#+ANKI_DECK: org-anki-test-deck *NB! Browse to the raw version of this file* The deck name above you need to add, but the ANKI_NOTE_ID's in the property drawers are added by this package (given to us in AnkiConnect responses as the notes are created). * Heading 1 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1607119825349 :END: Content 1 ** Subheading 1 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1607119827823 :END: Subcontent 1 *** Sub-subheading 1 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1607113872298 :END: Sub-subcontent 1 * Heading 2, [[https://www.example.com][url]] :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1607113875648 :END: - item - item 2 [[https://www.example.com][url]] - word :: explanation todo list - [X] todo item, *bold text* - [ ] done item, =inline code= #+BEGIN_QUOTE Quote quote quote quote #+END_QUOTE #+BEGIN_SRC haskell fibonacci :: [Int] fibonacci = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibonacci (tail fibonacci) :: [Int] #+END_SRC * Kaleida company history Here’s their what they output The three questions here are all cloze deletion exercise taken from https://www.supermemo.com/en/archives1990-2015/articles/20rules ** Q: Kaleida was funded to the tune of {{c1::$40 million::…amount}} by Apple Computer and IBM in 1991 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1623645114532 :END: ** Q: Kaleida was funded to the tune of $40 million by {{c1::Apple and IBM::…company}} in 1991 :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1623645117281 :END: ** Q: Kaleida was funded to the tune of $40 million by Apple Computer and IBM in {{c1::1991::…year}} :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1623645118855 :END: