#!/usr/bin/env bash ## # BIG-IP SSLo diagnostics and repair utility # Version of current file. VERSION="1.0.10" # Colors for messaging prompts. COLOR_ERR='\033[0;31m' COLOR_INFO='\033[0;32m' COLOR_WARN='\033[0;33m' COLOR_DBG='\033[0;34m' COLOR_NONE='\033[0m' # Defaults. DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=90 # SSLo iAppLX prefix. SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX="f5-iappslx-ssl-orchestrator" # SSLo references. SSLO_IAPP_REF="https://localhost/mgmt/shared/iapp" SSLO_CONFIG_PROC_BASE_REF="${SSLO_IAPP_REF}/processors" SSLO_CONFIG_PROC_REF="${SSLO_CONFIG_PROC_BASE_REF}/${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}" # Device identity file. DEVICE_ID_FILE="/config/f5-rest-device-id" # Device version file. DEVICE_VERSION_FILE="/VERSION" # REST device status: ACTIVE. DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE="ACTIVE" # REST gossip status: ACTIVE GOSSIP_STATUS_ACTIVE="ACTIVE" # Diagnostic log levels. LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE="[SEVERE]" LOG_LEVEL_WARN="[WARNING]" # HA sync targets. SYNC_TARGET_ALL="ALL" SYNC_TARGET_MCP="MCP" SYNC_TARGET_REST="REST" # All HA sync target values. SYNC_TARGET_VALUES=( "${SYNC_TARGET_ALL}" "${SYNC_TARGET_MCP}" "${SYNC_TARGET_REST}" ) ## # All HA sync targets. # Targets are sync'ed in the order specified. SYNC_TARGETS_ALL=( "${SYNC_TARGET_MCP}" "${SYNC_TARGET_REST}" ) ## # Default HA sync targets. # Targets are sync'ed in the order specified. # Note: for now the default targets match all targets. SYNC_TARGETS_DEFAULT=( "${SYNC_TARGETS_ALL[@]}" ) ## # Timeout for REST worker to become available. WAIT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=60 # SSH connection timeout (seconds) SSH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=3 ## # Checks if an item is found in a given array. # $1: the element to look for # $2: the array # Returns 0 if element has been found, 1 otherwise. # # Example: if in_array "foo" "${bar[@]}"; then ... in_array() { for item in "${@:2}"; do [[ "${item}" == "${1}" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } ## # Logs a green or normal info message (to STDOUT). function log_info() { echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}info:${COLOR_NONE} $*" } ## # Logs a yellow warning message (to STDOUT). function log_warning() { echo -e "${COLOR_WARN}warning:${COLOR_NONE} $*" } ## # Logs a red error message (to STDERR). function log_error() { echo -e "${COLOR_ERR}error:${COLOR_NONE} $*" >&2 } ## # Logs a debug trace if required parameter is present. function log_debug() { if [[ "${is_verbose}" == "false" ]]; then return; fi echo -e "${COLOR_DBG}debug:${COLOR_NONE} ${FUNCNAME[1]}(): $*" >&2 } ## # Checks/validates the HA/sync environment: # - HA peer passwordless SSH access # - etc. function check_env() { # For dry-run or local-only repairs no further check required. if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "true" || "${is_local}" == "true" || "${is_standalone}" == "true" ]]; then return fi local msg local error local returncode msg="SSH/passwordless access to remote HA peer ${ha_peer}" log_debug "Checking ${msg}..." # Capture stderr if any. error=$(${REMOTE_SSH_CMD} "echo" 2>&1 >/dev/null) returncode=$? if [[ ${returncode} -gt 0 ]]; then error+="\nPlease check ${msg}" error+="\nSee K13454: Configuring SSH public key authentication on BIG-IP systems:" error+="\nhttps://support.f5.com/csp/article/K13454" log_error "${error}" exit 1 fi log_debug "Successful ${msg}" } ## # Diagnoses MCP health/issues. function diag_mcp() { log_info "Starting MCP diagnostic..." # TODO: Perform MCP/config-sync related diagnostic. } ## # Detects REST framework issues. function diag_rest() { local cmd local msg log_info "Starting REST framework diagnostic..." if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then # Verify the sslo application installed. verify_app if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "false" ]]; then verify_blocks "-o" verify_blocks "-o -r" fi # Retrieve local and remote device IDs. msg="Retrieving device/machine IDs" cmd="cat ${DEVICE_ID_FILE}" log_info "${msg} locally..." local_device_id=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." peer_device_id=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Local device ID: ${local_device_id}" log_debug "Peer device ID: ${peer_device_id}" # Check device groups. diag_rest_device_groups # Check device states. diag_rest_device_states # Check device/machine IDs. diag_rest_device_ids # Check device REST framework versions. diag_rest_device_frameworks # Check device certificates. diag_rest_device_certificates # Check gossip status. diag_rest_gossip # Perform a quick Echo gossip test. diag_rest_gossip_test else verify_blocks "-o" fi } ## # Detects REST framework device certificate issues. # # The device certificates should be identical on both devices. # For consistent results when comparing the list of certificates, we sort # the device-certificates jq query by 'machineId'. This way we get the # related collection on both devices ordered (the same). function diag_rest_device_certificates() { local cmd local msg local url local local_device_certificates_json local peer_device_certificates_json msg="Checking REST framework device certificates" url="shared/device-certificates" cmd="restcurl ${url} | jq '[[.items[]] | sort_by(.machineId)[] | { \ certificateId, \ machineId, \ certificate}]'" log_info "${msg} locally..." local_device_certificates_json=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" peer_device_certificates_json=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Local device certificates: ${local_device_certificates_json}" log_debug "Peer device certificates: ${peer_device_certificates_json}" if [[ "${local_device_certificates_json}" != "${peer_device_certificates_json}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Device certificate mismatch detected!