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"€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagprxa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 116062, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagprya", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 116063, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagprza", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 116064, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagpsaa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2020-05-10" }, { "id": 116065, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagpsba", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 115210, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagolea", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 115211, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagolfa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2020-05-07" }, { "id": 115212, "name": "€uro-Coaster", "url": 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"https://rcdb.com/aacovia", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2013-05-11" }, { "id": 45172, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacovka", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2013-05-11" }, { "id": 45174, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacovma", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2013-05-11" }, { "id": 90752, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegma", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-15" }, { "id": 90753, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegna", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-15" }, { "id": 90754, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegoa", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-15" }, { "id": 90755, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegpa", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-15" }, { "id": 90756, "name": "1066", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegqa", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-15" }, { "id": 90757, "name": "1066", "url": 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"2012-01-30" }, { "id": 108633, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagesfa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-01-31" }, { "id": 108636, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagesia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-01-31" }, { "id": 42993, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclppa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-01-30" }, { "id": 37345, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdgja", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2011-04-06" }, { "id": 37333, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdfxa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2011-04-06" }, { "id": 42990, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclpma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-01-30" }, { "id": 37344, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdgia", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2011-04-06" }, { "id": 16931, "name": "Alap Alap", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazbfa", "copyName": 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"https://rcdb.com/aahwqqa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-27" }, { "id": 138285, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwora", "copyName": "William Stoub", "copyDate": "2023-05-06" }, { "id": 133187, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpapa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2022-07-28" }, { "id": 133188, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpaqa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2022-07-28" }, { "id": 133189, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpara", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2022-07-28" }, { "id": 132826, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahomsa", "copyName": "Gabriel Ludwiski", "copyDate": "2022-07-03" }, { "id": 132827, "name": "All American Triple Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahomta", "copyName": "Gabriel Ludwiski", "copyDate": "2022-07-03" }, { "id": 132569, "name": "All American Triple Loop", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train.", "cost": "13000000", "designer": "Joe Draves" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 136318, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtraa", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 136318, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtraa", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, { "id": 136316, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtqya", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, { "id": 136311, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtqta", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, { "id": 136330, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtrma", "copyName": "Mark Barnett", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, { "id": 136324, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtrga", "copyName": "Derek Perry", "copyDate": "2023-03-31" }, { "id": 136309, "name": "ArieForce One", "url": 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 4 rows for a total of 8 riders per car.", "cost": "35000000000" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 25081, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcra", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 25081, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcra", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 25085, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcva", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 25083, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcta", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 25087, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcxa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 25082, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aablcsa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 25084, "name": 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"url": "https://rcdb.com/aabaula", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-22" }, { "id": 18108, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabauma", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-22" }, { "id": 18109, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabauna", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-22" }, { "id": 18110, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabauoa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-22" }, { "id": 18111, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabaupa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-22" }, { "id": 28597, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqhxa", "copyName": "Stefan Zwanzger", "copyDate": "2009-11-22" }, { "id": 118532, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtiya", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2009-09-07" }, { "id": 118533, "name": "Atlantis Adventure", "url": 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"name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwlma", "copyName": "David Buckingham", "copyDate": "2013-02-22" }, { "id": 50323, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwlna", "copyName": "David Buckingham", "copyDate": "2013-02-22" }, { "id": 50324, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwloa", "copyName": "David Buckingham", "copyDate": "2013-02-22" }, { "id": 50325, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwlpa", "copyName": "David Buckingham", "copyDate": "2013-02-22" }, { "id": 50326, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwlqa", "copyName": "David Buckingham", "copyDate": "2013-02-22" }, { "id": 74182, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftea", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74183, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftfa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74187, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftja", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74186, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74184, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftga", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74188, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftka", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74185, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftha", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" }, { "id": 74189, "name": "Atlantis Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeftla", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-30" } ], "coords": { "lat": "-8.582252", "lng": "115.347219" } }, { "id": 1216, "name": "Atomic / アトミックコースター", "park": { "name": "Greenland", "id": 4967 }, "city": "Arao", "state": "Kumamoto", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/1216.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { 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"Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkrda", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2009-07-11" }, { "id": 57914, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrma", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57915, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrna", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57917, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrpa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57918, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrqa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57919, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrra", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57920, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrsa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-12-24" }, { "id": 57926, "name": "Avalancha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhrya", "copyName": "Robin 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"copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2022-09-04" }, { "id": 3243, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3244, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3245, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3246, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3247, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3248, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaeuya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 8495, "name": "Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamota", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 8 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 89658, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcqka", "copyName": "Aymeric Desphelippon", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 89658, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcqka", "copyName": "Aymeric Desphelippon", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 12761, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaswva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12762, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaswwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12763, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaswxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12764, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaswya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12765, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaswza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12766, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxaa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12767, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12768, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12769, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxda", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12770, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxea", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12771, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxfa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12772, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxga", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12773, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxha", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12774, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxia", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12775, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12776, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 12777, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasxla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2005-06-11" }, { "id": 89878, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcywa", "copyName": "Aurelien Balducci", "copyDate": "2018-04-17" }, { "id": 90744, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafegea", "copyName": "Tobias Kathke", "copyDate": "2018-04-08" }, { "id": 109490, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzea", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" }, { "id": 109491, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzfa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" }, { "id": 109492, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzga", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" }, { "id": 109493, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzha", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" }, { "id": 109494, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" }, { "id": 109495, "name": "Azteka", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagfzja", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-08-04" } ], "coords": { "lat": "46.509511", "lng": "3.630541" } }, { "id": 13654, "name": "Ba-a-a-Express", "park": { "name": "Europa Park", "id": 4870 }, "city": "Rust", "state": "Baden-Württemberg", "country": "Germany", "region": "Germany", "link": "/13654.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2016-07-13" } }, "make": "ART Engineering GmbH", "model": "Family Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "67", "height": "3", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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"https://rcdb.com/aadnwna", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62104, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnwqa", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-06-30" }, { "id": 62103, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnwpa", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 107292, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagcsqa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-12-04" }, { "id": 62106, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnwsa", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-06-30" }, { "id": 62105, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnwra", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-06-30" }, { "id": 62121, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxha", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62122, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxia", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" 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"copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62117, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxda", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62120, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxga", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62119, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxfa", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 107291, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagcspa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-12-04" }, { "id": 62118, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxea", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62124, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxka", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-07-04" }, { "id": 62123, "name": "Baron 1898", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnxja", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2015-06-30" }, { "id": 78807, "name": 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"2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136990, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuqwa", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136996, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahurca", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136981, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuqna", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136998, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahurea", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136988, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuqua", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136994, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuraa", "copyName": "Mario Martín", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 134665, "name": "Batman Gotham City Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrfla", "copyName": "Mario Martín", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 140346, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzpya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 140346, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzpya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140347, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzpza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140348, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140349, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140350, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqca", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140351, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqda", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140352, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqea", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140353, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqfa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 140354, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzqga", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-26" }, { "id": 130858, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlpaa", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2022" }, { "id": 130859, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlpba", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2022" }, { "id": 130860, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlpca", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2022" }, { "id": 125476, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqaa", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-11-30" }, { "id": 131121, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzda", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131122, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzea", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131128, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzka", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-06" }, { "id": 131127, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzja", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131125, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzha", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131123, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzfa", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131126, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzia", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 131124, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlzga", "copyName": "Jing Li", "copyDate": "2022-03-14" }, { "id": 125477, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqba", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125478, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqca", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125479, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqda", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125480, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqea", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125481, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqfa", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125482, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqga", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 125483, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdqha", "copyName": "Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World", "copyDate": "2020-12-22" }, { "id": 132690, "name": "Beyond the Cloud", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahohma", "copyName": "Liu Lin", "copyDate": "2022" } ], "coords": { "lat": "31.326833", "lng": "120.469906" } }, { "id": 18837, "name": "Bheem The Bomerang", "park": { "name": "Aatapi Wonderland", "id": 18835 }, "city": "Vadodara", "state": "Gujarat", "country": "India", "region": "India", "link": "/18837.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-12-26" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17586, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabaaka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2000" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17586, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabaaka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2000" }, { "id": 85988, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexfga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-08-03" }, { "id": 85989, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexfha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-08-03" }, { "id": 85990, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexfia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-08-03" }, { "id": 85991, "name": "Blue Dragon Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexfja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-08-03" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 4010, "name": "Blue Fire", "park": { "name": "Parque Norte", "id": 6205 }, "city": "Medellín", "state": "Antioquia", "country": "Colombia", "region": "Colombia", "link": "/4010.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2005", "closed": "2012", "undefined": "2014" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "formerNames": "Expreso Tokyo (? to ≤ " }, "mainPicture": { "id": 24997, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkzla", "copyName": "Jonathan Priano", "copyDate": "2009-07-09" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 24997, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkzla", "copyName": "Jonathan Priano", "copyDate": "2009-07-09" }, { "id": 24998, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkzma", "copyName": "Jonathan Priano", "copyDate": "2009-07-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "6.271528", "lng": "-75.567163" } }, { "id": 18071, "name": "Blue Fire / 巅峰勇者", "park": { "name": "Xuzhou Paradise", "id": 16700 }, "city": "Quanshan", "state": "Xuzhou", "country": "Jiangsu", "region": "China", "link": "/18071.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2022-10" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "Launch Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1056", "height": "38", "speed": "100", "inversions": "4", "duration": "2:30", "elements": "LSM Launch" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 126711, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflna", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 126711, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflna", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126710, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflma", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126713, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflpa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126712, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfloa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126708, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflka", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126707, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflja", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" }, { "id": 126714, "name": "Blue Fire", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahflqa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-02" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.230090", "lng": "117.113600" } }, { "id": 4074, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "park": { "name": "Europa Park", "id": 4870 }, "city": "Rust", "state": "Baden-Württemberg", "country": "Germany", "region": "Germany", "link": "/4074.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2009-04-04" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "Launch Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1056", "height": "38", "speed": "100", "inversions": "4", "duration": "2:30", "g-Force": "3.8", "elements": "Dark/Show Section", "arrangement": "5 trains with 5 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train.", "capacity": "1720", "theme": "P&P Projects", "musicalScore": "IMAscore GbR" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 27585, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabouza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 27585, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabouza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 23196, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiiea", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23197, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiifa", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23198, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiiga", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23199, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiiha", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23200, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiiia", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23201, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiija", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23202, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiika", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23203, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiila", "copyName": "Mathias Scherz", "copyDate": "2009" }, { "id": 23217, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabiiza", "copyName": "Thomas Thumann", "copyDate": "2009-02-28" }, { "id": 23218, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabijaa", "copyName": "Thomas Thumann", "copyDate": "2009-02-28" }, { "id": 23219, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabijba", "copyName": "Thomas Thumann", "copyDate": "2009-02-28" }, { "id": 27380, "name": "blue fire 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"https://rcdb.com/aabonja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27388, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabonka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27389, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabonla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27584, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabouya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27586, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabovaa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27587, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabovba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27588, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabovca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27589, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabovda", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 27590, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabovea", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-04-23" }, { "id": 31632, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabuuqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-11-01" }, { "id": 31633, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabuura", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-11-01" }, { "id": 31634, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabuusa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-11-01" }, { "id": 31635, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabuuta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-11-01" }, { "id": 38429, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacewba", "copyName": "Europa Park", "copyDate": "2012-02-01" }, { "id": 38430, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacewca", "copyName": "Europa Park", "copyDate": "2012-02-01" }, { "id": 38991, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfrra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-04-01" }, { "id": 38992, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfrsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-04-01" }, { "id": 38993, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfrta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-04-01" }, { "id": 38994, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfrua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-04-01" }, { "id": 38995, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfrva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-04-01" }, { "id": 41119, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacivna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-09-14" }, { "id": 41120, "name": "blue fire Megacoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacivoa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-09-14" }, { 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 140292, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahznwa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 140292, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahznwa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140293, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahznxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140294, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahznya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140295, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahznza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140296, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzoaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140297, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzoba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140298, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzoca", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140299, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzoda", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" }, { "id": 140300, "name": "Bush Poeter", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzoea", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2023-08-25" } ], "coords": { "lat": "31.582536", "lng": "120.229970" } }, { "id": 438, "name": "Bush Wacker", "park": { "name": "Rainbow Valley", "id": 4688 }, "city": "Cavendish", "state": "Prince Edward Island", "country": "Canada", "region": "Canada", "link": "/438.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1992", "closed": "2005-09" } }, "make": "B. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaaruba", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2005-04-08" }, { "id": 12014, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaruca", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2005-04-08" }, { "id": 12015, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaruda", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2005-04-08" }, { "id": 12016, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaruea", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2005-04-08" }, { "id": 33333, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxiba", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-07" }, { "id": 33334, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxica", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-07" }, { "id": 33335, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxida", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-07" }, { "id": 33336, "name": "Bushwacker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxiea", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-07" }, { 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train.", "installer": "RCS GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 98757, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcja", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 98757, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcja", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98765, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcra", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98768, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcua", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98760, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcma", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98758, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcka", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98761, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcna", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98756, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcia", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98766, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcsa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98759, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcla", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98762, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcoa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98767, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcta", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98769, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqcva", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-01-01" }, { "id": 98763, "name": "Capitol Bullet 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"https://rcdb.com/aaespfa", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2017-11-08" }, { "id": 82868, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaespga", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2017-11-08" }, { "id": 85946, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexdqa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-11-24" }, { "id": 74859, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtfa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-05" }, { "id": 99206, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqtqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2019-02-11" }, { "id": 99207, "name": "Capitol Bullet Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqtra", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2019-02-11" } ], "coords": { "lat": "24.919640", "lng": "55.003779" } }, { "id": 6769, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", "park": { "name": "Pirates Cove Fun Park", "id": 6767 }, "city": "Shanklin", "state": "Isle of Wight", "country": "England", "region": "United Kingdom", "link": "/6769.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2013-07" } }, "make": "SBF Visa Group", "model": "Other", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 46818, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrgsa", "copyName": "Steve Burns", "copyDate": "2013-09-01" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 46818, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrgsa", "copyName": "Steve Burns", "copyDate": "2013-09-01" }, { "id": 46819, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrgta", "copyName": "Steve Burns", "copyDate": "2013-09-01" }, { "id": 46820, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrgua", "copyName": "Steve Burns", "copyDate": "2013-09-01" }, { "id": 46821, "name": "Captain Jacks Runaway Train", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders per train.", "designer": "Benjamin Bloemendaal" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 102458, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvosa", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 102458, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvosa", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102459, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvota", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102460, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvoua", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 102461, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvova", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102462, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvowa", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102463, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvoxa", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102464, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvoya", "copyName": "Oriental Heritage", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 106606, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbsga", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 106607, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbsha", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 106608, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbsia", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-08-05" }, { "id": 106609, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbsja", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 106610, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbska", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2019-08-05" }, { "id": 102390, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvmca", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102391, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvmda", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102392, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvmea", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102393, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvmfa", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102394, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvmga", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102448, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvoia", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2019-06-30" }, { "id": 102778, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbaa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 102779, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbba", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 102780, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbca", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 102781, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbda", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 102782, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 102783, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbfa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-07-14" }, { "id": 106611, "name": "Celestial Gauntlet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbsla", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "" } ], "coords": { "lat": "28.208153", "lng": "112.590853" } }, { "id": 17339, "name": "Çelik Kartal", "park": { "name": "Wonderland Eurasia", "id": 12017 }, "city": "Ankara", "state": "Ankara", "country": "Turkey", "region": "Turkey", "link": "/17339.htm", "status": { "state": "SBNO", "date": { "opened": "2019" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Air Force", "type": "Steel", "design": "Suspended", "stats": { "length": "100", "height": "5.8", "speed": "11.5", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 30 riders.", "restraints": "Single position lap bar", "capacity": "1000", "dimensions": "39", "designer": "Ing.