then man_log_file_full_path="${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" fi # dont assign , but remove trailing / shopt -s extglob; clam_dbs="${clam_dbs%%+(/)}" ##################################################################################################### # Assign and Check Binaries/Commands # clamscan_bin if [ -z "$clamscan_bin" ] && [ "${1}" != "--remove-script" ] ; then clamscan_bin="$(command -v clamscan 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$clamscan_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clamscan binary (clamscan_bin) not found" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$clamscan_bin" =~ "/" ]] && [ "${1}" != "--remove-script" ] ; then if [ ! -x "$clamscan_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clamscan_bin (${clamscan_bin})is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # uname_bin if [ -z "$uname_bin" ] ; then uname_bin="$(command -v uname 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$uname_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: uname binary (uname_bin) not found" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$uname_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$uname_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: uname_bin (${uname_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # rsync_bin if [ -z "$rsync_bin" ] ; then rsync_bin="$(command -v rsync 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$rsync_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: rsync binary (rsync_bin) not found" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$rsync_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$rsync_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: rsync_bin (${rsync_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # tar_bin if [ -z "$tar_bin" ] ; then tar_bin="$(command -v tar 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$tar_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: tar binary (tar_bin) not found" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$tar_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$tar_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: tar_bin (${tar_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi # gpg_bin if [ "$enable_gpg" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -z "$gpg_bin" ] ; then if [ -x "/opt/csw/bin/gpg" ] ; then gpg_bin="/opt/csw/bin/gpg" else gpg_bin="$(command -v gpg 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$gpg_bin" ] ; then enable_gpg="no" fi fi elif [[ "$gpg_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$gpg_bin" ] ; then enable_gpg="no" fi fi fi # curl_bin if [ -z "$curl_bin" ] ; then curl_bin="$(command -v curl 2> /dev/null)" elif [[ "$curl_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$curl_bin" ] ; then curl_bin="" fi fi # wget_bin if [ -z "$curl_bin" ] || [ "$force_wget" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -z "$wget_bin" ] ; then if [ -x /usr/sfw/bin/wget ] ; then wget_bin="/usr/sfw/bin/wget" else wget_bin="$(command -v wget 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$wget_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: both wget (wget_bin) and curl (curl_bin) commands are missing, One of them is required" exit 1 fi fi elif [[ "$wget_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$wget_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: wget_bin (${wget_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi if [ -n "$wget_bin" ] ; then # wget compression support if $wget_bin --help 2> /dev/null | $grep_bin -q "compression=TYPE" 2> /dev/null ; then wget_compression="--compression=auto" else wget_compression="" fi fi else wget_bin="" wget_compression="" force_wget="no" fi # dig_bin if [ -z "$dig_bin" ] ; then dig_bin="$(command -v dig 2> /dev/null)" elif [[ "$dig_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$dig_bin" ] ; then dig_bin="" fi fi # host_bin if [ -z "$dig_bin" ] || [ "$force_host" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -z "$host_bin" ] ; then host_bin="$(command -v host 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "$host_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: both host (host_bin) and dig (dig_bin) commands are missing, One of them is required" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$host_bin" =~ "/" ]] ; then if [ ! -x "$host_bin" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: host_bin (${host_bin}) is not executable" exit 1 fi fi else host_bin="" force_host="no" fi ##################################################################################################### # SANITY checks # Check default Binaries & Commands are defined if [ "$reload_dbs" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -z "$clamd_reload_opt" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing clamd_reload_opt" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$enable_gpg" != "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "NOTICE: GnuPG / signature verification disabled" fi # Check default directories are defined if [ -z "$work_dir" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: working directory (work_dir) not defined" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$clam_dbs" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clam database directory (clam_dbs) not defined" exit 1 fi # Check default directories are writable if [ -e "$work_dir" ] ; then if [ ! -w "$work_dir" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: working directory (work_dir) not writable ${work_dir}" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -w "$clam_dbs" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clam database directory (clam_dbs) not writable ${clam_dbs}" exit 1 fi # Reset the update timers to force a full update. if [ "$force_updates" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "NOTICE: forcing updates" sanesecurity_update_hours="0" securiteinfo_update_hours="0" securiteinfo_premium_update_hours="0" linuxmalwaredetect_update_hours="0" interserver_update_hours="0" malwareexpert_update_hours="0" malwarepatrol_update_hours="0" yararulesproject_update_hours="0" additional_update_hours="0" fi # Enable pid file to prevent issues with multiple instances # opted not to use flock as it appears to have issues with some systems if [ "$enable_locking" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_pid" pid_file_fullpath="$work_dir_pid/clamav-unofficial-sigs.pid" if [ -f "$pid_file_fullpath" ] ; then pid_file_pid="$(cat "$pid_file_fullpath")" if ps -p "$pid_file_pid" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Only one instance can run at the same time." exit 1 else xshok_create_pid_file "$pid_file_fullpath" fi else xshok_create_pid_file "$pid_file_fullpath" fi # Run this wehen the script exits trap -- "rm -f $pid_file_fullpath" EXIT fi # Verify the clam_user and clam_group actually exists on the system if ! xshok_user_group_exists "${clam_user}" "${clam_group}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Either the user: ${clam_user} and/or group: ${clam_group} does not exist on the system." exit 1 fi # If the local rsync client supports the "--no-motd" flag, then enable it. if $rsync_bin --help | $grep_bin -q "no-motd" > /dev/null ; then no_motd="--no-motd" fi # If the local rsync client supports the "--contimeout" flag, then enable it. if $rsync_bin --help | $grep_bin -q "contimeout" > /dev/null ; then connect_timeout="--contimeout=${rsync_connect_timeout}" fi if [ "$debug" == "yes" ] ; then downloader_debug="yes" clamscan_debug="yes" curl_debug="yes" wget_debug="yes" rsync_debug="yes" fi # Show clamscan errors if [ "$clamscan_debug" == "yes" ] ; then exec 10>&2 else exec 10>/dev/null fi # Show curl errors if [ "$curl_debug" == "yes" ] ; then exec 11>&2 else exec 11>/dev/null fi # Show wget errors if [ "$wget_debug" == "yes" ] ; then exec 12>&2 else exec 12>/dev/null fi # Show rsync errors if [ "$rsync_debug" == "yes" ] ; then exec 13>&2 else exec 13>/dev/null fi # Silence wget output and only report errors - useful if script is run via cron. if [ "$downloader_silence" == "yes" ] && [ "$downloader_debug" != "yes" ] ; then wget_output_level="--quiet" curl_output_level="--silent --show-error" else wget_output_level="--no-verbose" curl_output_level="" fi # Silence rsync output and only report errors - useful if script is run via cron. if [ "$rsync_silence" == "yes" ] && [ "$rsync_debug" != "yes" ] ; then rsync_output_level="--quiet" else rsync_output_level="--progress" fi # Suppress ssl warnings if [ "$downloader_ignore_ssl_errors" == "yes" ] ; then wget_insecure="--no-check-certificate" curl_insecure="--insecure" else wget_insecure="" curl_insecure="" fi # Set the script to 755 permissions if xshok_is_root ; then if [ "$setmode" == "yes" ] ; then if [ ! -x "${this_script_path}/${this_script_name}" ] ; then chmod 755 "${this_script_path}/${this_script_name}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Fixing permission on ${this_script_path}/${this_script_name}" "=" fi fi else # Disable setmode setmode="no" fi ################################################################################ # MAIN LOGIC ################################################################################ while true; do case "${1}" in -d|--decode-sig) decode_third_party_signature_by_signature_name; exit ;; -e|--encode-string) hexadecimal_encode_entire_input_string; exit ;; -f|--encode-formatted) hexadecimal_encode_formatted_input_string; exit ;; -g|--gpg-verify) xshok_check_s2 "${2}"; gpg_verify_specific_sanesecurity_database_file "${2}"; exit ;; -i|--information) output_system_configuration_information; exit ;; -m|--make-database) make_signature_database_from_ascii_file; exit ;; -t|--test-database) xshok_check_s2 "${2}"; clamscan_integrity_test_specific_database_file "${2}"; exit ;; -o|--output-triggered) output_signatures_triggered_during_ham_directory_scan; exit ;; -w|--whitelist) add_signature_whitelist_entry "${2}"; exit ;; --check-clamav) check_clamav; exit ;; --upgrade) xshok_upgrade; exit ;; --install-all) install_cron; install_logrotate; install_man; exit ;; --install-cron) install_cron; exit ;; --install-logrotate) install_logrotate; exit ;; --install-man) install_man; exit ;; --remove-script) remove_script; exit ;; *) break ;; esac done xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Preparing Databases" "=" if [ "$default_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then if [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then sanesecurity_enabled="no" fi if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then linuxmalwaredetect_enabled="no" fi if [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then interserver_enabled="no" fi if [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then malwareexpert_enabled="no" fi if [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then securiteinfo_enabled="no" fi if [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then urlhaus_enabled="no" fi if [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then yararulesproject_enabled="no" fi else if [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then sanesecurity_enabled="no" fi if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then linuxmalwaredetect_enabled="no" fi if [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then interserver_enabled="no" fi if [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then malwareexpert_enabled="no" fi if [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then securiteinfo_enabled="no" fi if [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then urlhaus_enabled="no" fi if [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then yararulesproject_enabled="no" fi fi # Check yararule support is available if [ "$enable_yararules" == "yes" ] ; then current_clamav_version="$($clamscan_bin -V | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1 | awk -F "." '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }')" minimum_yara_clamav_version="$(echo "$minimum_yara_clamav_version" | awk -F "." '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }')" # Check current clamav version against the minimum required version for yara support if [ "$current_clamav_version" -lt "$minimum_yara_clamav_version" ] ; then # Older yararulesproject_enabled="no" enable_yararules="no" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Yararules Disabled due to clamav being older than the minimum required version" fi else yararulesproject_enabled="no" enable_yararules="no" fi ############################################################################################ # Generate the signature databases ############################################################################################ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$sanesecurity_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")" fi fi sanesecurity_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a sanesecurity_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")" fi sanesecurity_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a sanesecurity_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")" fi fi securiteinfo_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a securiteinfo_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")" fi securiteinfo_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a securiteinfo_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$securiteinfo_premium_dbs" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")" fi fi if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a securiteinfo_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")" fi if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a securiteinfo_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")" fi fi linuxmalwaredetect_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a linuxmalwaredetect_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")" fi linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$interserver_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$interserver_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$interserver_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$interserver_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")" fi fi interserver_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a interserver_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")" fi interserver_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a interserver_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")" fi fi malwareexpert_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a malwareexpert_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")" fi malwareexpert_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a malwareexpert_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$yararulesproject_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")" fi fi yararulesproject_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then read -r -a yararulesproject_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")" fi yararulesproject_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a yararulesproject_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$urlhaus_dbs" ] ; then if [ -n "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" ] ; then temp_db="$(xshok_database "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")" fi else temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")" if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")" fi fi urlhaus_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then #urlhaus_dbs=( $temp_db ) read -r -a urlhaus_dbs <<< "$temp_db" fi fi elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")" fi urlhaus_remove_dbs=( ) if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] && [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then read -r -a urlhaus_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db" fi ############################################################################################ if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then # Set the variables for MalwarePatrol if [ "$malwarepatrol_product_code" != "8" ] ; then # assumption, free product code is always 8 (non-free product code is never 8) malwarepatrol_free="no" fi if [ "$malwarepatrol_free" == "yes" ] ; then malwarepatrol_product_code="8" malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic" else if [ -z $malwarepatrol_list ] ; then malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic" fi if [ -z $malwarepatrol_product_code ] ; then # Not sure, it may be better to return an error. malwarepatrol_product_code=8 fi fi if [ -z "$malwarepatrol_db" ] ; then malwarepatrol_db="malwarepatrol.db" fi malwarepatrol_url="${malwarepatrol_url}?receipt=${malwarepatrol_receipt_code}&product=${malwarepatrol_product_code}&list=${malwarepatrol_list}" elif [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then malwarepatrol_remove_dbs=( "malwarepatrol.db" ) fi ############################################################################################ # CLEANUP UNUSED DATABASES, eg when downgrading a database rating or disabling a database if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${sanesecurity_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${sanesecurity_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${securiteinfo_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${securiteinfo_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${interserver_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${interserver_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${malwareexpert_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${malwareexpert_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${yararulesproject_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${yararulesproject_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then