%global octpkg brain2mesh Name: octave-%{octpkg} Version: 0.5 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A fully automated high-quality brain tetrahedral mesh generation toolbox License: GPLv2+ URL: http://mcx.space/brain2mesh Source0: https://github.com/fangq/%{octpkg}/archive/v%{version}/%{octpkg}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: octave-devel Requires: octave octave-image octave-iso2mesh octave-jsonlab octave-zmat octave-jnifti Requires(post): octave Requires(postun): octave %description The Brain2Mesh toolbox provides a streamlined matlab function to convert a segmented brain volumes and surfaces into a high-quality multi-layered tetrahedral brain/full head mesh. Typical inputs include segmentation outputs from SPM, FreeSurfer, FSL etc. This tool does not handle the segmentation of MRI scans, but examples of how commonly encountered segmented datasets can be used to create meshes can be found in the package named %{octpkg}-demos. %package -n %{octpkg}-demos Summary: Example datasets and scripts for the brain2mesh toolbox BuildArch: noarch Requires: octave octave-%{octpkg} %description -n %{octpkg}-demos This package contains the demo script and sample datasets for octave-%{octpkg}. %prep %autosetup -n %{octpkg}-%{version} cp LICENSE.txt COPYING cat > DESCRIPTION << EOF Name: %{octpkg} Version: %{version} Date: %(date +"%Y-%d-%m") Title: %{summary} Author: Qianqian Fang and Anh Phong Tran Maintainer: Qianqian Fang Description: The Brain2Mesh toolbox provides a streamlined matlab function to convert a segmented brain volumes and surfaces into a high-quality multi-layered tetrahedral brain/full head mesh. Typical inputs include segmentation outputs from SPM, FreeSurfer, FSL etc. This tool does not handle the segmentation of MRI scans, but examples of how commonly encountered segmented datasets can be used to create meshes can be found in the package named %{octpkg}-demos. URL: %{url} Depends: image, iso2mesh, jsonlab, jnifti, zmat EOF cat > INDEX << EOF brain2mesh >> Brain2Mesh brain2mesh intriangulation EOF mkdir -p inst/ mv *.m inst/ %build %octave_pkg_build %install %octave_pkg_install %post %octave_cmd pkg rebuild %preun %octave_pkg_preun %postun %octave_cmd pkg rebuild %files %license LICENSE.txt %doc README.md %dir %{octpkgdir} %{octpkgdir}/*.m %doc %{octpkgdir}/doc-cache %{octpkgdir}/packinfo %files -n %{octpkg}-demos %license LICENSE.txt %doc examples %changelog * Fri Oct 11 2019 Qianqian Fang - 0.5-1 - Initial package