function [chunks] = partition(x, sizes, overlaps, func, discardMisshapen) %PARTITION flexibly chunks an array into sub-arrays % % C = PARTITION(X, SIZES) Here, PARTITION is given a multi-dimensional array X % and a vector of SIZES (nominally NUMEL(SIZES) == NDIMS(X)), and it will % return a cell array containing sub-arrays of the input array whose size is % specified by SIZES. % >> x = reshape(1 : 20, [4 5]); % >> c = partition(x, [2 3]); % `c` is a cell array containing 2 by 3 chunks of the origin 4 by 5 input % array. Note that the chunk size's second dimension does not evenly divide the % input array's size along the second dimension: 5/3 is not whole. By default, % PARTITION will return smaller sub-arrays than requested (this behavior can be % overridden), so the "rightmost" chunks in `c` are actually 2 by 2 instead of % the requested 2 by 3. % >> c % [2x3 double] [2x2 double] % [2x3 double] [2x2 double] % % When NUMEL(SIZES) < NDIMS(X), SIZES is padded using SIZE(X). In other words, % omitted dimensions will have no partitioning. If NUMEL(SIZES) > NDIMS(X), the % extra entries are ignored. % % For each DIM dimension, 1 <= SIZES(DIM) <= SIZE(X, DIM) is enforced, so one % may use INF to denote "as big a chunk size as possible", i.e., no chunking % along this dimension. % % By default, the partitioned chunks are non-overlapping. However, % C = PARTITION(X, SIZES, OVERLAPS) allows one to specify the overlap between % chunks. If OVERLAPS is empty or omitted, it defaults to a NDIMS(X)-long % vector of zeros. If NUMEL(OVERLAPS) < NDIMS(X) entries, the remaining % overlaps default to 0 (no overlap in those trailing dimensions). If % NUMEL(OVERLAPS) > NDIMS(X), the extras are ignored. OVERLAPS(DIM) < SIZE(X, % DIM) is enforced. However, there is no lower limit to OVERLAPS' entries: % negative overlaps will result in skipped data. % % For example: one has a 5 by 5 array and wishes to have the 2 by 2 chunks from % each corner (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest corners), % skipping the middle row and column. % >> x = reshape((1 : 5)' * (1 : 5), 5, 5); % >> c = partition(x, [2 2], [-1 -1]); % >> c{1,1} % 1 2 % 2 4 % >> c{1,2} % 4 5 % 8 10 % >> c{2,1} % 4 8 % 5 10 % >> c{2,2} % 16 20 % 20 25 % % Sometimes, one wants to run some function on sub-array chunks and obtain the % results. One can pass in a function handle: % C = PARTITION(X, SIZES, OVERLAPS, FUNC) will return a cell array C whose % entries contain the output of function handle FUNC applied to each chunk. % FUNC should be a function of a single argument, the chunk itself. If FUNC is % omitted or empty, the default is the identity function (@(x) x). % % For example, to find the total sum of each chunk from the previous example: % >> partition(x, [2 2], [-1 -1], @(chunk) sum(chunk(:))) % [ 9] [27] % [27] [81] % % As mentioned above, if the requested chunk sizes in SIZES do not evenly % divide the data array's size, the edges of the returned cell array will have % chunks with smaller size than requested. This can be overridden: % C = PARTITION(X, SIZES, OVERLAPS, FUNC, DISCARDMISSHAPEN) for boolean % DISCARDMISSHAPEN (default FALSE) will, when TRUE, ensure all elements of the % returned cell array have size specified by SIZES by omitting chunks at the % edges of X. From the first example above: % >> c = partition(x, [2 3]) % [2x3 double] [2x2 double] % [2x3 double] [2x2 double] % >> c = partition(x, [2 3], [], [], true) % [2x3 double] % [2x3 double] % Notice how in here, with DISCARDMISSHAPEN as TRUE, the second column of C, % previously containing 2 by 2 chunks, is discarded. % % Though all examples here have used two-dimensional X, PARTITION is % dimensionality-agnostic, and works the same on column vectors as on % high-dimensional arrays. % % This function was inspired by Clojure's `partition` and `partition-all` % functions [1], [2], but generalized for multidimensional arrays. % % [1] See % [2] Ditto %% Fill in omitted or empty arguments if ~exist('overlaps', 'var') || isempty(overlaps) overlaps = zeros(1, ndims(x)); end if ~exist('func', 'var') || isempty(func) func = @(x) x; end if ~exist('discardMisshapen', 'var') || isempty(discardMisshapen) discardMisshapen = false; end %% Correct `sizes` and `overlaps` if numel(sizes) > ndims(x) % trim `sizes` sizes = sizes(1 : ndims(x)); elseif numel(sizes) < ndims(x) % pad `sizes` with sizes of dimensions fixed = size(x); fixed(1 : numel(sizes)) = sizes; sizes = fixed; end % make sure `sizes` doesn't contain elements > size of that dimension sizes = min(sizes, size(x)); % make sure `sizes` doesn't