yr_dir="/$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 1)" db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" else yr_dir="" fi if [ -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${yr_dir}${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${urlhaus_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${urlhaus_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi if [ -n "${malwarepatrol_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db_file in "${malwarepatrol_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}" fi if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi done fi fi ############################################################################################ # If "ham_dir" variable is set, then create initial whitelist files (skipped if first-time script run). test_dir="$work_dir/test" if [ -n "$ham_dir" ] && [ -d "$work_dir" ] && [ ! -d "$test_dir" ] ; then if [ -d "$ham_dir" ] ; then xshok_mkdir_ownership "$test_dir" cp -f -p "$work_dir"/*/*.ndb "$test_dir" cp -f -p "$work_dir"/*/*.db "$test_dir" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "$test_dir" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/*.ndb" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/*.db" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | awk '{ printf("=%s\n", $1);}' | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" cd "$test_dir" || exit for db_file in * ; do [[ -e ${db_file} ]] || break # Handle the case of no files $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "$db_file" > "$db_file-tmp" mv -f "$db_file-tmp" "$db_file" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "$db_file" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then if $rsync_bin -pcqt "$db_file" "$clam_dbs" ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi do_clamd_reload=1 fi fi done if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Initial HAM directory scan whitelist file created in ${work_dir_work_configs}" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No false-positives detected in initial HAM directory scan" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Cannot locate HAM directory: ${ham_dir}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Skipping initial whitelist file creation. Fix 'ham_dir' path in config file" fi fi # Check to see if the working directories have been created. If not, create them. Otherwise, ignore and proceed with script. xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_gpg" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_add" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_pid" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_interserver" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_malwareexpert" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_malwarepatrol" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_sanesecurity" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_securiteinfo" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_work_configs" xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_yararulesproject" # Set secured access permissions to the GPG directory perms chmod -f 0700 "${work_dir_gpg}" if [ "$enable_gpg" == "yes" ] ; then # If we haven't done so yet, download Sanesecurity public GPG key and import to custom keyring. if [ ! -s "${work_dir_gpg}/publickey.gpg" ] ; then xshok_file_download "${work_dir_gpg}/publickey.gpg" "$sanesecurity_gpg_url" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Could not download Sanesecurity public GPG key" exit 1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity public GPG key successfully downloaded" rm -f -- "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gp*" if ! $gpg_bin -q --no-options --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --import "${work_dir_gpg}/publickey.gpg" 2>/dev/null ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: could not import Sanesecurity public GPG key to custom keyring" exit 1 else chmod -f 0644 "${work_dir_gpg}/*.*" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity public GPG key successfully imported to custom keyring" fi fi fi # If custom keyring is missing, try to re-import Sanesecurity public GPG key. if [ ! -s "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" ] ; then rm -f -- "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gp*" if ! $gpg_bin -q --no-options --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --import "${work_dir_gpg}/publickey.gpg" 2>/dev/null ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Custom keyring MISSING or CORRUPT! Could not import Sanesecurity public GPG key to custom keyring" exit 1 else chmod -f 0644 "${work_dir_gpg}/*.*" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity custom keyring MISSING! GPG key successfully re-imported to custom keyring" fi fi fi # Database update check, time randomization section. This script now # provides support for both bash and non-bash enabled system shells. if [ "$enable_random" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$RANDOM" ] ; then sleep_time="$((RANDOM * $((max_sleep_time - min_sleep_time)) / 32767 + min_sleep_time))" else sleep_time="0" while [ "$sleep_time" -lt "$min_sleep_time" ] || [ "$sleep_time" -gt "$max_sleep_time" ] ; do sleep_time="$(head -n 1 /dev/urandom | cksum | awk '{print $2}')" done fi if [ ! -t 0 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "$(date) - Pausing database file updates for $sleep_time seconds..." sleep "$sleep_time" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "$(date) - Pause complete, checking for new database files..." fi fi # Create "scan-test.txt" file for clamscan database integrity testing. if [ ! -s "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ] ; then echo "This is the clamscan test file..." > "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" fi if [ -z "$git_branch" ] ; then git_branch="master" fi # If rsync proxy is defined in the config file, then export it for use. if [ -n "$rsync_proxy" ] ; then RSYNC_PROXY="$rsync_proxy" export RSYNC_PROXY fi # If rsync connect program is defined in the config file, then export it for use. (to use netcat for socks tunnel) if [ -n "$rsync_connect_prog" ] ; then RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$rsync_connect_prog" export RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG fi # Create $current_dbsfiles containing lists of current and previously active 3rd-party databases # so that databases and/or backup files that are no longer being used can be removed. current_tmp="${work_dir_work_configs}/current-dbs.tmp" current_dbs_file="${work_dir_work_configs}/current-dbs.txt" if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then # Create the Sanesecurity rsync "include" file (defines command -v files to download). sanesecurity_include_dbs="${work_dir_work_configs}/ss-include-dbs.txt" if [ -n "${sanesecurity_dbs[0]}" ] ; then rm -f -- "${sanesecurity_include_dbs}" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/*.sha256" for db_file in "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "$db_file" >> "${sanesecurity_include_dbs}" echo "${db_file}.sig" >> "${sanesecurity_include_dbs}" echo "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" >> "${current_tmp}" echo "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${securiteinfo_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db in "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db in "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${interserver_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "${work_dir_interserver}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${malwareexpert_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$malwarepatrol_db" ] ; then echo "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files fi fi if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${yararulesproject_dbs[0]}" ] ; then for db in "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then db="$(echo "$db" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" fi echo "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi if [ "$additional_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$additional_dbs" ] ; then for db in "${additional_dbs[@]}" ; do echo "${work_dir_add}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}" clamav_files done fi fi sort "${current_tmp}" > "$current_dbs_file" 2>/dev/null rm -f "${current_tmp}" # Remove 3rd-party databases and/or backup files that are no longer being used. if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then previous_dbs="${work_dir_work_configs}/previous-dbs.txt" sort "$current_dbs_file" > "$previous_dbs" 2>/dev/null # Do not remove the current_dbs_file #rm -f "$current_dbs_file" db_changes="${work_dir_work_configs}/db-changes.txt" if [ ! -s "$previous_dbs" ] ; then cp -f -p "$current_dbs_file" "$previous_dbs" 2>/dev/null fi diff "$current_dbs_file" "$previous_dbs" 2>/dev/null | $grep_bin ">" | awk '{print $2}' > "$db_changes" if [ -r "$db_changes" ] ; then if $grep_bin -vq "bak" "$db_changes" 2>/dev/null ; then do_clamd_reload="2" fi while read -r file ; do rm -f -- "$file" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Unused/Disabled file removed: ${file}" done < "$db_changes" fi fi # Create "purge.txt" file for package maintainers to support package uninstall. purge="${work_dir_work_configs}/purge.txt" cp -f -p "$current_dbs_file" "$purge" { echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/current-dbs.