\n" \ "Local: ${local_device_certificates_json}\n" \ "${ha_peer}: ${peer_device_certificates_json}" fi } ## # Detects REST framework device group issues. # # The device groups should be identical on both devices. # For consistent results when comparing the list of devices, we sort # the device-group jq query by 'uuid'. This way we get the related # collection on both devices ordered (the same). function diag_rest_device_groups() { local cmd local msg local url msg="Checking REST framework device groups" url="shared/resolver/device-groups/tm-shared-all-big-ips/devices" cmd="restcurl ${url} | jq '[[.items[]] | sort_by(.uuid)[] | { \ uuid, \ machineId, \ state, \ address, \ version, \ build, \ restFrameworkVersion, \ managementAddress}]'" log_info "${msg} locally..." local_device_group_json=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" peer_device_group_json=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" log_debug "Peer device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" if [[ "${local_device_group_json}" != "${peer_device_group_json}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Device group mismatch detected!\n" \ "Local: ${local_device_group_json}\n" \ "${ha_peer}: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi } ## # Detects REST device framework version issues. # # Device framework versions have to be the same and matching the TMOS platform # versions, across both local and remote devices. # # We'll be regarding the version, restFrameworkVersion and the TMOS # platform version in the following format (example): 16.0.0-0.0.7474 # # For each device we extract the relevant version fields as a JSON blob, # from the respective device groups and devices, e.g.: # [ # { # "uuid": "16d3381a-7e91-44a5-8c47-8bacb17366ca", # "version": "16.0.0", # "build": "0.0.7474", # "restFrameworkVersion": "16.0.0-0.0.7474" # }, # { # "uuid": "c3dc043a-7b30-4daa-bb80-2b9e85cc40f5", # "version": "16.0.0", # "build": "0.0.7474", # "restFrameworkVersion": "16.0.0-0.0.7474" # } # ] # # Let's refer to this JSON blob as a device-group 'meta version'. # # If dg1 and dg2 are the device groups, and d1 and d2 are the devices, # local and remote respectively, here are the checks (cross-validations): # - dg1.meta_version == dg2.meta_version # - dg1.d1.version|restFrameworkVersion == d1.platform_version # - dg1.d2.version|restFrameworkVersion == d2.platform_version # - dg2.d1.version|restFrameworkVersion == d1.platform_version # - dg2.d2.version|restFrameworkVersion == d2.platform_version function diag_rest_device_frameworks() { local cmd local msg local local_meta_version_json local peer_meta_version_json local platform_version local rest_version msg="Checking version match across device groups..." cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | jq '[.[] | \ {uuid, version, build, restFrameworkVersion}]'" local_meta_version_json=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | jq '[.[] | \ {uuid, version, build, restFrameworkVersion}]'" peer_meta_version_json=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_debug "Local device group versions: ${local_meta_version_json}" log_debug "Peer device group versions: ${peer_meta_version_json}" log_info "${msg}" if [[ "${local_meta_version_json}" != "${peer_meta_version_json}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Version mismatch across device groups!" \ "Local device group: ${local_meta_version_json}\n" \ "Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_meta_version_json}" fi msg="Checking device REST framework versions" # ================================= log_info "${msg} locally..." # ================================= cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .version'" platform_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .build'" platform_version+=-$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .restFrameworkVersion'" rest_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_debug "Local REST platform version: ${platform_version}" log_debug "Local REST framework version: ${rest_version}" if [[ "${rest_version}" != "${platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} REST framework version [${rest_version}]" \ "vs. platform version [${platform_version}]" \ "mismatch in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi if [[ "${platform_version}" != "${local_platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Platform version [${local_platform_version}]" \ "mismatch in local device group: ${local_meta_version_json}" fi if [[ "${rest_version}" != "${local_platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} REST version [${rest_version}]" \ "mismatch in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi # ================================================== log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." # ================================================== cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .version'" platform_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .build'" platform_version+=-$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .restFrameworkVersion'" rest_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_debug "Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] REST platform version: ${platform_version}" log_debug "Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] REST framework version: ${rest_version}" if [[ "${rest_version}" != "${platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} REST framework version [${rest_version}]" \ "vs. platform version [${platform_version}]" \ "mismatch in remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi if [[ "${platform_version}" != "${peer_platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Platform version [${peer_platform_version}]" \ "mismatch in remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_meta_version_json}" fi if [[ "${rest_version}" != "${peer_platform_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} REST version [${rest_version}]" \ "mismatch in remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi } ## # Detects REST framework device status issues. # # Device status has to be 'ACTIVE' for all devices in the device-groups, # across both local and remote devices. If d1 and d2 are the devices, # and dg1 and dg2 are the device groups, local and remote respectively, # here are the checks (validations): # - dg1.d1.state == ACTIVE # - dg1.d2.state == ACTIVE # - dg2.d1.state == ACTIVE # - dg2.d2.state == ACTIVE # # NOTE: most of the times a device status not being active is not critical. # That's why we raise awareness as not severe. Still we flag possible issues. function diag_rest_device_states() { local cmd local msg local status msg="Checking REST framework device states" log_info "${msg} locally..." # dg1.d1.state == ACTIVE cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .state'" status=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${status}" != "${DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Invalid status [${status}]" \ "for local device [${local_device_id}]," | "in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi # dg1.d2.state == ACTIVE cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .state'" status=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${status}" != "${DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Invalid status [${status}]" \ "for peer device [${peer_device_id}]," \ "in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." # dg2.d1.state == ACTIVE cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .state'" status=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${status}" != "${DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Invalid status [${status}]" \ "for local device [${local_device_id}]," \ "on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" \ "device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi # dg2.d2.state == ACTIVE cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .state'" status=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${status}" != "${DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_WARN} Invalid status [${status}]" \ "for peer device [${peer_device_id}]," \ "on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" \ "device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi } ## # Detects REST framework device/machine ID inconsistencies. # # Compares the ID captured in the DEVICE_ID_FILE (/config/f5-rest-device-id) # against the 'uuid' and 'machineId' fields for each device in the device group # (tm-shared-all-big-ips). If id1 and id2 are the device IDs, and dg1 and dg2 # are the device groups, local and remote respectively, here are the checks: # - id1 vs. dg1.uuid1 | dg1.machineId1 # - id2 vs. dg1.uuid2 | dg1.machineId2 # - id1 vs. dg2.uuid1 | dg2.machineId1 # - id2 vs. dg2.uuid2 | dg2.machineId2 function diag_rest_device_ids() { local cmd local machine_id local msg msg="Checking REST framework device/machine IDs" log_info "${msg} locally..." # id1 vs. dg1.uuid1 | dg1.machineId1 cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .machineId'" machine_id=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${local_device_id}" != "${machine_id}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Invalid local device ID [${machine_id}]" \ "in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi # id2 vs. dg1.uuid2 | dg1.machineId2 cmd="echo '${local_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .machineId'" machine_id=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${peer_device_id}" != "${machine_id}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Invalid peer device ID [${machine_id}]" \ "in local device group: ${local_device_group_json}" fi log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." # id1 vs. dg2.uuid1 | dg2.machineId1 cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg local_device_id \"\$local_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$local_device_id) | .machineId'" machine_id=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${local_device_id}" != "${machine_id}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Invalid local device ID [${machine_id}]" \ "on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi # id2 vs. dg2.uuid2 | dg2.machineId2 cmd="echo '${peer_device_group_json}' | \ jq -r --arg peer_device_id \"\$peer_device_id\" '.