contain <= 0 sizes = max(sizes, 1); if numel(overlaps) > ndims(x) overlaps = overlaps(1 : ndims(x)); elseif numel(overlaps) < ndims(x) fixed = size(x) * 0; fixed(1 : numel(overlaps)) = overlaps; overlaps = fixed; end % Require for each `overlap` in `overlaps`: `-inf < overlap < sizes` overlaps = min(overlaps, sizes - 1); %% For each dimension of `x`, make a vector indicating the start of each chunk % Sure, `sizes` and `overlaps` are what we like to think about when we think % about partitioning arrays, but really, `sizes - overlaps`, i.e., the hop % sizes, are very important too. In the default non-overlapping case, the hop % size IS the chunk size. In the overlapping case, the hop size is smaller % than the chunk size. In the skip case (negative overlap), the hop size is % bigger than chunk size. % % So for each dimension, make a vector of indexes of each chunk. This is what % `chunkStarts` is. `chunkStarts{DIM}[i]` gives you the start index (in % terms of `x`) for the `i`th chunk along the `DIM`th dimension. This won't be % too memory-intensive, since we're just storing the starts, and storing each % dimension separately. hops = sizes(:)' - overlaps(:)'; chunkStarts = cell(1, ndims(x)); for dim = 1:ndims(x) if discardMisshapen chunkStarts{dim} = 1 : hops(dim) : (size(x, dim) - sizes(dim) + 1); else chunkStarts{dim} = 1 : hops(dim) : size(x, dim); end end %% Get the Cartesian product of all `chunkStarts`. % This will take more memory because we generate all combinations of % `chunkStarts`. `allcomb` here returns a tall array, whose width is % `ndims(x)`. `allStarts(i,:)` gives you the multidimensional index into `x` % of the start of the `i`th chunk. Note we've rasterized the dimensions here, % don't worry, we'll resurrect them later. allStarts = allcomb(chunkStarts{:}, 'matlab'); %% For each dimension of `x`, make 0-start vectors to be added to start idx % So, a row of `allStarts` tells us the index into `x` to start a given chunk. % I.e., if `allStarts(end, :)` was `[30 40]`, then `x(30, 40)` would be the % first element of the last chunk returned. But to get the rest of the chunk, % we need `x(30:31, 40:41)`, say, for 2 by 2 chunks. Rather than take up a ton % of memory storing each dimension's indexing vector (like `30:31` or `40:41` % just now), we'll use an indexing trick. Note how `x(30:31, 40:41)` is the % same as `x(30 + [0:1], 40 + [0:1])`. So, `summers` contain `ndims(x)` number % of 0-start vectors that can be added to a given index to give a complete % vector capable of indexing into a given dimension of `x`. summers = cell(1, ndims(x)); for dim = 1:ndims(x) summers{dim} = 0 : (sizes(dim) - 1); end %% Build the return cell array: extract chunks % So now we have the indexes corresponding to the *first* element of each % chunk `allStarts`, and we also have index vectors that make it easy to go % from a single index to a range of indexes. So all we need is to loop over % each chunk's starting index, in `allStarts`, and extract that chunk from % `x`. That indexing is what `subsref` does: that's the function version of % array indexing, and we need its complication because this `partition` % function is completely agnostic to the dimension of `x`: `x` can be a % simple column vector or a five-dimensional monster. So see `help subsref`, % but basically, it needs a struct containing the indexes in each dimension. % We can build those by combining `allStarts` and `summers`: we do this via % `arrayfun`. % % We have a tiny bit of complication, with the `cap` function handle too, % because the vectors in `summers` don't consider the possibility that they % might index beyond the end of an array. So `cap` just lets us limit the % sizes of the index. If Matlab or `subsref` had a mechanism wherein it would % ignore too-big indexes, we wouldn't need this `cap`. % % Note that throughout this process, we have avoided any egregious memory % consumption. The dimensions have been kept separate, and the biggest array % we created, `allStarts` via `allcomb`, is `total number of chunks` by % `ndims(x)`. If `func` reduces each chunk to a scalar, the return cell % `chunks` could be much smaller in memory than the input `x`. If the default % `func`, the identity function, is used, then sure, you'll use more memory. % With 0-overlap, `chunks` will use a bit more RAM than `x`. With a lot of % overlap, you'll need proportionately more RAM. cap = @(x, maxVal) x(x <= maxVal); chunks = cell(size(allStarts, 1), 1); subsStruct = struct('type', '()', 'subs', {{}}); for row = 1 : size(allStarts, 1) starts = allStarts(row, :); subs = arrayfun(@(i) cap(starts(i) + summers{i}, size(x, i)), ... 