# Builtin values
- references.md
- abbreviations.md
- footnotes.md
destination: destination.html
# Meta Data
title: Test Page
- John Doe
- Jane Doe
# Settings overrides
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- res://MarkdownPreview/js/mermaid.js
- markdown.extensions.footnotes
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- markdown.extensions.def_list
- markdown.extensions.tables
- markdown.extensions.abbr
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permalink: "\ue157"
- markdown.extensions.smarty
- markdown.extensions.meta
- markdown.extensions.admonition
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test: This tests the meta extension
title: This title will be overridden by YAML
# Cheat Sheet and Test
## Headers
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
### Duplicate Header
### Duplicate Header
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
### Duplicate Header
### Duplicate Header
## Paragraphs
This is a paragraph.
I am still part of the paragraph.
New paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
I am still part of the paragraph.
New paragraph.
## Inline
`inline block`
**bold 1** and __bold 2__
*italic 1* and _italic 2_
***bold 1 and italic 1***
___bold 2 and italic 2___
__*bold 2 and italic 1*__
**_bold 1 and italic 2_**
~~*strike italic 1*~~ and *~~strike italic 2~~*
~~_strike italic 2_~~ and _~~strike italic 2~~_
~~**strike bold 1**~~ and **~~strike bold 1~~**
~~__strike bold 2__~~ and __~~strike bold 2~~__
~~***strike italic 1 bold 1***~~ and ***~~strike italic 1 bold 1~~***
~~___strike italic 2 bold 2___~~ and ___~~strike italic 2 bold 2~~___
**~~*strike italic 1 bold 1*~~** and *~~**strike italic 1 bold 1**~~*
__~~_strike italic 2 bold 2_~~__ and _~~__strike italic 2 bold 2__~~_
**~~_strike italic 2 bold 1_~~** and _~~**strike italic 2 bold 1**~~_
__~~*strike italic 1 bold 2*~~__ and *~~__strike italic 1 bold 2__~~*
`inline block`
**bold 1** and __bold 2__
*italic 1* and _italic 2_
***bold 1 and italic 1***
___bold 2 and italic 2___
__*bold 2 and italic 1*__
**_bold 1 and italic 2_**
~~*strike italic 1*~~ and *~~strike italic 2~~*
~~_strike italic 2_~~ and _~~strike italic 2~~_
~~**strike bold 1**~~ and **~~strike bold 1~~**
~~__strike bold 2__~~ and __~~strike bold 2~~__
~~***strike italic 1 bold 1***~~ and ***~~strike italic 1 bold 1~~***
~~___strike italic 2 bold 2___~~ and ___~~strike italic 2 bold 2~~___
**~~*strike italic 1 bold 1*~~** and *~~**strike italic 1 bold 1**~~*
__~~_strike italic 2 bold 2_~~__ and _~~__strike italic 2 bold 2__~~_
**~~_strike italic 2 bold 1_~~** and _~~**strike italic 2 bold 1**~~_
__~~*strike italic 1 bold 2*~~__ and *~~__strike italic 1 bold 2__~~*
## Links
Footnote, reference sources are provided in separate markdowns files specified in frontmatter.
[Reference Link][1]
Footnotes[^1] have a label[^label] and a definition[^!DEF]
Web image
![Web Picture](http://www.revolunet.com/static/parisjs8/img/logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "Web Picture")
Local image
![Local Picture](logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "Local Picture")
Issue #1
This is a link https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/.
This is a link "https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/".
With this link (https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/), it still works.
[1]: https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/
[^1]: This is a footnote
[^label]: A footnote on "label"
[^!DEF]: The footnote for definition
[Reference Link][1]
Footnotes[^1] have a label[^label] and a definition[^!DEF]
Web image
![Web Picture](http://www.revolunet.com/static/parisjs8/img/logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "Web Picture")
Local image
![Local Picture](logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "Local Picture")
Issue #1
This is a link https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/.
This is a link "https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/".
With this link (https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/), it still works.
## Abbreviation
Abbreviations source are found in a separate markdown file specified in frontmatter.
The HTML specification
is maintained by the W3C.
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium
The HTML specification
is maintained by the W3C.
## Unordered List
Unordered List
- item 1
* item A
* item B
more text
+ item a
+ item b
+ item c
* item C
- item 2
- item 3
Unordered List
- item 1
* item A
* item B
more text
+ item a
+ item b
+ item c
* item C
- item 2
- item 3
## Ordered List
Ordered List
1. item 1
1. item A
2. item B
more text
1. item a
2. item b
3. item c
3. item C
2. item 2
3. item 3
Ordered List
1. item 1
1. item A
2. item B
more text
1. item a
2. item b
3. item c
3. item C
2. item 2
3. item 3
## Task List
Task List
- [X] item 1
* [X] item A
* [ ] item B
more text
+ [x] item a
+ [ ] item b
+ [x] item c
* [X] item C
- [ ] item 2
- [ ] item 3
Task List
- [X] item 1
* [X] item A
* [ ] item B
more text
+ [x] item a
+ [ ] item b
+ [x] item c
* [X] item C
- [ ] item 2
- [ ] item 3
## Mixed Lists
`Really Mixed Lists` should break with `sane_lists` on.