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/db-changes.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-mbl-update.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-si-update.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/previous-dbs.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/ss-include-dbs.txt" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" echo "${work_dir_gpg}/publickey.gpg" echo "$work_dir_gpg/secring.gpg" echo "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg*" echo "$work_dir_gpg/trustdb.gpg" echo "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}*" echo "${work_dir_work_configs}/purge.txt" } >> "$purge" # Check and save current system time since epoch for time related database downloads. # However, if unsuccessful, issue a warning that we cannot calculate times since epoch. if [ -n "${securiteinfo_dbs[0]}" ] || [ -n "$malwarepatrol_db" ] ; then current_time="$(date "+%s" 2> /dev/null)" current_time="${current_time//[^0-9]/}" current_time="$((current_time + 0))" if [ "$current_time" -le 0 ] ; then current_time="$(perl -le print+time 2> /dev/null)" fi if [ "$current_time" -le 0 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: No support for 'date +%s' or 'perl' was not found , SecuriteInfo and MalwarePatrol updates bypassed" securiteinfo_dbs=() malwarepatrol_db=() fi fi ################################################################ # Check for Sanesecurity database & GPG signature file updates # ################################################################ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${sanesecurity_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#sanesecurity_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed sanesecurity_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-ss-update.txt" ] ; then last_sanesecurity_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-ss-update.txt")" else last_sanesecurity_update="0" fi db_file="" update_interval="$((sanesecurity_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_sanesecurity_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge $((update_interval - 600)) ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-ss-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity Database & GPG Signature File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for Sanesecurity updates..." if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +ignore +short "$sanesecurity_url")" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($host_bin $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_url" | $sed_bin -n '/has address/{s/.*address \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;p;}')" fi # Add fallback if no records are returned if [ ${#sanesecurity_mirror_ips} -lt 1 ] ; then if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +ignore +short "$sanesecurity_url")" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($host_bin $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_url" | $sed_bin -n '/has address/{s/.*address \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;p;}')" fi fi if [ ${#sanesecurity_mirror_ips} -ge 1 ] ; then for sanesecurity_mirror_ip in $sanesecurity_mirror_ips ; do if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +short -x "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.$//')" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($host_bin $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | $sed_bin -n '/name pointer/{s/.*pointer \([^ ]*\).*\.$/\1/;p;}')" fi # Add fallback if no records are returned if [ -z "$sanesecurity_mirror_name" ] ; then if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +short -x "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.$//')" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($host_bin $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | $sed_bin -n '/name pointer/{s/.*pointer \([^ ]*\).*\.$/\1/;p;}')" fi fi sanesecurity_mirror_site_info="$sanesecurity_mirror_name $sanesecurity_mirror_ip" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity mirror site used: ${sanesecurity_mirror_site_info}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $rsync_bin $rsync_output_level $no_motd --files-from="${sanesecurity_include_dbs}" -ctuz $connect_timeout --timeout="$rsync_max_time" "rsync://${sanesecurity_mirror_ip}/sanesecurity" "$work_dir_sanesecurity" 2>&13 ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] || [ "$ret" -eq 23 ] ; then # The correct way, 23 is some files were not transfered, can be ignored and we can assume a success sanesecurity_rsync_success="1" for db_file in "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}" ; do if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated Sanesecurity database file: ${db_file}" if [ "$enable_gpg" == "yes" ] ; then if ! $gpg_bin --trust-model always -q --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --verify "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" 2>/dev/null ; then $gpg_bin --always-trust -q --no-default-keyring --homedir "${work_dir_gpg}" --keyring "${work_dir_gpg}/ss-keyring.gpg" --verify "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}.sig" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" 2>/dev/null ret="$?" else ret="0" fi if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then test "$gpg_silence" = "no" && xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity GPG Signature tested good on ${db_file} database" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity GPG Signature test FAILED on ${db_file} database - SKIPPING" fi fi if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Sanesecurity ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Sanesecurity ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Sanesecurity production database file: ${db_file}" sanesecurity_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Sanesecurity production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" false fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Sanesecurity ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Sanesecurity ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" # DO NOT KILL THIS DB false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Sanesecurity production database file: ${db_file}" sanesecurity_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Sanesecurity production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi fi done if [ ! "$sanesecurity_update" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Sanesecurity database file updates" "-" break else break fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Connection to ${sanesecurity_mirror_site_info} failed - Trying next mirror site..." fi done if [ ! "$sanesecurity_rsync_success" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Access to all Sanesecurity mirror sites failed - Check for connectivity issues" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "or signature database name(s) misspelled in the script's configuration file." fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Sanesecurity mirror sites found - Check for dns/connectivity issues" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$sanesecurity_update_hours" "Sanesecurity" fi fi fi else if [ -n "${sanesecurity_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled Sanesecurity Database files" for db_file in "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated SecuriteInfo database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script # ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ "$securiteinfo_authorisation_signature" != "YOUR-SIGNATURE-NUMBER" ] ; then if [ -n "${securiteinfo_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#securiteinfo_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed securiteinfo_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-si-update.txt" ] ; then