package org.fdroid.repo import android.content.Context import import android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT import android.os.UserManager import android.os.UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES import android.os.UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES_GLOBALLY import androidx.annotation.AnyThread import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getSystemService import kotlinx.coroutines.DelicateCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException import mu.KotlinLogging import org.fdroid.database.AppOverviewItem import org.fdroid.database.FDroidDatabase import org.fdroid.database.MinimalApp import org.fdroid.database.NewRepository import org.fdroid.database.Repository import org.fdroid.database.RepositoryDaoInt import import import import import org.fdroid.index.IndexFormatVersion import org.fdroid.index.RepoUriBuilder import org.fdroid.index.SigningException import org.fdroid.index.TempFileProvider import org.fdroid.repo.AddRepoError.ErrorType.INVALID_FINGERPRINT import org.fdroid.repo.AddRepoError.ErrorType.INVALID_INDEX import org.fdroid.repo.AddRepoError.ErrorType.IO_ERROR import org.fdroid.repo.AddRepoError.ErrorType.IS_ARCHIVE_REPO import org.fdroid.repo.AddRepoError.ErrorType.UNKNOWN_SOURCES_DISALLOWED import import import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext internal const val REPO_ID = 0L public sealed class AddRepoState public object None : AddRepoState() public class Fetching( public val repo: Repository?, public val apps: List, public val fetchResult: FetchResult?, /** * true if fetching is complete. */ public val done: Boolean = false, ) : AddRepoState() { /** * true if the repository can be added (be it as new [Repository] or new mirror). */ public val canAdd: Boolean = repo != null && (fetchResult != null && fetchResult !is FetchResult.IsExistingRepository) override fun toString(): String { return "Fetching(repo=${repo?.address}, apps=${apps.size}, fetchResult=$fetchResult, " + "done=$done, canAdd=$canAdd)" } } public object Adding : AddRepoState() public class Added( public val repo: Repository, ) : AddRepoState() public data class AddRepoError( public val errorType: ErrorType, public val exception: Exception? = null, ) : AddRepoState() { public enum class ErrorType { UNKNOWN_SOURCES_DISALLOWED, INVALID_FINGERPRINT, IS_ARCHIVE_REPO, INVALID_INDEX, IO_ERROR, } } public sealed class FetchResult { public data class IsNewRepository(internal val addUrl: String) : FetchResult() public data class IsNewMirror( internal val existingRepoId: Long, internal val newMirrorUrl: String, ) : FetchResult() public object IsExistingRepository : FetchResult() } @OptIn(DelicateCoroutinesApi::class) internal class RepoAdder( private val context: Context, private val db: FDroidDatabase, private val tempFileProvider: TempFileProvider, private val downloaderFactory: DownloaderFactory, private val httpManager: HttpManager, private val repoUriGetter: RepoUriGetter = RepoUriGetter, private val repoUriBuilder: RepoUriBuilder = defaultRepoUriBuilder, private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO, ) { private val log = KotlinLogging.logger {} private val repositoryDao = db.getRepositoryDao() as RepositoryDaoInt internal val addRepoState: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(None) private var fetchJob: Job? = null internal fun fetchRepository(url: String, proxy: Proxy?) { fetchJob = GlobalScope.launch(coroutineContext) { fetchRepositoryInt(url, proxy) } } @WorkerThread @VisibleForTesting internal suspend fun fetchRepositoryInt( url: String, proxy: Proxy? = null, ) { if (hasDisallowInstallUnknownSources(context)) { addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(UNKNOWN_SOURCES_DISALLOWED) return } // get repo url and fingerprint val nUri = repoUriGetter.getUri(url)"Parsed URI: $nUri") if (nUri.uri.scheme !in listOf("content", "file") && isInvalidHttpUrl(nUri.uri.toString()) ) { val e = IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI: ${nUri.uri}") addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(INVALID_INDEX, e) return } if (nUri.uri.lastPathSegment == "archive") { addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(IS_ARCHIVE_REPO) return } // some plumping to receive the repo preview var receivedRepo: Repository? = null val apps = ArrayList() var fetchResult: FetchResult? = null val receiver = object : RepoPreviewReceiver { override fun onRepoReceived(repo: Repository) { receivedRepo = repo if (repo.address in knownRepos) { val knownFingerprint = knownRepos[repo.address] if (knownFingerprint != repo.fingerprint) throw SigningException( "Known fingerprint different from given one: ${repo.fingerprint}" ) } fetchResult = getFetchResult(nUri.uri.toString(), repo) addRepoState.value = Fetching(receivedRepo, apps.toList(), fetchResult) } override fun onAppReceived(app: AppOverviewItem) { apps.add(app) addRepoState.value = Fetching(receivedRepo, apps.toList(), fetchResult) } } // set a state early, so the ui can show progress animation addRepoState.value = Fetching(receivedRepo, apps, fetchResult) // try fetching repo with v2 format first and fallback to v1 try { fetchRepo(nUri.uri, nUri.fingerprint, proxy, nUri.username, nUri.password, receiver) } catch (e: SigningException) { log.error(e) { "Error verifying repo with given fingerprint." } addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(INVALID_FINGERPRINT, e) return } catch (e: IOException) { log.error(e) { "Error fetching repo." } addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(IO_ERROR, e) return } catch (e: SerializationException) { log.error(e) { "Error fetching repo." } addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(INVALID_INDEX, e) return } catch (e: NotFoundException) { // v1 repos can also have 404 log.error(e) { "Error fetching