Introduction to Assembly ******************************** You want more games for your shiny new TI-84+CE? Why don't you make them yourself? What is assembly? ================================================= Assembly is a very powerful language that you can use on your TI-84+CE! When you write in assembly, you write in a human readable form of machine code, which allows you to create quicker programs that can access and do more than TI-BASIC. Mistakes in assembly can be messier than in TI-BASIC - but usually only as severe as a ram clear, so before you start this guide, back up your calculator to prevent any data loss! Setting up ================================================= What you'll need -------------------------------------------------- A program editor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To write your program, you can use almost any text editor. On Windows Notepad++ can be used, as it is really easy to use for beginners and it has some nice features for developing. | Download Here: `Notepad++ `_ | Syntax Highlighting: `Notepad++ eZ80 Syntax Highlighting `_ On other OSes, use whatever IDE or text editor you are most familiar with. An assembler ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An assembler lets you take the code you have created and make it into a program that the TI-84 Plus CE can use. We recommend SPASM-ng when coding in eZ80. Download Here: `Spasm-ng `_ A debugger/emulator or a TI-84+CE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A debugger is useful for seeing what your code does and finding errors. The only 84+CE emulator available for download is CEmu. We can use CEmu to debug while we use TI's Connect software to transfer our programs to our calculator. To transfer, we'll also need a link cable (which should have come with your calculator) and the calculator itself. Download Here: `TI Connect CE `_ CEmu: `CEmu ` TI 84+CE Equates File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This file tells your program and the compiler where things are located on your calculator. Download Here: ` `_ Setting up the assembler -------------------------------------------------- Alright, now we can get to putting together all the materials we just downloaded! Create a folder and call it "My First ASM Program" (or anything else). Inside create three folders: ``bin``, ``includes``, and ``tools``. Rename ``SPASM`` to just ``spasm.exe`` and put it inside the folder named tools. Put inside the includes folder. Create a file named ``Example.asm`` in your folder. Inside this file, write the following code. .. code-block:: asm #include "includes\" .assume ADL=1 .org userMem-2 .db tExtTok,tAsm84CeCmp call _homeup call _ClrScrnFull ld hl,TutorialText call _PutS call _GetKey call _ClrScrnFull res donePrgm,(iy+doneFlags) ret TutorialText: .db "Excellent job! :) You havecreated your first assembly program!",0 *Don't worry; we'll revisit what all this code does later on.* Now, create a file named ``build.bat``. Inside this file, write the following code: .. code-block:: shell @echo off :A tools\spasm -E -T Example.asm bin\Example.8xp Pause Goto A Run ``build.bat`` by double-clicking on it. Inside the "bin" folder you should see a file named FIRSTPRGM.8xp. Transfer this onto your calculator using TI Connect CE and run it by pressing ``2nd`` → ``Catalog`` and selecting the ``Asm(`` token, then pressing ``Prgm`` and selecting ``EXAMPLE`` (or whatever you program was called). It should look something like this: ``Asm(prgmEXAMPLE`` If this doesn't work, try again to make sure you followed each step of the tutorial again. You can also post for help on the `Cemetech forums `_. *In the next lesson we'll dive right into learning assembly.*