*** *** Producer and consumer and mutual exclusion problems using semaphores. *** Different process scheduling policies are defined using strategies *** *** Based on the infrastructure for the Dekker algorithm model checker *** example in All about Maude. *** fmod MEMORY is protecting INT . protecting QID . sorts Memory . op none : -> Memory [ctor] . op __ : Memory Memory -> Memory [ctor assoc comm id: none] . op [_,_] : Qid Int -> Memory [ctor] . endfm fmod TESTS is protecting MEMORY . sort Test . op _=_ : Qid Int -> Test [ctor] . op eval : Test Memory ~> Bool . var Q : Qid . var M : Memory . vars N N' : Int . eq eval(Q = N, [Q, N'] M) = N == N' . endfm fmod SEQUENTIAL is protecting TESTS . sorts UserStatement LoopingUserStatement Program . subsort LoopingUserStatement < UserStatement < Program . op skip : -> Program [ctor] . op _;_ : Program Program -> Program [ctor prec 61 assoc id: skip] . op _:=_ : Qid Int -> Program [ctor] . op if_then_fi : Test Program -> Program [ctor] . op while_do_od : Test Program -> Program [ctor] . op repeat_forever : Program -> Program [ctor] . endfm mod PARALLEL is protecting SEQUENTIAL . sorts Pid Process Soup MachineState . subsort Process < Soup . op [_,_] : Pid Program -> Process [ctor] . op empty : -> Soup [ctor] . op _|_ : Soup Soup -> Soup [ctor prec 61 assoc comm id: empty] . op {_,_,_} : Soup Memory Pid -> MachineState [ctor] . vars P R : Program . var S : Soup . var U : UserStatement . var L : LoopingUserStatement . vars I J : Pid . var M : Memory . var Q : Qid . vars N X : Int . var T : Test . rl [exec] : {[I, U ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, R] | S, M, I} . rl [exec] : {[I, L ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, L ; R] | S, M, I} . rl [exec] : {[I, (Q := N) ; R] | S, [Q, X] M, J} => {[I, R] | S, [Q, N] M, I} . rl [exec] : {[I, if T then P fi ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, if eval(T, M) then P else skip fi ; R] | S, M, I} . rl [exec] : {[I, while T do P od ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, if eval(T, M) then (P ; while T do P od) else skip fi ; R] | S, M, I} . rl [exec] : {[I, repeat P forever ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, P ; repeat P forever ; R] | S, M, I} . endm view Pid from TRIV to PARALLEL is sort Elt to Pid . endv mod SEMAPHORE is extending PARALLEL . protecting QID-SET . protecting SET{Pid} . op wait : Qid -> Program [ctor] . op signal : Qid -> Program [ctor] . var Q : Qid . vars I J : Pid . var N : Int . var R : Program . var M : Memory . var S : Soup . crl [exec] : {[I, wait(Q) ; R] | S, [Q, N] M, J} => {[I, R] | S, [Q, N - 1] M, I} if N > 0 . rl [exec] : {[I, signal(Q) ; R] | S, [Q, N] M, J} => {[I, R] | S, [Q, N + 1] M, I} . endm mod IO is extending PARALLEL . *** Input/output operation op io : -> Program [ctor] . vars I J : Pid . var R : Program . var S : Soup . var M : Memory . rl [io] : {[I, io ; R] | S, M, J} => {[I, R] | S, M, I} . endm smod SCHEDULER is extending SEMAPHORE . extending IO . protecting LIST{Pid} . *** The next instruction may be executed by any process strat free @ MachineState . *** The next instruction is executed by the current process unless *** blocked. Processes are blocked when the 'exec' rule cannot be *** applied for them. This currently happens in three cases: when *** the code is exhausted, when they execute 'wait' in a closed *** semaphore, and when they reach an IO operation. IO operations *** are consumed when a process is awaken. strat blocked @ MachineState . *** As above, but processes are