[] | \ select(.uuid == \$peer_device_id) | .machineId'" machine_id=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${peer_device_id}" != "${machine_id}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Invalid peer device ID [${machine_id}]" \ "on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] device group: ${peer_device_group_json}" fi } ## # Detects REST framework gossip issues. # # The REST gossip status on both devices should be ACTIVE. function diag_rest_gossip() { local cmd local msg local status local url msg="Checking REST framework gossip/sync status" url="shared/gossip" cmd="restcurl ${url} | jq -r '.status'" log_info "${msg} locally..." status=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_debug "Local REST gossip status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" != "${GOSSIP_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Local REST gossip" \ "status not ${GOSSIP_STATUS_ACTIVE}!" fi log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." status=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] REST gossip status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" != "${GOSSIP_STATUS_ACTIVE}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" \ "REST gossip status not ${GOSSIP_STATUS_ACTIVE}!" fi } ## # Performs a simple Echo worker gossip test. # # - posts arbitrary content/state to local Echo worker # - makes sure the remote Echo worker state matches the content posted above # - posts arbitrary content/state to remote Echo worker # - makes sure the local Echo worker state matches the content posted above function diag_rest_gossip_test() { local cmd local content local msg local result local url msg="Testing Echo gossip/sync" url="shared/echo" # ============================================================= log_info "${msg} from local to remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." # ============================================================= # POST Echo state content locally. content="$(uuidgen)" cmd="restcurl -X POST -d '{\"content\" = \"${content}\" }' ${url} | jq -r '.content'" result=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_debug "Local Echo state content: ${result}" # GET Echo state content on remote HA peer. cmd="restcurl ${url} | jq -r '.content'" result=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") # Check Echo state sync. if [[ "${result}" != "${content}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} REST gossip/sync not working" \ "from local to remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" fi # ============================================================= log_info "${msg} from remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] to local..." # ============================================================= # POST Echo state content on remote HA peer. content="$(uuidgen)" cmd="restcurl -X POST -d '{\"content\" = \"${content}\" }' ${url} | jq -r '.content'" result=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] Echo state content: ${result}" # GET Echo state content locally. cmd="restcurl ${url} | jq -r '.content'" result=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") # Check Echo state sync. if [[ "${result}" != "${content}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} REST gossip/sync not working" \ "from remote HA peer [${ha_peer}] to local." fi } ## # Perform the HA sync diagnostic and attempts to detect possible problems. # We retrieve here the platform version from the /VERSION file. # The related awk command yields a result with the following format (example): # 16.0.0-0.0.7474 function diagnostic() { if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then local cmd local msg # Retrieve local and remote platform versions. msg="Retrieving platform versions" log_info "${msg} locally..." cmd="awk '/^Build|^Version/{print\$2}' ${DEVICE_VERSION_FILE} | paste -sd-" local_platform_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." peer_platform_version=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") log_debug "Local platform version: ${local_platform_version}" log_debug "Peer platform version: ${local_platform_version}" fi # Run diagnostics: MCP, REST. if in_array "${SYNC_TARGET_MCP}" "${sync_targets[@]}"; then diag_mcp; fi if in_array "${SYNC_TARGET_REST}" "${sync_targets[@]}"; then diag_rest; fi # Problems? if [[ "${has_problems}" == "true" ]]; then log_warning "Problems detected!" exit 1 else log_info "No problems detected!" fi } ## # Checks if an item is found in a given array. # $1: the element to look for # $2: the array # Returns 0 if element has been found, 1 otherwise. # # Example: if in_array "foo" "${bar[@]}"; then ... in_array() { for item in "${@:2}"; do [[ "${item}" == "${1}" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } ## # Runs a given command. # Usage: run_cmd [OPTIONS]... COMMAND # -o, --output provides the output of the command (optional); default: /dev/null # -r, --remote runs the command on the remote peer (optional) function run_cmd() { if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then log_error "Missing command!" exit 1 fi local cmd="" local is_output="false" local is_remote="false" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "${1}" in -o|--output) is_output="true" ;; -r|--remote) is_remote="true" ;; -*) log_error "Unknown option: ${1}" exit 1 ;; *) cmd+=" ${1:-}" ;; esac shift done # Make it pretty: trim leading/trailing/redundant spaces, if any. cmd=$(echo "${cmd}" | awk '{$1=$1};1') if [[ -z "${cmd}" ]]; then log_error "Missing command!" exit 1 fi if [[ "${is_remote}" == "true" ]]; then cmd="${REMOTE_SSH_CMD} ${cmd}" fi # Dry-run (simulation) mode? if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "true" ]]; then # TODO: if cmd contains ? then ... if [[ "${is_output}" == "true" ]]; then echo "?" else echo "${cmd}"; echo fi else # Silence the command when not in verbose mode. if [[ "${is_verbose}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${is_remote}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${is_output}" == "true" ]]; then eval "${cmd}" else eval "${cmd}" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi else if [[ "${is_output}" == "true" ]]; then ${cmd} else ${cmd} > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi else if [[ "${is_remote}" == "false" ]]; then eval "${cmd}" else ${cmd} fi fi fi # Manual (step-by-step) mode? if [[ "${is_manual}" == "true" ]]; then read -rp "Press enter to continue... " fi } ## # Performs the HA sync according to the given sync targets. # This function attempts to normalize the ${sync_targets[@]} array: # - adjust to upper case all entries # - detail all targets # - unique entries # - validate targets function sync() { if in_array "${SYNC_TARGET_MCP}" "${sync_targets[@]}"; then sync_mcp; fi if in_array "${SYNC_TARGET_REST}" "${sync_targets[@]}"; then sync_rest; fi } ## # Runs the commands required for the MCP HA sync. function sync_mcp() { local cmd local msg local result local local_device local peer_device # For local-only repairs do not invoke MCP sync. if [[ "${is_local}" == "true" || "${is_standalone}" == "true" ]]; then return fi log_info "Starting MCP HA sync..." msg="Initiating CM Config-Sync" cmd="tmsh run cm config-sync" if [[ "${is_force}" == "true" ]]; then cmd+=" force-full-load-push"; fi cmd+=" to-group ${ha_group}" log_info "${msg} locally..." run_cmd "${cmd}" log_info "MCP HA sync completed!" } ## # Runs the commands required for the REST Framework HA sync. function sync_rest() { local SLEEP_SECONDS=25 local cmd local msg local url log_info "Starting REST Framework HA sync..." msg="Stopping restjavad" cmd="bigstart stop restjavad" log_info "${msg} locally..." run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Removing REST Framework device certificate files" cmd="rm -rf /shared/em/ssl.crt/*" log_info "${msg} locally..." run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" && "${is_force}" == "true" ]]; then msg="Removing REST Framework storage" cmd="rm -rf /var/config/rest/storage" log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" msg="Removing REST Framework index" cmd="rm -rf /var/config/rest/index" log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" msg="Copying REST Framework storage" cmd="scp -rB /var/config/rest/storage ${ha_peer}:/var/config/rest/" log_info "${msg} to remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd "${cmd}" msg="Copying REST Framework index" cmd="scp -rB /var/config/rest/index ${ha_peer}:/var/config/rest/" log_info "${msg} to remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd "${cmd}" fi msg="Starting restjavad" cmd="bigstart start restjavad" log_info "${msg} locally..." run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Removing REST Framework sync conflicts" url="shared/gossip-conflicts" cmd="restcurl -X DELETE ${url}" log_info "${msg} locally..." wait_for_available "${url}" run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." wait_for_available "${url}" "${REMOTE_SSH_CMD}" run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Removing REST Framework device certificates" url="shared/device-certificates" cmd="restcurl -X DELETE ${url}" log_info "${msg} locally..." wait_for_available "${url}" run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." wait_for_available "${url}" "${REMOTE_SSH_CMD}" run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Generating REST Framework device key-pair" url="shared/device-key-pair" cmd="restcurl -X POST -d '{\"generateKeyPair\": true}' ${url}" log_info "${msg} locally..." wait_for_available "${url}" run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." wait_for_available "${url}" "${REMOTE_SSH_CMD}" run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Removing REST Framework devices" url="shared/resolver/device-groups/tm-shared-all-big-ips/devices" cmd="restcurl -X DELETE ${url}" log_info "${msg} locally..." wait_for_available "${url}" run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." wait_for_available "${url}" "${REMOTE_SSH_CMD}" run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi msg="Restarting restjavad, restnoded" cmd="bigstart restart restjavad restnoded" log_info "${msg} locally..." run_cmd "${cmd}" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]..." run_cmd -r "${cmd}" fi if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "false" ]]; then sleep ${SLEEP_SECONDS}s verify_blocks "-o" if [[ "${is_local}" == "false" && "${is_standalone}" == "false" ]]; then verify_blocks "-o -r" fi fi log_info "REST Framework HA sync completed!" } ## # Waits for REST worker to become available. # $1: REST worker URL (e.g. shared/resolver/device-groups/tm-shared-all-big-ips/devices) # $2: remote SSH command (optional) (example: ${REMOTE_SSH_CMD}) function wait_for_available() { if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then log_error "Missing REST worker URL!" exit 1 fi local SLEEP_SECONDS=5 local timeout=${WAIT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} local url="${1}" local cmd="restcurl ${url}/available" local msg="Waiting for REST worker [${url}] to become available" local result # Adjust command for remote SSH access, if necessary. if [[ -n "${2:-}" ]]; then msg="${ha_peer}: ${msg}" cmd="${2} ${cmd}" fi log_debug "${msg}" # Dry-run (simulation) mode? if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "true" ]]; then log_debug "${cmd}" return fi while [[ ${timeout} -ge ${SLEEP_SECONDS} ]]; do result="$($cmd)" if [[ "${result}" == "{}" ]]; then return fi log_debug "${msg} (${timeout}s remaining)..." sleep ${SLEEP_SECONDS}s ((timeout=timeout-SLEEP_SECONDS)) done log_error "${msg} timed out after ${WAIT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} seconds." exit 1 } ## # Parses input parameters. function parse_input() { if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then show_usage exit 0 fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "${1}" in --diagnostic) is_diagnostic="true" ;; -d|--dryrun) is_dryrun="true" ;; -D|--devicegroup) if [[ -z "${2:-}" || ${2:-} == -* ]]; then log_error "Missing HA device group name!" show_usage exit 1 fi ha_group="${2}"; shift # Ignore any other value and stop at the next option parameter. for opt in "${@:2}"; do if [[ ${opt} == -* ]]; then break; fi shift done ;; -f|--force) is_force="true" ;; -h|--help) show_usage exit 0 ;; -H|--host) if [[ -z "${2:-}" || ${2:-} == -* ]]; then log_error "Missing HA peer!" show_usage exit 1 fi local ha_peers=() # Stop at the next option parameter. for opt in "${@:2}"; do if [[ ${opt} == -* ]]; then break; fi ha_peers+=("${opt}"); shift done # For now take only one value (first), ignore the rest. ha_peer=${ha_peers[0]} if [[ ${#ha_peers[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then log_warning "Expecting a single HA peer [${ha_peer}]." \ "Discarding the others..." fi ;; -m|--manual) is_manual="true" ;; -s|--stand-alone) is_standalone="true" ;; -t|--target) if [[ -z "${2:-}" || ${2:-} == -* ]]; then shift; continue; fi sync_targets=() # Stop at the next option parameter. for opt in "${@:2}"; do if [[ ${opt} == -* ]]; then break; fi sync_targets+=("${opt}"); shift done ;; -v|--verbose) is_verbose="true" ;; -V|--version) echo ${VERSION} exit 0 ;; -*) log_error "Unknown option: ${1}" show_usage exit 1 ;; *) validate_input ;; esac shift done } ## # Parses targets (REST, MCP, etc.) function parse_targets() { local targets=() # Adjust to uppercase and make sure we have unique entries. sync_targets=( "${sync_targets[@]^^}" ) for sync_target in "${sync_targets[@]}"; do if ! in_array "${sync_target}" "${SYNC_TARGET_VALUES[@]}"; then log_warning "Ignoring unknown HA sync target: ${sync_target}" continue fi if ! in_array "${sync_target}" "${targets[@]:-}"; then targets+=("${sync_target}") fi done # All targets? if in_array "${SYNC_TARGET_ALL}" "${sync_targets[@]}"; then targets=("${SYNC_TARGETS_ALL[@]}") fi sync_targets=("${targets[@]:-}") } ## # Verifies the SSLo app running. # function verify_app() { local query_cmd local query_id local cmd local msg local url msg="Checking SSLo package installed" url="shared/iapp/package-management-tasks" query_cmd="restcurl ${url} -X POST -d '{\"operation\":\"QUERY\"}' | jq -r .id" log_info "${msg} locally..." query_id=$(run_cmd -o "${query_cmd}") cmd="restcurl ${url}/${query_id} | jq -r '.queryResponse[] | \ select(.name == \"f5-iappslx-ssl-orchestrator\") | .packageName'" local_rpm_version=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ "${local_rpm_version}" == "" ]]; then local_rpm_version="Not Installed" fi log_info "${msg} on remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" query_id=$(run_cmd -o -r "${query_cmd}") cmd="restcurl ${url}/${query_id} | jq -r '.queryResponse[] | \ select(.name == \"f5-iappslx-ssl-orchestrator\") | .packageName'" peer_rpm_version=$(run_cmd -o -r "${cmd}") if [[ "${peer_rpm_version}" == "" ]]; then peer_rpm_version="Not Installed" fi if [[ "${local_rpm_version}" != "${peer_rpm_version}" ]]; then has_problems="true" log_warning "${LOG_LEVEL_SEVERE} Device SSLo RPM mismatch detected!\n" \ "Local: ${local_rpm_version}\n" \ "${ha_peer}: ${peer_rpm_version}" log_warning "It is recommended that you verify and install the correct SSLo RPM\n" \ "on device(s) as needed and then run this command with the --force option!" exit 1 fi } ## # Verifies and repairs sslo blocks. function verify_blocks() { local ids=() local count local msg local suffix local output local dg_data local not_in_dg local all_blocks_json local sslo_blocks_json local sslo_json local sslo_json2 msg="Verifying all SSLo blocks on" if [[ "${1}" == "-o -r" ]]; then suffix="remote HA peer [${ha_peer}]" else suffix="local device" fi # Retrieve the entire set of iapp blocks log_info "${msg} ${suffix}..." cmd="restcurl /shared/iapp/blocks" all_blocks_json=$(run_cmd $1 "${cmd}") # Retrieve the IDs of relaven sslo blocks sslo_blocks_json=$(echo "${all_blocks_json}" | jq -r ".items[] | \ select(.name | startswith(\"sslo\")) |select(.name | \ startswith(\"sslo_ob\") | not) | .id" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | sort | uniq) # Retrive the blocks from the dependency-graph dg_data=$(echo "${all_blocks_json}" | jq -r ".items[] | \ select(.name == \"f5-ssl-orchestrator-dg-data\") | \ .inputProperties[] | .value[].data.selfLink" | \ sed "/^\s*$/d" | awk -F 'blocks/' '{print $2}' | sort) # Determine if any blocks exist that are not included in the dependency-graph not_in_dg=($(comm -13 <(printf '%s\n' "${dg_data[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort) \ <(printf '%s\n' "${sslo_blocks_json[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort))) count=$(echo "${#not_in_dg[@]}") if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then has_problems="true" if [[ "${is_diagnostic}" == "true" ]]; then log_warning "Found ${#not_in_dg[@]} duplicate block(s) on ${suffix}!" else log_info "Removing duplicate block(s) on ${suffix}..." for id in "${not_in_dg[@]}"; do cmd="restcurl -X DELETE /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null done fi fi # Retrieve all SSLo blocks (gather only relevant information). sslo_blocks_json=$(echo "${all_blocks_json}" | jq -r "[.items[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | startswith(\"${SSLO_CONFIG_PROC_REF}\")) | \ {id, name, state, configProcessorTimeoutSeconds, configurationProcessorReference}]") count=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq -r ". | length") msg="SSLo blocks (total): ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Retrieve SSLo templates. output=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.state == \"TEMPLATE\") | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo templates: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Retrieve healthy SSLo blocks (no templates). sslo_json=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq -r "[.