-Büro Stengel GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 88225, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 88225, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 88226, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafania", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 88227, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 88228, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 88229, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 88230, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafanma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-09" }, { "id": 2433, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadppa", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 2434, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadpqa", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 13213, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatofa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13214, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoga", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 40629, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacicra", "copyName": "Dirk Ermen", "copyDate": "2012-07-27" }, { "id": 117461, "name": "Children Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagrtta", "copyName": "Michael S. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders per train.", "relocations": "Bowcraft Playland" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 18579, "name": "Crossbow", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbmpa", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2006" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 18579, "name": "Crossbow", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbmpa", "copyName": "James M. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 57407, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadgxza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2014-11-25" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 57407, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadgxza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2014-11-25" }, { "id": 21727, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgdra", "copyName": "Philip Coates", "copyDate": "2008-03-21" }, { "id": 31584, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabusua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-11-02" }, { "id": 22833, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabhufa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2009-01-31" }, { "id": 19693, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddla", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 21261, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabflta", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2008-02-11" }, { "id": 19689, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddha", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 19688, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddga", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 19691, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddja", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 19692, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddka", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 82903, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaesqpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-11-18" }, { "id": 82904, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaesqqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-11-18" }, { "id": 82905, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaesqra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-11-18" }, { "id": 19690, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabddia", "copyName": "Julien Simon", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 15654, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxeca", "copyName": "Louis Gabriel Tible", "copyDate": "2006-04-08" }, { "id": 17177, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazkra", "copyName": "Patrick Godat", "copyDate": "2006-05-04" }, { "id": 16100, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxvga", "copyName": "Mario Ruiz Paniagua", "copyDate": "2006-04-14" }, { "id": 16859, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2006-07-23" }, { "id": 17176, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazkqa", "copyName": "Patrick Godat", "copyDate": "2006-05-04" }, { "id": 16860, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2006-07-23" }, { "id": 17178, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazksa", "copyName": "Patrick Godat", "copyDate": "2006-06-06" }, { "id": 21728, "name": "Crush's Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgdsa", "copyName": "Philip Coates", "copyDate": "2008-03-21" } ], "coords": { "lat": "48.868219", "lng": "2.777670" } }, { "id": 2770, "name": "Crystal Flyer", "park": { "name": "Crystal Beach Park", "id": 5611 }, "city": "Vermilion", "state": "Ohio", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/2770.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1926", "closed": "1962" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Wood", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "builder": "T. 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 28 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 115244, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomma", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 115244, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomma", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 115245, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomna", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 115246, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomoa", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 105070, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafzlea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-08-27" }, { "id": 103331, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwwha", "copyName": "Danni Guo", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 136362, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahtssa", "copyName": "Rob Crisson", "copyDate": "2023-04-06" }, { 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"name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafzlda", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2019-08-27" }, { "id": 103332, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwwia", "copyName": "Danni Guo", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 103326, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwwca", "copyName": "Danni Guo", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 115248, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomqa", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 115249, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomra", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 44672, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacocea", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2013-03-28" }, { "id": 44671, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacocda", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2013-03-28" }, { "id": 44670, "name": "Crystal Wing", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacocca", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2013-03-28" }, { "id": 44669, "name": 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"https://rcdb.com/aaazosa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17283, "name": "Dinosaur Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazota", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17284, "name": "Dinosaur Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazoua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.764716", "lng": "139.253805" } }, { "id": 21284, "name": "Dinosaur Express / 恐龍快車", "park": { "name": "Palenteology Fantasy Park", "id": 21283 }, "city": "Fenyuan", "state": "Changhua County", "country": "Taiwan", "region": "Taiwan", "link": "/21284.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2023" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 139681, "name": "Dinosaur Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyqja", "copyName": "Denis Bacquelaine", "copyDate": "2023-11-28" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 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"https://rcdb.com/aacggna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 39378, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacggoa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 39379, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacggpa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 39380, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacggqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 39381, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacggra", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 39382, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacggsa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-03-26" }, { "id": 43455, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacmhja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-03-25" }, { "id": 43456, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacmhka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-03-25" }, { "id": 43457, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacmhla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-03-25" }, { "id": 43458, "name": "Dinosaur Jungle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacmhma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-03-25" } ], "coords": { "lat": "29.342858", "lng": "48.042526" } }, { "id": 9037, "name": "Dinosaur Mountain / 飞越恐龙山", "park": { "name": "China Dinosaurs Park", "id": 6412 }, "city": "Xinbei", "state": "Changzhou", "country": "Jiangsu", "region": "China", "link": "/9037.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2010-10" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Gravity Motocoaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "552", "height": "20.5", "inversions": "0", "formerNames": "Smart Shuttle (Chinese: 翼龙穿梭) (", "dimensions": "20" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 51435, "name": "Dinosaur Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacycha", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2013-12-15" }, 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"Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "10 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aadntha", "copyName": "Vekoma", "copyDate": "2015-06-04" }, { "id": 62018, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadntia", "copyName": "Vekoma", "copyDate": "2015-06-04" }, { "id": 62153, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyna", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62154, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyoa", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62155, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnypa", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62156, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyqa", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62157, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyra", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62158, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnysa", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62159, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyta", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 62160, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadnyua", "copyName": "Martin Spies", "copyDate": "2015-07-05" }, { "id": 74224, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefuua", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2016-09-17" }, { "id": 74225, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefuva", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2016-09-17" }, { "id": 74226, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefuwa", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2016-09-17" }, { "id": 74227, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefuxa", "copyName": "Lars Köber", "copyDate": "2016-09-17" }, { "id": 77895, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelfza", "copyName": "Daniel Denzler", "copyDate": "2017-05-26" }, { "id": 77896, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgaa", "copyName": "Daniel Denzler", "copyDate": "2017-05-26" }, { "id": 79677, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwna", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79678, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwoa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79679, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwpa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79680, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwqa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79681, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwra", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79682, "name": "Dragon Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwsa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" 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"2019-05-11" }, { "id": 100744, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftaua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2019-05-11" }, { "id": 100745, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftava", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2019-05-11" }, { "id": 100746, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftawa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2019-05-11" }, { "id": 113408, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagltwa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-17" }, { "id": 113409, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagltxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-17" }, { "id": 113410, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagltya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-17" }, { "id": 113411, "name": "Eleventh Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagltza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": 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"copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102798, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbua", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102800, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbwa", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102801, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbxa", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102802, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbya", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102803, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwbza", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102804, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwcaa", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102805, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwcba", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102806, "name": "Falcon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwcca", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2019-06-15" }, { "id": 102807, 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"6 trains with 4 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaezooa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87583, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezopa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87585, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezora", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87586, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezosa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87587, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezota", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87588, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezoua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87589, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezova", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-02-06" }, { "id": 87590, "name": "Family Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaezowa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": 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"2021", "undefined": "2022" } }, "make": "Zhongshan Playground Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 60057, "name": "Family Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkvxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 60057, "name": "Family Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkvxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 60058, "name": "Family Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkvya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 60061, "name": "Family Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkwba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 60060, "name": "Family Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkwaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 81852, "name": 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"Warner Bros. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 79466, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoka", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 79466, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoka", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79467, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenola", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79468, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoma", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79469, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenona", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79470, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenooa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79471, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenopa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79472, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoqa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79473, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenora", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79474, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenosa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79475, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenota", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79476, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoua", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79477, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenova", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79478, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenowa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79479, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoxa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79480, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoya", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 79481, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenoza", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2017-07-14" }, { "id": 82770, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeslma", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2017-09-03" }, { "id": 82771, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeslna", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2017-09-03" }, { "id": 82772, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaesloa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2017-09-03" }, { "id": 92987, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhola", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 92988, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhoma", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 92989, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhona", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 92990, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhooa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 92991, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhopa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 92992, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhoqa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 116659, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagqoxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 116660, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagqoya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 116661, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagqoza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" }, { "id": 116662, "name": "Fast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagqpaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2018-07-16" } ], "coords": { "lat": "43.235089", "lng": "76.974897" } }, { "id": 16175, "name": "Fast Train Game", "park": { "name": "N2Fun", "id": 16174 }, "city": "Jeddah", "state": "Makkah", "country": "Saudi Arabia", "region": "Saudi Arabia", "link": "/16175.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2011", "closed": "2018", "undefined": "2022" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Powered Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 89376, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfoa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 89376, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfoa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89377, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfpa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89378, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfqa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89379, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfra", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89380, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfsa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89381, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfta", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89382, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfua", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89383, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfva", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89384, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfwa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89385, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfxa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" }, { "id": 89386, "name": "Fast Train Game", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcfya", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2018-03-16" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 13301, "name": "Feeblitz", "park": { "name": "Feeblitz Rodelbobbahn", "id": 13300 }, "city": "Saas-Fee", "state": "Valais", "country": "Switzerland", "region": "Switzerland", "link": "/13301.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2000" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "660", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Cable Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders.", "formerStatus": "SBNO", "dimensions": "200" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17928, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanoa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17928, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanoa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17929, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanpa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17930, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanqa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17931, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanra", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17932, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabansa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17933, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanta", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 17934, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabanua", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 20888, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 20889, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 24651, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkmda", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2008-09-01" }, { "id": 24652, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkmea", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2008-09-01" }, { "id": 97484, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafofka", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2010-08-04" }, { "id": 55462, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebea", "copyName": "Thomas Ryba", "copyDate": "2014-10-04" }, { "id": 55463, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebfa", "copyName": "Thomas Ryba", "copyDate": "2014-10-04" }, { "id": 55464, "name": "Feng Shen Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebga", "copyName": "Thomas Ryba", "copyDate": "2014-10-04" } ], "coords": { "lat": "39.909012", "lng": "116.204353" } }, { "id": 14717, "name": "Fēnix", "park": { "name": "Toverland", "id": 4900 }, "city": "Sevenum", "state": "Limburg", "country": "Netherlands", "region": "Netherlands", "link": "/14717.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-07-07" } }, "make": "Bolliger & Mabillard", "model": "Wing Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Wing", "stats": { "length": "813", "height": "40", "speed": "95", "inversions": "3", "duration": "1:45", "g-Force": "5", "elements": "Dark/Show Section", "arrangement": "2 trains with 6 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aafwoya", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 103143, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwpba", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 103146, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwpea", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2019-05-31" }, { "id": 102864, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafweia", "copyName": "Chenhui Zhang", "copyDate": "2019" }, { "id": 102865, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafweja", "copyName": "Chenhui Zhang", "copyDate": "2019" }, { "id": 103170, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwqca", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 103167, "name": "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwpza", "copyName": "Li Nan", 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"https://rcdb.com/aaectpa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72174, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectya", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72166, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectqa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72167, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectra", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72168, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectsa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72169, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectta", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72172, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectwa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72171, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectva", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 72173, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaectxa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-04-07" }, { "id": 74868, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtoa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74876, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtwa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74872, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtsa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74875, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtva", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74874, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtua", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74870, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtqa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-01-03" }, { "id": 74871, "name": "Flying Aces", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaegtra", 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Equipment", "model": "Suspended Loop Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Inverted", "stats": { "height": "32", "speed": "77", "inversions": "4", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 10 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 20 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 125799, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecla", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 125799, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecla", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125800, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecma", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125801, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecna", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125802, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecoa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125803, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecpa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125804, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecqa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125805, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecra", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125806, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecsa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125807, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecta", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" }, { "id": 125808, "name": "Flying and Floating Over the Clouds and Water", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahecua", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2017-04-20" } ], "coords": { "lat": "31.799463", "lng": "118.712311" } }, { "id": 13653, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region / 西域飞天", "park": { "name": "Happy Valley", "id": 6253 }, "city": "Jinniu", "state": "Chengdu", "country": "Sichuan", "region": "China", "link": "/13653.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-02-10" } }, "make": "Bolliger & Mabillard", "model": "Dive Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "790", "height": "50.1", "speed": "103", "inversions": "1", "duration": "3:06", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "3 trains with 3 cars per train. Riders are arranged 6 across in a single row for a total of 18 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 87177, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyyza", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 87177, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyyza", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87178, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzaa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87179, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzba", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87180, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzca", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87181, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzda", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87182, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzea", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87183, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzfa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87184, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzga", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87185, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzha", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87186, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzia", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87187, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzja", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 87188, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeyzka", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2018-02-19" }, { "id": 101206, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsoa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101204, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsma", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101211, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsta", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101208, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsqa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101212, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsua", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101209, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsra", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101210, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftssa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101200, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsia", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101205, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsna", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101202, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftska", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101207, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftspa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101199, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 101203, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaftsla", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 97001, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafnmva", "copyName": "Bob Vrees", "copyDate": "2018-10-16" }, { "id": 97000, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafnmua", "copyName": "Bob Vrees", "copyDate": "2018-10-16" }, { "id": 92301, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92307, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoha", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92308, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoia", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92312, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoma", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92313, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgona", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92302, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoca", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92315, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgopa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92317, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgora", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92318, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgosa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92320, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92322, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgowa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92323, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92324, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92325, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgoza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92327, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgpba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92329, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgpda", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92330, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgpea", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92331, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgpfa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 92332, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgpga", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-16" }, { "id": 113541, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglyza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113542, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113543, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113544, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113545, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113546, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113547, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113548, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113549, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113550, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113551, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" }, { "id": 113552, "name": "Flying Apsaras in Western Region", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglzka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-12" 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"https://rcdb.com/aafamba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-11" }, { "id": 88194, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafamca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-11" }, { "id": 88195, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafamda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-11" }, { "id": 88196, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafamea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-11" }, { "id": 68556, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxkua", "copyName": "Yoshiaki Nishikawa", "copyDate": "2016-03-04" }, { "id": 67975, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadwola", "copyName": "Yoshiaki Nishikawa", "copyDate": "2016-01-17" }, { "id": 67610, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadwaka", "copyName": "Yoshiaki Nishikawa", "copyDate": "2015-12-29" }, { "id": 67340, "name": "Flying Dinosaur", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadvqaa", "copyName": 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"arrangement": "2 trains with 4 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged inline in a single row for a total of 6 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 20938, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 20938, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 20939, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 20940, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 20941, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 20936, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 20937, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabezha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-03" }, { "id": 27737, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpava", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 27738, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpawa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 27739, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpaxa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 27740, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpaya", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 31021, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabtxda", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-08-01" }, { "id": 118123, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagstfa", "copyName": "Michael S. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 100495, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrfa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 100495, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrfa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 100496, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrga", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 100497, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 100498, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsria", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 100499, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrja", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 100500, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsrka", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 46182, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqiga", "copyName": "Yang Chi", "copyDate": "2013-07-07" }, { "id": 46183, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqiha", "copyName": "Yang Chi", "copyDate": "2013-07-07" }, { "id": 46184, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqiia", "copyName": "Yang Chi", "copyDate": "2013-07-07" }, { "id": 113683, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmela", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 113684, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmema", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 113685, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmena", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" }, { "id": 113686, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmeoa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" } ], "coords": { "lat": "29.291075", "lng": "105.904640" } }, { "id": 6516, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster / 果虫滑车", "park": { "name": "Yiyuan Park", "id": 6514 }, "city": "Shunyi", "state": "Beijing", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/6516.