#!/usr/bin/python import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) import time from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI # argument check if len(sys.argv)<5: print "USAGE: zabbixURL user pass host itemName" print "EXAMPLE: Admin zabbix myhost mystr1" sys.exit(1) # simple parse for arguments url = sys.argv[1] user = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] host = sys.argv[4] key = sys.argv[5] print "Going to connect to {} as {}, and retrieve from host {} the item {}".format(url,user,host,key) # Create ZabbixAPI class instance use_older_authenticate_method = False zapi = ZabbixAPI(url, use_older_authenticate_method, user, password) zversion = zapi.do_request('apiinfo.version') print "Zabbix API version: {}".format(zversion['result']) # https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.2/manual/api/reference/host/get # Get specified host print "----------------------------" thehost = zapi.do_request('host.get', { 'filter': {'host': host}, 'selectItems' : 'extend', 'output': 'extend' }) if len(thehost['result'])<1: print "HALTING. There was no host defined in zabbix with id: {}".format(host) sys.exit(2) hostId = thehost['result'][0]['hostid'] print "Found host {} with id {}".format(host,hostId) # now look for item within that host itemId = None for item in thehost['result'][0]['items']: # for debugging #print "item[{}] -> {}".format(item['itemid'],item['key_']) # if match, then get out int id and type (0=float,1=char,3=unsign,4=text) if item['key_'] == key: itemId = item['itemid'] itemType = item['value_type'] if itemId is None: print "HALTING. There was no item defined on host {} with name: {}".format(host,key) sys.exit(2) print "Found item {} on host {} with item id/type {}/{}".format(key,host,itemId,itemType) # https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.2/manual/api/reference/history/get print "----------------------------" history = zapi.do_request('history.get', { 'history': itemType, 'filter': {'host': host, 'itemid': itemId}, 'limit': '5', 'sortfield': 'clock', 'sortorder': 'DESC', 'output': 'extend' }) # show history rows print "Retrieved {} rows of history".format(len(history['result'])) for hist in history['result']: # convert epoch to human readable format timestr = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(long(hist['clock']))) print "{} @ {}".format(timestr,hist['value'])