#!/bin/bash # The Hubble installation script. This script is used to install the latest version of Hubble. # It can also be used to upgrade an existing installation of Hubble, also upgrading # itself in the process. # Define the version of this script CURRENT_VERSION="5" REPO="farcasterxyz/hub-monorepo" RAWFILE_BASE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$REPO" LATEST_TAG="@latest" DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE_PATH="apps/hubble/docker-compose.yml" SCRIPT_FILE_PATH="scripts/hubble.sh" GRAFANA_DASHBOARD_JSON_PATH="apps/hubble/grafana/grafana-dashboard.json" GRAFANA_INI_PATH="apps/hubble/grafana/grafana.ini" install_jq() { if command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "✅ Dependencies are installed." return 0 fi echo "Installing jq..." # macOS if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then if command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then brew install jq else echo "Homebrew is not installed. Please install Homebrew first." return 1 fi # Ubuntu/Debian elif [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]] || [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y jq # RHEL/CentOS elif [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then sudo yum install -y jq # Fedora elif [[ -f /etc/fedora-release ]]; then sudo dnf install -y jq # openSUSE elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] && grep -q "ID=openSUSE" /etc/os-release; then sudo zypper install -y jq # Arch Linux elif [[ -f /etc/arch-release ]]; then sudo pacman -S jq else echo "Unsupported operating system. Please install jq manually." return 1 fi echo "✅ jq installed successfully." } # Fetch file from repo at "@latest" fetch_file_from_repo() { local file_path="$1" local local_filename="$2" local download_url download_url="$RAWFILE_BASE/$LATEST_TAG/$file_path?t=$(date +%s)" # Download the file using curl, and save it to the local filename. If the download fails, # exit with an error. curl -sS -o "$local_filename" "$download_url" || { echo "Failed to fetch $download_url."; exit 1; } } # Upgrade the script self_upgrade() { # To allow easier testing if key_exists "SKIP_SELF_UPGRADE"; then echo "Skipping self upgrade" return 1 fi local tmp_file tmp_file=$(mktemp) fetch_file_from_repo "$SCRIPT_FILE_PATH" "$tmp_file" local current_hash local new_hash # Get the hash of the current script and the new file current_hash=$($HASH_CMD "$0" | awk '{ print $1 }') new_hash=$($HASH_CMD "$tmp_file" | awk '{ print $1 }') # Compare the hashes if [[ "$new_hash" != "$current_hash" ]]; then echo "New version found. Upgrading..." mv "$tmp_file" "$0" # Overwrite the current script chmod +rx "$0" # Ensure the script remains executable echo "✅ Upgrade complete. Restarting with new version..." echo "" exec "$0" "$@" || echo "Exec failed with status: $?" # Exit the script because we already "exec"ed the script above exit 0 else echo "✅ Latest Script Version." rm -f "$tmp_file" # Clean up temporary file if no upgrade was needed fi } # Fetch the docker-compose.yml and grafana-dashboard.json files fetch_latest_docker_compose_and_dashboard() { fetch_file_from_repo "$DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE_PATH" "docker-compose.yml" fetch_file_from_repo "$GRAFANA_DASHBOARD_JSON_PATH" "grafana-dashboard.json" mkdir -p grafana chmod 777 grafana fetch_file_from_repo "$GRAFANA_INI_PATH" "grafana/grafana.ini" } # Prompt for hub operator agreement prompt_for_hub_operator_agreement() { env_file=".env" update_env_file() { key="AGREE_NO_REWARDS_FOR_ME" value="true" temp_file="${env_file}.tmp" if [ -f "$env_file" ]; then # File exists, update or append updated=0 while IFS= read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do if [ "${line%%=*}" = "$key" ]; then echo "$key=$value" >>"$temp_file" updated=1 else echo "$line" >>"$temp_file" fi done <"$env_file" if [ $updated -eq 0 ]; then echo "$key=$value" >>"$temp_file" fi mv "$temp_file" "$env_file" else # File doesn't exist, create it echo "$key=$value" >"$env_file" fi } prompt_agreement() { tried=0 while true; do printf "⚠️ IMPORTANT: You will NOT get any rewards for running this hub\n" printf "> Please type \"Yes\" to continue: " read -r response case $(printf "%s" "$response" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') in yes | y) printf "✅ You have agreed to the terms of service. Proceeding...\n" update_env_file return 0 ;; *) tried=$((tried + 1)) if [ $tried -gt 10 ]; then printf "❌ You have not agreed to the terms of service. Please run script again manually to agree and continue.\n" return 1 fi printf "[i] Incorrect input. Please try again.