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2013" } }, "make": "Sun Shiyoule", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. Riders are arranged inline in a single row for a total of 6 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 81536, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqaa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 81536, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqaa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 81537, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqba", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 55158, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaddpma", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-10-14" }, { "id": 81538, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqca", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 81540, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqea", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 81542, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqga", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 55159, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaddpna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-10-14" }, { "id": 55160, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaddpoa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-10-14" }, { "id": 55161, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaddppa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-10-14" }, { "id": 81543, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 81544, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqqia", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83412, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83413, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83414, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83415, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83417, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83418, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83419, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" }, { "id": 83420, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaetkma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-24" } ], "coords": { "lat": "40.120335", "lng": "116.645592" } }, { "id": 8022, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster / 果虫滑车", "park": { "name": "Gantang Park", "id": 6634 }, "city": "Xunyang", "state": "Jiujiang", "country": "Jiangxi", "region": "China", "link": "/8022.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2013" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 14 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 24109, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 24109, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 24110, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjria", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 24111, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrja", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 24112, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrka", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 24113, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrla", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 24114, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjrma", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" } ], "coords": { "lat": "25.056390", "lng": "102.711100" } }, { "id": 9595, "name": "Fruit Worm Coaster / 果虫滑车", "park": { "name": "Foshan Amusement Park", "id": 9593 }, "city": "Chancheng", "state": "Foshan", "country": "Guangdong", "region": "China", "link": "/9595.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2008", "closed": "2010", "undefined": "2019" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 76896, "name": "Fruitworm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejtoa", "copyName": "Romain Labat", "copyDate": "2017" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 76896, "name": "Fruitworm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejtoa", "copyName": "Romain Labat", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 76897, "name": "Fruitworm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejtpa", "copyName": "Romain Labat", "copyDate": "2017" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 17039, "name": "Fruit Worm Train / 果虫车", "park": { "name": "Ying Xiang Ecological Park", "id": 17038 }, "city": "Gaoming", "state": "Foshan", "country": "Guangdong", "region": "China", "link": "/17039.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2009", "closed": "2014" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 28 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 117627, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsada", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-14" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 117627, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsada", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-14" }, { "id": 117628, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsaea", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-15" }, { "id": 117629, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsafa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2009-09-19" }, { "id": 117642, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsasa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-15" }, { "id": 117630, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsaga", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-15" }, { "id": 2470, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadraa", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 2471, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadrba", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 2472, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadrca", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 2473, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadrda", "copyName": "Jeff Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 4247, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaghja", "copyName": "Lewis Boeve", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4248, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaghka", "copyName": "Lewis Boeve", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 24659, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkmla", "copyName": "Joel Hettinger", "copyDate": "2008-08-08" }, { "id": 24660, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkmma", "copyName": "Joel Hettinger", "copyDate": "2008-08-08" }, { "id": 24661, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabkmna", "copyName": "Joel Hettinger", "copyDate": "2008-08-08" }, { "id": 50892, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacxhka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2013-08-30" }, { "id": 50893, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacxhla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2013-08-30" }, { "id": 117221, "name": "Fujiyama", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagrkna", "copyName": "Michael S. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 109814, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 109814, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 109815, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglra", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 109816, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglsa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 109817, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglta", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 109818, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 109819, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagglva", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 33703, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxwha", "copyName": "Rudy Vedova", "copyDate": "2011-02-19" }, { "id": 33704, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxwia", "copyName": "Rudy Vedova", "copyDate": "2011-02-19" }, { "id": 33705, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxwja", "copyName": "Rudy Vedova", "copyDate": "2011-02-19" }, { "id": 34690, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabziga", "copyName": "Daniel Weiss", "copyDate": "2011-04-09" }, { "id": 34691, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabziha", "copyName": "Daniel Weiss", "copyDate": "2011-04-09" }, { "id": 34692, "name": "Funny Mouse", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabziia", "copyName": "Daniel Weiss", "copyDate": "2011-04-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "45.474993", "lng": "9.286749" } }, { "id": 14128, "name": "Funny Slides / Весёлые Горки", "park": { "name": "Victory Park", "id": 14127 }, "city": "Tiraspol", "state": "Transnistria", "country": "Moldova", "region": "Moldova", "link": "/14128.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2014", "closed": "2015" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 3 cars. 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"copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102321, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102322, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102323, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102324, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjoa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102325, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102326, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102327, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafvjra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" }, { "id": 102328, "name": "Fun Pilot", "url": 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"2017-09-26" } ], "coords": { "lat": "50.698376", "lng": "4.592056" } }, { "id": 17784, "name": "Funscape Coaster", "park": { "name": "Funscape World", "id": 17783 }, "city": "Galali", "state": "Muharraq", "country": "Bahrain", "region": "Bahrain", "link": "/17784.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2021-09" } }, "make": "SBF Visa Group", "model": "Spinning Coasters", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 24 riders per train.", "cost": "15000000", "capacity": "1500", "designer": "Ing.-Büro Stengel GmbH", "installer": "RCS GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 74342, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefzia", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-09-19" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 74342, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefzia", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2016-09-19" }, { "id": 44551, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacnxna", "copyName": "Oscar Elgarrista", "copyDate": "2012-04-08" }, { "id": 42006, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42007, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42008, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42009, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42010, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42011, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42012, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42013, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42014, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42015, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackdza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42016, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeaa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42017, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42018, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42019, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeda", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42020, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeea", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42021, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackefa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42022, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackega", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42023, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeha", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42024, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeia", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42025, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42026, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackeka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42027, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackela", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 42028, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackema", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-04" }, { "id": 42029, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackena", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-10-05" }, { "id": 44552, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacnxoa", "copyName": "Oscar Elgarrista", "copyDate": "2008-05-03" }, { "id": 19981, "name": "Furius Baco", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabdona", "copyName": "James M. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 30 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 12929, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatdha", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-13" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 12929, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatdha", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-13" }, { "id": 12930, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatdia", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-13" }, { "id": 12931, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatdja", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-13" }, { "id": 12932, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatdka", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-13" }, { "id": 14393, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavhpa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 14945, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawcva", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-12-25" }, { "id": 52757, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabda", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52758, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabea", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52759, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabfa", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52762, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabia", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52760, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabga", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52761, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabha", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 52763, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadabja", "copyName": "Joris Bodin", "copyDate": "2014-05-24" }, { "id": 117600, "name": "Galaxy Express 999", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagrzca", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-04" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 2423, "name": "Galaxy Orbit", "park": { "name": "Peony Park", "id": 5462 }, "city": "Omaha", "state": "Nebraska", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/2423.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1972", "closed": "1993" } }, "make": "S.D.C.", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "2 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaazcea", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 16957, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazcfa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 16958, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazcga", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 16959, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazcha", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2006-08-06" }, { "id": 42336, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackqia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-10-01" }, { "id": 42337, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackqja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-10-01" }, { "id": 42338, "name": "Giraffe Forest Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aackqka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2012-10-01" }, { "id": 42340, "name": "Giraffe 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"2019-08-27" }, { "id": 38898, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacfoca", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2012-03-16" }, { "id": 115254, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomwa", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 115255, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagomxa", "copyName": "Li Nan", "copyDate": "2020-05-03" }, { "id": 17123, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazipa", "copyName": "Julien Rousson", "copyDate": "2006-08-17" }, { "id": 17124, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaziqa", "copyName": "Julien Rousson", "copyDate": "2006-08-17" }, { "id": 17127, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazita", "copyName": "Julien Rousson", "copyDate": "2006-08-17" }, { "id": 17129, "name": "Golden Wings over the Snowfield", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaziva", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 128178, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpya", "copyName": "Tom Chor", "copyDate": "2021-08-23" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 128178, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpya", "copyName": "Tom Chor", "copyDate": "2021-08-23" }, { "id": 128177, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpxa", "copyName": "Tom Chor", "copyDate": "2021-08-23" }, { "id": 128179, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpza", "copyName": "Tom Chor", "copyDate": "2021-08-23" }, { "id": 128718, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahiksa", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" }, { "id": 128719, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahikta", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" }, { "id": 128720, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahikua", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" }, { "id": 128721, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahikva", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" }, { "id": 128722, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahikwa", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" }, { "id": 128723, "name": "Gold Mine Spinning", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahikxa", "copyName": "Jonathan Sansens", "copyDate": "2021-08-07" } ], "coords": { "lat": "45.466672", "lng": "12.529839" } }, { "id": 937, "name": "Gold Mine Train", "park": { "name": "Nigloland", "id": 4854 }, "city": "Dolancourt", "state": "Grand Est", "country": "France", "region": "France", "link": "/937.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1992" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "Powered Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:20", "arrangement": "Single train with 7 cars. 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"https://rcdb.com/aahrpsa", "copyName": "Han Han", "copyDate": "2022-10-03" }, { "id": 134934, "name": "Gold Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrpua", "copyName": "Han Han", "copyDate": "2022-08-24" }, { "id": 134933, "name": "Gold Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrpta", "copyName": "Han Han", "copyDate": "2022-08-18" }, { "id": 134329, "name": "Gold Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqsna", "copyName": "Huang Chendi", "copyDate": "2022-09-17" }, { "id": 134323, "name": "Gold Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqsha", "copyName": "Huang Chendi", "copyDate": "2022-09-17" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 19752, "name": "Gold Mining Coaster", "park": { "name": "Jawa Timur Park 1", "id": 5686 }, "city": "Batu", "state": "East Java", "country": "Indonesia", "region": "Indonesia", "link": "/19752.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2020", "closed": "2021" } }, "make": "L&T Systems", "model": "Wild Mouse", "type": "Steel", 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"2017-02-16" }, { "id": 75720, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeiaia", "copyName": "Max van der Krans", "copyDate": "2017-02-16" }, { "id": 75719, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeiaha", "copyName": "Max van der Krans", "copyDate": "2017-02-16" }, { "id": 75718, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeiaga", "copyName": "Max van der Krans", "copyDate": "2017-02-16" }, { "id": 75717, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeiafa", "copyName": "Max van der Krans", "copyDate": "2017-02-16" }, { "id": 75716, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeiaea", "copyName": "Max van der Krans", "copyDate": "2017-02-16" }, { "id": 70186, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadzvma", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2016-05-11" }, { "id": 70187, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadzvna", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2016-05-11" }, { "id": 62276, "name": "Gravity Max", "url": 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"copyName": "Benjamin Roach", "copyDate": "2013" }, { "id": 39693, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgsra", "copyName": "Zane Kingi", "copyDate": "2011-12-23" }, { "id": 39694, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgssa", "copyName": "Zane Kingi", "copyDate": "2011-12-23" }, { "id": 39690, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgsoa", "copyName": "Zane Kingi", "copyDate": "2011-12-23" }, { "id": 37871, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaceapa", "copyName": "Gavin Seipelt", "copyDate": "2011-12-17" }, { "id": 37063, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaccvna", "copyName": "Wayne Currie", "copyDate": "2011" }, { "id": 39696, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgsua", "copyName": "Zane Kingi", "copyDate": "2011-12-23" }, { "id": 39695, "name": "Green Lantern Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgsta", "copyName": "Zane Kingi", "copyDate": 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"2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84960, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84961, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84962, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84963, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrva", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84964, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrwa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84965, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84966, "name": "Haha Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84967, 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 20 riders per train.", "designer": "Ing.-Büro Stengel GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 136724, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahugqa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2023-04-11" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 136724, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahugqa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2023-04-11" }, { "id": 136725, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahugra", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2023-04-11" }, { "id": 136726, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahugsa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2023-04-11" }, { "id": 60948, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadmeea", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2015-03-16" }, { "id": 60949, "name": "Harvest Time", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadmefa", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2015-03-16" } ], "coords": { "lat": "-6.571020", "lng": "106.896286" } }, { "id": 13194, "name": "Harzbob", "park": { "name": "Erlebniswelt Seilbahnen Thale", "id": 5289 }, "city": "Thale", "state": "Saxony-Anhalt", "country": "Germany", "region": "Germany", "link": "/13194.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2000" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "784", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Cable Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 10 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 138625, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbta", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 138625, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbta", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 138626, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbua", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 138627, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbva", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 138628, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbwa", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 138629, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbxa", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 138630, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxbya", "copyName": "Cory Cogley", "copyDate": "2023-04-29" }, { "id": 140630, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiaawa", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140631, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiaaxa", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140632, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiaaya", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140633, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiaaza", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140634, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabaa", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140635, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabba", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140636, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabca", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140637, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabda", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140638, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabea", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140639, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabfa", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" }, { "id": 140640, "name": "Hillside Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaiabga", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2024-01-06" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 15221, "name": "Hilly-Billy-Race", "park": { "name": "Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle", "id": 5070 }, "city": "Friesoythe-Thüle", "state": "Lower Saxony", "country": "Germany", "region": "Germany", "link": "/15221.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2017" } }, "make": "Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GmbH", "model": "Kiddy Coasters", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "23", "height": "1.8", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "1 car. Riders are arranged inline in a single row for a total of 1 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 90379, "name": "Hilly-Billy-Race", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafdsda", "copyName": "Marvin de Rooij", "copyDate": "2018-05-12" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 90379, "name": "Hilly-Billy-Race", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafdsda", "copyName": "Marvin de Rooij", "copyDate": "2018-05-12" }, { "id": 133580, "name": "Hilly-Billy-Race", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahppsa", "copyName": "Katja Laß", "copyDate": "2022-05-13" }, { "id": 133581, "name": "Hilly-Billy-Race", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahppta", "copyName": "Katja Laß", "copyDate": "2022-05-13" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 10465, "name": "Himalaia", "park": { "name": "Sommerland Syd", "id": 5064 }, "city": "Tinglev", "state": "Syddanmark", "country": "Denmark", "region": "Denmark", "link": "/10465.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2012-05-04", "closed": "2012-08-26" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "460", "height": "15", "inversions": "0", "relocations": "Sommerland Syd" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 112283, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcpa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 112283, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcpa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112284, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112285, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcra", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112286, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcsa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112288, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112289, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcva", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112297, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkdda", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112291, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcxa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112292, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcya", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112287, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcta", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 39681, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgsfa", "copyName": "Susanne Müller", "copyDate": "2012-05-20" }, { "id": 112294, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkdaa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112293, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkcza", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112295, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkdba", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" }, { "id": 112296, "name": "Himalaia", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkdca", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-08-12" } ], "coords": { "lat": "54.962049", "lng": "9.178318" } }, { "id": 562, "name": "Himalaya", "park": { "name": "Luneur Park", "id": 5005 }, "city": "Rome", "state": "Lazio", "country": "Italy", "region": "Italy", "link": "/562.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1968", "closed": "2001" } }, "make": "Pinfari", "model": "Zyklon", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "825", "height": "18", "inversions": "0", "duration": "2:40", "arrangement": "12 cars. 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"https://rcdb.com/aachsea", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40357, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsfa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40358, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsga", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40359, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsha", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40360, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsia", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40362, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachska", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40361, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40363, "name": "Hornet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachsla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-06-07" }, { "id": 40364, "name": "Hornet", "url": 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"https://rcdb.com/aadhmea", "copyName": "Ren Zhihao", "copyDate": "2014-10-21" }, { "id": 57777, "name": "Horse Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhmfa", "copyName": "Ren Zhihao", "copyDate": "2014-10-21" }, { "id": 57778, "name": "Horse Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhmga", "copyName": "Ren Zhihao", "copyDate": "2014" }, { "id": 57779, "name": "Horse Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadhmha", "copyName": "Ren Zhihao", "copyDate": "2014-10-21" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.475403", "lng": "108.915329" } }, { "id": 13825, "name": "Horská Bobová Dráha", "park": { "name": "Bobovka Lipno", "id": 13824 }, "city": "Lipno nad Vltavou", "state": "South Bohemian", "country": "Czechia", "region": "Czechia", "link": "/13825.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2016" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "780", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Cable Lift Hill", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders per train.", "builtBy": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "cost": "16250000", "installer": "RCS GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 90712, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeeya", "copyName": "Richard Williams", "copyDate": "2018-05-28" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 90712, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeeya", "copyName": "Richard Williams", "copyDate": "2018-05-28" }, { "id": 129654, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjusa", "copyName": "Pleasure Beach Resort", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 90713, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeeza", "copyName": "Richard Williams", "copyDate": "2018-05-28" }, { "id": 90714, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafefaa", "copyName": "Richard Williams", "copyDate": "2018-05-28" }, { "id": 90715, "name": "Icon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafefba", "copyName": "Richard Williams", "copyDate": "2018-05-28" }, { "id": 90481, "name": "Icon", "url": 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 69024, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadycua", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2016-03-27" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 69024, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadycua", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2016-03-27" }, { "id": 69034, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadydea", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2016-03-27" }, { "id": 69035, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadydfa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2016-03-27" }, { "id": 64291, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcta", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64292, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcua", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64293, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcva", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64294, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcwa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64295, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcxa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64296, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcya", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64297, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrcza", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64298, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrdaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64299, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrdba", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 64300, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrdca", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2015-09-24" }, { "id": 77636, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaekwaa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-16" }, { "id": 77637, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaekwba", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-16" }, { "id": 77638, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaekwca", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-16" }, { "id": 77639, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaekwda", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-16" }, { "id": 85141, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevyra", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-13" }, { "id": 85142, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevysa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-13" }, { "id": 85143, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevyta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-13" }, { "id": 85144, "name": "Inertia Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevyua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-13" } ], "coords": { "lat": "31.224459", "lng": "121.411438" } }, { "id": 3676, "name": "Inferno", "park": { "name": "Terra Mítica", "id": 4921 }, "city": "Benidorm", "state": "Alicante", "country": "Valencian Community", "region": "Spain", "link": "/3676.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2007-07-21" } }, "make": "Intamin Amusement Rides", "model": "Zac Spin", "type": "Steel", "design": "Wing", "stats": { "length": "142", "height": "25", "speed": "60", "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:00", "elements": "Vertical Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "3 cars. 