Mixed Lists
- item 1
* [X] item A
* [ ] item B
more text
1. item a
2. itemb
3. item c
* [X] item C
- item 2
- item 3
Really Mixed Lists
- item 1
* [X] item A
- item B
more text
1. item a
+ itemb
+ [ ] item c
3. item C
2. item 2
- [X] item 3
Mixed Lists
- item 1
* [X] item A
* [ ] item B
more text
1. item a
2. itemb
3. item c
* [X] item C
- item 2
- item 3
Really Mixed Lists
- item 1
* [X] item A
- item B
more text
1. item a
+ itemb
+ [ ] item c
3. item C
2. item 2
- [X] item 3
## Dictionary
: item 1
item 2
item 3
: item 1
item 2
item 3
## Blocks
This is a block.
This is more of a block.
This is a block.
This is more of a block.
## Block Quotes
> This is a block quote
>> How does it look?
> This is a block quote.
>> How does it look?
> I think it looks good.
## Fenced Block
Assuming guessing is not enabled.
// Fenced **without** highlighting
function doIt() {
for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
// Fenced **with** highlighting
function doIt() {
for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
// Fenced **without** highlighting
function doIt() {
for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
// Fenced **with** highlighting
function doIt() {
for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
## Tables
| _Colors_ | Fruits | Vegetable |
| ------------- |:---------------:| -----------------:|
| Red | *Apple* | [Pepper](#Tables) |
| ~~Orange~~ | Oranges | **Carrot** |
| Green | ~~***Pears***~~ | Spinach |
| _Colors_ | Fruits | Vegetable |
| ------------- |:---------------:| ------------:|
| Red | *Apple* | Pepper |
| ~~Orange~~ | Oranges | **Carrot** |
| Green | ~~***Pears***~~ | Spinach |
## Smart Strong
Text with double__underscore__words.
__Strong__ still works.
Text with double__underscore__words.
__Strong__ still works.
## Smarty
"double quotes"
'single quotes'
"double quotes"
'single quotes'
## Attribute List
Normal Text
Modified Text
{: style="font-weight:bold;" }
Normal Text
Modified Text
{: style="font-weight:bold;" }
## Admonition
!!! Attention "Success!"
You can use inline ~~stuff~~ markup too!
!!! Hint "Info!"
- Here is some info.
- And some more
!!! Caution "Warning!"
- [X] Make sure you turn off the stove
- [X] Don't run with scissors
!!! Danger "Alert!"
You really need to read [this](#admonition)!
!!! Question "Question?"
Are you serious?
!!! Note "Note"
> Not all markup can be placed in these boxes, but you can fit all sorts of things in them. But you will notice that the styles don't always play nice with each other. Additional CSS could fix this though.
Stuff like _this_ works too.
| _Colors_ | Fruits | Vegetable |
| ------------- |:---------------:| ------------:|
| Red | *Apple* | Pepper |
| ~~Orange~~ | Oranges | **Carrot** |
| Green | ~~***Pears***~~ | Spinach |
!!! Unknown "Title"
Default class style
!!! Attention "Success!"
You can use inline ~~stuff~~ markup too!
!!! Hint "Info!"
- Here is some info.
- And some more
!!! Caution "Warning!"
- [X] Make sure you turn off the stove
- [X] Don't run with scissors
!!! Danger "Alert!"
You really need to read [this](#admonition)!
!!! Question "Question?"
Are you serious?
!!! Note "Note"
> Not all markup can be placed in these boxes, but you can fit all sorts of things in them. But you will notice that the styles don't always play nice with each other. Additional CSS could fix this though.
Stuff like _this_ works too.
| _Colors_ | Fruits | Vegetable |
| ------------- |:---------------:| ------------:|
| Red | *Apple* | Pepper |
| ~~Orange~~ | Oranges | **Carrot** |
| Green | ~~***Pears***~~ | Spinach |
!!! Unknown "Title"
Default class style
## Github Emoji
This is a test for emoji :smile:. The emojis are images linked to github assets :octocat:.
This is a test for emoji :smile:. The emojis are images linked to github assets :octocat:.
