--- title: Landing page_type: course track: Application course_type: Workshop feature_img: /assets/images/2024-25/year-1/t-1/landing.jpeg # img_caption: faculty: - guillem-camprodon - jana-tothill - roger-guilemany - milena-calvo - josep-marti - pablo-zuloaga ects: 0 --- {{ insert_banner() }} ## Syllabus Landing at the Masters in Design for Emergent Futures is for sure a challenging endeavor. Not only is it a new country and new city for most students, but also the beginning of a new life that will definitely influence the design profile and practice of everyone participating in MDEF, including the faculty and staff. Every edition of the program is different, there is no standard day, week, month or year for MDEF, given its constant evolution, and how it is influenced by the diversity of participants, as well as the constantly evolving reality around us. Knowing the importance to understand where and with whom we will be sharing this learning space for the next year (or two for some of you), we have dedicated a week of the program to know about each other, faculty and students, also about IAAC, Elisava and Fab Lab Barcelona, and specially about the Poblenou neighborhood and the city of Barcelona as the main experimental playground of the program. We expect the landing week to situate students in context, and to help them to identify opportunities for collaboration to develop their research agenda during the year of the program. ### Learning Objectives The Landing Week of MDEF aims to offer students the opportunity to connect with the ecosystem around the program, including students, faculty, staff, spaces and organizations that make it possible to create an ever evolving learning space around it. - Connect with fellow students and learn about the diversity of culture and professional profiles of the class. - Understand and learn from the research interests of each one of the directors and the organizing Institutions. - Learn about the opportunities offered by each of the campuses involved in the program, Elisava, IAAC and Fab Lab Barcelona. - Explore and connect with spaces and organizations in the Poblenou and the City of Barcelona, which students will potentially collaborate with. - Share the first ideas for students to align their purpose as designers and make the first steps to define their new designer profile. ### Methodological Strategies MDEF Landing Week will use basic methodologies to engage students in knowing better the program’s context and ecosystem, and be a personal and group experience of exploration through conversation and active listening. ## Schedule === "01/10" **15:00** - Opening of IAAC’s Academic Year at Pujades 102 === "02/10" **9:30-10:30** - Welcome by MDEF staff and Introduction to the Master program by Guillem Camprodon **10:30-11:00** - Connection with faculty **Break** **11:30-13:30** - Students Intro - Pick your purpose **Lunch break** **16:00-17:00** - Directors' research agenda - Guillem Camprodon, Emergent Tech **17:00-18:00** - Inspirational talk - Nadya Peak === "03/10" **9:30-13:30** - Exploring the Poblenou ecosystem - Chiara Dall’Olio, Milena Juarez **Planned visits**: 22@ introduction, Poblenou Urban District, TansfoLAB BCN, Biciclot, Bioma **Lunch break** **14:30-16:00** - Communicating the MDEF journey - Pablo Zuloaga **Break** **16:30-18:30** - Building an online bitacora and portfolio, the MDEF digital garden - Josep Martì === "04/10" **9:30-10:00** - Welcome to Elisava MDEF campus **10:00-11:45** - Visit & training for the Prototype Workshop, Motion Capture room and Graphic Workshop **11:45-12:30** - Elisava facilities visit ## Deliverables - Landing website - Purpose statement ## Grading Method !!! info "" :fontawesome-solid-circle-info:{ .icon-padding-right } **Grading criteria will be defined by faculty during the module.** !!! ects "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)" {{ ects }} ECTS ## Additional Resources - [Design Thinking is like syphilis](https://sts-news.medium.com/design-thinking-is-kind-of-like-syphilis-its-contagious-and-rots-your-brains-842ed078af29) - [Design as Participation](https://jods.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/design-as-participation/release/1) - [Design Won’t Save the World](https://hairyelefante.medium.com/design-is-not-going-to-save-the-world-8985870471a5) - [Prototypes and Prototyping Design Research](https://www.dropbox.com/s/yljt1r0n6hbu7rd/PrototypesChapterFinalDRAFT.pdf?dl=0) - [The Tyranny of Convenience](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/16/opinion/sunday/tyranny-convenience.html) ## Faculty {{ insert_faculty() }}