# This file contains user configuration settings for clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh ################### # This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com # You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. # Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com # License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) ################## # # Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs # ################## # # NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VERSION 3.XX / 4.XX CONFIG # ################################################################################ # SEE MASTER.CONF FOR CONFIG EXPLANATIONS ################################################################################ # Values in this file will always override those in the master.conf and os.conf files. # This is useful to specify your authorisation/receipt codes and to always force certain options. # Please note, it is your responsibility to manage the contents of this file. # Values provided here are just examples, feel free to use any values from the main config file. # When a database is disabled we will remove the associated database files. # remove_disabled_databases="yes" # Default is "yes" # Malware Expert 2020 (non-free) clamav signatures # set to no to enable the commercial subscription databases #malwareexpert_serial_key="YOUR-SERIAL-KEY" # set to no to enable the commercial subscription url #malwarepatrol_free="yes" #malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic" # clamav_basic or clamav_ext # if the malwarepatrol_product_code is not 8 the malwarepatrol_free is set to no (non-free) #malwarepatrol_product_code="8" #malwarepatrol_receipt_code="YOUR-RECEIPT-NUMBER" #malwarepatrol_db="malwarepatrol.db" #securiteinfo_authorisation_signature="YOUR-SIGNATURE-NUMBER" # Enable if you have a commercial/premium/non-free subscription #securiteinfo_premium="yes" # Default dbs rating (Default: MEDIUM) # valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE #default_dbs_rating="HIGH" # Per Database # These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database # valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE #interserver_dbs_rating="HIGH" #linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating="HIGH" #malwareexpert_dbs_rating="HIGH" #sanesecurity_dbs_rating="HIGH" #securiteinfo_dbs_rating="HIGH" #urlhaus_dbs_rating="HIGH" #yararulesproject_dbs_rating="HIGH" # ========================= # Additional signature databases # ========================= #declare -a additional_dbs=( # ftp://ftp.example.net/pub/sigs.ndb # http://www.example.org/sigs.ldb #) #END ADDITIONAL DATABASES # Uncomment the following line to enable the script user_configuration_complete="yes" # HTTPS validation # Uncomment to allow and ignore SSL errors leading to insecure transfers # downloader_ignore_ssl_errors="yes" # Default is "no" # Proxy Support # If necessary to proxy database downloads, define the rsync, curl, wget, dig, hosr proxy settings here. #curl_proxy="--proxy http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port" #dig_proxy="@proxy_host -p proxy_host:proxy_port" #host_proxy="@proxy_host" #does not support port #rsync_proxy="username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port" # Define rsync to use netcat for socks tunnel #rsync_connect_prog="nc -X 5 -x socksproxy_host:socksproxy_port %H 873" #wget_proxy="-e http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port -e https_proxy=https://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port" # https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################