last_securiteinfo_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-si-update.txt")" else last_securiteinfo_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" if [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then update_interval="$((securiteinfo_premium_update_hours * 3600))" else update_interval="$((securiteinfo_update_hours * 3600))" fi time_interval="$((current_time - last_securiteinfo_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-si-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "SecuriteInfo Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for SecuriteInfo updates..." securiteinfo_updates="0" for db_file in "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated SecuriteInfo database file: ${db_file}" securiteinfo_db_update="0" xshok_file_download "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" "${securiteinfo_url}/${securiteinfo_authorisation_signature}/${db_file}" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated SecuriteInfo database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated SecuriteInfo production database file: ${db_file}" securiteinfo_updates=1 securiteinfo_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update SecuriteInfo production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated SecuriteInfo production database file: ${db_file}" securiteinfo_updates=1 securiteinfo_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update SecuriteInfo production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${securiteinfo_url} - SKIPPED SecuriteInfo ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$securiteinfo_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database file" "-" fi done if [ "$securiteinfo_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No SecuriteInfo database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "SecuriteInfo Database File Updates" "=" if [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$securiteinfo_premium_update_hours" "SecuriteInfo" else xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$securiteinfo_update_hours" "SecuriteInfo" fi fi fi fi fi else if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled SecuriteInfo Database files" for db_file in "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated LinuxMalwareDetect database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#linuxmalwaredetect_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed linuxmalwaredetect_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-linuxmalwaredetect-update.txt" ] ; then last_linuxmalwaredetect_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-linuxmalwaredetect-update.txt")" else last_linuxmalwaredetect_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" update_interval="$((linuxmalwaredetect_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_linuxmalwaredetect_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-linuxmalwaredetect-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "LinuxMalwareDetect Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for LinuxMalwareDetect updates..." # Check for a new version found_upgrade="no" if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_linuxmalwaredetect_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "$linuxmalwaredetect_version_url" 2>&11 | head -n1 | xargs)" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 latest_linuxmalwaredetect_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "$linuxmalwaredetect_version_url" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | xargs)" fi if [ "$latest_linuxmalwaredetect_version" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086 if [ -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" ] ; then current_linuxmalwaredetect_version="$(head -n1 "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" | xargs)" else current_linuxmalwaredetect_version="-1" fi if [ "$latest_linuxmalwaredetect_version" != "$current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "LinuxMalwareDetect Database File Updates" "=" found_upgrade="yes" fi fi if [ "$found_upgrade" == "yes" ] ; then mkdir -p "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" xshok_file_download "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/sigpack.tgz" "${linuxmalwaredetect_sigpack_url}" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then mkdir -p "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" $tar_bin --strip-components=1 -xzf "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/sigpack.tgz" --directory "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" #ls -l "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" if [ "$enable_yararules" == "yes" ] ; then find "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" -type f -iname "rfxn.*" -exec mv -f '{}' "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/" \; else find "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/tmp/" -type f -iname "rfxn.*" ! \( -iname "*.yara" -o -iname "*.yar" \) -exec mv -f '{}' "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/" \; fi # cleanup rm -rf -- "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect:?}/tmp" #ls -l "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/" for db_file in "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated LinuxMalwareDetect database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports LinuxMalwareDetect ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports LinuxMalwareDetect ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated LinuxMalwareDetect production database file: ${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update LinuxMalwareDetect production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports LinuxMalwareDetect ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports LinuxMalwareDetect ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated LinuxMalwareDetect production database file: ${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update LinuxMalwareDetect production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi done #save the current version echo "$latest_linuxmalwaredetect_version" > "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to ${linuxmalwaredetect_sigpack_url} - SKIPPED LinuxMalwareDetect update" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No LinuxMalwareDetect database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "LinuxMalwareDetect Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$linuxmalwaredetect_update_hours" "linuxmalwaredetect" fi fi fi else if [ -n "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled LinuxMalwareDetect Database files" if [ -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" ] ; then rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/current_linuxmalwaredetect_version" fi for db_file in "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated interServer database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script # ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${interserver_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#interserver_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed interserver_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt" ] ; then last_interserver_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt")" else last_interserver_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" if [ "$interserver_premium" == "yes" ] ; then update_interval="$((interserver_premium_update_hours * 3600))" else update_interval="$((interserver_update_hours * 3600))" fi time_interval="$((current_time - last_interserver_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "interserver Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for interserver updates..." interserver_updates="0" for db_file in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated interServer database file: ${db_file}" interserver_db_update="0" xshok_file_download "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${interserver_url}/${db_file}" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated interServer database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated interServer production database file: ${db_file}" interserver_updates=1 interserver_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update interServer production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated interServer production database file: ${db_file}" interserver_updates=1 interserver_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update interServer production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${interserver_url} - SKIPPED interServer ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$interserver_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated interServer ${db_file} database file" "-" fi done if [ "$interserver_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No interServer database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "interServer Database File Updates" "=" if [ "$interserver_premium" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$interserver_premium_update_hours" "interserver" else xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$interserver_update_hours" "interserver" fi fi fi fi else if [ -n "$interserver_dbs" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled interServer Database files" for db_file in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated Malware Expert database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script # ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ "$malwareexpert_serial_key" != "YOUR-SERIAL-KEY" ] && [ -n "$malwareexpert_serial_key" ]; then if [ -n "${malwareexpert_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#malwareexpert_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed malwareexpert_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt" ] ; then last_malwareexpert_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt")" else last_malwareexpert_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" if [ "$malwareexpert_premium" == "yes" ] ; then update_interval="$((malwareexpert_premium_update_hours * 3600))" else update_interval="$((malwareexpert_update_hours * 3600))" fi time_interval="$((current_time - last_malwareexpert_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "malwareexpert Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for malwareexpert updates..." malwareexpert_updates="0" for db_file in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated Malware Expert database file: ${db_file}" malwareexpert_db_update="0" xshok_file_download "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${malwareexpert_url}/${malwareexpert_serial_key}/${db_file}" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated Malware Expert database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file}" malwareexpert_updates=1 malwareexpert_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file}" malwareexpert_updates=1 malwareexpert_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${malwareexpert_url} - SKIPPED Malware Expert ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$malwareexpert_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated Malware Expert ${db_file} database file" "-" fi done if [ "$malwareexpert_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Malware Expert database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Malware Expert Database File Updates" "=" if [ "$malwareexpert_premium" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$malwareexpert_premium_update_hours" "malwareexpert" else xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$malwareexpert_update_hours" "malwareexpert" fi fi fi fi fi else if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled Malware Expert Database files" for db_file in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ######################################################################################################################################### # Download MalwarePatrol database file every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script. # ########################################################################################################################################## if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ "$malwarepatrol_receipt_code" != "YOUR-RECEIPT-NUMBER" ] ; then if [ -n "${malwarepatrol_db}" ] ; then rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-mbl-update.txt" ] ; then last_malwarepatrol_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-mbl-update.txt")" else last_malwarepatrol_update="0" fi loop="" update_interval="$((malwarepatrol_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_malwarepatrol_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-mbl-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "MalwarePatrol Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for MalwarePatrol updates..." malwarepatrol_updates="0" # Cleanup any not required database files if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" != "malwarepatrol.db" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.db" ] ; then rm -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.db"; fi if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" != "malwarepatrol.ndb" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb" ] ; then rm -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb"; fi if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated MalwarePatrol database file: ${malwarepatrol_db}" malwarepatrol_db_update="0" xshok_file_download "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${malwarepatrol_url}" ret="$?" if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" ; then db_ext="${malwarepatrol_db#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated MalwarePatrol database file: ${malwarepatrol_db}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated MalwarePatrol production database file: ${malwarepatrol_db}" malwarepatrol_updates=1 malwarepatrol_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update MalwarePatrol production database file: ${malwarepatrol_db} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" > "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" > "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database integrity tested BAD" rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated MalwarePatrol production database file: ${malwarepatrol_db}" malwarepatrol_updates=1 malwarepatrol_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update MalwarePatrol production database file: ${malwarepatrol_db} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${malwarepatrol_url} - SKIPPED MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} update" fi if [ "$malwarepatrol_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database file" "-" fi if [ "$malwarepatrol_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No MalwarePatrol database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "MalwarePatrol Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$malwarepatrol_update_hours" "malwarepatrol" fi fi fi else if [ -n "$malwarepatrol_dbs" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled MalwarePatrol Database files" if [ -r "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${malwarepatrol_db}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated urlhaus database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${urlhaus_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#urlhaus_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed urlhaus_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-urlhaus-update.txt" ] ; then last_urlhaus_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-urlhaus-update.txt")" else last_urlhaus_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" update_interval="$((urlhaus_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_urlhaus_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-urlhaus-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "URLhaus Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for urlhaus updates..." urlhaus_updates="0" for db_file in "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then yr_dir="/$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 1)" db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" else yr_dir="" fi if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated urlhaus database file: ${db_file}" urlhaus_db_update="0" if xshok_file_download "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" "${urlhaus_url}/${db_file}" ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated urlhaus database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports urlhaus ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports urlhaus ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated urlhaus production database file: ${db_file}" urlhaus_updates=1 urlhaus_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update urlhaus production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports urlhaus ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports urlhaus ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated urlhaus production database file: ${db_file}" urlhaus_updates=1 urlhaus_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update urlhaus production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to $urlhaus_url - SKIPPED urlhaus ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$urlhaus_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated urlhaus ${db_file} database file" fi done if [ "$urlhaus_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No