1:ndims(x), ... 'un', false); subsStruct.subs = subs; chunks{row} = func(subsref(x, subsStruct)); end %% Un-rasterize chunks % `allcomb()`, which we used to generate `allStarts` array, rasterized the % starting indexes, so `chunks` right now is a column cell array. We can % readily reshape it (a very cheap operation) to have `ndims(x)` dimensions. chunks = reshape(chunks, cellfun(@length, chunkStarts)); % if it hadn't been for the `'matlab'` argument to 'allComb()`, we'd need: % >> chunks = reshape(chunks, fliplr(cellfun(@length, chunkStarts)))'; % It's a C vs Fortran/Matlab ordering thing. end % In order to be fully self-contained, this function includes a local copy of % `allcomb` function, a BSD-licensed submission to the Mathworks File Exchange % [3] by Jos. % % [3] function A = allcomb(varargin) % ALLCOMB - All combinations % B = ALLCOMB(A1,A2,A3,...,AN) returns all combinations of the elements % in the arrays A1, A2, ..., and AN. B is P-by-N matrix is which P is the product % of the number of elements of the N inputs. This functionality is also % known as the Cartesian Product. The arguments can be numerical and/or % characters, or they can be cell arrays. % % Examples: % allcomb([1 3 5],[-3 8],[0 1]) % numerical input: % % -> [ 1 -3 0 % % 1 -3 1 % % 1 8 0 % % ... % % 5 -3 1 % % 5 8 1 ] ; % a 12-by-3 array % % allcomb('abc','XY') % character arrays % % -> [ aX ; aY ; bX ; bY ; cX ; cY] % a 6-by-2 character array % % allcomb('xy',[65 66]) % a combination % % -> ['xA' ; 'xB' ; 'yA' ; 'yB'] % a 4-by-2 character array % % allcomb({'hello','Bye'},{'Joe', 10:12},{99999 []}) % all cell arrays % % -> { 'hello' 'Joe' [99999] % % 'hello' 'Joe' [] % % 'hello' [1x3 double] [99999] % % 'hello' [1x3 double] [] % % 'Bye' 'Joe' [99999] % % 'Bye' 'Joe' [] % % 'Bye' [1x3 double] [99999] % % 'Bye' [1x3 double] [] } ; % a 8-by-3 cell array % % ALLCOMB(..., 'matlab') causes the first column to change fastest which % is consistent with matlab indexing. Example: % allcomb(1:2,3:4,5:6,'matlab') % % -> [ 1 3 5 ; 1 4 5 ; 1 3 6 ; ... ; 2 4 6 ] % % If one of the arguments is empty, ALLCOMB returns a 0-by-N empty array. % % See also NCHOOSEK, PERMS, NDGRID % and NCHOOSE, COMBN, KTHCOMBN (Matlab Central FEX) % Tested in Matlab R2015a % version 4.1 (feb 2016) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: % History % 1.1 (feb 2006), removed minor bug when entering empty cell arrays; % added option to let the first input run fastest (suggestion by JD) % 1.2 (jan 2010), using ii as an index on the left-hand for the multiple % output by NDGRID. Thanks to Jan Simon, for showing this little trick % 2.0 (dec 2010). Bruno Luong convinced me that an empty input should % return an empty output. % 2.1 (feb 2011). A cell as input argument caused the check on the last % argument (specifying the order) to crash. % 2.2 (jan 2012). removed a superfluous line of code (ischar(..)) % 3.0 (may 2012) removed check for doubles so character arrays are accepted % 4.0 (feb 2014) added support for cell arrays % 4.1 (feb 2016) fixed error for cell array input with last argument being % 'matlab'. Thanks to Richard for pointing this out. narginchk(1,Inf) ; NC = nargin ; % check if we should flip the order if ischar(varargin{end}) && (strcmpi(varargin{end},'matlab') || strcmpi(varargin{end},'john')), % based on a suggestion by JD on the FEX NC = NC-1 ; ii = 1:NC ; % now first argument will change fastest else % default: enter arguments backwards, so last one (AN) is changing fastest ii = NC:-1:1 ; end args = varargin(1:NC) ; % check for empty inputs if any(cellfun('isempty',args)), warning('ALLCOMB:EmptyInput','One of more empty inputs result in an empty output.') ; A = zeros(0,NC) ; elseif NC > 1 isCellInput = cellfun(@iscell,args) ; if any(isCellInput) if ~all(isCellInput) error('ALLCOMB:InvalidCellInput', ... 'For cell input, all arguments should be cell arrays.') ; end % for cell input, we use to indices to get all combinations ix = cellfun(@(c) 1:numel(c), args,'un',0) ; % flip using ii if last column is changing fastest [ix{ii}] = ndgrid(ix{ii}) ; A = cell(numel(ix{1}),NC) ; % pre-allocate the output for k=1:NC, % combine A(:,k) = reshape(args{k}(ix{k}),[],1) ; end else % non-cell input, assuming all numerical values or strings % flip using ii if last column is changing fastest [A{ii}] = ndgrid(args{ii}) ; % concatenate A = reshape(cat(NC+1,A{:}),[],NC) ; end elseif NC==1, A = args{1}(:) ; % nothing to combine else % NC==0, there was only the 'matlab' flag argument A = zeros(0,0) ; % nothing end end