selected in round-robin, i.e. a *** process that has just been executed will not be executed *** until the remaining processes have run (unless they cannot be *** awaken). The process queue is the first argument of the strategy. *** It can be initially empty or incomplete, in which case it will *** be filled non-determinstically with non-blocked processes. strat roundRobin : List{Pid} @ MachineState . *** As above, but with preemption by time *** (the first number is the remaining executions for *** the current process, the second number is the time slice) strat roundRobin : List{Pid} Nat Nat @ MachineState . *** Simplified round-robin using an iteration to be interpreted as the *** Kleene star strat roundRobin* : List{Pid} @ MachineState . var Q : Qid . vars I J P : Pid . vars LP LP1 LP2 : List{Pid} . vars N K : Nat . var MS : MachineState . var S : Soup . var M : Memory . var R : Program . sd free := all ; free . sd blocked := ((matchrew MS s.t. {S, M, P} := MS by MS using exec[I <- P]) or-else (try(io) ; exec)) ; blocked . sd roundRobin(nil) := matchrew MS s.t. {[P, R] | S, M, J} := MS by MS using (exec[I <- P] ; roundRobin(P)) . sd roundRobin(P LP) := *** Continue with the current process if possible exec[I <- P] ? roundRobin(P LP) : (try(io) ; ( *** Otherwise, find the next process. In case there is a process *** not included in the queue, try to execute it unless blocked. (matchrew MS s.t. {[I, R] | S, M, J} := MS /\ not(occurs(I, P LP)) by MS using exec[I <- I]) ? (matchrew MS s.t. {S, M, I} := MS by MS using roundRobin(I LP P)) *** Otherwise, execute the following process in the queue. : roundRobin(LP P)) ) . sd roundRobin(nil, K, N) := matchrew MS s.t. {[P, R] | S, M, J} := MS by MS using (exec[I <- P] ; roundRobin(P, N, N)) . *** The process time is exhausted, we must change to another process sd roundRobin(P LP, 0, N) := try(io) ; ( *** If there is a resumable process outside the queue, *** try to execute it. (matchrew MS s.t. {[I, R] | S, M, J} := MS /\ not(occurs(I, P LP)) by MS using (exec[I <- I])) ? (matchrew MS s.t. {S, M, I} := MS by MS using roundRobin(I LP P, N, N)) *** Otherwise, change to the following process in the queue. : roundRobin(LP P, N, N)) . *** The process still has time, so continue executing it if possible sd roundRobin(P LP, s(K), N) := exec[I <- P] ? roundRobin(P LP, K, N) : *** Otherwise, treat the case as if the process time was *** exhausted to share code. roundRobin(P LP, 0, N) . *** roundRobin with iteration sd roundRobin*(P LP) := (exec[I <- P] ? exec[I <- P] * ; amatch ['mutex, s(N)] : idle) ; roundRobin*(LP P) . endsm mod EXAMPLES-COMMON is extending SEMAPHORE . extending IO . subsort Int < Pid . *** Critical section op crit : -> UserStatement [ctor] . *** Remainder op rem : -> LoopingUserStatement [ctor] . endm mod PRODUCER-CONSUMER is extending EXAMPLES-COMMON . ops producer consumer : -> Program . op initialMem : -> Memory . op initial : -> MachineState . eq producer = repeat wait('emptyCount) ; wait('useQueue) ; crit ; signal('useQueue) ; signal('fullCount) forever . eq consumer = repeat wait('fullCount) ; wait('useQueue) ; crit ; signal('useQueue) ; signal('emptyCount) forever . eq initialMem = ['useQueue, 1] ['emptyCount, 5] ['fullCount, 0] . eq initial = { [1, producer] | [2, consumer], initialMem, 0 } . endm mod CRITICAL-SECTION is extending EXAMPLES-COMMON . ops p pIo : -> Program . eq p = repeat wait('mutex) ; crit ; signal('mutex) forever . eq pIo = repeat wait('mutex) ; crit ; signal('mutex) ; io forever . var N : Nat . var P : Program . op