SublimeLinter-contrib-cloudformation ================================ [![Build Status](]( This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [cfn-lint]( This plugin lints `yaml` and `json` CloudFormation templates. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control]( to install the linter plugin. Before installing this plugin, you must ensure that `cfn-lint` is installed on your system. ``` pip install cfn-lint ``` **Note**: This plugin requires cfn-lint 0.2.2 or later. ## Settings For general information on how SublimeLinter works with settings, please see [Settings]. For information on generic linter settings, please see [Linter Settings][linter-settings]. You can configure `cfn-lint` by adding the following options to the Sublime Linter User Settings: * `ignore_rules`: Array of rules that should be ignored when testing the file * `append_rules`: Array of paths containing additional rules to be applied * `override_spec`: Path the a Specification Override file * `include_checks`: Array of rules that should be included when testing the file * This setting requires v0.8.0 or later. Example: ```json { "linters": { "cfnlint": { "ignore_rules": ["W2507", "W2508"], "append_rules": ["/path/to/custom/rules"], "override_spec": "/path/to/override.json", "include_checks": ["I"] } } } ``` For details about these settings, check the [cfn-lint documentation](