{ "policy" : { "antivirus" : { "inspectHttpUploads" : false }, "applicationLanguage" : "utf-8", "behavioral-enforcement" : { "behavioralEnforcementViolations" : [ { "name" : "VIOL_CONVICTION" }, { "name" : "VIOL_THREAT_ANALYSIS" }, { "name" : "VIOL_BLOCKING_CONDITION" }, { "name" : "VIOL_THREAT_CAMPAIGN" }, { "name" : "VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP" }, { "name" : "VIOL_GEOLOCATION" } ], "enableBehavioralEnforcement" : false, "enableBlockingCveSignatures" : true, "enableBlockingHighAccuracySignatures" : true, "enableBlockingLikelyMaliciousTransactions" : true, "enableBlockingSuspiciousTransactions" : false, "enableBlockingViolations" : true }, "blocking-settings" : { "evasions" : [ { "description" : "Bad unescape", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Apache whitespace", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Bare byte decoding", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "IIS Unicode codepoints", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "IIS backslashes", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "%u decoding", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Multiple decoding", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true, "maxDecodingPasses" : 3 }, { "description" : "Directory traversals", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true } ], "http-protocols" : [ { "description" : "Multiple host headers", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Check maximum number of parameters", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true, "maxParams" : 500 }, { "description" : "Bad host header value", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Check maximum number of headers", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true, "maxHeaders" : 30 }, { "description" : "Unparsable request content", "enabled" : true }, { "description" : "High ASCII characters in headers", "enabled" : false, "learn" : false }, { "description" : "Null in request", "enabled" : true }, { "description" : "Bad HTTP version", "enabled" : true }, { "description" : "Content length should be a positive number", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Host header contains IP address", "enabled" : false, "learn" : false }, { "description" : "CRLF characters before request start", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "No Host header in HTTP/1.1 request", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Bad multipart parameters parsing", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Bad multipart/form-data request parsing", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Body in GET or HEAD requests", "enabled" : false, "learn" : false }, { "description" : "Chunked request with Content-Length header", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Several Content-Length headers", "enabled" : true, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Header name with no header value", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "POST request with Content-Length: 0", "enabled" : false, "learn" : false } ], "violations" : [ { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "GraphQL introspection query", "name" : "VIOL_GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION_QUERY" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "GraphQL data does not comply with format settings", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_GRAPHQL_FORMAT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Malformed GraphQL data", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_GRAPHQL_MALFORMED" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Disallowed file upload content detected in body", "name" : "VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_BODY" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Violation Rating Need Examination detected", "name" : "VIOL_RATING_NEED_EXAMINATION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Violation Rating Threat detected", "name" : "VIOL_RATING_THREAT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal repeated header", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_HEADER_REPEATED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Mandatory request body is missing", "name" : "VIOL_MANDATORY_REQUEST_BODY" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Bad Actor Convicted", "name" : "VIOL_CONVICTION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal host name", "name" : "VIOL_HOSTNAME" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Leaked Credentials Detection", "name" : "VIOL_LEAKED_CREDENTIALS" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Mitigation action determined by Threat Analysis Platform", "name" : "VIOL_THREAT_ANALYSIS" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Blocking Condition Detected", "name" : "VIOL_BLOCKING_CONDITION" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Bad Actor Detected", "name" : "VIOL_MALICIOUS_DEVICE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal parameter location", "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Mandatory parameter is missing", "name" : "VIOL_MANDATORY_PARAMETER" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "JSON data does not comply with JSON schema", "name" : "VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal parameter array value", "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_ARRAY_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Threat Campaign detected", "name" : "VIOL_THREAT_CAMPAIGN" }, { "description" : "Attack signature detected", "name" : "VIOL_ATTACK_SIGNATURE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Server-side access to disallowed host", "name" : "VIOL_SERVER_SIDE_HOST" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "DataSafe Data Integrity", "name" : "VIOL_DATA_INTEGRITY" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Host name mismatch", "name" : "VIOL_HOSTNAME_MISMATCH" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "IP is blacklisted", "name" : "VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Plain text data does not comply with format settings", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PLAINTEXT_FORMAT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal WebSocket binary message length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_BINARY_MESSAGE_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal number of frames per message", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_FRAMES_PER_MESSAGE_COUNT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal WebSocket extension", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Binary content found in text only WebSocket", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_BINARY_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Text content found in binary only WebSocket", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_TEXT_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal cross-origin request", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_CROSS_ORIGIN_REQUEST" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Null character found in WebSocket text message", "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_TEXT_NULL_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal WebSocket frame length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Mask not found in client frame", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_MASKING" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Failure in WebSocket framing protocol", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_FRAMING_PROTOCOL" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Bad WebSocket handshake request", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_WEBSOCKET_BAD_REQUEST" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal redirection attempt", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_REDIRECT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Mandatory HTTP header is missing", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_MANDATORY_HEADER" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "GWT data does not comply with format settings", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_GWT_FORMAT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal Base64 value", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Access from malicious IP address", "name" : "VIOL_MALICIOUS_IP" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Disallowed file upload content detected", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Malformed GWT data", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_GWT_MALFORMED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal meta character in header", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_HEADER_METACHAR" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal request content type", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_URL_CONTENT_TYPE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal HTTP status in response", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Modified ASM cookie", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_ASM_COOKIE_MODIFIED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Modified domain cookie(s)", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_COOKIE_MODIFIED" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Cookie not RFC-compliant", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_COOKIE_MALFORMED" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Malformed JSON data", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_JSON_MALFORMED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal entry point", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_FLOW_ENTRY_POINT" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Access from disallowed User/Session/IP/Device ID", "name" : "VIOL_SESSION_AWARENESS" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "ASM Cookie Hijacking", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_ASM_COOKIE_HIJACKING" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Expired timestamp", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_COOKIE_EXPIRED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal static parameter value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal dynamic parameter value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_DYNAMIC_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal parameter value length", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal parameter data type", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal parameter numeric value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal number of mandatory parameters", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_FLOW_MANDATORY_PARAMS" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Parameter value does not comply with regular expression", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_REGEXP" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal file type", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_FILETYPE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal URL", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_URL" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal flow to URL", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_FLOW" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal method", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_METHOD" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal session ID in URL", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_DYNAMIC_SESSION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal query string or POST data", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_FLOW_DISALLOWED_INPUT" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal parameter", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal empty parameter value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_EMPTY_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal POST data length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_POST_DATA_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Null in multi-part parameter value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_MULTIPART_NULL_VALUE" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal header length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_HEADER_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "JSON data does not comply with format settings", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_JSON_FORMAT" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal repeated parameter name", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_REPEATED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal meta character in URL", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_URL_METACHAR" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal meta character in parameter name", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal meta character in value", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "SOAP method not allowed", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_XML_SOAP_METHOD" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Brute Force: Maximum login attempts are exceeded", "name" : "VIOL_BRUTE_FORCE" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "CSRF authentication expired", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_CSRF_EXPIRED" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal URL length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_URL_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal cookie length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_COOKIE_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal request length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_REQUEST_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Illegal query string length", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_QUERY_STRING_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Access from disallowed Geolocation", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_GEOLOCATION" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "HTTP protocol compliance failed", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Failed to convert character", "name" : "VIOL_ENCODING" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "CSRF attack detected", "name" : "VIOL_CSRF" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Malformed XML data", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_XML_MALFORMED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "XML data does not comply with schema or WSDL document", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_XML_SCHEMA" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "XML data does not comply with format settings", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_XML_FORMAT" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Web Services Security failure", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_XML_WEB_SERVICES_SECURITY" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Evasion technique detected", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_EVASION" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Virus detected", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_VIRUS" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Request length exceeds defined buffer size", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Login URL bypassed", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_LOGIN_URL_BYPASSED" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Login URL expired", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_LOGIN_URL_EXPIRED" }, { "alarm" : true, "block" : true, "description" : "Data Guard: Information leakage detected", "learn" : true, "name" : "VIOL_DATA_GUARD" }, { "alarm" : false, "block" : false, "description" : "Illegal attachment in SOAP message", "learn" : false, "name" : "VIOL_XML_SOAP_ATTACHMENT" } ], "web-services-securities" : [ { "description" : "UnSigned Timestamp", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Timestamp expiration is too far in the future", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Expired Timestamp", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Invalid Timestamp", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Missing Timestamp", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Verification Error", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Signing Error", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Encryption Error", "enabled" : false, "learn" : true }, { "description" : "Decryption Error", "enabled" : false, "learn" : 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"enabled" : false, "threshold" : 3 }, "loginAttemptsFromTheSameIp" : { "action" : "alarm-and-captcha", "enabled" : true, "threshold" : 20 }, "loginAttemptsFromTheSameUser" : { "action" : "alarm-and-captcha", "enabled" : true, "threshold" : 3 }, "measurementPeriod" : 900, "preventionDuration" : "3600", "reEnableLoginAfter" : 3600, "sourceBasedProtectionDetectionPeriod" : 3600 } ], "caseInsensitive" : false, "character-sets" : [ { "characterSet" : [ { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x0" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x1" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x2" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x3" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x4" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x5" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x6" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x7" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x8" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0x9" }, { "isAllowed" : true, "metachar" : "0xa" }, { "isAllowed" : false, "metachar" : "0xb" }, { 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