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"2022-05-18" }, { "id": 131868, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnbwa", "copyName": "Mitchell Lancaster", "copyDate": "2022-05-18" }, { "id": 131869, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnbxa", "copyName": "Mitchell Lancaster", "copyDate": "2022-05-18" }, { "id": 131870, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnbya", "copyName": "Mitchell Lancaster", "copyDate": "2022-05-18" }, { "id": 111400, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuqa", "copyName": "João Spegiorin", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 99509, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafrfha", "copyName": "Busch Gardens Tampa", "copyDate": "2019-03" }, { "id": 131848, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnbca", "copyName": "Liam Short", "copyDate": "2022-04-09" }, { "id": 104910, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafzfaa", "copyName": "Freddy Gruner", "copyDate": "2019-09-12" }, { "id": 104911, "name": "Iron Gwazi", "url": 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"https://rcdb.com/aahnvqa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132383, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvra", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132384, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvsa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132385, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvta", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132386, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvua", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132387, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvva", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132388, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvwa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2022-06-11" }, { "id": 132389, "name": "Iron Rattler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahnvxa", "copyName": "George Greenway", 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"https://rcdb.com/aagvdpa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119746, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdqa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119747, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdra", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119748, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdsa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119749, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdta", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119750, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdua", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119751, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvdva", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-14" }, { "id": 119752, "name": "Jerome's Wooden Dragon", 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"https://rcdb.com/aagvjja", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2019-11-24" }, { "id": 119896, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvjka", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2019-11-24" }, { "id": 119897, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagvjla", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2019-11-24" }, { "id": 11720, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaariua", "copyName": "Jim Winslett", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 11721, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaariva", "copyName": "Jim Winslett", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 11722, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaariwa", "copyName": "Jim Winslett", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 11723, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaarixa", "copyName": "Jim Winslett", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 11724, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaariya", "copyName": "Jim Winslett", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 11725, "name": "Jozi 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"2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33313, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhha", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33314, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33315, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhja", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33316, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhka", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33317, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhla", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33318, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhma", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33319, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33320, "name": "Jozi Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhoa", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car.", "relocations": "Legoland Windsor" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 28582, "name": "Jungle Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqhia", "copyName": "Stefan Zwanzger", "copyDate": "2009-03-22" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 28582, "name": "Jungle Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqhia", "copyName": "Stefan Zwanzger", "copyDate": "2009-03-22" } ], "coords": { "lat": "51.464684", "lng": "-0.645948" } }, { "id": 14831, "name": "Jungle Coaster / จังเกิ้ล โคสเตอร์", "park": { "name": "Pongyang Adventure Park", "id": 14830 }, "city": "Mae Rim", "state": "Chiang Mai", "country": "Thailand", "region": "Thailand", "link": "/14831.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2016" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "605", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Cable Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 77913, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgra", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2017-06-02" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 77913, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgra", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2017-06-02" }, { "id": 77914, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgsa", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2017-06-02" }, { "id": 77916, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgua", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2017-06-02" }, { "id": 77917, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelgva", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2017-06-02" }, { "id": 84944, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84945, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84946, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84947, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84948, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84949, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84950, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevria", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84951, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84952, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84953, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84954, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" }, { "id": 84955, "name": "Jungle Control", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaevrna", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "28.682800", "lng": "115.892850" } }, { "id": 19614, "name": "Jungle Counterattack / 丛林大反击", "park": { "name": "Great Barrier Reef Fun World", "id": 19613 }, "city": "Zhongyuan", "state": "Zhengzhou", "country": "Henan", "region": "China", "link": "/19614.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2021" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 130160, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkoea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 130160, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkoea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "id": 130161, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkofa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "id": 130162, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkoga", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "id": 130163, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkoha", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "id": 130167, "name": "Jungle Counterattack", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkola", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2022-01-01" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 15998, "name": "Jungle Dragon / 密林游龙", "park": { "name": "Dragon Valley Theme Park", "id": 15997 }, "city": "Pukou", "state": "Nanjing", "country": "Jiangsu", "region": "China", "link": "/15998.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2021" } }, "make": "Vekoma", "model": "Shockwave", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1095", "height": "38.5", "speed": "100", "inversions": "5", "elements": "LSM Launch", "arrangement": "2 trains with 4 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged inline in a single row for a total of 1 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 76909, "name": "Kiddy-Racer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejuba", "copyName": "Sven Busch", "copyDate": "2017-04-15" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 76909, "name": "Kiddy-Racer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejuba", "copyName": "Sven Busch", "copyDate": "2017-04-15" }, { "id": 76910, "name": "Kiddy-Racer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejuca", "copyName": "Sven Busch", "copyDate": "2017-04-15" }, { "id": 76911, "name": "Kiddy-Racer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejuda", "copyName": "Sven Busch", "copyDate": "2017-04-15" }, { "id": 76912, "name": "Kiddy-Racer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaejuea", "copyName": "Sven Busch", "copyDate": "2017-04-15" } ], "coords": { "lat": "52.263526", "lng": "8.841547" } }, { "id": 9444, "name": "Kiddy Roller Coaster", "park": { "name": "Moss Hollow Creek Family Park", "id": 9443 }, "city": "Hamlin", "state": "Pennsylvania", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/9444.htm", "status": { "state": "SBNO", "date": { "opened": "2010", "closed": "2010", "undefined": "2012" } }, "make": "Miler Manufacturing", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 8 riders.", "relocations": "Odakyu Mukogaoka Yuen" }, "pictures": [], "coords": { "lat": "35.608140", "lng": "139.573890" }, "mainPicture": {} }, { "id": 3233, "name": "Kiddy Shuttle / キディシャトル", "park": { "name": "Thrill Valley", "id": 5084 }, "city": "Gotemba", "state": "Shizuoka", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/3233.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1998-03", "closed": "1999-09-05" } }, "make": "Togo", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Catch Car Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 8 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17430, "name": "Kiddy Shuttle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazuka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1998" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17430, "name": "Kiddy Shuttle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazuka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1998" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 20548, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "park": { "name": "Six Flags Fiesta Texas", "id": 4538 }, "city": "San Antonio", "state": "Texas", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/20548.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2023-11-04" } }, "make": "Skyline Attractions", "model": "P'Sghetti Bowl", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "name": [ "Left (Model F)", "Right (Model E)" ], "length": [ "180.4", "172.7" ], "height": [ "7.5", "7.5" ], "inversions": [ "0", "0" ], "elements": [ "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "Booster Wheel Lift Hill" ], "arrangement": "2 trains with 6 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 12 riders per train.", "capacity": "1200", "dimensions": "49.4", "designer": "Skyline Design, LLC." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 140538, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzxia", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2023" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 140538, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzxia", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2023" }, { "id": 140539, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzxja", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2023" }, { "id": 140540, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzxka", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2023" }, { "id": 139272, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyaqa", "copyName": "Caeton Bomersbach", "copyDate": "2023-10-28" }, { "id": 140541, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahzxla", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2023" }, { "id": 137916, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwama", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-21" }, { "id": 137917, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwana", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-21" }, { "id": 137918, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwaoa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-21" }, { "id": 137919, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwapa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-21" }, { "id": 134557, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrbha", "copyName": "Six Flags Fiesta Texas", "copyDate": "2022-12" } ], "coords": { "lat": "29.597182", "lng": "-98.610833" } }, { "id": 20602, "name": "Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster", "park": { "name": "Six Flags Over Georgia", "id": 4535 }, "city": "Austell", "state": "Georgia", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/20602.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2023-11-05" } }, "make": "Skyline Attractions", "model": "P'Sghetti Bowl", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "name": [ "DC (Model F)", "AC (Model E)" ], "length": [ "180.4", "172.7" ], "inversions": [ "0", "0" ], "elements": [ "7.5", "7.5" ], "arrangement": "2 trains with 6 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders.", "restraints": "Seatbelt", "relocations": "Yokohama Dreamland" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17443, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazuxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1999" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17443, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazuxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1999" }, { "id": 17444, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazuya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1999" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 2919, "name": "Kids Coaster / キッズコースター", "park": { "name": "New Reoma World", "id": 5667 }, "city": "Takamatsu", "state": "Kagawa", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/2919.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2004-04" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:00" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 14802, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavxia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 14802, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavxia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 14803, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavxja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 14804, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavxka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 14805, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavxla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.213323", "lng": "133.880246" } }, { "id": 3026, "name": "Kids Coaster / キッズコースター", "park": { "name": "Izu Granpal Park", "id": 5714 }, "city": "Ito", "state": "Shizuoka", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/3026.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2002-05-10" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders.", "restraints": "Seatbelt", "relocations": "Yokohama Dreamland" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 29711, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 29711, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29712, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29713, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryva", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29714, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrywa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29716, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29715, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29717, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabryza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29718, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29719, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29720, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29721, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29722, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" }, { "id": 29723, "name": "Kids Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabrzfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2010-05-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.904421", "lng": "139.121673" } }, { "id": 4195, "name": "Kids Coaster / キッズコースター", "park": { "name": "Kariya-shi Kotsu Jido Yuen", "id": 5681 }, "city": "Kariya", "state": "Aichi", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/4195.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2008-03-20" } }, "make": "Senyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.", "model": "Kid's Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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"2021-05-30" }, { "id": 126404, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahezsa", "copyName": "Tim Van Schaeybroeck", "copyDate": "2021-05-08" }, { "id": 126405, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahezta", "copyName": "Tim Van Schaeybroeck", "copyDate": "2021-05-08" }, { "id": 126406, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahezua", "copyName": "Tim Van Schaeybroeck", "copyDate": "2021-05-08" }, { "id": 124515, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahcfba", "copyName": "Etienne Martinelli", "copyDate": "2020-10-18" }, { "id": 124516, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahcfca", "copyName": "Etienne Martinelli", "copyDate": "2020-10-18" }, { "id": 126466, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfcca", "copyName": "Wesley van Kuijen", "copyDate": "2021-05-08" }, { "id": 126467, "name": "Kondaa", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfcda", "copyName": "Wesley van Kuijen", "copyDate": "2021-05-08" }, { "id": 126468, "name": "Kondaa", "url": 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"https://rcdb.com/aagtvka", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2007-07-16" }, { "id": 19104, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabcgua", "copyName": "Jim Terneborg", "copyDate": "2007-04-24" }, { "id": 18629, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbona", "copyName": "Magnus Sjölander", "copyDate": "2007-03-10" }, { "id": 18630, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbooa", "copyName": "Magnus Sjölander", "copyDate": "2007-03-10" }, { "id": 18678, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbqka", "copyName": "Douglas Ekström-Ahlby", "copyDate": "2007-03-29" }, { "id": 18740, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbsua", "copyName": "Douglas Ekström-Ahlby", "copyDate": "2007-03-20" }, { "id": 18756, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbtka", "copyName": "Vekoma", "copyDate": "2007-04-01" }, { "id": 18760, "name": "Kvasten", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbtoa", "copyName": "Vekoma", "copyDate": "2007-04-05" }, { "id": 18856, "name": 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 96077, "name": "Ladybird Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafmdha", "copyName": "Roman Strand", "copyDate": "2018-09-09" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 96077, "name": "Ladybird Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafmdha", "copyName": "Roman Strand", "copyDate": "2018-09-09" }, { "id": 134551, "name": "Ladybird Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrbba", "copyName": "David G. Damminger", "copyDate": "2018-09-16" }, { "id": 134552, "name": "Ladybird Loop", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrbca", "copyName": "David G. 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"2006-09-30" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "Kinder-Achterbahn", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 8 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 37674, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 37674, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37675, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtba", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37676, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtca", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37677, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtda", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37678, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtea", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37679, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtfa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37680, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtga", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37681, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtha", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37682, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtia", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37683, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtja", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37684, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtka", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37685, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtla", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" }, { "id": 37686, "name": "Little Worm Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdtma", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-30" } ], "coords": { "lat": "23.140271", "lng": "113.302073" } }, { "id": 10130, "name": "Little Worm Train / 果虫滑车", "park": { "name": "Haibin Park", "id": 6370 }, "city": "Zhuhai", "state": "Guangdong", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/10130.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2011" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 16851, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyda", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 16851, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyda", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" }, { "id": 16852, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyea", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" }, { "id": 16853, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyfa", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" }, { "id": 16854, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyga", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" }, { "id": 16855, "name": "L'll Dipper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayyha", "copyName": "Martha Amborn", "copyDate": "2006-08-10" } ], "coords": { "lat": "49.836735", "lng": "-96.978667" } }, { "id": 21139, "name": "Lobogó Bob", "park": { "name": "Lobogó Resort", "id": 21138 }, "city": "Băile Homorod", "state": "Harghita", "country": "Romania", "region": "Romania", "link": "/21139.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2023-10-06" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "downhillLength": "700", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 28 riders per train.", "builtBy": "S&S Worldwide", "designer": "Ron Toomer" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 139467, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyida", "copyName": "Busch Gardens Williamsburg", "copyDate": "2023" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 139467, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyida", "copyName": "Busch Gardens Williamsburg", "copyDate": "2023" }, { "id": 129561, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrda", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129562, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrea", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-25" }, { "id": 129563, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrfa", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129564, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrga", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129584, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjsaa", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129565, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrha", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129566, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjria", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-25" }, { "id": 129567, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrja", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-24" }, { "id": 129568, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjrka", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2021-08-25" }, { "id": 840, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabgia", "copyName": "Allyn Fratkin", "copyDate": "1998" }, { "id": 5900, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaisya", "copyName": "John Allen", "copyDate": "2003-03-16" }, { "id": 6693, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajxla", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2003-03-22" }, { "id": 6694, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajxma", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2003-03-22" }, { "id": 6696, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajxoa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2003-03-22" }, { "id": 6695, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajxna", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2003-03-22" }, { "id": 6697, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajxpa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2003-03-22" }, { "id": 25265, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabljta", "copyName": "Mike Robbins", "copyDate": "2009-10-23" }, { "id": 26948, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabnwma", "copyName": "Warren Swartwood", "copyDate": "2009-08-28" }, { "id": 89841, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcxla", "copyName": "Nicolas Milani", "copyDate": "2018-04" }, { "id": 28087, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpoha", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-05-30" }, { "id": 28085, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpofa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-05-30" }, { "id": 81010, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaepvua", "copyName": "Philip Shapansky", "copyDate": "2017-09-02" }, { "id": 89842, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafcxma", "copyName": "Nicolas Milani", "copyDate": "2018-03" }, { "id": 118684, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtoua", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2010-06-08" }, { "id": 118685, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtova", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2006-06-19" }, { "id": 118686, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtowa", "copyName": "Malcolm 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129598, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjsoa", "copyName": "Stephen Vereb", "copyDate": "2019-07-04" }, { "id": 129599, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjspa", "copyName": "Stephen Vereb", "copyDate": "2020-08-19" }, { "id": 129600, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjsqa", "copyName": "Stephen Vereb", "copyDate": "2021-07-21" }, { "id": 129601, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjsra", "copyName": "Stephen Vereb", "copyDate": "2021-10-02" }, { "id": 134606, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrdea", "copyName": "Warren Swartwood", "copyDate": "1980-08" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.234158", "lng": "-76.645978" } }, { "id": 11455, "name": "Loch Ness Monster / Лохhессkoe чудовище", "park": { "name": "Park Severnoye Tushino", "id": 11454 }, "city": "Moscow City", "state": "Russia", "country": "", "region": "Russia", "link": "/11455.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2011", "closed": "2012" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 45463, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacpgpa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2013-05-29" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 45463, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacpgpa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2013-05-29" }, { "id": 45465, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacpgra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2013-05-29" }, { "id": 45466, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacpgsa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2013-05-29" }, { "id": 107994, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtqa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 107995, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtra", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 107996, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtsa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 107997, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtta", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 107998, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 107999, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtva", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 108000, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtwa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" }, { "id": 108001, "name": "Loch Ness Monster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdtxa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-07-14" } ], "coords": { "lat": "55.861668", "lng": "37.450226" } }, { "id": 8977, "name": "Loco Loco", "park": { "name": "Dixie Landin'", "id": 4738 }, "city": "Baton Rouge", "state": "Louisiana", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/8977.htm", "status": { "state": "SBNO", "date": { "opened": "2020" } }, "make": "E&F Miler Industries", "model": "Family Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "height": "7.3", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 10 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 32341, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabvvxa", "copyName": "Chris Endicott", "copyDate": "2010-11-13" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 32341, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabvvxa", "copyName": "Chris Endicott", "copyDate": "2010-11-13" }, { "id": 32342, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabvvya", "copyName": "Chris Endicott", "copyDate": "2010-11-13" }, { "id": 48586, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwsa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48587, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwta", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48588, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwua", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48590, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwwa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48593, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwza", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48591, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwxa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48592, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactwya", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48595, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactxba", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" }, { "id": 48594, "name": "Loop and Spiral Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aactxaa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2013-10-13" } ], "coords": { "lat": "38.910354", "lng": "121.631699" } }, { "id": 1277, "name": "Loop Coaster / ザ・ループコースター", "park": { "name": "Tojoko Toy Kingdom", "id": 4992 }, "city": "Tojo", "state": "Hyōgo", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/1277.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1979-08-04", "closed": "2000-05-28" } }, "make": "Meisho Amusement Machines", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "1", "elements": "Catch Car Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 8 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 3924, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafuya", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 3924, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafuya", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3162, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaerqa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-01-28" }, { "id": 3216, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetsa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3217, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetta", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3218, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetua", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3219, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetva", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3220, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetwa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3221, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetxa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3222, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaetya", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002-03-09" }, { "id": 3678, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflma", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3679, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflna", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3680, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafloa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3681, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflpa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3682, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflqa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3683, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflra", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3684, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflsa", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3685, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaflta", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3925, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafuza", "copyName": "Max Senesac", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 16080, "name": "Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxuma", "copyName": "James M. 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"url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxssa", "copyName": "Robin Wilson", "copyDate": "2023-10-19" }, { "id": 139067, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxsta", "copyName": "Robin Wilson", "copyDate": "2023-10-19" }, { "id": 139068, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxsua", "copyName": "Robin Wilson", "copyDate": "2023-10-19" }, { "id": 139069, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahxsva", "copyName": "Robin Wilson", "copyDate": "2023-10-19" }, { "id": 138322, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwqca", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-08-01" }, { "id": 138323, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwqda", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-08-01" }, { "id": 137008, "name": "Lost Mine Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuroa", "copyName": "Mike Oliver", "copyDate": "2023-05-21" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { 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"Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqbja", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-29" }, { "id": 98732, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafqbka", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-29" }, { "id": 114665, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114666, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114667, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114668, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114669, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114670, "name": "Lost Valley", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnqka", "copyName": "Lisa 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"https://rcdb.com/aahupka", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136948, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahupga", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136950, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahupia", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136955, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahupna", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136958, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahupqa", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136968, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuqaa", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136970, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahuqca", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": "2023-05-13" }, { "id": 136963, "name": "Mandrill Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahupva", "copyName": "Matt Hicks", "copyDate": 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"2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130364, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkwaa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130365, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkwba", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130366, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkwca", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130367, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkwda", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130368, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkwea", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 67838, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadwjea", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2015-04-22" }, { "id": 56262, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadffya", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, 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"copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2018-03-27" }, { "id": 89986, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafddaa", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2018-03-27" }, { "id": 121901, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyina", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121902, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyioa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121903, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyipa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121913, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyiza", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121904, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyiqa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121905, "name": "Medusa Steel Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyira", 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"https://rcdb.com/aagzoqa", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2020-07-30" }, { "id": 93242, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhyga", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2018-07-15" }, { "id": 93243, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhyha", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2018-07-15" }, { "id": 93244, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhyia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2018-07-15" }, { "id": 93245, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhyja", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2018-07-15" }, { "id": 93246, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafhyka", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2018-07-15" }, { "id": 78834, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqca", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78839, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqha", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78840, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqia", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78835, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqda", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78836, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqea", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78837, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqfa", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78838, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqga", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78841, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqja", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 78842, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemqka", "copyName": "Paul Daley", "copyDate": "2017-07-19" }, { "id": 132944, "name": "Merlin's Mayhem", "url": 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"2006-07-22" }, { "id": 37607, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdqla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-10-30" }, { "id": 37608, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdqma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-10-30" }, { "id": 37619, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdqxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-10-30" }, { "id": 37609, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdqna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-10-30" }, { "id": 65247, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsnna", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-10-20" }, { "id": 65248, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsnoa", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-10-20" }, { "id": 65249, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsnpa", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-10-20" }, { "id": 65250, "name": "Mighty Mini Mega", 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A. Schiff & Associates", "model": "Kiddie Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "height": "3", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders.", "relocations": "Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 21395, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfqxa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 21395, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfqxa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21396, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfqya", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21397, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfqza", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21398, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfraa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21399, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfrba", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21400, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfrca", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" }, { "id": 21401, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfrda", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2008-05-04" } ], "coords": { "lat": "50.657641", "lng": "-1.146857" } }, { "id": 4330, "name": "Mine Train", "park": { "name": "Leolandia", "id": 5117 }, "city": "Capriate San Gervasio", "state": "Lombardy", "country": "Italy", "region": "Italy", "link": "/4330.