urlhaus database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "URLhaus Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$urlhaus_update_hours" "urlhaus" fi fi fi else if [ -n "${urlhaus_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled urlhaus Database files" for db_file in "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" fi if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload="1" fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated yararulesproject database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "${yararulesproject_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ ${#yararulesproject_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed yararulesproject_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-yararulesproject-update.txt" ] ; then last_yararulesproject_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-yararulesproject-update.txt")" else last_yararulesproject_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" update_interval="$((yararulesproject_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_yararulesproject_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-yararulesproject-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Yara-Rules Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for yararulesproject updates..." yararulesproject_updates="0" for db_file in "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then yr_dir="/$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 1)" db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" else yr_dir="" fi if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated yararulesproject database file: ${db_file}" yararulesproject_db_update="0" if xshok_file_download "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" "$yararulesproject_url/$yr_dir/${db_file}" ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated yararulesproject database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports yararulesproject ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports yararulesproject ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated yararulesproject production database file: ${db_file}" yararulesproject_updates=1 yararulesproject_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update yararulesproject production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports yararulesproject ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports yararulesproject ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated yararulesproject production database file: ${db_file}" yararulesproject_updates=1 yararulesproject_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update yararulesproject production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to $yararulesproject_url - SKIPPED yararulesproject ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$yararulesproject_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated yararulesproject ${db_file} database file" fi done if [ "$yararulesproject_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No yararulesproject database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Yara-Rules Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$yararulesproject_update_hours" "yararulesproject" fi fi fi else if [ -n "${yararulesproject_dbs[0]}" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled yararulesproject Database files" for db_file in "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" fi if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then db_file="${db_file%|*}" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload="1" fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ############################################################################################################################################## # Check for updated additional database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script ############################################################################################################################################## if [ "$additional_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then if [ -n "$additional_dbs" ] ; then if [ ${#additional_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed additional_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING" else rm -f "${work_dir_add}/*.gz" if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-additional-update.txt" ] ; then last_additional_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-additional-update.txt")" else last_additional_update="0" fi db_file="" loop="" update_interval="$((additional_update_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_additional_update))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-additional-update.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Additional Database File Updates" "=" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for additional updates..." additional_updates="0" for db_url in "${additional_dbs[@]}" ; do # Left for future dir manipulation # if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then # add_dir="/$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 1)" # db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" # else # add_dir="" # fi #cleanup any leading and trailing whitespace. db_url="$(echo -e "$db_url" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" db_file="$(basename "$db_url")" if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated additional database file: ${db_file}" additional_db_update="0" if [ "${db_url%:*}" == "rsync" ] ; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $rsync_bin $rsync_output_level $no_motd -ctuz $connect_timeout --timeout="$rsync_max_time" --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*.sha256 --exclude=*.sig --exclude=*.gz "$db_url" "$work_dir_add" 2>&13 ret="$?" else xshok_file_download "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" "$db_url" ret="$?" fi # This needs enhancement for rsync, as it will only work with single files... # Maybe better to process each file inside work_dir_add in its own for loop. if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then loop="1" if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then db_ext="${db_file#*.}" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated additional database file: ${db_file}" if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports additional ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports additional ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated additional production database file: ${db_file}" additional_updates=1 additional_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update additional production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi else $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}" $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" if [[ "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" == *.db ]] ; then $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | awk '{ printf("=%s\n", $1);}' |sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" else $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" fi $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports additional ${db_file} database integrity tested good" true else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports additional ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD" if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then if rm -f "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" fi fi false fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated additional production database file: ${db_file}" additional_updates=1 additional_db_update=1 do_clamd_reload=1 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update additional production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING" fi fi fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to ${db_url} - SKIPPED additional ${db_file} update" fi if [ "$additional_db_update" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated additional ${db_file} database file" fi done if [ "$additional_updates" != "1" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No additional database file updates" "-" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Additional Database File Updates" "=" xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$additional_update_hours" "additionaldatabaseupdate" fi fi fi else if [ -n "$additional_dbs" ] ; then if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled additional Database files" for db_file in "${additional_dbs[@]}" ; do if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" fi if [ -r "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" do_clamd_reload=1 fi done fi fi fi ################################################### # Generate whitelists ################################################### # Check to see if the local.ign file exists, and if it does, check to see if any of the script # added bypass entries can be removed due to offending signature modifications or removals. if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" ] && [ -s "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" ] ; then ign_updated=0 cd "$clam_dbs" || exit cp -f -p local.ign "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" cp -f -p "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign-old.