[job:example] # Description of the job shown in web interface. desc = An example project # URL to listen for webhook calls. This will listen on # url = /hook/example # The provider setting determines the kind of webhook. Currently supported are: # generic, github and gogs. Depending on the provider, different environment # settings will be passed to the `cmd` script. provider = generic # Override global working directory for this job (optional). # work_dir = /var/lib/jerrybuild/workspace # The command to execute when the webhook is called. This is relative to the # job's `work_dir`. The command is executed in a shell, so you can include # parameters, piping, redirection, etc. cmd = sh example.sh # A setting specific to the Github and Gogs providers. The secret is a randomly # generated key that must be added here and in Git / Gogs when defining the # job. #secret = # Custom environment variables to be passed to the script for this job. #env_GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i /var/lib/jerrybuild/.ssh/deploykey.rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=yes #env_run_coverage=0