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2009" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Powered Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 74173, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefsva", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2010-07-17" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 74173, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefsva", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2010-07-17" }, { "id": 23292, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabilwa", "copyName": "Silvia Forghieri", "copyDate": "2009-04-12" }, { "id": 23293, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabilxa", "copyName": "Silvia Forghieri", "copyDate": "2009-04-12" }, { "id": 30596, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabtgua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-09-25" }, { "id": 30597, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabtgva", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-09-25" }, { "id": 30598, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabtgwa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2010-09-25" }, { "id": 110040, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110041, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguja", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110042, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguka", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110043, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaggula", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110044, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguma", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110045, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" }, { "id": 110046, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagguoa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-10" } ], "coords": { "lat": "45.603999", "lng": "9.538914" } }, { "id": 11963, "name": "Mine Train", "park": { "name": "Majidi Land", "id": 11961 }, "city": "Kasnazan", "state": "Erbil", "country": "Iraq", "region": "Iraq", "link": "/11963.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2015-07-12" } }, "make": "Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars." }, "pictures": [], "coords": { "lat": "36.210659", "lng": "44.139145" }, "mainPicture": {} }, { "id": 12802, "name": "Mine Train / 矿山车", "park": { "name": "Hot Go Park - Happy Jungle World", "id": 11605 }, "city": "Fushun", "state": "Liaoning", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/12802.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2014" } }, "make": "Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 60086, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkxaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 60086, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkxaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 60087, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkxba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 60088, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkxca", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-05-24" }, { "id": 82083, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlba", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82084, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlca", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82085, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlda", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82086, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlea", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82087, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlfa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82088, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlga", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82089, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlha", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82091, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlja", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82090, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlia", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 82092, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaerlka", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 83651, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaettja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 83652, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaettka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 83653, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaettla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 83654, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaettma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" }, { "id": 83655, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaettna", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-27" } ], "coords": { "lat": "41.879635", "lng": "123.730728" } }, { "id": 12947, "name": "Mine Train", "park": { "name": "Sonoma TrainTown Railroad", "id": 5618 }, "city": "Sonoma", "state": "California", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/12947.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2015-07-18" } }, "make": "E&F Miler Industries", "model": "Family Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 12 riders.", "serialNumber": "1505" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 62476, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadokya", "copyName": "Sonoma TrainTown Railroad", "copyDate": "2015" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 62476, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadokya", "copyName": "Sonoma TrainTown Railroad", "copyDate": "2015" }, { "id": 62477, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadokza", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62478, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolaa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62479, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolba", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62480, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolca", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62481, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolda", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62482, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolea", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62483, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolfa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62484, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolga", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62485, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolha", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62486, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolia", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" }, { "id": 62487, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadolja", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2015-07-20" } ], "coords": { "lat": "38.277321", "lng": "-122.458510" } }, { "id": 14190, "name": "Mine Train / 矿山车", "park": { "name": "Foreigner Street", "id": 9349 }, "city": "Nan'an", "state": "Chongqing", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/14190.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2016", "closed": "2019" } }, "make": "Beijing Chen Jinying Amusement Equipment", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "height": "9.8", "speed": "41", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "6 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaerxua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-10-28" }, { "id": 100621, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafswba", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-13" } ], "coords": { "lat": "29.609978", "lng": "106.599318" } }, { "id": 15027, "name": "Mine Train / 万象矿山车", "park": { "name": "Colourful Yunnan Paradise", "id": 15023 }, "city": "Jinning", "state": "Kunming", "country": "Yunnan", "region": "China", "link": "/15027.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-07-05" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "Mine Coaster (2x2)", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "750", "height": "15.4", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "dimensions": "86" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 101656, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafujwa", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2019-05-18" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 101656, "name": "Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafujwa", 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"name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgha", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25852, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgia", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25853, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25854, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25855, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25856, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-05-23" }, { "id": 25857, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2007-07-21" }, { "id": 38359, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacetja", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-05-06" }, { "id": 25858, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmgoa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2007-07-21" }, { "id": 38360, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacetka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2011-05-06" }, { "id": 46104, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqfga", "copyName": "Arnulf Gercke", "copyDate": "2012-06-20" }, { "id": 72072, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecqaa", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-07-28" }, { "id": 72073, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecqba", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-07-28" }, { "id": 72074, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecqca", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-07-28" }, { "id": 72075, "name": "Mine Train Ulven", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecqda", "copyName": "Harry Rawding", "copyDate": "2015-07-28" }, { 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 40750, "name": "Mini Ha Ha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacihia", "copyName": "Bruce Cassi", "copyDate": "" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 40750, "name": "Mini Ha Ha", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacihia", "copyName": "Bruce Cassi", "copyDate": "" } ], "coords": { "lat": "40.413408", "lng": "-86.872572" } }, { "id": 12934, "name": "Mini Jet Coaster / ミニジェットコースター", "park": { "name": "Kōno Park", "id": 12933 }, "city": "Saga", "state": "Saga", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/12934.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1991-04-01" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders.", "formerNames": "Lynet (", "relocations": "Fårup Sommerland" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 9895, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 9895, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, { "id": 9896, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, { "id": 9897, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, { "id": 9898, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, { "id": 9899, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" }, { "id": 9900, "name": "Mini-Lynet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaoqua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-06-02" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 3480, "name": "Mini Mine Rush", "park": { "name": "American Adventure Theme Park", "id": 4800 }, "city": "Ilkeston", "state": "Derbyshire", "country": "England", "region": "United Kingdom", "link": "/3480.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2006-04-08", "closed": "2006" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Family Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "80", "height": "4", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 10 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 46997, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrnpa", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2013-10-12" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 46997, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrnpa", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2013-10-12" }, { "id": 46995, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrnna", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2013-10-12" }, { "id": 46994, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrnma", "copyName": "Martin Lewison", "copyDate": "2013-10-12" }, { "id": 53634, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbiwa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53632, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbiua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53635, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbixa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53636, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbiya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53637, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbiza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53638, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjaa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53639, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjba", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53640, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53641, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53642, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjea", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53643, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjfa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53644, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53645, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" }, { "id": 53646, "name": "Montaña Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbjia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2014-01-25" } ], "coords": { "lat": "-33.596140", "lng": "-70.517968" } }, { "id": 18899, "name": "Montaña Dragón", "park": { "name": "Atlantic Park", "id": 18898 }, "city": "Aguas Verdes", "state": "Buenos Aires", "country": "Argentina", "region": "Argentina", "link": "/18899.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018" } }, "make": "Pinfari", "model": "Other", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders per train.", "formerNames": "Himalaya Coaster (Japanese: ヒマラヤコースター) (", "relocations": "Hiroshi Seto Ohashi '88" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17367, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazrza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17367, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazrza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17368, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17369, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17370, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17371, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17372, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17373, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17374, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17375, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" }, { "id": 17376, "name": "Music Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazsia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2006" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.424707", "lng": "133.301280" } }, { "id": 13805, "name": "Music Coaster feat. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 128173, "name": "Mustang Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpta", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2021-08-19" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 128173, "name": "Mustang Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpta", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2021-08-19" }, { "id": 128174, "name": "Mustang Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpua", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2021-08-19" }, { "id": 128175, "name": "Mustang Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahhpva", "copyName": "Doug Perry", "copyDate": "2021-08-19" } ], "coords": { "lat": "40.389725", "lng": "-105.484072" } }, { "id": 12244, "name": "Myrtle Turtle", "park": { "name": "Pavilion Park", "id": 12243 }, "city": "Myrtle Beach", "state": "South Carolina", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/12244.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2014" } }, "make": "SBF Visa Group", "model": "Spinning Coasters", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "57.9", "height": "4.3", "inversions": "0", "dimensions": "21.9" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 53493, "name": "Myrtle Turtle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbdla", "copyName": "Michael Dutterer", "copyDate": "2014" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 53493, "name": "Myrtle Turtle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbdla", "copyName": "Michael Dutterer", "copyDate": "2014" }, { "id": 53494, "name": "Myrtle Turtle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbdma", "copyName": "Michael Dutterer", "copyDate": "2014" }, { "id": 53495, "name": "Myrtle Turtle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadbdna", "copyName": "Michael Dutterer", "copyDate": "2014" } ], "coords": { "lat": "33.716274", "lng": "-78.884819" } }, { "id": 19401, "name": "Mysterious Cookie Train / 쿠키열차", "park": { "name": "Lotte World Adventure Busan - Magic Forest", "id": 17315 }, "city": "Gijang", "state": "Busan", "country": "South Korea", "region": "South Korea", "link": "/19401.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2022-03-31" } }, "make": "Preston & Barbieri", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "210", "height": "10", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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"Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbzna", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18916, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbzoa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18821, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbvxa", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18917, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbzpa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 19553, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabcyba", "copyName": "Brock Boehm", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 19552, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabcyaa", "copyName": "Brock Boehm", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 18431, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgxa", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18817, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbvta", "copyName": "John Allen", "copyDate": "2007-04-11" }, { "id": 108577, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aageqba", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-06-19" }, { "id": 108576, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aageqaa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-06-19" }, { "id": 108578, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aageqca", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-06-19" }, { "id": 39910, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachbaa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2012-05-19" }, { "id": 54939, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaddhba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2014-06-04" }, { "id": 108579, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aageqda", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-06-19" }, { "id": 39908, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachaya", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2012-05-19" }, { "id": 39907, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aachaxa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2012-05-19" }, { "id": 24231, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabjvza", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18913, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbzla", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 133121, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahoyba", "copyName": "Austin Rudolph", "copyDate": "2020-11-28" }, { "id": 133122, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahoyca", "copyName": "Austin Rudolph", "copyDate": "2020-11-28" }, { "id": 18822, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbvya", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18820, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbvwa", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18818, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbvua", "copyName": "John Allen", "copyDate": "2007-04-13" }, { "id": 18429, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgva", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18428, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgua", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18427, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgta", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18426, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgsa", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18425, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgra", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18424, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgqa", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18423, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbgpa", "copyName": "Robert Ulrich", "copyDate": "2007-01-23" }, { "id": 18430, "name": "Mystery Mine", "url": 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders.", "designer": "Joe Draves" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 106377, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbjla", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-10-25" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 106377, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbjla", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-10-25" }, { "id": 106378, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbjma", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-10-25" }, { "id": 106379, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbjna", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-10-25" }, { "id": 103220, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwsaa", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-03-28" }, { "id": 103218, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwrya", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-03-28" }, { "id": 103219, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwrza", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2019-03-28" }, { "id": 107881, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagdpha", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 124549, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahcgja", "copyName": "Joseph DeRosa", "copyDate": "2020-10-14" }, { "id": 111315, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirja", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111316, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirka", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111317, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirla", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111318, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirma", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111319, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirna", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111320, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiroa", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111321, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirpa", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111322, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirqa", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111323, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirra", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 111324, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagirsa", "copyName": "Harrison Pearce", "copyDate": "2020-02-18" }, { "id": 125220, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdgea", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2020-10-07" }, { "id": 125221, "name": "Nickelodeon Slime Streak", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdgfa", "copyName": "Jason Pennypacker", "copyDate": "2020-10-07" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 793, "name": "Nickelodeon Streak", "park": { "name": "Pleasure Beach Resort", "id": 4795 }, "city": "Blackpool", "state": "Lancashire", "country": "England", "region": "United Kingdom", "link": "/793.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1933" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Wood", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "698.9", "height": "18.6", "speed": "56.3", "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:44", "arrangement": "Single train with 3 cars. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 62693, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotha", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2014-07-23" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 62693, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotha", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2014-07-23" }, { "id": 62694, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotia", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2014-07-23" }, { "id": 62695, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotja", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2014-07-23" }, { "id": 62696, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotka", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2014-07-23" }, { "id": 62697, "name": "Nor'Easter Mountain Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadotla", "copyName": "James M. 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Riders are arranged 6 across in a single row for a total of 18 riders per train.", "installer": "RCS GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 58706, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadivya", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2015-03-28" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 58706, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadivya", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2015-03-28" }, { "id": 55482, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebya", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2014-10-26" }, { "id": 52348, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaczlka", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2014-04-20" }, { "id": 55481, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebxa", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2014-10-26" }, { "id": 55483, "name": "Oblivion - The Black Hole", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadebza", "copyName": "Paolo Segantini", "copyDate": "2014-10-26" }, { "id": 55484, "name": "Oblivion - 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 24 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 127743, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzfa", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 127743, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzfa", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127744, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzga", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127745, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzha", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127746, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzia", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127747, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzja", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127748, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzka", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 127749, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahgzla", "copyName": "Jo Anna Kolbe", "copyDate": "2021-07-08" }, { "id": 46028, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcia", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46029, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcja", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46030, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcka", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46031, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcla", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46032, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcma", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46033, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcna", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46034, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcoa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 46035, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacqcpa", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-07-10" }, { "id": 50642, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwxua", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2013-09-14" }, { "id": 50643, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwxva", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2013-09-14" }, { "id": 50644, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacwxwa", "copyName": "Talhat Mahmood", "copyDate": "2013-09-14" }, { "id": 53110, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaosa", "copyName": "Felix Lüneberger", "copyDate": "2014-03-26" }, { "id": 53111, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaota", "copyName": "Felix Lüneberger", "copyDate": "2014-03-26" }, { "id": 53112, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaoua", "copyName": "Felix Lüneberger", "copyDate": "2014-03-26" }, { "id": 65876, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlsa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65877, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlta", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65878, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlua", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65879, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlva", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65880, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlwa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65881, "name": "OCT Thrust SSC1000", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadtlxa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 65882, "name": "OCT 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"Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadpafa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-08-23" }, { "id": 62874, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadpaga", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-08-23" }, { "id": 62875, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadpaha", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-08-23" }, { "id": 62877, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadpaja", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-08-23" }, { "id": 62878, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadpaka", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2015-08-23" }, { "id": 84464, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeuyqa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-05" }, { "id": 84466, "name": "Old Gold Mine Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeuysa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-05" }, { 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 123560, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauia", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 123560, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauia", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123561, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauja", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123562, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauka", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123563, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahaula", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123564, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauma", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123565, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauna", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123566, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauoa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123567, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahaupa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123568, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauqa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123569, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahaura", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123570, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahausa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123571, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauta", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123572, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauua", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123573, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauva", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123574, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauwa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123575, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauxa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123576, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauya", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123577, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahauza", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123578, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavaa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2016-03-22" }, { "id": 123596, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavsa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123597, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavta", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123598, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavua", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123599, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavva", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123600, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavwa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123601, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavxa", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123602, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavya", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" }, { "id": 123603, "name": "Osttirodler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahavza", "copyName": "Alexander Brantner", "copyDate": "2017-06-18" } ], "coords": { "lat": "46.830517", "lng": "12.752508" } }, { "id": 3797, "name": "Ottovolante", "park": { "name": "Greenland", "id": 6100 }, "city": "Limbiate", "state": "Lombardy", "country": "Italy", "region": "Italy", "link": "/3797.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1992", "closed": "1992", "undefined": "2005" } }, "make": "S.D.C.", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "2 cars per train. 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Michelfeit", "copyDate": "2005-05-21" }, { "id": 21326, "name": "Ottovolante", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfoga", "copyName": "Silvia Forghieri", "copyDate": "2008-02-24" }, { "id": 21327, "name": "Ottovolante", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfoha", "copyName": "Silvia Forghieri", "copyDate": "2008-02-24" } ], "coords": { "lat": "45.591241", "lng": "9.106855" } }, { "id": 4423, "name": "Outer Space Flying Car / 太空飛車", "park": { "name": "Haibin Park", "id": 6370 }, "city": "Zhuhai", "state": "Guangdong", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/4423.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2008", "closed": "2011-09-16" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "Space Car", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 12 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 137920, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwaqa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-22" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 137920, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahwaqa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2023-07-22" }, { "id": 129645, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuja", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129646, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuka", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129647, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjula", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129648, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuma", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129649, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuna", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129650, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuoa", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129651, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjupa", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" }, { "id": 129652, "name": "Palindrome", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahjuqa", "copyName": "Cotaland", "copyDate": "2021-11" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 6612, "name": "Panda Express / 熊猫快车", "park": { "name": "Chimelong Safari Park", "id": 6451 }, "city": "Panyu", "state": "Guangzhou", "country": "Guangdong", "region": "China", "link": "/6612.