## Next ## 2.5.0 - Ensure separation of positional/kwargs for Kernel.open ## 2.4.0 - Add fakefs/irb to be able to use irb after activating fakefs ## 2.3.0 - Fix find globbing bug ## 2.2.0 - Fix Dir.open with yield issue ## 2.1.0 - Add fakefs/pry to be able to use pry after activating fakefs ## 2.0.0 - Drop `.exists?` in favor of `.exist?` ## 1.9.0 - Support ruby 3.2 - Drop support for EOL Rubies (2.4/2.5/2.6) ## 1.8.0 - Support ::File#readpartial ## 1.7.0 - Add .activate supports io_mocks ## 1.6.0 - Add File#binmode? ## 1.5.0 - Add File#binwrite ## 1.4.0 - Pathnam#glob + glob flags support ## 1.3.2 - Fix passed in escaped characters to not get doube-escaped ## 1.3.1 - Fix `Dir.glob` fails to return correct matches when a path contains plus sign(s) ## 1.2.3 - fix File.mv deleting when src and dest are the same ## 1.2.2 - Tempfile.create works without creating tempdir first ## 1.2.1 - fix deletion of file objects not working ## 1.2.0 - more ruby 2.7 fixes / warnings removed ## 1.1.0 - remote taint/untaint methods from Pathname - support ruby 2.7 ## 1.0.0 - No changes, this is a cosmetic release to signal stableness