--- title: Emerging Economies page_type: course track: Reflection course_type: Seminar feature_img: img_caption: faculty: - ects: 2 --- {{ insert_banner() }} ## Syllabus The Emerging Economies seminar examines how design influences new economic models. Each session delves into real-world projects developed primarily at Fab Lab Barcelona over the last ten years, combining theoretical analysis with practical case studies. Topics covered include circular and distributed economies, ecological interactions, regenerative economies, social entrepreneurship, and the future of work. Throughout the seminar, students will critically assess the potential of design to drive systemic change and tackle contemporary challenges, focusing on real-world applications and collaborative projects. **Keywords: Emerging Economies, Design and Economics, Circular Economy, Distributed Economy, Ecological Interactions, Regenerative Economy, Social Entrepreneurship, Future of Work, Systemic Change, Real-world Applications** ### Learning Objectives - Critically analyse the role of design in shaping economic futures - Investigate the potential of emerging technologies in catalysing systemic change - Develop strategies for designing within the context of complexity and uncertainty - Evaluate the social, ecological, and economic impact of design interventions - Uncover strategies for multi-stakeholder collaboration ## Schedule === "14/10" **Circular Economies and Value Flows** [Marion Real](https://fablabbcn.org/team/marion-real) Explore how design supports decentralised economic models and large-scale collaboration, leveraging digital platforms and local networks to democratise resources and promote resilient communities. === "28/10" **Distributed Economies and Massive Collaboration** [Jessica Guy](https://fablabbcn.org/team/jessica-guy) Explore how design supports decentralised economic models and large-scale collaboration, leveraging digital platforms and local networks to democratise resources and promote resilient communities. === "4/11" **Ecological Interactions and the Economies of Nature** [Jonathan Minchin](https://blog.iaac.net/faculty/jonathan-minchin/) - External Examine the complex relationship between ecological systems and economic models, focusing on regenerative practices that integrate natural processes and enhance environmental resilience. === "11/11" **Regenerative Economies and Social Sustainability** [Milena Juarez](https://fablabbcn.org/team/milena-calvo-juarez) Investigate how regenerative design fosters social sustainability and equitable economic development, emphasising community-driven initiatives that balance environmental goals with local empowerment. === "18/11" **Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Economies** [Alessandra Schmidt](https://fablabbcn.org/team/alessandra-schmidt) Analyse how social entrepreneurship drives impactful economic models, creating shared value and addressing societal challenges through innovative business approaches that prioritise purpose over profit. === "2/12" **Emerging Economies and the Future of Work** [Albert CaƱigueral](https://www.albertcanigueral.com/) - External Uncover the evolving nature of work, shaped by automation and digital platforms, and explore how design can influence emerging economies, creating new opportunities for meaningful and resilient labour practices. ## Methodological Strategies - **Case Studies**: Through the creators' experience, we will unfold the design decisions and social challenges of carefully selected projects. - **Reflection and Peer Learning**: Mapping our learnings into a shared canvas to replicate strategies in our projects later. ## Grading Method - Submission of a case study canvas for each case study using the designated Miro template. - Active participation and meaningful contributions during seminar discussions and short activities. !!! ects "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)" {{ ects }} ECTS