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2013" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "formerNames": "Fruit Worm Coaster" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 135178, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzea", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 135178, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzea", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, { "id": 135179, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzfa", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, { "id": 135180, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzga", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, { "id": 135181, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzha", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, { "id": 135182, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzia", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" }, { "id": 135183, "name": "Panda Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrzja", "copyName": "Hang Xun", "copyDate": "2023-01-27" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 1749, "name": "Pandafull Coaster / パンダフルコースター", "park": { "name": "Adventure World", "id": 5002 }, "city": "Shirahama", "state": "Nishimuro", "country": "Wakayama", "region": "Japan", "link": "/1749.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1986" } }, "make": "Senyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:20", "formerNames": "Mad Mouse (" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 17497, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazwza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 17497, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazwza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, { "id": 17498, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazxaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, { "id": 17499, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazxba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, { "id": 17500, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazxca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, { "id": 17501, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazxda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2003-08" }, { "id": 52029, "name": "Pandafull Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacyzda", "copyName": "Rick Mathews", "copyDate": "2014-03-27" } ], "coords": { "lat": "33.667269", "lng": "135.372861" } }, { "id": 16010, "name": "Pandash / パンダッシュ", "park": { "name": "Kobe Oji Zoo", "id": 8774 }, "city": "Kobe", "state": "Hyōgo", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/16010.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 91111, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeuha", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 91111, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeuha", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91112, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafeuia", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91139, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevja", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91140, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevka", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91141, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevla", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91142, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevma", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91143, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevna", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 91144, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafevoa", "copyName": "Thomas Enders", "copyDate": "2018-05-29" }, { "id": 86570, "name": "Pandash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeybqa", "copyName": "Kobe Oji Zoo", "copyDate": "2018" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.710633", "lng": "135.215582" } }, { "id": 3031, "name": "Pandemonium", "park": { "name": "Six Flags New England", "id": 4565 }, "city": "Agawam", "state": "Massachusetts", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/3031.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2005-04-16" } }, "make": "Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GmbH", "model": "Spinning Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "height": "12.8", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 134108, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkaa", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 134108, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkaa", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 134109, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkba", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 134110, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkca", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 134111, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkda", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 134091, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqjja", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 134112, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahqkea", "copyName": "Thomas Köhlert", "copyDate": "2022-07-04" }, { "id": 123212, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahagya", "copyName": "Jos Boudestein", "copyDate": "2020-08-18" }, { "id": 123213, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahagza", "copyName": "Jos Boudestein", "copyDate": "2020-08" }, { "id": 123214, "name": "Panorama Track", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahahaa", "copyName": "Jos Boudestein", "copyDate": "2020-08-18" } ], "coords": { "lat": "47.070576", "lng": "18.025249" } }, { "id": 16812, "name": "Pantheon", "park": { "name": "Busch Gardens Williamsburg", "id": 4548 }, "city": "Williamsburg", "state": "Virginia", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/16812.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2022-03-25" } }, "make": "Intamin Amusement Rides", "model": "LSM Launch Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1014.4", "height": "54.3", "speed": "117.5", "inversions": "2", "verticalAngle": "95", "elements": "LSM Launch (rolling)", "arrangement": "2 trains with 5 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 12 riders.", "formerNames": "Vagones Locos (", "formerStatus": "SBNO" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 85326, "name": "Paw Patrol: Patrulla Canina", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewfua", "copyName": "Daniel Söderström", "copyDate": "2017-12-07" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 85326, "name": "Paw Patrol: Patrulla Canina", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewfua", "copyName": "Daniel Söderström", "copyDate": "2017-12-07" }, { "id": 85327, "name": "Paw Patrol: Patrulla Canina", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewfva", "copyName": "Daniel Söderström", "copyDate": "2017-12-07" }, { "id": 85328, "name": "Paw Patrol: Patrulla Canina", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewfwa", "copyName": "Daniel Söderström", "copyDate": "2017-12-07" }, { "id": 19995, "name": "Paw Patrol: Patrulla Canina", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabdpba", "copyName": "James M. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders per train.", "builtBy": "D.H. Morgan Manufacturing, Inc." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 3052, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaenka", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 3052, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaenka", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3053, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaenla", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3054, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaenma", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 17164, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazkea", "copyName": "James M. Nocito", "copyDate": "2006-07-23" }, { "id": 17165, "name": "Polar Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazkfa", "copyName": "James M. 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"2012-04-29" } }, "make": "Zierer", "model": "ESC", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "498", "height": "19", "speed": "65", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "2 trains with 8 cars per train. 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"Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgqua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39645, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgqva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39646, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgqwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39647, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgqxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39648, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgqya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39650, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgraa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39651, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39652, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", 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"https://rcdb.com/aacgrla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39662, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39663, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39664, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgroa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39665, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39666, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39667, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, { "id": 39668, "name": "Polar X-plorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacgrsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2012-05-18" }, 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"https://rcdb.com/aagoqsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115355, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115356, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115357, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqva", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115358, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqwa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115359, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 115360, "name": "Power Mouse Coaster (Hiz treni)", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagoqya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-08-04" }, { "id": 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 32 riders.", "formerNames": "Explorer (", "capacity": "900" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 1621, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaackja", "copyName": "Lucio Tamburini", "copyDate": "" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 1621, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaackja", "copyName": "Lucio Tamburini", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1622, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaackka", "copyName": "Lucio Tamburini", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1623, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaackla", "copyName": "Lucio Tamburini", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1624, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaackma", "copyName": "Lucio Tamburini", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1879, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaacuha", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 7173, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakpxa", "copyName": "Bernhard Wimmer", "copyDate": "2003-06-29" }, { "id": 37211, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdbfa", "copyName": "Arnulf Gercke", "copyDate": "2010-05-20" }, { "id": 37212, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdbga", "copyName": "Arnulf Gercke", "copyDate": "2010-05-20" }, { "id": 37213, "name": "Rexplorer", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacdbha", "copyName": "Arnulf Gercke", "copyDate": "2010-05-20" } ], "coords": { "lat": "44.337877", "lng": "12.264977" } }, { "id": 15163, "name": "Rex's Racer / 抱抱龙冲天赛车", "park": { "name": "Shanghai Disneyland", "id": 6556 }, "city": "Pudong", "state": "Shanghai", "country": "China", "region": "China", "link": "/15163.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-04-26" } }, "make": "Intamin Amusement Rides", "model": "Surfrider", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "82", "height": "27.8", "speed": "75.6", "inversions": "0", "elements": "LSM Launch (multi-pass)", "arrangement": "1 car. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 64987, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 64987, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64988, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdoa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64995, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64991, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64989, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64997, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64990, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64992, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64993, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64996, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64994, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64999, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" }, { "id": 64998, "name": "Rhönbob", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadsdya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2008-09-12" } ], "coords": { "lat": "50.501625", "lng": "9.945071" } }, { "id": 16354, "name": "Rhönbob", "park": { "name": "Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe", "id": 5892 }, "city": "Gersfeld", "state": "Hesse", "country": "Germany", "region": "Germany", "link": "/16354.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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"https://rcdb.com/aadxdna", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68368, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdoa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68369, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68370, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68371, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68372, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68373, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-06-09" }, { "id": 68374, "name": "Riddler Mindbender", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders.", "restraints": "Shoulder harness" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 13205, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatnxa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 13205, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatnxa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13206, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatnya", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13207, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatnza", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13212, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoea", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13208, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoaa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13209, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoba", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13210, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoca", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 13211, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatoda", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-07-30" }, { "id": 86312, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexrsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-08" }, { "id": 86313, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexrta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-08" }, { "id": 86314, "name": "Rocky Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaexrua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-08-08" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.846865", "lng": "136.542551" } }, { "id": 15046, "name": "Rocky Mountain Coaster", "park": { "name": "Copper Mountain", "id": 15045 }, "city": "Frisco", "state": "Colorado", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/15046.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2017-12" } }, "make": "Aquatic Development Group", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1767.8", "downhillLength": "1219.2", "ΔElevation": "131.1", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 3 rows for a total of 30 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 21273, "name": "Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfmfa", "copyName": "Xzelder Sitthidesch Sombund", "copyDate": "1995" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 21273, "name": "Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfmfa", "copyName": "Xzelder Sitthidesch Sombund", "copyDate": "1995" }, { "id": 21274, "name": "Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfmga", "copyName": "Xzelder Sitthidesch Sombund", "copyDate": "1995" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 4017, "name": "Roller Coaster", "park": { "name": "Eram Park", "id": 6209 }, "city": "Tehran", "state": "Tehran", "country": "Iran", "region": "Iran", "link": "/4017.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2000", "closed": "2015" } }, "make": "S.D.C.", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "550", "height": "15", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 28 riders per train.", "builtBy": "Vekoma", "formerNames": "Double Loop and Cork Screw (" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 97934, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafowsa", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2018-11-18" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 97934, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafowsa", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2018-11-18" }, { "id": 97935, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafowta", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2018-11-18" }, { "id": 28448, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqcea", "copyName": "Stefan Zwanzger", "copyDate": "2009-02-18" }, { "id": 18082, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabatma", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-21" }, { "id": 18081, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabatla", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-21" }, { "id": 18080, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabatka", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-21" }, { "id": 18078, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabatia", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-21" }, { "id": 18077, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabatha", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2006-08-21" }, { "id": 17602, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aababaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2000" }, { "id": 17532, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaazyia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "1998" }, { "id": 118520, "name": "Rolling X-Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtima", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2009-09-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.293323", "lng": "127.201468" } }, { "id": 2859, "name": "Roll in the Dark", "park": { "name": "Lake Compounce", "id": 4683 }, "city": "Bristol", "state": "Connecticut", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/2859.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1979", "closed": "1982" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0" }, "pictures": [], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" }, "mainPicture": {} }, { "id": 14400, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "park": { "name": "Tropic Falls Theme Park", "id": 14398 }, "city": "Foley", "state": "Alabama", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/14400.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2017-07-21" } }, "make": "Zamperla", "model": "Thunderbolt", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "681", "height": "35", "speed": "90", "inversions": "4", "verticalAngle": "90", "g-Force": "4.3", "elements": "35", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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"2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78880, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrwa", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78877, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrta", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78881, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrxa", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78878, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrua", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78882, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrya", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78879, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrva", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78892, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemsia", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78895, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemsla", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78883, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemrza", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78894, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemska", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78886, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemsca", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78891, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemsha", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78887, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemsda", "copyName": "Dwayne Kilbourne", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78918, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtia", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78910, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtaa", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78916, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtga", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78911, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtba", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78912, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtca", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78920, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtka", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78913, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtda", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78914, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtea", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78915, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtfa", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 78917, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaemtha", "copyName": "John Wiencek", "copyDate": "2017-07-20" }, { "id": 130156, "name": "Rollin' Thunder", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkoaa", "copyName": "Sammy Lee Hager", "copyDate": "2021-07-02" } ], "coords": { "lat": "30.372380", "lng": "-87.657156" } }, { "id": 272, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "park": { "name": "Idlewild & SoakZone", "id": 4600 }, "city": "Ligonier", "state": "Pennsylvania", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/272.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1938" } }, "make": "Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc.", "model": "", "type": "Wood", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "274.3", "height": "8.2", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars.", "builtBy": "Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc.", "serialNumber": "101", "designer": "Herbert Paul Schmeck" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 3425, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbta", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 3425, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbta", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3426, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbua", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3427, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbva", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3428, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbwa", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3429, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbxa", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3430, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbya", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3431, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafbza", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3432, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafcaa", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3433, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafcba", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3434, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafcca", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3435, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafcda", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 3436, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafcea", "copyName": "Carl D Ragan", "copyDate": "2001-06-24" }, { "id": 9875, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaopva", "copyName": "Jim Jewell", "copyDate": "2004-06-04" }, { "id": 9876, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaopwa", "copyName": "Jim Jewell", "copyDate": "2004-06-04" }, { "id": 12700, "name": "Rollo Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasuma", 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"2008-06-14", "closed": "2009" } }, "make": "Premier Rides", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Ferris Wheel Lift", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaciwba", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 41132, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaciwaa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33307, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhba", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33309, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhda", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33308, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhca", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33306, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxhaa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 33305, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabxgza", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-01-09" }, { "id": 12244, "name": "Run A Way Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaascya", "copyName": 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"M&Ds Scotland's Theme Park", "id": 4915 }, "city": "Motherwell", "state": "North Lanarkshire", "country": "Scotland", "region": "United Kingdom", "link": "/1902.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2002-07-03", "closed": "2016" } }, "make": "Barbisan", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "formerNames": "Jammin (", "formerStatus": "Operated", "relocations": "M&Ds Scotland's Theme Park" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 8856, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaancqa", "copyName": "Brian McCafferty", "copyDate": "2004-02-11" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 8856, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaancqa", "copyName": "Brian McCafferty", "copyDate": "2004-02-11" }, { "id": 18399, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbfra", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007" }, { "id": 18499, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjna", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18500, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjoa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18501, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjpa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18502, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjqa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18503, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjra", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18504, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbjsa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-02" }, { "id": 18761, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbtpa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-04-01" }, { "id": 18762, "name": "Runaway Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabbtqa", "copyName": "Andrew Marden", "copyDate": "2007-04-01" }, { "id": 18763, 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 7542, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaleca", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 7542, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaleca", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7545, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaalefa", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7543, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaleda", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7544, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaleea", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 9716, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaojsa", "copyName": "Peter Fleischmann", "copyDate": "2004" }, { "id": 42764, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgua", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42765, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgva", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42766, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgwa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42767, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgxa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42768, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgya", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42769, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclgza", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42770, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclhaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 42771, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaclhba", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-19" }, { "id": 77557, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeksza", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77564, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektga", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77562, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektea", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77558, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektaa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77559, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektba", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77560, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektca", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77561, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektda", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 77563, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaektfa", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": "2017-04-22" }, { "id": 139915, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyzja", "copyName": "Denis Bacquelaine", "copyDate": "2023-12-03" }, { "id": 139916, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyzka", "copyName": "Denis Bacquelaine", "copyDate": "2023-12-03" }, { "id": 139917, "name": "Sahara Twist", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahyzla", "copyName": "Denis Bacquelaine", "copyDate": "2023-12-03" } ], "coords": { "lat": "24.819803", "lng": "121.181971" } }, { "id": 3916, "name": "Salama", "park": { "name": "Linnanmäki", "id": 4917 }, "city": "Helsinki", "state": "Uusimaa", "country": "Finland", "region": "Finland", "link": "/3916.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2008-04-25" } }, "make": "Maurer Rides GmbH", "model": "Spinning Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "420", "height": "17", "speed": "60", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 134997, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsfa", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 134997, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsfa", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 134998, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsga", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 134999, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsha", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135000, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsia", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135001, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsja", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135002, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrska", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135003, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsla", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135004, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrsma", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" }, { "id": 135036, "name": "Samba Gliders", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahrtsa", "copyName": "André Bormans", "copyDate": "2022-04-25" } ], "coords": { "lat": "3.421525", "lng": "101.795026" } }, { "id": 14184, "name": "Samurai Slide / Làn Trượt Samurai", "park": { "name": "Mystic Mountain", "id": 14183 }, "city": "Hạ Long", "state": "Quảng Ninh", "country": "Vietnam", "region": "Vietnam", "link": "/14184.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2017" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": [ "580", "490" ], "inversions": [ "0", "0" ], "elements": [ "Cable Lift Hill", "Cable Lift Hill" ], "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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"2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88657, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbdxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88658, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbdya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88659, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbdza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88660, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbeaa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88666, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbega", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88668, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbeia", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88661, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbeba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-02-14" }, { "id": 88669, "name": "Samurai Slide", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafbeja", 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 62601, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadopta", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2012-11-11" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 62601, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadopta", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2012-11-11" }, { "id": 62602, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadopua", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2012-11-11" }, { "id": 62603, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadopva", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2012-11-11" }, { "id": 73661, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezda", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73662, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezea", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73673, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezpa", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73671, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezna", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73663, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezfa", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73666, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezia", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73665, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezha", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73672, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezoa", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73664, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezga", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" }, { "id": 73674, "name": "Sankališče Zlodejevo", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeezqa", "copyName": "Tilen Burnik", "copyDate": "2016-08-02" } ], "coords": { "lat": "46.450123", "lng": "15.334939" } }, { "id": 434, "name": "Santa Monica West Coaster", "park": { "name": "Pacific Park", "id": 4685 }, "city": "Santa Monica", "state": "California", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/434.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1996-05-25" } }, "make": "D.H. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaajeoa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 6203, "name": "Santa Monica West Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajepa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 10477, "name": "Santa Monica West Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaapmza", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2004" }, { "id": 10478, "name": "Santa Monica West Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaapnaa", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2004" }, { "id": 116100, "name": "Santa Monica West Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagptka", "copyName": "Kyle Gardner", "copyDate": "2019-06-16" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.008230", "lng": "-118.497900" } }, { "id": 9153, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "park": { "name": "YesterLand Farm", "id": 9263 }, "city": "Canton", "state": "Texas", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/9153.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2009" } }, "make": "Miler Manufacturing", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "manufactured": "" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 32728, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabwkua", "copyName": "Yvonne Janik", "copyDate": "2010-12-19" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 32728, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabwkua", "copyName": "Yvonne Janik", "copyDate": "2010-12-19" }, { "id": 46690, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacrbua", "copyName": "Yvonne Janik", "copyDate": "2013-09-21" }, { "id": 32727, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabwkta", "copyName": "Yvonne Janik", "copyDate": "2010-12-19" }, { "id": 113006, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagleka", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-10-08" }, { "id": 113007, "name": "Santa's Runaway Sleigh", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglela", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2011-10-08" }, { "id": 113008, "name": "Santa's 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train with 5 cars. 