##What is it? Markdown2Clipboard is a simple Sublime Text plugin that converts markdown text into HTML and copy it to system clipboard. so you can paste it in some HTML code editor. ##How to install 1. download it or use git to check it out. 2. unzip it to you Sublime Text Package folder,(FYI: `Preferences/Browse Packages`) 3. after edit your markdown text,right click in the edit area,choose`Copy Markdown as HTML` ##How to use it when editing a markdown file,just right click anywhere in the edit area.and choose `Copy Markdown as HTML` ![how to use it](http://i.imgur.com/wSoJO.png) ##Feature 1. [footnotes](https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2/wiki/footnotes) support 2. [wiki table](https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2/wiki/wiki-tables),though I made a little [change](http://timewilltell.me/node/50#fn-1) to this ##other this plugin is using [Markdown2](https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2/) module by [trentm](https://github.com/trentm). more info can be found on my [blog](http://timewilltell.me/node/50). ##changelog 2012/11/5 1. Added status message 2. Support selection mode now, if you have selected some text,it will only convert seleted text now.