repo." } addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(INVALID_INDEX, e) return } // set final result val finalRepo = receivedRepo if (finalRepo == null) { addRepoState.value = AddRepoError(INVALID_INDEX) } else { addRepoState.value = Fetching(finalRepo, apps, fetchResult, done = true) } } private suspend fun fetchRepo( uri: Uri, fingerprint: String?, proxy: Proxy?, username: String?, password: String?, receiver: RepoPreviewReceiver, ) { try { val repo = getTempRepo(uri, IndexFormatVersion.TWO, username, password) val repoFetcher = RepoV2Fetcher( tempFileProvider, downloaderFactory, httpManager, repoUriBuilder, proxy ) repoFetcher.fetchRepo(uri, repo, receiver, fingerprint) } catch (e: NotFoundException) { log.warn(e) { "Did not find v2 repo, trying v1 now." } // try to fetch v1 repo val repo = getTempRepo(uri, IndexFormatVersion.ONE, username, password) val repoFetcher = RepoV1Fetcher(tempFileProvider, downloaderFactory, repoUriBuilder) repoFetcher.fetchRepo(uri, repo, receiver, fingerprint) } } private fun getFetchResult(url: String, repo: Repository): FetchResult { val cert = repo.certificate ?: error("Certificate was null") val existingRepo = repositoryDao.getRepository(cert) return if (existingRepo == null) { FetchResult.IsNewRepository(url) } else { val existingMirror = if (existingRepo.address.trimEnd('/') == url) { url } else { existingRepo.mirrors.find { it.url.trimEnd('/') == url } ?: existingRepo.userMirrors.find { it.trimEnd('/') == url } } if (existingMirror == null) { FetchResult.IsNewMirror(existingRepo.repoId, url) } else { FetchResult.IsExistingRepository } } } @WorkerThread internal fun addFetchedRepository(): Repository? { // prevent double calls (e.g. caused by double tapping a UI button) if (addRepoState.compareAndSet(Adding, Adding)) return null // cancel fetch preview job, so it stops emitting new states fetchJob?.cancel() // get current state before changing it val state = (addRepoState.value as? Fetching) ?: throw IllegalStateException("Unexpected state: ${addRepoState.value}") addRepoState.value = Adding val repo = state.repo ?: throw IllegalStateException("No repo: ${addRepoState.value}") val fetchResult = state.fetchResult ?: throw IllegalStateException("No fetchResult: ${addRepoState.value}") val modifiedRepo: Repository = when (fetchResult) { is FetchResult.IsExistingRepository -> error("Unexpected result: $fetchResult") is FetchResult.IsNewRepository -> { // reset the timestamp of the actual repo, // so a following repo update will pick this up val newRepo = NewRepository( name =, icon = repo.repository.icon ?: emptyMap(), address = repo.address, formatVersion = repo.formatVersion, certificate = repo.certificate ?: error("Repo had no certificate"), username = repo.username, password = repo.password, ) db.runInTransaction { val repoId = repositoryDao.insert(newRepo) // add user mirror, if URL is not the repo address and not a known mirror if (fetchResult.addUrl != repo.address.trimEnd('/') && repo.mirrors.find { fetchResult.addUrl == it.url.trimEnd('/') } == null ) { val userMirrors = listOf(fetchResult.addUrl) repositoryDao.updateUserMirrors(repoId, userMirrors) } repositoryDao.getRepository(repoId) ?: error("New repository not found in DB") } } is FetchResult.IsNewMirror -> { val repoId = fetchResult.existingRepoId db.runInTransaction { val existingRepo = repositoryDao.getRepository(repoId) ?: error("No repo with $repoId") val userMirrors = existingRepo.userMirrors.toMutableList().apply { add(fetchResult.newMirrorUrl) } repositoryDao.updateUserMirrors(repoId, userMirrors) existingRepo } } } addRepoState.value = Added(modifiedRepo) return modifiedRepo } internal fun abortAddingRepo() { addRepoState.value = None fetchJob?.cancel() } @AnyThread internal suspend fun addArchiveRepo(repo: Repository, proxy: Proxy? = null) = withContext(coroutineContext) { if (repo.isArchiveRepo) error { "Repo ${repo.address} is already an archive repo." } val address = repo.address.replace(Regex("repo/?$"), "archive") @Suppress("PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE") val receiver = object : RepoPreviewReceiver { override fun onRepoReceived(archiveRepo: Repository) { // reset the timestamp of the actual repo, // so a following repo update will pick this up val newRepo = NewRepository( name =, icon = archiveRepo.repository.icon ?: emptyMap(), address = archiveRepo.address, formatVersion = archiveRepo.formatVersion, certificate = archiveRepo.certificate ?: error("Repo had no certificate"), username = archiveRepo.username, password = archiveRepo.password, ) db.runInTransaction { val repoId = repositoryDao.insert(newRepo) repositoryDao.setWeight(repoId, repo.weight - 1) } cancel("expected") // no need to continue downloading the entire repo } override fun onAppReceived(app: AppOverviewItem) { // no-op } } val uri = Uri.parse(address) fetchRepo(uri, repo.fingerprint, proxy, repo.username, repo.password, receiver) } private fun hasDisallowInstallUnknownSources(context: Context): Boolean { val userManager = getSystemService(context, ?: error("No UserManager available.") return if (SDK_INT < 29) userManager.hasUserRestriction(DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES) else userManager.hasUserRestriction(DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES) || userManager.hasUserRestriction(DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES_GLOBALLY) } private fun getTempRepo( uri: Uri, indexFormatVersion: IndexFormatVersion, username: String?, password: String?, ) = Repository( repoId = REPO_ID, address = uri.toString(), timestamp = -1L, formatVersion = indexFormatVersion, certificate = null, version = 0L, weight = 0, lastUpdated = -1L, username = username, password = password, ) } internal val defaultRepoUriBuilder = RepoUriBuilder { repo, pathElements -> val builder = Uri.parse(repo.address).buildUpon() pathElements.forEach { builder.appendEncodedPath(it) } }