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"Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamqya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8553, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamqza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8554, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamraa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8555, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamrba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8556, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamrca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8557, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamrda", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8558, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamrea", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-06-09" }, { "id": 8559, "name": "Scorpion Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaamrfa", "copyName": "Rik 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AllenWilliam CobbDon Rosser" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 21690, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgcga", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2007-06-22" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 21690, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgcga", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2007-06-22" }, { "id": 21691, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgcha", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2007-06-22" }, { "id": 81434, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqmca", "copyName": "Dave Collins", "copyDate": "2010-04-03" }, { "id": 81435, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeqmda", "copyName": "Dave Collins", "copyDate": "2016-06-21" }, { "id": 112001, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagjrta", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-06-10" }, { "id": 21689, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgcfa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2007-06-22" }, { "id": 1101, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabqja", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1100, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabqia", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 112002, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagjrua", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-06-10" }, { "id": 112003, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagjrva", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-06-10" }, { "id": 112004, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagjrwa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2013-06-10" }, { "id": 713, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabbla", "copyName": "Jim Westland", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 712, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabbka", "copyName": "Jim Westland", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 711, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabbja", "copyName": "Jim Westland", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 113, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaaeja", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 121620, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagxxsa", "copyName": "Ryan Flamm", "copyDate": "2019-11" } ], "coords": { "lat": "38.517356", "lng": "-90.678596" } }, { "id": 11987, "name": "Screamin' Eagle", "park": { "name": "Kingman County and 4-H Fair", "id": 11986 }, "city": "Kingman", "state": "Kansas", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/11987.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2008", "closed": "2010", "undefined": "2016" } }, "make": "B. 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"https://rcdb.com/aaehcqa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-02" }, { "id": 75105, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 75106, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcsa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 75107, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcta", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 75108, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 75109, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcva", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 75110, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehcwa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2016-07-01" }, { "id": 85182, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85183, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85184, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85185, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85186, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85187, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewala", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85188, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewama", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85189, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewana", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85190, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaoa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85191, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewapa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85192, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewaqa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 85193, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaewara", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2017-09-14" }, { "id": 88425, "name": "Seven Dwarfs Mine Train", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafauza", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2016" } ], "coords": { "lat": "31.147465", "lng": "121.655556" } }, { "id": 10226, "name": "Seven Ring Suspended Looping Coaster / 七环悬挂过山车", "park": { "name": "Jinling Happy World", "id": 10223 }, "city": "Jin'an", 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 28 riders per train.", "formerNames": "Batman: Arkham Asylum (", "cost": "6000000", "capacity": "1300", "designer": "Ing.-Büro Stengel GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 11875, "name": "Shadows of Arkham", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaarota", "copyName": "Jarvos M. S.", "copyDate": "2005-03-26" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 11875, "name": "Shadows of Arkham", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaarota", "copyName": "Jarvos M. 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"https://rcdb.com/aahlnga", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130806, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlnaa", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130799, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlmta", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130793, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlmna", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130787, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlmha", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 130791, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlmla", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130801, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlmva", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130815, "name": "Shahdag Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahlnja", "copyName": "Wiegand", "copyDate": "2022-02-24" }, { "id": 130818, "name": 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"2009-08-26" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 9005, "name": "Shenlong Roller Coaster / 神龙过山车", "park": { "name": "Nanning Zoo", "id": 9003 }, "city": "Xixiangtang", "state": "Nanning", "country": "Guangxi", "region": "China", "link": "/9005.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2008-09", "closed": "2023" } }, "make": "Hebei Zhongye Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "3", "elements": "Loop" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 113837, "name": "Shenlong Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmkja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-20" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 113837, "name": "Shenlong Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmkja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-20" }, { "id": 113838, "name": "Shenlong Roller Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagmkka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-20" }, { "id": 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"Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexpa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 20894, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexqa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 20895, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexra", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 27701, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabozla", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 20896, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabexsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2007-09-04" }, { "id": 27702, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabozma", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 27703, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabozna", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-22" }, { "id": 30163, "name": "Shenzhou Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabsqda", 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders.", "builder": "Meisho Amusement Machines" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 25315, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 25315, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25316, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllsa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25317, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllta", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25318, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25319, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllva", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25320, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllwa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25321, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25322, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" }, { "id": 25323, "name": "Shinpi", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabllza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2009-06-27" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.063058", "lng": "139.962126" } }, { "id": 15452, "name": "Shipwreck Relic / 沉船探险车", "park": { "name": "Hot Go Sea", "id": 14319 }, "city": "Wanghua", "state": "Fushun", "country": "Liaoning", "region": "China", "link": "/15452.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2017" } }, "make": "Beijing North Rongda Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "186", "height": "7.9", "speed": "28.8", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 112252, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbka", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 112252, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbka", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112253, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbla", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112254, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbma", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112255, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbna", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112256, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkboa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112257, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbpa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112258, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbqa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112259, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbra", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112260, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbsa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112261, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbta", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112262, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbua", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" }, { "id": 112263, "name": "Shirakaba Wood Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagkbva", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2019-09-29" } ], "coords": { "lat": "36.111492", "lng": "138.241692" } }, { "id": 478, "name": "Shivering Timbers", "park": { "name": "Michigan's Adventure", "id": 4578 }, "city": "Muskegon", "state": "Michigan", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/478.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1998" } }, "make": "Custom Coasters International, Inc.", "model": "", "type": "Wood", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "1640.7", "height": "37.2", "speed": "91.7", "inversions": "0", "verticalAngle": "53.3", "duration": "2:30", "elements": "37.2", "arrangement": "2 trains with 6 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders.", "builtBy": "Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc.", "formerStatus": "SBNO", "designer": "Larry Bill" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 480, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaasma", "copyName": "Niagara Amusement Park & Splash World", "copyDate": "1999" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 480, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaasma", "copyName": "Niagara Amusement Park & Splash World", "copyDate": "1999" }, { "id": 662, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaazma", "copyName": "Jim Westland", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 663, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaazna", "copyName": "Jim Westland", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 2566, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadusa", "copyName": "Mika Tomczak", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 2807, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaedza", "copyName": "Jan Olejnik", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 11742, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaarjqa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2005-07-19" }, { "id": 11743, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaarjra", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2005-07-19" }, { "id": 12431, "name": "Silver Comet", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaskda", "copyName": "James M. 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"copyDate": "2008-07-19" }, { "id": 26342, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmzea", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2008-07-19" }, { "id": 26343, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmzfa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2008-07-19" }, { "id": 26344, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabmzga", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2008-07-19" }, { "id": 52404, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacznoa", "copyName": "Arnulf Gercke", "copyDate": "2014-04-26" }, { "id": 108771, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagexna", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2012-07-12" }, { "id": 2047, "name": "Silverpony Express", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadata", "copyName": "Stefan A. 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Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 36 riders per train.", "capacity": "1750" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 4003, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 4003, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 6998, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakjea", "copyName": "Jean-Francois Doppagne", "copyDate": "2003-06-22" }, { "id": 3370, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaezqa", "copyName": "Ron Daniels", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3372, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaezsa", "copyName": "Ron Daniels", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3373, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaezta", "copyName": "Ron Daniels", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3996, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3997, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3998, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 3999, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxva", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4000, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxwa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4001, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4002, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafxya", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4004, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafyaa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4005, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafyba", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4006, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafyca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 4550, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaagtaa", "copyName": "Jean-Francois Doppagne", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 5838, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaiqoa", "copyName": "Julian Zweybrücken", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 6572, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajsua", "copyName": "Benoît De Groote", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 6573, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaajsva", "copyName": "Benoît De Groote", "copyDate": "2002" }, { "id": 6996, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakjca", "copyName": "Jean-Francois Doppagne", "copyDate": "2003-06-22" }, { "id": 6997, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakjda", "copyName": "Jean-Francois Doppagne", "copyDate": "2003-06-22" }, { "id": 6999, "name": "Silver Star", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakjfa", "copyName": "Jean-Francois Doppagne", "copyDate": "2003-06-22" }, { 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"Japan", "link": "/1724.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2005", "closed": "2007" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "duration": "2:29", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 15285, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawpxa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2005" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 15285, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawpxa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 15286, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawpya", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 15287, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawpza", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 15288, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawqaa", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 15289, "name": "Slope Car", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaawqba", 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"Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-14" } ], "coords": { "lat": "35.158451", "lng": "136.976023" } }, { "id": 19294, "name": "Small Caterpillar / 小青虫", "park": { "name": "Qinglong Lake Park", "id": 19293 }, "city": "Lubei", "state": "Tangshan", "country": "Hebei", "region": "China", "link": "/19294.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2020" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 126351, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexra", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 126351, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexra", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, { "id": 126352, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexsa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, { "id": 126353, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexta", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, { "id": 126354, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexua", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, { "id": 126355, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexva", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" }, { "id": 126356, "name": "Small Caterpillar", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahexwa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-05-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "39.674725", "lng": "118.130658" } }, { "id": 10882, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster / 小果虫滑车", "park": { "name": "Pengzu Garden", "id": 10879 }, "city": "Quanshan", "state": "Xuzhou", "country": "Jiangsu", "region": "China", "link": "/10882.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2007", "closed": "2012" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "Fruit Worm Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 12 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 40590, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacibea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2012" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 40590, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacibea", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2012" }, { "id": 40591, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacibfa", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2012" }, { "id": 40592, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacibga", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2012" } ], "coords": { "lat": "34.239514", "lng": "117.181742" } }, { "id": 17735, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster / 果虫小滑车", "park": { "name": "Tashan Park", "id": 8680 }, "city": "Zhifu", "state": "Yantai", "country": "Shandong", "region": "China", "link": "/17735.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2004", "closed": "2011" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 126838, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqka", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 126838, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqka", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" }, { "id": 126835, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqha", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" }, { "id": 126836, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqia", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" }, { "id": 126837, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqja", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" }, { "id": 126839, "name": "Small Fruit Worm Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahfqla", "copyName": "Darren Mullins", "copyDate": "2021-06-06" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.510090", "lng": "121.399353" } }, { "id": 8608, "name": "Small Motorized Coaster / 摩托飞车", "park": { "name": "Dream World Riz-Zoawd", "id": 10356 }, "city": "Siming", "state": "Xiamen", "country": "Fujian", "region": "China", "link": "/8608.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2012" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 57365, "name": "Small Motorized Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadgwja", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2014" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 57365, "name": "Small Motorized Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadgwja", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2014" }, { "id": 57364, "name": "Small Motorized Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadgwia", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2014" } ], "coords": { "lat": "24.502654", "lng": "118.193976" } }, { "id": 3884, "name": "Small Whirlwind Coaster / 小旋风滑车", "park": { "name": "Suzhou Amusement Land", "id": 5136 }, "city": "Huqiu", "state": "Suzhou", "country": "Jiangsu", "region": "China", "link": "/3884.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2007", "closed": "2014-01-01" } }, "make": "Jinma Rides", "model": "Space Car", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. 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"https://rcdb.com/aacoyva", "copyName": "Lee Bennett", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45270, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozea", "copyName": "Russell Hunt", "copyDate": "2013-06-02" }, { "id": 45271, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozfa", "copyName": "Russell Hunt", "copyDate": "2013-06-02" }, { "id": 45273, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozha", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45274, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozia", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45275, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozja", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45277, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozla", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45278, "name": "Smiler", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacozma", "copyName": "Justin Garvanovic", "copyDate": "2013-06-08" }, { "id": 45279, "name": 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{ "id": 75872, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigea", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 73959, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefkpa", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2016" }, { "id": 75880, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigma", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75878, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigka", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75895, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeihba", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75890, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigwa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75888, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigua", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75885, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75893, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigza", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75898, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeihea", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75900, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeihga", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 73956, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefkma", "copyName": "Hongfeng Liao", "copyDate": "2016" }, { "id": 68362, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdia", "copyName": "Xiaoyi Zhang", "copyDate": "2016-02-11" }, { "id": 75875, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigha", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75882, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigoa", "copyName": "Gavin 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"https://rcdb.com/aaeihja", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75892, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigya", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75887, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigta", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75884, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigqa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 75891, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeigxa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-03-11" }, { "id": 68363, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadxdja", "copyName": "Xiaoyi Zhang", "copyDate": "2016-02-11" }, { "id": 73963, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefkta", "copyName": "Xing Fu", "copyDate": "2016" }, { "id": 73962, "name": "Soaring with Dragon", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaefksa", "copyName": "Xing Fu", 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"101", "inversions": "0", "verticalAngle": "45", "elements": "Elevator Lift", "capacity": "840", "installer": "RCS GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 102972, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwima", "copyName": "Daniel Denzler", "copyDate": "2019-06-10" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 102972, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwima", "copyName": "Daniel Denzler", "copyDate": "2019-06-10" }, { "id": 102973, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwina", "copyName": "Daniel Denzler", "copyDate": "2019-06-10" }, { "id": 79685, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwva", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79686, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwwa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79687, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwxa", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh Nguyen", "copyDate": "2017" }, { "id": 79688, "name": "Speed", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaenwya", "copyName": "Philippe-Minh 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 114704, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnrsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 114704, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnrsa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114705, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnrta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114706, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnrua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 114707, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagnrva", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2020-02-13" }, { "id": 98486, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafprya", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-27" }, { "id": 98487, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafprza", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-27" }, { "id": 98488, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpsaa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-27" }, { "id": 98489, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpsba", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2018-12-27" } ], "coords": { "lat": "16.037083", "lng": "108.225092" } }, { "id": 16470, "name": "Spinning Coaster", "park": { "name": "Live Oak Canyon Farm", "id": 20396 }, "city": "Redlands", "state": "California", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/16470.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2021" } }, "make": "SBF Visa Group", "model": "Spinning Coasters", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 4 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 59721, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkiza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 59721, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkiza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59722, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59723, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59724, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59725, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjda", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59726, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjea", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59727, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjfa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59728, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjga", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59729, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjha", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59730, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjia", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59731, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjja", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59732, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjka", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59733, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjla", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59734, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59735, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjna", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59736, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjoa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59737, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjpa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59738, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjqa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 59739, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadkjra", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2015-02-14" }, { "id": 75332, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehlka", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-01-28" }, { "id": 75333, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehlla", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-01-28" }, { "id": 75334, "name": "Spinning Coster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaehlma", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2017-01-28" } ], "coords": { "lat": "16.800443", "lng": "96.139668" } }, { "id": 2572, "name": "Spinning Dragons", "park": { "name": "Worlds of Fun", "id": 4533 }, "city": "Kansas City", "state": "Missouri", "country": "United States", "region": "United States", "link": "/2572.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2004-04-17" } }, "make": "Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GmbH", "model": "Spinning Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "410", "height": "16.5", "speed": "49.9", "inversions": "0", "verticalAngle": "50", "duration": "1:30", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 20 riders per train." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 11022, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaqhya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2004" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 11022, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaqhya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2004" }, { "id": 11023, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaqhza", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2004" }, { "id": 12974, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatfaa", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-06-25" }, { "id": 12975, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatfba", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-06-25" }, { "id": 12976, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatfca", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-06-25" }, { "id": 12977, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatfda", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-06-25" }, { "id": 12978, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaatfea", "copyName": "Chris Belson", "copyDate": "2005-06-25" }, { "id": 14368, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavgqa", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "2005-09" }, { "id": 14468, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaavkma", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2005" }, { "id": 117875, "name": "Spinturn Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagsjra", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2005-09-09" } ], "coords": { "lat": "37.061598", "lng": "139.964628" } }, { "id": 14694, "name": "Spin UFO / 自旋飞碟", "park": { "name": "Qingshuihe Park", "id": 14693 }, "city": "Qingyang", "state": "Chengdu", "country": "Sichuan", "region": "China", "link": "/14694.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2007", "closed": "2018" } }, "make": "", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "1 car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 90451, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduxa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 90451, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduxa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90446, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafdusa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90447, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduta", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90448, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduua", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90449, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduva", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90450, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafduwa", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 90445, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafdura", "copyName": "Bruno Baumeister", "copyDate": "2018-04-30" }, { "id": 92370, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgqsa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-17" }, { "id": 92368, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgqqa", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-17" }, { "id": 92369, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgqra", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-17" }, { "id": 92371, "name": "Spin UFO", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafgqta", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2018-06-17" } ], "coords": { "lat": "30.656611", "lng": "103.984834" } }, { "id": 1419, "name": "Spiral", "park": { "name": "Formosa Fun Coast", "id": 5046 }, "city": "New Taipei City", "state": "Taiwan", "country": "", "region": "Taiwan", "link": "/1419.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1990", "closed": "2004", "undefined": "2006" } }, "make": "Arrow Dynamics", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "381", "height": "21.3", "speed": "80.5", "inversions": "2", "duration": "1:10", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "formerStatus": "In Storage", "relocations": "Worlds of Fun", "capacity": "1800" }, "pictures": [], "coords": { "lat": "25.142206", "lng": "121.385368" }, "mainPicture": {} }, { "id": 1604, "name": "Spiral Coaster", "park": { "name": "Winter Wonderland Kuwait", "id": 5126 }, "city": "Salmiya", "state": "Hawalli", "country": "Kuwait", "region": "Kuwait", "link": "/1604.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "2000", "closed": "2005" } }, "make": "Intamin Amusement Rides", "model": "Other", "type": "Steel", "design": "Pipeline", "stats": { "length": "349.9", "height": "6.1", "inversions": "4", "elements": "Heartline Roll", "arrangement": "8 cars per train. 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Horwood", "copyDate": "2009-07-01" }, { "id": 23534, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabivea", "copyName": "Robert Nagy", "copyDate": "2009-05-23" }, { "id": 23533, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabivda", "copyName": "Robert Nagy", "copyDate": "2009-05-23" }, { "id": 119006, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagubea", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2008-06-13" }, { "id": 23532, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabivca", "copyName": "Robert Nagy", "copyDate": "2009-05-23" }, { "id": 21270, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfmca", "copyName": "Jerry Dorf", "copyDate": "2008-02-17" }, { "id": 21269, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfmba", "copyName": "Jerry Dorf", "copyDate": "2008-01-27" }, { "id": 119007, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagubfa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2008-06-14" }, { "id": 119008, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagubga", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2008-06-13" }, { "id": 21267, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabflza", "copyName": "Jerry Dorf", "copyDate": "2008-01-27" }, { "id": 21266, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabflya", "copyName": "Jerry Dorf", "copyDate": "2008-01-27" }, { "id": 21265, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabflxa", "copyName": "Jerry Dorf", "copyDate": "2008-01-27" }, { "id": 21242, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabflaa", "copyName": "Dan Bjorklund", "copyDate": "2008-01-18" }, { "id": 21240, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfkya", "copyName": "Dan Bjorklund", "copyDate": "2008-01-18" }, { "id": 21239, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfkxa", "copyName": "Dan Bjorklund", "copyDate": "2008-01-18" }, { "id": 21215, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjza", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-11" }, { "id": 21214, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjya", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-11" }, { "id": 21213, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjxa", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-11" }, { "id": 21212, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjwa", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-11" }, { "id": 21196, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjga", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-09" }, { "id": 21195, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjfa", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-09" }, { "id": 21194, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfjea", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-09" }, { "id": 21115, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfgda", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-05" }, { "id": 21110, "name": "SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabffya", "copyName": "Matt Luettinger", "copyDate": "2008-01-04" } ], "coords": { "lat": "undefined" } }, { "id": 885, "name": "Spook Express", "park": { "name": "Joyland Childrens Fun Park", "id": 4828 }, "city": "Great Yarmouth", "state": "Norfolk", "country": "England", "region": "United Kingdom", "link": "/885.