## Getting started with Training ## Prerequisites Complete all of the setup as mentioned in [the setup doc](setup.md). ### Launching a small-scale baseline run ``` opt-baselines \ -n 2 -g 8 \ -p test_v0 \ --model-size 125m \ --azure \ --checkpoints-dir "INSERT_YOUR_CHECKPOINT_DIR" \ --no-save-dir # Remove this if you want to print out full save-dir path ``` #### Bring up tensorboard for the run ``` tensorboard serve --logdir="INSERT_TENSORBOARD_LOGDIR" --bind_all --port=6018 ``` #### Start Aim for in-depth training runs comparison ``` aim up --repo /path/to/log/dir --port 43800 ``` Enable [Aim](https://github.com/aimhubio/aim) to log metaseq training runs for snappy visualization and in-depth comparison. Pass an extra flag to the train command `--aim-repo /path/to/log/dir` Example train command with Aim enabled: ```shell metaseq-train --task streaming_language_modeling \ data-bin/pile-00 \ --vocab-filename data-bin/pile-00/bpe-vocab.json \ --merges-filename data-bin/pile-00/bpe-merges.txt \ --criterion cross_entropy \ --batch-size 8 \ --save-dir /checkpoints/lm_transformer_pile-00 \ --arch transformer_lm_gpt2_tiny --share-decoder-input-output-embed \ --dropout 0.1 \ --optimizer adam --weight-decay 0.01 --clip-norm 0.0 \ --lr 0.0005 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 \ --tokens-per-sample 1024 --sample-break-mode none --fp16 \ --use-sharded-state \ --decoder-learned-pos \ --log-format json \ --log-interval 1 \ --aim-repo /path/to/log/dir ``` Once the training is started, open Aim UI to see the results: ``` aim up --repo /path/to/log/dir --port 43800 ``` The following message will be outputted, meaning Aim UI is up and running: ``` Running Aim UI on repo `` Open Press Ctrl+C to exit ``` Open your browser and navigate to `` to explore tracked runs. *Depending on the setup host and port can be different.* Navigate to "Metrics Explorer" and select metrics to explore from the top left dropdown `+ Metrics` and click `Search` ![Metrics Explorer](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13848158/173548887-6bce3a9b-c9b0-4e3c-bac7-0ed9be4e5e97.png) - metaseq Aim arguments: | Arguments | Description | | --- | --- | | `aim_repo` | Defines the path to store collected training logs. If set to "." logs will be stored at cwd(current working directory). | | `aim_run_hash` | Training run hash. If skipped creates or continues run based on "save_dir". Otherwise, stores training metadata in the specified run. | - aim up arguments: | Arguments | Description | | --- | --- | | `--repo ` | Path to stored logs - parent directory of `.aim` repo. _Current working directory by default_. | | `-h` | `--host ` | Specify host address to run UI on. | | `-p` | `--port ` | Specify port to listen to. | _See Aim full documentation at [aimstack.readthedocs.io](https://aimstack.readthedocs.io)._