# Changes ## 2.4 - **NEW**: Formally declare support for Python 3.11 and 3.12. - **NEW**: Drop Python 3.7 support. ## 2.3.post1 - **CHORE**: Fix issue where tar ball did not include all required files for running tests. ## 2.3 - **NEW**: Drop Python 3.6 support. - **NEW**: Switch to Hatch build backend instead of Setuptools. ## 2.2.1 - **FIX**: Remove excessive generator wrappers. - **FIX**: Use `AnyStr` for string static types instead of custom alias. ## 2.2 - **NEW**: Support Python 3.10 - **NEW**: Command line interface using `python3 -m bracex` - **NEW**: Add static types to API. ## 2.1.1 - **FIX**: Expansion limit evaluated much too late and hanging can still occur with large expansions. Calculate expansion count and assert limit while parsing strings to reduce chance of hanging. ## 2.1 - **NEW**: Drop support for Python 3.5. - **FIX**: Fix potential corner case in looping logic. ## 2.0.1 - **FIX**: Officially support Python 3.9. ## 2.0 - **NEW**: An expansion limit of `1000` is enforced by default. This can be controlled, or even removed, via the `limit` option. ## 1.4 - **NEW**: Remove `version` and `version_info` and the associated deprecation code. ## 1.3 - **NEW**: Drop Python 3.4 support. ## 1.2 - **NEW**: Officially support Python 3.8. ## 1.1.1 - **FIX**: Vendor `pep562` in order to reduce dependencies. ## 1.1 - **NEW**: Deprecate `version` and `version_info` in favor of the more standard `__version__` and `__version_info__`. - **FIX**: Proper iteration when using `iexpand`. ## 1.0.2 - **FIX**: Officially support Python 3.7. ## 1.0.1 - **FIX**: Allow zero increments in sequence ranges: `{1..10..0}`. Zero will be treated as one just like Bash does. ## 1.0 - **NEW**: Initial release.