[] | \ select(.state != \"ERROR\" and .state != \"TEMPLATE\") | \ {name, state, configurationProcessorReference}]") # Healthy SSLo general settings. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-general-settings\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo general settings: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo topologies. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-topology\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo topologies: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo services. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-service\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo services: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo service chains. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-service-chain\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo service chains: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo security policies. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-policy\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo security policies: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo configurations. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-tls\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo configurations: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Healthy SSLo networks. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ select(.configurationProcessorReference.link | \ endswith(\"${SSLO_IAPPLX_PREFIX}-network\")) | .name") count=$(echo "${output}" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | wc -l) msg="SSLo networks: ${count}" log_debug "${msg}" # Bad SSLo blocks: ERROR state. sslo_json=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq "[.[] | \ select(.state == \"ERROR\") | \ select((.name | startswith(\"proxy-f5-ssl-orchestrator\")) or \ (.name | startswith(\"sslo_ob_\"))) | \ {id, name, state}]") # Bad SSLo blocks: in BINDING state. sslo_json2=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq "[.[] | \ select(.state == \"BINDING\") | \ {id, name, state}]") # Merge the two JSON arrays (proxy/ERROR state with BINDING state). sslo_json=$(jq --argjson arr1 "${sslo_json}" --argjson arr2 "${sslo_json2}" -n "\$arr2 + \$arr1") # Bad SSLo block IDs. mapfile -t ids < <(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | .id") count=${#ids[@]} if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then has_problems="true" if [[ "${is_diagnostic}" == "true" ]]; then msg="Found ${count} block(s) in bad state on $suffix!" log_warning "${msg}" # Bad SSLo block names. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | [.name, .state] | \"\(.[0]) [\(.[1])]\"") log_debug "\n${output}" else if [[ "${is_diagnostic}" == "false" ]]; then # SSLo block IDs in ERROR state. mapfile -t ids < <(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | select(.state == \"ERROR\") | .id") count=${#ids[@]} if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then msg="Removing ${count} block(s) in ERROR state on ${suffix}..." log_info "${msg}" for id in "${ids[@]}"; do cmd="restcurl -X DELETE /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null done fi # SSLo block IDs in BINDING state. mapfile -t ids < <(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | select(.state == \"BINDING\") | .id") count=${#ids[@]} if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then msg="Removing ${count} block(s) in BINDING state on ${suffix}..." log_info "${msg}" # Blocks in BINDING state should first be PATCH-ed to UNBOUND, before deleting. for id in "${ids[@]}"; do cmd="restcurl -X PATCH -d \"{\"state\": \"UNBOUND\"}\" /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null cmd="restcurl -X DELETE /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null done fi # SSLo block IDs in UNBINDING state. mapfile -t ids < <(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | select(.state == \"UNBINDING\") | .id") count=${#ids[@]} if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then msg="Removing ${count} block(s) in UNBINDING state on ${suffix}..." log_info "${msg}" # Blocks in UNBINDING state should first be PATCH-ed to UNBOUND, before deleting. for id in "${ids[@]}"; do cmd="restcurl -X PATCH -d \"{\"state\": \"UNBOUND\"}\" /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null cmd="restcurl -X DELETE /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null done fi fi fi fi # Retrieve SSLo blocks with config processor timeout smaller than minimum allowed. # Some exceptions are needed. sslo_json=$(echo "${sslo_blocks_json}" | jq "[.[] | \ select(.name | endswith(\"f5-ssl-orchestrator-topology-CREATE\") | not) | \ select(.name | endswith(\"f5-ssl-orchestrator-tls-CREATE\") | not) | \ select(.configProcessorTimeoutSeconds < ${deploy_timeout}) | \ {id, name, configProcessorTimeoutSeconds}]") # IDs of SSLo blocks with low config processor timeout. mapfile -t ids < <(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | .id") count=${#ids[@]} # PATCH configProcessorTimeoutSeconds where needed. if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; then has_problems="true" if [[ "${is_diagnostic}" == "true" ]]; then msg="Found ${count} blocks with low config processor timeouts on" log_warning "${msg} ${suffix}!" # SSLo block names and timeouts. output=$(echo "${sslo_json}" | jq -r ".[] | \ [.name, .configProcessorTimeoutSeconds] | \ \"\(.[0]): \(.