import os import zipfile import requests from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timedelta import click download_path = os.path.join(str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent), "downloads") supported_exchanges = ["bse", "nse"] def yesterday(): """ formats date in british format """ yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) return str("%d/%m/%Y")) def download(download_url, file_path): """ download function is used to fetch the data """ print("Downloading file at", file_path) # Don't download file if we've done that already if not os.path.exists(file_path): file_to_save = open(file_path, "wb") with requests.get(download_url, verify=False, stream=True) as response: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): file_to_save.write(chunk) print("Completed downloading file") else: print("We already have this file cached locally") def download_and_unzip(download_url, file_path): """ download_and_unzip takes care of both downloading and uncompressing """ download(download_url, file_path) with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as compressed_file: compressed_file.extractall(Path(file_path).parent) print("Completed un-compressing") def download_nse_bhavcopy(for_date): """ this function is used to download bhavcopy from NSE """ for_date_parsed = datetime.strptime(for_date, "%d/%m/%Y") month = for_date_parsed.strftime("%b").upper() year = for_date_parsed.year day = "%02d" % url = f"{year}/{month}/cm{day}{month}{year}" file_path = os.path.join(download_path, "nse", f"cm{day}{month}{year}") try: download_and_unzip(url, file_path) except zipfile.BadZipFile: print(f"Skipping downloading data for {for_date}") return os.remove(file_path) def download_bse_bhavcopy(for_date): """ this function is used to download bhavcopy from BSE """ for_date_parsed = datetime.strptime(for_date, "%d/%m/%Y") month = "%02d" % for_date_parsed.month day = "%02d" % year = for_date_parsed.strftime("%y") file_name = f"EQ{day}{month}{year}_CSV.ZIP" url = f"{file_name}" file_path = os.path.join(download_path, "bse", file_name) try: download_and_unzip(url, file_path) except zipfile.BadZipFile: print(f"Skipping downloading data for {for_date}") os.remove(file_path) @click.command() @click.argument( "exchange", default="nse") @click.option( "--for_date", default=yesterday(), help="Date for which to download bhavcopy DD/MM/YYYY format") @click.option( "--for_past_days", default=1, help="Number of calendar days for which we need to fetch data {E.g. past 15 days from today}") def main(exchange, for_date, for_past_days): """ download_bhavcopy is utility that will download daily bhav copies from NSE and BSE Examples: python bse --for_date 06/12/2017 python bse --for_past_days 15 """ click.echo(f"downloading bhavcopy {exchange}") # We need to fetch data for past X days if for_past_days != 1: for i in range(for_past_days): ts = - timedelta(days=i+1) ts = ts.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") if exchange == "nse": download_nse_bhavcopy(ts) else: download_bse_bhavcopy(ts) else: if exchange == "nse": download_nse_bhavcopy(for_date) else: download_bse_bhavcopy(for_date) if __name__ == "__main__": # Make sure we have downloads directory Path(download_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Make sure we also have other directories for current_exchange in supported_exchanges: Path(os.path.join(download_path, current_exchange)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) main()