*** *** Towers of Hanoi puzzle *** fmod HANOI is protecting LIST{Nat} . sorts Tower Hanoi Game . subsort Tower < Hanoi . op (_) [_] : Nat List{Nat} -> Tower [ctor] . op empty : -> Hanoi [ctor] . op __ : Hanoi Hanoi -> Hanoi [ctor assoc comm id: empty] . op initial : Nat Nat -> Hanoi . vars N M : Nat . eq initial(N, 0) = empty . eq initial(N, 1) = (0) [diskList(N)] . eq initial(N, s(M)) = initial(N, M) (M) [nil] . op diskList : Nat -> List{Nat} . eq diskList(0) = nil . eq diskList(s(N)) = s(N) diskList(N) . endfm mod HANOI-RULES is protecting HANOI . vars S T D1 D2 N : Nat . vars L1 L2 : List{Nat} . vars H H' : Hanoi . *** Move a disk on top of a greater disk in another tower crl [move] : (S) [L1 D1] (T) [L2 D2] => (S) [L1] (T) [L2 D2 D1] if D2 > D1 . *** Move a disk to an empty tower rl [move] : (S) [L1 D1] (T) [nil] => (S) [L1] (T) [D1] . endm mod HANOI-COUNT is protecting HANOI-RULES . op <_,_> : Hanoi Nat -> Game [ctor] . vars H H' : Hanoi . var N : Nat . *** Rewrite the Hanoi game and counts one move *** (to be executed by strategies) crl [step] : < H, N > => < H', s(N) > if H => H' . rl [cancel] : N => 0 [nonexec] . rl [inc] : N => s N [nonexec] . endm fmod HANOI-AUX is protecting SET{Nat} . *** Get the third tower given two of them op third : Nat Nat -> Nat . vars N M K : Nat . ceq third(N, M) = K if N, M, K := 0, 1, 2 . endfm smod HANOI-SOLVE is protecting HANOI-RULES . protecting HANOI-AUX . *** moveAll(S, T, C) recursively moves C disks from the *** tower S to the tower T (if possible) strat moveAll : Nat Nat Nat @ Hanoi . vars S T C M : Nat . sd moveAll(S, S, C) := idle . sd moveAll(S, T, 0) := idle . sd moveAll(S, T, s(C)) := moveAll(S, third(S, T), C) ; move[S <- S, T <- T] ; moveAll(third(S, T), T, C) . endsm eof srew initial(3, 3) using moveAll(0, 2, 3) .