### People
### Nature
### Objects
### Places
### Symbols
## Insert
^^*insert italic*^^ *^^insert italic 2^^*
^^_insert italic_^^ _^^insert italic 2^^_
^^**insert bold**^^ **^^insert bold 2^^**
^^__insert bold__^^ __^^insert bold 2^^__
^^***insert italic bold***^^ ***^^insert italic bold 2^^***
^^___insert italic bold___^^ ___^^insert italic bold 2^^___
**^^*insert italic bold*^^** *^^**insert italic bold 2**^^*
__^^_insert italic bold_^^__ _^^__insert italic bold 2__^^_
**^^_insert italic bold_^^** _^^**insert italic bold 2**^^_
__^^*insert italic bold*^^__ *^^__insert italic bold 2__^^*
^^*insert italic*^^ *^^insert italic 2^^*
^^_insert italic_^^ _^^insert italic 2^^_
^^**insert bold**^^ **^^insert bold 2^^**
^^__insert bold__^^ __^^insert bold 2^^__
^^***insert italic bold***^^ ***^^insert italic bold 2^^***
^^___insert italic bold___^^ ___^^insert italic bold 2^^___
**^^*insert italic bold*^^** *^^**insert italic bold 2**^^*
__^^_insert italic bold_^^__ _^^__insert italic bold 2__^^_
**^^_insert italic bold_^^** _^^**insert italic bold 2**^^_
__^^*insert italic bold*^^__ *^^__insert italic bold 2__^^*
## Progress
Progress bars are block elements and it is recommened to put a newline before and after. But they will be recognized inline, but they will be on their own line.
Normally you would just globally set your additional classes: `progressbar(add_classes=candystripe-animate)`, but here we will demonstrate that it works with the `attr_list` extension. It will take inline style.
To turn off level classes (which are used to decide special colors for certain percentages) you could just use `progressbar(level_class=False)`.
| Test | Result |
|Animated: 0% |[=0% "0%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 5% |[=5% "5%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 25% |[=25% "25%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 45% |[=45% "45%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 65% |[=65% "65%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 85% |[=85% "85%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 100% |[=100% "100%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Division Percentage |[= 212.2/537 "212.2/537 Testing division"] |
|No Label |[= 50%] |
|Inline |Before[= 50% "I'm a block!"]After |
|Gloss and Animated |[= 50% "Gloss"]{: .candystripe-animate .gloss} |
| Test | Result |
|Animated: 0% |[=0% "0%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 5% |[=5% "5%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 25% |[=25% "25%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 45% |[=45% "45%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 65% |[=65% "65%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 85% |[=85% "85%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Animated: 100% |[=100% "100%"]{: .candystripe-animate} |
|Division Percentage |[= 212.2/537 "212.2/537 Testing division"] |
|No Label |[= 50%] |
|Inline |Before[= 50% "I'm a block!"]After |
|Gloss and Animated |[= 50% "Gloss"]{: .candystripe-animate .gloss} |
## Neseted Fences
This will still be parsed
as a normal indented code block.
This will still be parsed
as a fenced code block.
- This is a list that contains multiple code blocks.
- Here is an indented block
This will still be parsed
as a normal indented code block.
- Here is a fenced code block:
This will still be parsed
as a fenced code block.
> ```
> Blockquotes?
> Not a problem!
> ```
This will still be parsed
as a normal indented code block.
This will still be parsed
as a fenced code block.
- This is a list that contains multiple code blocks.
- Here is an indented block
This will still be parsed
as a normal indented code block.
- Here is a fenced code block:
This will still be parsed
as a fenced code block.
> ```
> Blockquotes?
> Not a problem!
> ```
## UML Flow Charts
st=>start: Start:>http://www.google.com[blank]
op1=>operation: My Operation
sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine
cond=>condition: Yes
or No?:>http://www.google.com
io=>inputoutput: catch something...
st=>start: Start:>http://www.google.com[blank]
op1=>operation: My Operation
sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine
cond=>condition: Yes
or No?:>http://www.google.com
io=>inputoutput: catch something...
## UML Sequence Diagrams
Title: Here is a title
A->B: Normal line
B-->C: Dashed line
C->>D: Open arrow
D-->>A: Dashed open arrow
Title: Here is a title
A->B: Normal line
B-->C: Dashed line
C->>D: Open arrow
D-->>A: Dashed open arrow
## Mermaid
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
## Math
$p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}$, \(p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}\).
E(\mathbf{v}, \mathbf{h}) = -\sum_{i,j}w_{ij}v_i h_j - \sum_i b_i v_i - \sum_j c_j h_j
\[3 < 4\]
p(v_i=1|\mathbf{h}) & = \sigma\left(\sum_j w_{ij}h_j + b_i\right) \\
p(h_j=1|\mathbf{v}) & = \sigma\left(\sum_i w_{ij}v_i + c_j\right)
$p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}$, \(p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}\).
E(\mathbf{v}, \mathbf{h}) = -\sum_{i,j}w_{ij}v_i h_j - \sum_i b_i v_i - \sum_j c_j h_j
\[3 < 4\]
p(v_i=1|\mathbf{h}) & = \sigma\left(\sum_j w_{ij}h_j + b_i\right) \\
p(h_j=1|\mathbf{v}) & = \sigma\left(\sum_i w_{ij}v_i + c_j\right)