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" "=" "80" while read -r entry ; do sig_file="$(echo "$entry" | tr -d "\\r" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')" sig_hex="$(echo "$entry" | tr -d "\\r" | awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')" sig_name_old="$(echo "$entry" | tr -d "\\r" | awk -F ":" '{print $3}')" sig_ign_old="$($grep_bin ":$sig_name_old" "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign")" sig_old="$(echo "$entry" | tr -d "\\r" | cut -d ":" -f 3-)" sig_new="$($grep_bin -hwF ":$sig_hex" "$sig_file" | tr -d "\\r" 2>/dev/null)" sig_mon_new="$($grep_bin -HwF -n ":$sig_hex" "$sig_file" | tr -d "\\r")" if [ -n "$sig_new" ] ; then if [ "$sig_old" != "$sig_new" ] || [ "$entry" != "$sig_mon_new" ] ; then sig_name_new="$(echo "$sig_new" | tr -d "\\r" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')" sig_ign_new="$(echo "$sig_mon_new" | cut -d ":" -f 1-3)" perl -i -ne "print unless /$sig_ign_old/" "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" echo "$sig_mon_new" >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" perl -p -i -e "s/$sig_ign_old/$sig_ign_new/" "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${sig_name_old} hexadecimal signature is unchanged, however signature name and/or line placement" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "in ${sig_file} has changed to ${sig_name_new} - updated local.ign to reflect this change." ign_updated=1 fi else perl -i -ne "print unless /$sig_ign_old/" "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${sig_name_old} signature has been removed from ${sig_file}, entry removed from local.ign." ign_updated=1 fi done < "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign-old.txt" if [ "$ign_updated" == "1" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ; then if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_work_configs}/local.ign" "$clam_dbs" ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" perms chmod -f 0644 "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" "${work_dir_work_configs}/monitor-ign.txt" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/local.ign" fi do_clamd_reload=3 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update local.ign file - SKIPPING" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports local.ign database integrity is bad - SKIPPING" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No whitelist signature changes found in local.ign" "=" fi fi # Check to see if my-whitelist.ign2 file exists, and if it does, check to see if any of the script # added whitelist entries can be removed due to offending signature modifications or removals. if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/my-whitelist.ign2" ] && [ -s "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" ] ; then ign2_updated=0 cd "$clam_dbs" || exit cp -f -p my-whitelist.ign2 "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" "=" "80" touch "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker-tmp.txt" while read -r entry ; do yaratest="$(echo "$entry" | cut -d "." -f 1)" shopt -s nocasematch if [ "$yaratest" != "YARA" ] ; then sig_file="$(echo "$entry" | cut -d ":" -f 1)" sig_full="$(echo "$entry" | cut -d ":" -f 2-)" sig_name="$(echo "$entry" | cut -d ":" -f 2)" if ! $grep_bin -F "$sig_full" "$sig_file" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then perl -i -ne "print unless /$sig_name$/" "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" perl -i -ne "print unless /:$sig_name:/" "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker-tmp.txt" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${sig_name} signature no longer exists in ${sig_file}, whitelist entry removed from my-whitelist.ign2" ign2_updated="1" fi fi done < "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" if [ -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker-tmp.txt" ] ; then mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker-tmp.txt" "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" fi xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "" "=" "80" if [ "$ign2_updated" == "1" ] ; then if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ; then if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_work_configs}/my-whitelist.ign2" "$clam_dbs" ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/my-whitelist.ign2" perms chmod -f 0644 "${clam_dbs}/my-whitelist.ign2" "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then restorecon "${clam_dbs}/my-whitelist.ign2" restorecon "${work_dir_work_configs}/tracker.txt" fi do_clamd_reload=4 else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update my-whitelist.ign2 file - SKIPPING" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports my-whitelist.ign2 database integrity is bad - SKIPPING" fi else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No whitelist signature changes found in my-whitelist.ign2" fi fi # Check for non-matching whitelist.hex signatures and remove them from the whitelist file (signature modified or removed). if [ -n "$ham_dir" ] ; then if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" ] ; then $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "$work_dir"/*/*.ndb | cut -d "*" -f 2 | tr -d "\\r" | sort | uniq > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.tmp" $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "$work_dir"/*/*.db | cut -d "=" -f 2 | awk '{ printf("=%s\n", $1);}' | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.tmp" mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" rm -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" rm -f "${test_dir}/*.*" xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Signature(s) triggered on HAM directory scan - signature(s) removed" else xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No signatures triggered on HAM directory scan" "=" fi fi # Set appropriate directory and file permissions to all production signature files # and set file access mode to 0644 on all working directory files. if [ "$setmode" == "yes" ] ; then xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Setting permissions and ownership" "=" perms chown -f -R "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "$work_dir" if ! find "$work_dir" -type f -exec chmod -f 0644 "{}" "+" 2>/dev/null ; then if ! find "$work_dir" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -f 0644 2>/dev/null ; then find "$work_dir" -type f -exec chmod -f 0644 "{}" ";" fi fi # If enabled, set file access mode for all production signature database files to 0644. perms chown -f -R "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "$clam_dbs" if ! find "$clam_dbs" -type f -exec chmod -f 0644 "{}" "+" 2>/dev/null ; then if ! find "$clam_dbs" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -f 0644 2>/dev/null ; then find "$clam_dbs" -type f -exec chmod -f 0644 "{}" ";" fi fi fi # Reload all clamd databases clamscan_reload_dbs xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Issue tracker : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/issues" "-" if [ "$allow_update_checks" != "no" ] ; then if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt" ] ; then last_version_check="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt")" else last_version_check="0" fi db_file="" update_check_interval="$((update_check_hours * 3600))" time_interval="$((current_time - last_version_check))" if [ "$time_interval" -ge $((update_check_interval - 600)) ] ; then echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt" if xshok_is_root ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt" fi check_new_version fi fi xshok_cleanup # Set the permission of the log file, to fix any permission errors, this is done to fix cron errors after running the script as root. if xshok_is_root ; then if [ "$enable_log" == "yes" ] ; then # check if the file is owned by root (the current user) if [ -O "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then # checks the file is writable and a file (not a symlink/link) if [ -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] && [ -f "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" fi fi fi fi # And lastly we exit, Note: the exit is always on the 2nd last line exit $?