/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow */ // Keep in sync with https://github.com/facebook/flow/blob/main/lib/react.js export type ComponentType<-P> = React$ComponentType

; export type AbstractComponent< -Config, +Instance = mixed, > = React$AbstractComponent; export type ElementType = React$ElementType; export type Element<+C> = React$Element; export type Key = React$Key; export type Ref = React$Ref; export type Node = React$Node; export type Context = React$Context; export type Portal = React$Portal; export type ElementProps = React$ElementProps; export type ElementConfig = React$ElementConfig; export type ElementRef = React$ElementRef; export type Config = React$Config; export type ChildrenArray<+T> = $ReadOnlyArray> | T; // Export all exports so that they're available in tests. // We can't use export * from in Flow for some reason. export { __CLIENT_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE, act, Children, Component, Fragment, Profiler, PureComponent, StrictMode, Suspense, cloneElement, createContext, createElement, createRef, use, forwardRef, isValidElement, lazy, memo, cache, startTransition, unstable_DebugTracingMode, unstable_LegacyHidden, unstable_Activity, unstable_Scope, unstable_SuspenseList, unstable_TracingMarker, unstable_getCacheForType, unstable_useCacheRefresh, unstable_useMemoCache, useId, useCallback, useContext, useDebugValue, useDeferredValue, useEffect, experimental_useEffectEvent, useImperativeHandle, useInsertionEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useOptimistic, useSyncExternalStore, useReducer, useRef, useState, useTransition, useActionState, version, } from './src/ReactClient';