# prepare ffmpeg You can use ffmpeg either by **installing** or just by **downloading**. ## install ffmpeg ### mac Type these cmd in your terminal. 1. install homebrew ```shell /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ``` 2. install ffmpeg ```shell brew install ffmpeg ``` ### windows TODO: windows is not supported for `gradle-screen-record` now.
## download ffmpeg https://ffmpeg.org/ Or: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fashare2015/gradle-screen-record/master/ffmpeg ### Set ffmpeg path If you just **download** the ffmpeg instead of **installing** it, **you must set the path of it**. Add the path of ffmpeg this way: Config in **rootProject/gradle.properties**: >FFMPEG_PATH=XXX **For example:** FFMPEG_PATH="./ffmpeg"