initialMem : -> Memory . op initial : -> MachineState . op initial : Nat Program -> MachineState . op initialSoup : Nat Program -> Soup . eq initialMem = ['mutex, 1] . eq initial = initial(4, p) . eq initial(N, P) = { initialSoup(N, P), initialMem, 0 } . eq initialSoup(0, P) = empty . eq initialSoup(s(N), P) = initialSoup(N, P) | [s(N), P] . endm sload model-checker mod EXAMPLES-CHECK is protecting EXAMPLES-COMMON . including MODEL-CHECKER . including LTL-SIMPLIFIER . subsort MachineState < State . ops inCrit in-rem exec : Pid -> Prop . var M : Memory . var MS : MachineState . var R : Program . var S : Soup . vars I J : Pid . eq {[I, crit ; R] | S, M, J} |= inCrit(I) = true . eq {[I, rem ; R] | S, M, J} |= in-rem(I) = true . eq {S, M, J} |= exec(J) = true . eq MS |= inCrit(I) = false [owise] . eq MS |= in-rem(I) = false [owise] . eq MS |= exec(J) = false [owise] . endm smod PC-SCHECK is protecting SCHEDULER . including EXAMPLES-CHECK . including PRODUCER-CONSUMER . including STRATEGY-MODEL-CHECKER . strat roundRobin rr-fixed rr-preemptive @ MachineState . sd roundRobin := roundRobin(nil) . sd rr-fixed := roundRobin(1 2) . sd rr-preemptive := roundRobin(1 2, 5, 5) . endsm mod CS-PROPS is protecting EXAMPLES-CHECK . protecting CRITICAL-SECTION . protecting LTL . *** Only one process at the critical section op onlyOne : Nat -> Formula . vars N M : Nat . eq onlyOne(N) = []~ inCritFormula(N, N) . op inCritFormula : Nat Nat -> Formula . eq inCritFormula(0, 0) = False . eq inCritFormula(1, s(M)) = inCritFormula(M, M) . eq inCritFormula(s(N), M) = (inCrit(N) /\ inCrit(M)) \/ inCritFormula(N, M) [owise] . *** Instantiation with 4 processes op onlyOne : -> Formula . eq onlyOne = onlyOne(4) . endm smod CS-SCHECK is protecting SCHEDULER . including CS-PROPS . including STRATEGY-MODEL-CHECKER . strats roundRobin rr-fixed rr-preemptive rr-preemptive-nil @ MachineState . var MS : MachineState . sd roundRobin := roundRobin(nil) . sd rr-fixed := roundRobin(1 2 3 4) . sd rr-preemptive := roundRobin(1 2 3 4, 5, 5) . sd rr-preemptive-nil := roundRobin(nil, 5, 5) . strat rr-fixed* @ MachineState . sd rr-fixed* := roundRobin*(1 2 3 4) . endsm eof set verbose on . *** These properties can be model-checked with both examples and using different *** strategies. In producer-consumers, the semaphores guarantee that all of them *** hold in the unrestricted system, so they also hold for any strategy. red modelCheck(initial, []~ (inCrit(1) /\ inCrit(2))) . red modelCheck(initial, []<> exec(1) -> []<> inCrit(1)) . red modelCheck(initial, []<> exec(1) /\ []<> exec(2) -> []<> inCrit(1) /\ []<> inCrit(2)) . red modelCheck(initial, []<> inCrit(1)) . red modelCheck(initial, []<> exec(1)) . *** These are for the critical-section with four processes example. *** The first hold in the unrestricted system, thus for all strategies. red modelCheck(initial, onlyOne) . *** This predicate does not hold but with the preemptive scheduler. *** Moreover, roundRobin and rr-fixed can be used to obtain much shorter *** counterexamples than those produced by the standard model checker, *** which are still valid for the unrestricted case. red modelCheck(initial, []<> inCrit(2)) . *** Thanks to the IO blocking, the property also hold with the roundRobin *** and rr-fixed strategies (the roundRobin automaton has many states). red modelCheck(initial(4, pIo), []<> inCrit(2)) . *** Concrete executions included in the benchmarks red modelCheck(initial(6, p), []<> inCrit(1), 'rr-preemptive-nil) . red modelCheck(initial(4, pIo), []<> inCrit(1), 'roundRobin) .