--- title: Extended Intelligences page_type: course track: Exploration course_type: Course feature_img: /assets/images/2023-24/year-1/t-1/extended-intelligences.jpeg img_caption: Martian Species, Estampa, 2021 faculty: - ramon-sanguesa - pau-artigas ects: 3 --- {{ insert_banner() }} ## Syllabus The first part of the seminar sets the grounds for designing with/for/by AI in the current and future world conditions. The focus is on the conceptual basis of AI and how the practice of design has spawned a wealth not just of new possibilities but of new methods too. Post-human, Post-digital, Smart Interaction and Multiple Intelligence (or shamanistic) design are explored and the basis of their methodologies are shared. The second part of the seminar will be focused on Artificial Intelligence and contemporary visual culture. With a practical approach, and by learning some techniques and tools, part of the concepts learnt on the first part will be applied in class exercises. A speculative project will be developed by the students in small groups during the seminar and will be presented at its end. ### Learning objectives - Learn basic concepts and techniques of AI, and its different fields - Understand some of the ethics impacts of AI - Learn to use technical tools to run some AI programs - Understand the current proposals in designing with/for/ Extended Intelligence ## Schedule === "28/11" **Ramon Ramon Sangüesa** ***Afternoon*** - The real AI: what is is, what is not and what it could be. - Intro to Machine Learning Different Methods (theory and examples, no programming) - Design and AI: designing autonomous intelligent “others”. Main dimensions. Interaction. Design Values. - First round of project ideation === "29/11" **Estampa** ***Afternoon*** - Situated IA introduction. - Intro to the working environment. - Student work/Support. - Presentation of Estampa's projects === "30/11" **Estampa** ***Afternoon*** - Student presentation of exercise [Datasets]. - Theoretical and practical technological concepts. How do these technologies work? How to use them beyond the web interface? - Using AI services through APIs and with libraries. - Student work/Support. === "1/12" **Estampa** ***Morning*** - Student presentation of exercise [Services]. - Latent/Multidimensional/Embedding spaces. - Student work/Support. ***Afternoon*** - Student work/Support [2h] === "5/12" **Estampa** ***Morning*** - Student work/Support **Ramon Sangüesa / Estampa** ***Afternoon*** - Students presentation of students' work - Feedback [2h] ### Methodological Strategies Lectures, workshops, project-based learning and team-based learning ## Deliverables **Project presentation** Document containing: - Project name - Group members - Project description and contextualization - Software + Hardware used or built or their specifications ## Grading Method | Percentage | Description | | ----------- | ------------------------------------ | | 25% | Class Participation | | 50% | Project | | 25% | Personal Reflections | !!! ects "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)" {{ ects }} ECTS ## Additional Resources Alpaydin, E., 2016. Machine Learning. The new AI. Cambridge, Massachusetts: the MIT Press. Bridle, James: New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future. London: Verso, 2018 Bridle, James: Ways of Being. Allen Lane / Penguin, 2022 Crawford, K., 2021. The Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence. Yale University Press. D’Ignazio, C., Klein, L. F. (2020). Data Feminism. The MIT Press [Estampa, 2018. The Bad Pupil. Critical pedagogy for artificial intelligences. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona (ICUB).](https://tallerestampa.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/elmalalumne_Estampa_CAT_ES_EN.pdf) [Joler, V., Pasquinelli, M., 2020. Nooscope.](https://nooscope.ai/) [Kogan, G., 2016. Machine Learning for Artists (Collection of free educational resources). Github.](https://ml4a.github.io/) Miller, A., 2019. The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. O’Neil, C., 2016. Weapons of Math Destruction. How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. UK: Penguin Random House. [Paglen, T., 2016. Invisible Images (Your Pictures Are Looking at You). The New Inquiry. Brooklyn.](https://thenewinquiry.com/invisible-images-your-pictures-are-looking-at-you/) Sautoy, M., 2019. The Creativity Code: How AI Is Learning to Write, Paint and Think. [Schmidt, F., 2020. An Introduction to Image Datasets. Unthinking Photography. UK: The Photographers’ Gallery.](https://unthinking.photography/articles/an-introduction-to-image-datasets) [Sinders, Caroline: Feminist Data Set, 2020](https://carolinesinders.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Feminist-Data-Set-Final-Draft-2020-0517.pdf) Steyerl, Hito, 2012. The Wretched of the Screen. Steyerl, Hito: "Mean Images", New Left Review, 140/141, March-June 2023 Vickers, Ben; Allado-McDowell, K: Atlas of Anomalous AI. Ignota Books, 2020 ## Faculty {{ insert_faculty() }}