[1])s\"") log_debug "\n${output}" else log_info "Changing the config processor timeout to ${deploy_timeout}s on ${suffix}..." for id in "${ids[@]}"; do cmd="restcurl -X PATCH -d \"{\"configProcessorTimeoutSeconds\": \ ${deploy_timeout}}\" /shared/iapp/blocks/${id}" run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" > /dev/null done fi fi if [[ ! -z ${username} && ! -z ${password} ]]; then msg="Saving current block state on ${suffix}..." log_info "${msg}" cmd="restcurl -u ${username}:${password} ${SSLO_IAPP_REF}/f5-iappslx-ssl-orchestrator/mcpBlockIO -X POST -d '{\"operation\": \"save\"}'" login_response=$(run_cmd $1 "${cmd}" | jq .command) if [[ ${login_response} == "null" ]]; then log_warning "Failed to save current block state on ${suffix}..." fi fi } function show_usage() { echo -e "BIG-IP SSLo diagnostics and repair utility" echo -e "Usage: ${PROG} [OPTIONS]..." echo -e "\t -d, --dryrun \t\t\t Dry-run (simulation) mode" echo -e "\t -D, --devicegroup NAME \t Specifies the HA device group name" echo -e "\t , --diagnostic \t\t Runs a diagnostic and attempts to detect possible HA sync problems" echo -e "\t -f, --force \t\t\t Enforces a more coercive HA sync (see README for details)" echo -e "\t -h, --help \t\t\t Displays help text" echo -e "\t -H, --host HA_PEER \t\t Specifies the HA sync peer" echo -e "\t -m, --manual \t\t\t Manual (step-by-step) mode" echo -e "\t -s, --stand-alone \t\t Runs on this stand-alone device that is not part of a failover group" echo -e "\t -t, --target [NAMES]... \t Specifies the HA sync target(s) [${SYNC_TARGET_VALUES[*]}]. Default: ${SYNC_TARGET_ALL}" echo -e "\t -v, --verbose \t\t\t Provides additional (debug) information" echo -e "\t -V, --version \t\t\t Displays the current version of this script" echo -e "Examples:" echo -e "\t ${PROG} -D ha-failover -H --diagnostic" echo -e "\t ${PROG} -D ha-failover -H" echo -e "\t ${PROG} --stand-alone --diagnostic" echo -e "\t ${PROG} --stand-alone" } ## # Validates input parameters. function validate_input() { local cmd local result # Must always run against a stand-alone device or against an ha-group. if [[ "${is_standalone}" == "false" && -z "${ha_group}" ]]; then if [[ ! -z "${ha_peer}" ]]; then log_error "You must provide the device-group name to run against a peer." else log_error "You must specify if this is a stand-alone device or provide the device-group name." fi show_usage exit 1 elif [[ "${is_standalone}" == "false" && -z "${ha_peer}" ]]; then is_local="true" elif [[ "${is_standalone}" == "true" && ( ! -z "${ha_peer}" || ! -z "${ha_group}" ) ]]; then log_error "You may only specify this device as stand-alone or provide a device-group name." show_usage exit 1 elif [[ ! -z "${ha_peer}" && -z "${ha_group}" ]]; then log_error "You must provide a device-group when you provide an HA peer." show_usage exit 1 elif [[ "${is_standalone}" == "true" && -z "${ha_group}" ]]; then return fi log_info "Verifying local device belongs to ${ha_group} device group..." cmd="tmsh list cm device one-line |grep self-device |awk '{print \$3}'" local_device=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="tmsh list cm device-group ${ha_group} all-properties one-line |awk -F 'devices | full-load-on-sync' '{print \$2}'|grep ${local_device}" result=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then log_error "Local device must be a member of ${ha_group} device group!" exit 1 fi if [[ "${is_local}" == "true" ]]; then return fi log_info "Verifying peer device belongs to ${ha_group} device group..." cmd="tmsh list cm device one-line |grep ${ha_peer} |awk '{print \$3}'" peer_device=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") cmd="tmsh list cm device-group ${ha_group} all-properties one-line |awk -F 'devices | full-load-on-sync' '{print \$2}'|grep ${peer_device}" result=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}") if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then log_error "Peer device must be a member of ${ha_group} device group!" exit 1 fi } function request_credentials() { while true; do echo "Please enter your BIG-IP Admin account credentials." IFS= read -p 'Enter Username: ' username IFS= read -s -p 'Enter Password: ' password echo "" cmd="restcurl -u ${username}:${password} ${SSLO_IAPP_REF}/blocks" login_response=$(run_cmd -o "${cmd}" | jq .selfLink) if [[ ${login_response} == '"https://localhost/mgmt/shared/iapp/blocks"' ]]; then return fi log_error "The credentials provided appear to be invalid." done } # # # # # # # # # # # Main entry point. # # # # # # # # # # set -Euo pipefail PROG=${0##*/} deploy_timeout=${DEFAULT_CONFIG_PROC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} ha_group="" ha_peer="" is_diagnostic="false" is_dryrun="false" is_force="false" is_local="false" is_manual="false" is_standalone="false" is_verbose="false" has_problems="false" local_device_id="" local_device_group_json="" local_platform_version="" peer_device_id="" peer_device_group_json="" peer_platform_version="" sync_targets=( "${SYNC_TARGETS_DEFAULT[@]}" ) username="" password="" # Parse input parameters. parse_input "$@" REMOTE_SSH_CMD="ssh -o ConnectTimeout=${SSH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT} -o BatchMode=yes ${ha_peer}" validate_input check_env parse_targets if [[ "${is_diagnostic}" == "true" ]]; then diagnostic else if [[ "${is_dryrun}" == "false" ]]; then required_version="16.1.0" local_version=$(awk '/^Version/{print $2}' ${DEVICE_VERSION_FILE} | paste -sd-) if [[ "$(printf '%s\n' "${required_version}" "${local_version}" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "${required_version}" ]]; then request_credentials fi fi sync fi