# Sublime Text 3 - Related Files Plugin ![Screenshot](https://raw.github.com/fabiokr/sublime-related-files/master/screenshots/list.png) This plugin provides a quick list of related files to the currently open file. My main use case is to list related files under a Ruby on Rails project. For example, for an opened "app/controllers/examples_controller.rb", related files would be "app/helpers/examples_helper.rb", "app/views/examples/**", and "spec/controllers/examples_controller_spec.rb". This plugin was inspired by the existing [Open Related](https://github.com/vojtajina/sublime-OpenRelated) and [Rails Related Files](https://github.com/luqman/SublimeText2RailsRelatedFiles). I wanted something between the two of them (a quick list of results that could be setup for any kinds of projects, not only Rails), so I created my own. # Key Shortcut The default shortcut is mapped to "ctrl+super+p". To change it to something more suitable for your needs, you can easily change that by copying the following and replacing the "keys" to your desired key combination: ```json { "keys": ["ctrl+super+p"], "command": "related_files"} ``` # Configuration The plugins comes configured to lookup Rails related files, but you can add your own setups. Let's see an existing example: ```json // Test/specs for ruby files ".+\/(app|lib)\/(.+).rb": [ "spec/$2_spec.rb", "test/$2_test.rb" ] ``` The configuration has two parts: the key, which is a regular expression to match against the currently open file, and a list of globs to map the related files. You can use the $1, $2, etc. on the glob strings to be replace by the extracted parts from the regex. In addition to global configs, you can also have per project configs. To add that, in a sublime project file (project-name.sublime-project), add this: ```json { "settings": { "RelatedFiles": { "patterns": { // you project patterns } } } } ```