# Sapiens: Body Part + Face Segmentation ## Body Part: Model Zoo We use 28 classes for body-part segmentation along with the background class. You can checkout more details on the classes [here](../seg/mmseg/datasets/goliath.py#L37). ``` 0: Background 1: Apparel 2: Face_Neck 3: Hair 4: Left_Foot 5: Left_Hand 6: Left_Lower_Arm 7: Left_Lower_Leg 8: Left_Shoe 9: Left_Sock 10: Left_Upper_Arm 11: Left_Upper_Leg 12: Lower_Clothing 13: Right_Foot 14: Right_Hand 15: Right_Lower_Arm 16: Right_Lower_Leg 17: Right_Shoe 18: Right_Sock 19: Right_Upper_Arm 20: Right_Upper_Leg 21: Torso 22: Upper_Clothing 23: Lower_Lip 24: Upper_Lip 25: Lower_Teeth 26: Upper_Teeth 27: Tongue ``` The body-part segmentation model checkpoints are available at, | Model | Checkpoint Path |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sapiens-0.3B | `$SAPIENS_CHECKPOINT_ROOT/seg/checkpoints/sapiens_0.3b/sapiens_0.3b_goliath_best_goliath_mIoU_7673_epoch_194.pth` | Sapiens-0.6B | `$SAPIENS_CHECKPOINT_ROOT/seg/checkpoints/sapiens_0.6b/sapiens_0.6b_goliath_best_goliath_mIoU_7777_epoch_178.pth` | Sapiens-1B | `$SAPIENS_CHECKPOINT_ROOT/seg/checkpoints/sapiens_1b/sapiens_1b_goliath_best_goliath_mIoU_7994_epoch_151.pth` ## Body Part: Inference Guide - Navigate to your script directory: ```bash cd $SAPIENS_ROOT/seg/scripts/demo/local ``` - For part segmentation (uncomment your model config line): ```bash ./seg.sh ``` Define `INPUT` for your image directory and `OUTPUT` for results. The predictions will be visualized as (.jpg or .png) files, the foreground boolean masks and segmentation probabilities will be stored as .npy files in `OUTPUT` directory. These .npy will be used in depth and surface normal visualization. Adjust `JOBS_PER_GPU`, `TOTAL_GPUS` and `VALID_GPU_IDS` for multi-GPU configurations.

Body Part Segmentation