\n" ;; esac done } if grep -q "AGREE_NO_REWARDS_FOR_ME=true" "$env_file"; then printf "✅ You have agreed to the terms of service. Proceeding...\n" return 0 else # Check if stdin is a terminal if [ -t 0 ]; then prompt_agreement return $? fi # If we've reached this point, shut down existing services since agreement is required # Setup the docker-compose command set_compose_command # Run docker compose down $COMPOSE_CMD down printf "❌ You have not agreed to the terms of service. Please run script again manually to agree and continue.\n" return 1 fi } validate_and_store() { local rpc_name=$1 local expected_chain_id=$2 while true; do read -p "> Enter your $rpc_name RPC URL: " RPC_URL RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1}' "$RPC_URL") # Convert both the response and expected chain ID to lowercase for comparison local lower_response=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') local lower_expected_chain_id=$(echo "$expected_chain_id" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ $lower_response == *'"result":"'$lower_expected_chain_id'"'* ]]; then echo "$3=$RPC_URL" >> .env break else echo "!!! Invalid !!!" echo "$rpc_name Ethereum RPC URL or chainID is not $expected_chain_id. Please retry." echo "You can signup for a free account at Alchemy or Infura if you need an RPC provider" echo "Server returned \"$RESPONSE\"" fi done } store_operator_fid_env() { local input local response read -p "> Your FID or farcaster username: " input if [[ -z $input ]]; then response="" elif [[ $input =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then response=$(curl -s "https://fnames.farcaster.xyz/transfers?fid=$input" | jq '.transfers[-1].to') else response=$(curl -s "https://fnames.farcaster.xyz/transfers?name=$input" | jq '.transfers[-1].to') fi if [ "$response" != "null" ] && [ "$response" != "" ]; then echo "HUB_OPERATOR_FID=$response" >> .env else echo "Not a valid FID or username. Not updating HUB_OPERATOR_FID." echo "HUB_OPERATOR_FID=0" >> .env fi } key_exists() { local key=$1 grep -q "^$key=" .env return $? } write_env_file() { if [[ ! -f .env ]]; then touch .env fi if ! key_exists "FC_NETWORK_ID"; then echo "FC_NETWORK_ID=1" >> .env fi if ! key_exists "STATSD_METRICS_SERVER"; then echo "STATSD_METRICS_SERVER=statsd:8125" >> .env fi if ! key_exists "ETH_MAINNET_RPC_URL"; then validate_and_store "Ethereum Mainnet" "0x1" "ETH_MAINNET_RPC_URL" fi if ! key_exists "OPTIMISM_L2_RPC_URL"; then validate_and_store "Optimism L2 Mainnet" "0xa" "OPTIMISM_L2_RPC_URL" fi if ! key_exists "HUB_OPERATOR_FID"; then store_operator_fid_env fi echo "✅ .env file updated." } ensure_grafana() { # Create a grafana data directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p grafana/data chmod 777 grafana/data if $COMPOSE_CMD ps 2>&1 >/dev/null; then if $COMPOSE_CMD ps statsd | grep -q "Up"; then $COMPOSE_CMD restart statsd grafana else $COMPOSE_CMD up -d statsd grafana fi else echo "❌ Docker is not running or there's another issue with Docker. Please start Docker manually." exit 1 fi } ## Configure Grafana setup_grafana() { local grafana_url="" local credentials local response dashboard_uid prefs if key_exists "GRAFANA_CREDS"; then credentials=$(grep "^GRAFANA_CREDS=" .env | awk -F '=' '{printf $2}') echo "Using grafana creds from .env file" else credentials="admin:admin" fi add_datasource() { response=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -X "POST" "$grafana_url/api/datasources" \ -u "$credentials" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary '{ "name":"Graphite", "type":"graphite", "url":"http://statsd:80", "access":"proxy" }') # Handle if the datasource already exists if [[ "$response" == "409" ]]; then echo "✅ Datasource 'Graphite' exists." response="200" fi } # Step 1: Restart statsd and grafana if they are running, otherwise start them ensure_grafana # Step 2: Wait for Grafana to be ready echo "Waiting for Grafana to be ready..." while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' $grafana_url/api/health)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 2; done echo "Grafana is ready." # Step 3: Add Graphite as a data source using Grafana's API add_datasource # Check if the default credentials failed if [[ "$response" == "401" ]]; then echo "Please enter your Grafana credentials." read -p "Username: " username read -sp "Password: " password echo credentials="$username:$password" # Retry adding the data source with the new credentials add_datasource if [[ "$response" != "200" ]]; then echo "Failed to add data source with provided credentials. Exiting." return 1 fi fi # Step 4: Import the dashboard. The API takes a slightly different format than the JSON import # in the UI, so we need to convert the JSON file first. jq '{dashboard: (del(.id) | . + {id: null}), folderId: 0, overwrite: true}' "grafana-dashboard.json" > "grafana-dashboard.api.json" response=$(curl -s -X "POST" "$grafana_url/api/dashboards/db" \ -u "$credentials" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary @grafana-dashboard.api.json) rm "grafana-dashboard.api.json" if echo "$response" | jq -e '.status == "success"' >/dev/null; then # Extract dashboard UID from the response dashboard_uid=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.uid') # Set the default home dashboard for the organization prefs=$(curl -s -X "PUT" "$grafana_url/api/org/preferences" \ -u "$credentials" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{\"homeDashboardUID\":\"$dashboard_uid\"}") echo "✅ Dashboard is installed." else echo "Failed to install the dashboard. Exiting." echo "$response" return 1 fi } install_docker() { # Check if Docker is already installed if command -v docker &> /dev/null; then echo "✅ Docker is installed." return 0 fi # Install using Docker's convenience script curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh sh get-docker.sh if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "❌ Failed to install Docker via official script. Falling back to docker-compose." curl -fsSL "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose fi rm get-docker.sh # Add current user to the docker group sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) echo "✅ Docker is installed" return 0 } setup_identity() { # First, make sure to pull all the latest images in docker compose $COMPOSE_CMD pull # Make directory for hubble data called ".hub" and ".rocks". Make sure to set # the permissions so that the current user owns the directory and it is writable # by everyone mkdir -p .hub .rocks chmod 777 .hub .rocks if [[ ! -f "./.hub/default_id.protobuf" ]]; then $COMPOSE_CMD run hubble yarn identity create echo "✅ Created Peer Identity" else echo "✅ Peer Identity exists" fi } setup_crontab() { # Check if crontab is installed if ! command -v crontab &> /dev/null; then echo "❌ crontab is not installed. Please install crontab first." exit 1 fi # skip installing crontab if SKIP_CRONTAB is set to anything in the .env if key_exists "SKIP_CRONTAB"; then echo "✅ SKIP_CRONTAB exists in .env. Skipping crontab setup." return 0 fi # If the crontab was installed for the current user (instead of root) then # remove it if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then # Extract the username from the current directory, since we're running as root local user=$(pwd | cut -d/ -f3) USER_CRONTAB_CMD="crontab -u ${user}" if $USER_CRONTAB_CMD -l 2>/dev/null | grep -q "hubble.sh"; then $USER_CRONTAB_CMD -l > /tmp/temp_cron.txt sed -i '/hubble\.sh/d' /tmp/temp_cron.txt $USER_CRONTAB_CMD /tmp/temp_cron.txt rm /tmp/temp_cron.txt fi fi # Check if the crontab file is already installed if $CRONTAB_CMD -l 2>/dev/null | grep -q "hubble.sh"; then # Fix buggy crontab entry which would run every minute if $CRONTAB_CMD -l 2>/dev/null | grep "hubble.sh" | grep -q "^\*"; then echo "Removing crontab for upgrade" # Export the existing crontab entries to a temporary file in /tmp/ crontab -l > /tmp/temp_cron.txt # Remove the line containing "hubble.sh" from the temporary file sed -i '/hubble\.sh/d' /tmp/temp_cron.txt crontab /tmp/temp_cron.txt rm /tmp/temp_cron.txt else echo "✅ crontab entry is already installed." return 0 fi fi local content_to_hash local hub_operator_fid hub_operator_fid=$(grep "^HUB_OPERATOR_FID=" .env | cut -d= -f2) # If the HUB_OPERATOR_FID is set and it is not 0, then use it to determine the day of week if [[ -n "$hub_operator_fid" ]] && [[ "$hub_operator_fid" != "0" ]]; then content_to_hash=$(echo -n "$hub_operator_fid") echo "auto-upgrade: Using HUB FID to determine upgrade day $content_to_hash" elif [ -f "./.hub/default_id.protobuf" ]; then content_to_hash=$(cat ./.hub/default_id.protobuf) echo "auto-upgrade: Using Peer Identity to determine upgrade day" else echo "auto-upgrade: Unable to determine upgrade day" exit 1 fi # Pick a random weekday based on the sha of the operator FID or peer identity local sha=$(echo -n "${content_to_hash}" | $HASH_CMD | awk '{ print $1 }') local day_of_week=$(( ( 0x${sha:0:8} % 5 ) + 1 )) # Pick a random hour between midnight and 6am local hour=$((RANDOM % 7)) local crontab_entry="0 $hour * * $day_of_week $(pwd)/hubble.sh autoupgrade >> $(pwd)/hubble-autoupgrade.log 2>&1" if ($CRONTAB_CMD -l 2>/dev/null; echo "${crontab_entry}") | $CRONTAB_CMD -; then echo "✅ added auto-upgrade to crontab (0 $hour * * $day_of_week)" else echo "❌ failed to add auto-upgrade to crontab" fi } start_hubble() { # Stop the "hubble" service