# `npm-install` for sublime text 3 auto install npm modules, show npm icons, autocomplete require, open npmjs documentation. ![preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcannizzaro/npm-install/master/npm-install.png) ## Installation You can install this package through the [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/npm-install). Press /Ctrl + + P to open the command palette. Type **Install Package** and press **Enter**. Then search for **npm-install**. ## Commands | Command | Default shortcut key
(Windows, Linux) | Default shortcut key
(OS X) | Extra |---------------------------|-------------------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------| |Install Modules |CTRL+ALT+I|+option+I| Command Palette |Uninstall Module|CTRL+ALT+U
+option+RIGHT CLICK| Command Palette
Context Menu |Open Documentation on [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com)|CTRL+ALT+D
+option+CLICK| Command Palette
Context Menu ## Icons | Icon | Description | |:----:|:----------------:| | ![on](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcannizzaro/npm-install/master/icon-on.png) | installed module | | ![off](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcannizzaro/npm-install/master/icon-off.png) | missing module | | ![installing](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcannizzaro/npm-install/master/icon-dw.png) | installing module | ## Settings | key | default | action | |-----------------------|:-------------:|----------------------------------------------------| | `icons` | **true** | enable/disable status icons | | `autocomplete` | **false** | autocomplete node modules's require. | | `autocomplete_prefix` | **"var"** | javascript prefix: `var`, `const`, `let` | | `install_on_save` | **true** | auto-install node modules **on save**. | | `prune_on_uninstall` | **false** | auto-remove unused packages after **uninstall**. | | `install_manager` | **"npm"** | javascript package manager: `npm`, `yarn`, `pnpm` | ## Autocomplete Sample ![autocomplete](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcannizzaro/npm-install/master/autocomplete.gif)