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "1998" } }, "make": "WGH Transportation", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 5 cars. 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"https://rcdb.com/aadaqwa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 53167, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaqxa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 53168, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaqya", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 53169, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaqza", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 53170, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadaraa", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 53171, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadarba", "copyName": "Ric Turner", "copyDate": "2014-06-21" }, { "id": 35013, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabzura", "copyName": "Xi Pai", "copyDate": "2011-04-13" }, { "id": 77538, "name": "Starry Sky Ripper", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeksga", "copyName": "Sebastian Schulz", "copyDate": 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{ "opened": "2009-08" } }, "make": "Sunkid GmbH", "model": "Butterfly", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "height": "6.1", "inversions": "0", "arrangement": "1 car. 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"2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78292, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelvga", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78296, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelvka", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78301, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelvpa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78303, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaelvra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78280, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeluua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78263, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeluda", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2017-06-20" }, { "id": 78260, "name": "Star Trek: Operation Enterprise", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeluaa", 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"Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaadcia", "copyName": "Mika Tomczak", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 3578, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafhqa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-02-25" }, { "id": 3579, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafhra", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-02-25" }, { "id": 3580, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafhsa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-02-25" }, { "id": 3581, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaafhta", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-02-25" }, { "id": 6879, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaakepa", "copyName": "Benoît De Groote", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 7772, "name": "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission", 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Morgan Manufacturing, Inc.", "capacity": "1600" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 130350, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkvma", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 130350, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkvma", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 130351, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahkvna", "copyName": "Wolfgang Payer", "copyDate": "2021-11-22" }, { "id": 121921, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyjha", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121927, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyjna", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121929, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyjpa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 121932, "name": "Superman el 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"https://rcdb.com/aafddca", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2018-03-27" }, { "id": 89987, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafddba", "copyName": "Sarah Johann", "copyDate": "2018-03-27" }, { "id": 88441, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafavpa", "copyName": "Michael Wilson", "copyDate": "2013-03-25" }, { "id": 88440, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafavoa", "copyName": "Michael Wilson", "copyDate": "2013-03-25" }, { "id": 56229, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfera", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 56228, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfeqa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 56227, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfepa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 56226, "name": "Superman el Último 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"name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagyjfa", "copyName": "Brian Andrelczyk", "copyDate": "2018-05-27" }, { "id": 56222, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfeka", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 56220, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfeia", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 56219, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadfeha", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2014-11" }, { "id": 38286, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaceqoa", "copyName": "Paul Schramm", "copyDate": "2012-02-02" }, { "id": 38285, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaceqna", "copyName": "Paul Schramm", "copyDate": "2012-02-02" }, { "id": 16547, "name": "Superman el Último Escape", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaymla", "copyName": "Eric Sakowski", "copyDate": "2006" }, { 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"Buenos Aires", "country": "Argentina", "region": "Argentina", "link": "/1595.htm", "status": { "state": "Operated", "date": { "opened": "1983-02", "closed": "2003-11-10" } }, "make": "Intamin Amusement Rides", "model": "Other", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "formerStatus": "SBNO" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 7972, "name": "Super Montaña Rusa Infantil", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaluqa", "copyName": "Sebastian Vilas", "copyDate": "" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 7972, "name": "Super Montaña Rusa Infantil", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaluqa", "copyName": "Sebastian Vilas", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 7973, "name": "Super Montaña Rusa Infantil", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaalura", "copyName": "Sebastian Vilas", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 7974, "name": "Super Montaña Rusa Infantil", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaalusa", "copyName": "Sebastian Vilas", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 12802, "name": "Super Montaña Rusa Infantil", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaasyka", 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"copyDate": "2007-09-16" }, { "id": 21155, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabfhra", "copyName": "George Greenway", "copyDate": "2007-09-16" }, { "id": 27617, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowfa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-29" }, { "id": 27618, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowga", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-29" }, { "id": 27619, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowha", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-29" }, { "id": 27620, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowia", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-29" }, { "id": 27621, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowja", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2009-08-29" }, { "id": 27622, "name": "Suspended Looping Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabowka", "copyName": "Duane 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"2007-04-10" }, { "id": 106735, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbxfa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2001-09-01" }, { "id": 106729, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbwza", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2001-09-01" }, { "id": 106684, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbvga", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-09-11" }, { "id": 106690, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbvma", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2002-04-25" }, { "id": 106689, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbvla", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2007-04-10" }, { "id": 106680, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbvca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2004-09-12" }, { "id": 106678, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagbvaa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2007-04-10" }, { "id": 106688, "name": "Tonnerre 2 Zeus", "url": 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"Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 6 cars. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 122797, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzqza", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 122797, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzqza", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, { "id": 122798, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzraa", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, { "id": 122799, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzrba", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, { "id": 122800, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzrca", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, { "id": 122801, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzrda", "copyName": "Bob Van Dyck", "copyDate": "2020-07-21" }, { "id": 122802, "name": "Train de la Mine", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzrea", "copyName": 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 137295, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcpa", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 137295, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcpa", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137299, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcta", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137296, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcqa", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137297, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcra", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137300, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcua", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137298, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcsa", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137301, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcva", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 137302, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahvcwa", "copyName": "Daniel Gordon", "copyDate": "2023-06-10" }, { "id": 131248, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahmeaa", "copyName": "Todd Smith", "copyDate": "2022-03-17" }, { "id": 131245, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahmdxa", "copyName": "Will Rocket", "copyDate": "2022" }, { "id": 131247, "name": "Tumwater Twister", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahmdza", "copyName": "John Sutherland", "copyDate": "2022" } ], "coords": { "lat": "47.587248", "lng": "-120.676600" } }, { "id": 13209, "name": "Tunnel Track", "park": { "name": "Balatonibob Szabadidőpark", "id": 13208 }, "city": "Balatonfűzfő", "state": "Veszprém", "country": "Hungary", "region": "Hungary", "link": "/13209.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2001" } }, "make": "Wiegand", "model": "Alpine Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "637", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Cable Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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"https://rcdb.com/aabqara", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28410, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqasa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28411, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqata", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28412, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqaua", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28413, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqava", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28414, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqawa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28420, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqbca", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 28415, "name": "Turbo-Drachen", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabqaxa", "copyName": "Rik Engelen", "copyDate": "2010-05-16" }, { "id": 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"Enchanted Kingdom", "id": 4971 }, "city": "Santa Rosa", "state": "Laguna", "country": "Philippines", "region": "Philippines", "link": "/17773.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2021-06-05" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "Spinning Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "384", "height": "17", "speed": "59", "inversions": "0", "verticalAngle": "47", "bankAngle": "75", "g-Force": "3.3", "capacity": "700", "dimensions": "22" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 125877, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahefla", "copyName": "Enchanted Kingdom", "copyDate": "2021-03" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 125877, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahefla", "copyName": "Enchanted Kingdom", "copyDate": "2021-03" }, { "id": 125208, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdfsa", "copyName": "Jerome Manlangit", "copyDate": "2020-12-26" }, { "id": 125209, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdfta", "copyName": "Jerome Manlangit", "copyDate": "2020-12-26" }, { "id": 125662, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxea", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125663, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxfa", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125664, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxga", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125665, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxha", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125666, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxia", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125667, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxja", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125668, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdxka", "copyName": "John Niño", "copyDate": "2021-02-14" }, { "id": 125669, "name": "Twin Spin", "url": 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"2022-01-27" }, { "id": 133125, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahoyfa", "copyName": "Austin Rudolph", "copyDate": "2022-01-27" }, { "id": 126095, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahenva", "copyName": "Universal Studios Islands of Adventure", "copyDate": "2021-04" }, { "id": 124287, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahbwha", "copyName": "Universal Studios Islands of Adventure", "copyDate": "2020-09" }, { "id": 124318, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahbxma", "copyName": "Universal Studios Islands of Adventure", "copyDate": "2020-09" }, { "id": 125879, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahefna", "copyName": "Jonathan Mariotti", "copyDate": "2021-03-18" }, { "id": 122982, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzyca", "copyName": "Hunter Hernandez", "copyDate": "2020-07-27" }, { "id": 122983, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagzyda", "copyName": "Hunter Hernandez", 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"VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacca", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123087, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacda", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123088, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacea", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123089, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacfa", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123090, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacga", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123091, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacha", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123092, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacia", "copyName": "Andrew Neely", "copyDate": "2020-08-08" }, { "id": 123093, "name": "VelociCoaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahacja", "copyName": "Andrew 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders per train.", "designer": "Ing.-Büro Stengel GmbH" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 9776, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaomaa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2004-06-15" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 9776, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaomaa", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2004-06-15" }, { "id": 1336, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabzka", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1337, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabzla", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1338, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabzma", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1339, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabzna", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1340, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaabzoa", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 1396, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaacbsa", "copyName": "Joel Rogers", "copyDate": "2001" }, { "id": 9777, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaomba", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2004-06-15" }, { "id": 9778, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaomca", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2004-06-15" }, { "id": 9779, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaomda", "copyName": "coasterimage.com", "copyDate": "2004-06-15" }, { "id": 16166, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxxua", "copyName": "Jeff Tiedemann", "copyDate": "2006-05-13" }, { "id": 16329, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaayeba", "copyName": "James M. 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Wagner", "copyDate": "2010-09-27" }, { "id": 133225, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpcba", "copyName": "Patrick R. Wagner", "copyDate": "2010-09-27" }, { "id": 133226, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpcca", "copyName": "Patrick R. Wagner", "copyDate": "2010-09-27" }, { "id": 133227, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpcda", "copyName": "Patrick R. Wagner", "copyDate": "2010-09-27" }, { "id": 133224, "name": "Volcano, The Blast Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahpcaa", "copyName": "Patrick R. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders per train.", "builtBy": "Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc.", "cost": "8500000", "capacity": "1200", "designer": "The Gravity Group, LLC" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 27872, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpgaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 27872, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpgaa", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, { "id": 15965, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqba", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15967, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqda", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15968, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqea", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15969, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqfa", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15970, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqga", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15971, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqha", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15972, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqia", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15973, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqja", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15974, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqka", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 15975, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaxqla", "copyName": "Grace Malley", "copyDate": "2006-05-06" }, { "id": 27870, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpfya", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, { "id": 27871, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpfza", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, { "id": 27873, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpgba", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, { "id": 27874, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabpgca", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2010-05-15" }, { "id": 27910, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabphma", "copyName": "Zach Nicholson", "copyDate": "2010-05-22" }, { "id": 27915, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabphra", "copyName": "Nick Beaver", "copyDate": "2010-05-22" }, { "id": 59214, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpma", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59215, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpna", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59216, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpoa", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59217, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjppa", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59218, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpqa", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59219, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpra", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59220, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpsa", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 59221, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadjpta", "copyName": "Scott Schaffer", "copyDate": "2015-04-23" }, { "id": 64410, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadrhia", "copyName": "Martin Valt", "copyDate": "2015-08-15" }, { "id": 101890, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafuswa", "copyName": "Greg Debaere", "copyDate": "2019-06-01" }, { "id": 118887, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtwpa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2006-06-10" }, { "id": 118888, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtwqa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2006-06-10" }, { "id": 118889, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtwra", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2006-06-10" }, { "id": 118890, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagtwsa", "copyName": "Malcolm Marr", "copyDate": "2006-06-09" }, { "id": 80635, "name": "Voyage", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaephja", "copyName": "Holiday World", "copyDate": "" } ], "coords": { "lat": "38.121483", "lng": "-86.910980" } }, { "id": 1193, "name": "Voyage Dans Le Ciel / リサとガスパールのそらたびにっき", "park": { "name": "Fuji-Q Highland", "id": 4961 }, "city": "Fujiyoshida", "state": "Yamanashi", "country": "Japan", "region": "Japan", "link": "/1193.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2000-07-20" } }, "make": "Hoei Sangyo Co., Ltd.", "model": "", "type": "Steel", "design": "Inverted", "stats": { "length": "480", "height": "23", "speed": "50", "inversions": "0", "duration": "1:44", "g-Force": "1.5", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders.", "capacity": "780", "dimensions": "27", "designer": "Peter Clerx" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 7536, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaldwa", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 7536, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaldwa", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7537, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaldxa", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7538, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaldya", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 7540, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaaleaa", "copyName": "Ting Chun Wang", "copyDate": "2003" }, { "id": 22267, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgyla", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2008-09-10" }, { "id": 22269, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgyna", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2008-09-10" }, { "id": 22271, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgypa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2008-09-10" }, { "id": 22270, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aabgyoa", "copyName": "Richard Bannister", "copyDate": "2008-09-10" }, { "id": 41707, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacjsda", "copyName": "Duane Marden", "copyDate": "2011-06-21" }, { "id": 62231, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobna", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-05-31" }, { "id": 62237, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobta", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62232, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadoboa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62239, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobva", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62234, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobqa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62235, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobra", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62233, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobpa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62236, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobsa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62238, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobua", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" }, { "id": 62240, "name": "Wally Whales Deep Dive Adventure", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadobwa", "copyName": "Robin Demyttenaere", "copyDate": "2015-06-01" } ], "coords": { "lat": "23.901866", "lng": "121.600102" } }, { "id": 4122, "name": "Walrus Splash / 超级激流", "park": { "name": "Chimelong Ocean Kingdom", "id": 8991 }, "city": "Xiangzhou", "state": "Zhuhai", "country": "Guangdong", "region": "China", "link": "/4122.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2014-02-28" } }, "make": "Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG", "model": "SuperSplash", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "0", "elements": "Chain Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single car trains. 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52861, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadafda", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2011-06-13" }, { "id": 52866, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadafia", "copyName": "Gavin Jones", "copyDate": "2011-06-13" }, { "id": 113175, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglkxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-21" }, { "id": 113176, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaglkya", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-21" }, { "id": 113178, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagllaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-21" }, { "id": 113179, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagllba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-21" }, { "id": 113180, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagllca", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2019-05-21" }, { "id": 52862, "name": "Walrus Splash", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aadafea", 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"Vekoma", "model": "Junior Coaster", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "298", "inversions": "0", "elements": "Dark/Show Section", "arrangement": "2 trains with 8 cars per train. 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Riders are arranged inline in 2 rows for a total of 2 riders per car." }, "mainPicture": { "id": 125398, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdnaa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 125398, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdnaa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125387, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmpa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125386, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmoa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125385, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmna", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125388, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmqa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125394, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmwa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125384, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmma", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125383, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmla", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125392, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmua", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125382, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmka", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125381, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmja", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125390, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmsa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125389, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmra", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125391, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmta", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125393, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmva", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125395, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmxa", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125396, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmya", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 125397, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aahdmza", "copyName": "Evan Alster", "copyDate": "2020-12-23" }, { "id": 111404, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuua", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111405, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuva", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111406, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuwa", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111407, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuxa", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111408, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuya", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111409, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagiuza", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111410, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagivaa", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" }, { "id": 111411, "name": "Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aagivba", "copyName": "Christopher Funk", "copyDate": "2020-02-23" } ], "coords": { "lat": "36.131086", "lng": "-81.843631" } }, { "id": 4257, "name": "Wilde Wind", "park": { "name": "Spring Land", "id": 6308 }, "city": "Monastir", "state": "Monastir", "country": "Tunisia", "region": "Tunisia", "link": "/4257.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2003-03-08" } }, "make": "Interpark", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "length": "200", "height": "10.1", "inversions": "1", "duration": "1:00", "elements": "Sidewinder", "arrangement": "5 cars per train. 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"https://rcdb.com/aacyhia", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2014-03" }, { "id": 51567, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacyhja", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2014-03" }, { "id": 51568, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aacyhka", "copyName": "Simon de Bruijn", "copyDate": "2014-03" }, { "id": 71753, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecdta", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-05-15" }, { "id": 71754, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecdua", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-05-15" }, { "id": 71757, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaecdxa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-05-15" }, { "id": 71760, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeceaa", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", "copyDate": "2016-05-15" }, { "id": 71761, "name": "X-treme Coaster", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aaeceba", "copyName": "Lisa Scheinin", 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Riders are arranged 8 across in a single row for a total of 24 riders per train.", "capacity": "1310" }, "mainPicture": { "id": 100368, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsmia", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-05-05" }, "pictures": [ { "id": 100368, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsmia", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-05-05" }, { "id": 100369, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafsmja", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-05-05" }, { "id": 103374, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwxya", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-07-04" }, { "id": 103375, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwxza", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-07-04" }, { "id": 103376, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyaa", "copyName": "Ethan Money", "copyDate": "2019-07-04" }, { "id": 103377, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyba", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103378, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyca", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103379, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyda", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103380, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyea", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103381, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyfa", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103382, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyga", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103383, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyha", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103384, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyia", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103385, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyja", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103386, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyka", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 103387, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafwyla", "copyName": "Brian Morris", "copyDate": "2019-05-26" }, { "id": 94700, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafkcia", "copyName": "Canada's Wonderland", "copyDate": "2018-08" }, { "id": 94701, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafkcja", "copyName": "Canada's Wonderland", "copyDate": "2018-08" }, { "id": 94702, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafkcka", "copyName": "Canada's Wonderland", "copyDate": "2018-08" }, { "id": 94703, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafkcla", "copyName": "Canada's Wonderland", "copyDate": "2018-08" }, { "id": 96145, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafmfxa", "copyName": "Jim Terry", "copyDate": "2018-09-15" }, { "id": 96146, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafmfya", "copyName": "Jim Terry", "copyDate": "2018-09-15" }, { "id": 96147, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafmfza", "copyName": "Jim Terry", "copyDate": "2018-09-15" }, { "id": 98393, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpoja", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "2018-12-12" }, { "id": 98394, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpoka", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 98395, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpola", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "2018-10-20" }, { "id": 98396, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpoma", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 98397, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpona", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "" }, { "id": 98398, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpooa", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "2018-10-20" }, { "id": 98399, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpopa", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "2018-12-12" }, { "id": 98400, "name": "Yukon Striker", "url": "https://rcdb.com/aafpoqa", "copyName": "Tyler Knapp", "copyDate": "2018-10-20" } ], "coords": { "lat": "43.840559", "lng": "-79.543240" } }, { "id": 16518, "name": "Yurkin Hills / Юркины горки", "park": { "name": "Yurkin Park", "id": 16517 }, "city": "Kirov", "state": "Kirov", "country": "Russia", "region": "Russia", "link": "/16518.htm", "status": { "state": "Operating", "date": { "opened": "2018-08-04" } }, "make": "Analog", "model": "All Models", "type": "Steel", "design": "Sit Down", "stats": { "inversions": "1", "elements": "Booster Wheel Lift Hill", "arrangement": "Single train with 9 cars. 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