if it is already running $COMPOSE_CMD stop hubble # Start the "hubble" service $COMPOSE_CMD up -d hubble } cleanup() { # Prune unused docker cruft. Make sure to call this only when hub is already running echo "Pruning unused docker images and volumes" docker system prune --volumes -f } set_compose_command() { # Detect whether "docker-compose" or "docker compose" is available if command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then COMPOSE_CMD="docker-compose" echo "✅ Using docker-compose" elif docker compose version &> /dev/null; then COMPOSE_CMD="docker compose" echo "✅ Using docker compose" else echo "❌ Neither 'docker-compose' nor 'docker compose' is available on this system." exit 1 fi } set_platform_commands() { # Determine the appropriate hash command to use if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null; then HASH_CMD="sha256sum" elif command -v shasum > /dev/null; then HASH_CMD="shasum -a 256" else echo "Error: No suitable hash command found." exit 1 fi CRONTAB_CMD="crontab" } reexec_as_root_if_needed() { # Check if on Linux if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then # Check if not running as root, then re-exec as root if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then # Ensure the script runs in the ~/hubble directory cd ~/hubble || { echo "Failed to switch to ~/hubble directory."; exit 1; } exec sudo "$0" "$@" else # If the current directory is not named "hubble", change to "~/hubble" if [[ "$(basename "$PWD")" != "hubble" ]]; then cd "$(dirname "$0")" || { echo "Failed to switch to ~/hubble directory."; exit 1; } fi echo "✅ Running on Linux ($(pwd))." fi # Check if on macOS elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then cd ~/hubble || { echo "Failed to switch to ~/hubble directory."; exit 1; } echo "✅ Running on macOS $(pwd)." fi } # Call the function at the beginning of your script reexec_as_root_if_needed "$@" # Prompt for hub operator agreement prompt_for_hub_operator_agreement || exit $? # Check for the "up" command-line argument if [ "$1" == "up" ]; then # Setup the docker-compose command set_compose_command # Run docker compose up -d hubble $COMPOSE_CMD up -d hubble statsd grafana echo "✅ Hubble is running." # Finally, start showing the logs $COMPOSE_CMD logs --tail 100 -f hubble exit 0 fi # "down" command-line argument if [ "$1" == "down" ]; then # Setup the docker-compose command set_compose_command # Run docker compose down $COMPOSE_CMD down echo "✅ Hubble is stopped." exit 0 fi # Check the command-line argument for 'upgrade' if [ "$1" == "upgrade" ]; then # Ensure the ~/hubble directory exists if [ ! -d ~/hubble ]; then mkdir -p ~/hubble || { echo "Failed to create ~/hubble directory."; exit 1; } fi # Install dependencies install_jq set_platform_commands # Upgrade this script itself self_upgrade "$@" # Call the function to install docker install_docker "$@" # Call the function to set the COMPOSE_CMD variable set_compose_command # Update the env file if needed write_env_file # Fetch the latest docker-compose.yml fetch_latest_docker_compose_and_dashboard # Setup the Grafana dashboard setup_grafana setup_identity setup_crontab # Start the hubble service start_hubble echo "✅ Upgrade complete." echo "" echo "Monitor your node at http://localhost:3000/" # Sleep for 5 seconds sleep 5 # Finally, start showing the logs $COMPOSE_CMD logs --tail 100 -f hubble exit 0 fi # Show logs of the hubble service if [ "$1" == "logs" ]; then set_compose_command $COMPOSE_CMD logs --tail 100 -f hubble exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "autoupgrade" ]; then # Autoupgrade cronjob needs the correct $PATH entries if [[ ! -f "~/.bashrc" ]]; then source ~/.bashrc fi echo "$(date) Attempting hubble autoupgrade..." # Since cronjob is running under root, make sure the dependencies are installed install_jq install_docker "$@" set_platform_commands set_compose_command # Upgrade this script itself, fetch the latest docker-compose.yml, and restart the containers self_upgrade "$@" fetch_latest_docker_compose_and_dashboard ensure_grafana start_hubble sleep 5 cleanup echo "$(date) Completed hubble autoupgrade" exit 0 fi # If run without args OR with "help", show a help if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "help" ]; then echo "hubble.sh - Install or upgrade Hubble" echo "Usage: hubble.sh [command]" echo " upgrade Upgrade an existing installation of Hubble" echo " logs Show the logs of the Hubble service" echo " up Start Hubble and Grafana dashboard" echo " down Stop Hubble and Grafana dashboard" echo " help Show this help" echo "" echo "add SKIP_CRONTAB=true to your .env to skip installing the autoupgrade crontab" exit 0 fi