class Domino { constructor(tiling, x, y, dx, dy) { this.tiling = tiling; // Coordinates of top-left square. this.x = x; this.y = y; // Direction of the arrow, also defines orientation. this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.width = 2; this.height = 1; } else { this.width = 1; this.height = 2; } // Determine color. It doesn't change during the algorithm. var parity = (this.x+this.y+this.tiling.order)%2; if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.color = parity ? 0x759df9 : 0x82ee70; } else { this.color = parity ? 0xe3c37b : 0xd47766; } var pointsTo =[this.x+this.dx][this.y+this.dy]; this.frozen = false; if (pointsTo instanceof Domino) { this.frozen = (pointsTo.frozen && pointsTo.color === this.color); } else if (pointsTo === -1) { this.frozen = true; } } isClashing() { var pointsTo =[this.x+this.dx][this.y+this.dy]; if (typeof(pointsTo)=="number") return false; var pointsTo2 =[pointsTo.x+pointsTo.dx][pointsTo.y+pointsTo.dy]; return (pointsTo2 == this); } isHorizontal() { return (this.dx==0); } draw(graphics, alpha, shift) { // Rectangle. graphics.lineStyle(0.1, 0x000000, alpha); graphics.beginFill(this.color, alpha); var x = this.x + this.dx * shift; var y = this.y + this.dy * shift; graphics.drawRect(x, y, this.width, this.height); graphics.endFill(); // The arrow. if (this.tiling.drawArrows) { var lineColor = this.frozen ? 0x0000ff : 0x000000; var x0 = this.isHorizontal() ? x+1 : x+0.5; var y0 = this.isHorizontal() ? y+0.5 : y+1; graphics.lineStyle(0.02, lineColor, alpha); graphics.moveTo(x0-0.25*this.dx, y0-0.25*this.dy); graphics.lineTo(x0, y0); graphics.lineStyle(0.001, lineColor, alpha); graphics.beginFill(lineColor, alpha); graphics.moveTo(x0+0.25*this.dx, y0+0.25*this.dy); graphics.lineTo(x0-0.1*this.dy-0.05*this.dx, y0-0.1*this.dx-0.05*this.dy); graphics.lineTo(x0, y0); graphics.lineTo(x0+0.1*this.dy-0.05*this.dx, y0+0.1*this.dx-0.05*this.dy); graphics.lineTo(x0+0.25*this.dx, y0+0.25*this.dy); graphics.endFill(); } } // No arrows, no border, no animation. drawQuick(graphics) { graphics.beginFill(this.color, 1); graphics.drawRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); graphics.endFill(); } toString() { return this.x + " " + this.y + " " + this.dx + " " + this.dy; } } const MAX_ORDER = 2000; const QUICK_DRAW_START_ORDER = 100; // After this order, do quick drawing. const ANIMATION_DURATION_SEC = 2.5; const ANIMATION_FPS = 5; class Tiling { constructor() { this.order = 0; // 0=empty, -1=not accessible, >=1 - ref to domino. = Array(2 * MAX_ORDER); for (var i = 0; i< 2 * MAX_ORDER;i++) {[i] = Array(2 * MAX_ORDER).fill(-1); } this.dominos = []; this.dominosRemovedOnLastStep = []; this.drawArrows = false; = new PIXI.Graphics(); pixiApp.stage.removeChildren(); pixiApp.stage.addChild(; // Animation. this.animationEnabled = false; this.animationFrame = 4.0; // [0.0 - 4.0]. } draw() { this.drawArrows = document.getElementById("arrowsCb").checked;; // Transform to fit into screen. var ch = pixiApp.view.height; var cw = pixiApp.view.width;;;;; var scale = Math.min(100, Math.min(cw, ch) / (2 * this.order)); = scale; = scale; if (this.order > QUICK_DRAW_START_ORDER) { for (var domino of this.dominos) { domino.drawQuick(; } this.fixPixi(); return; } // Draw empty cells. var gridAlpha = 1.0; if (this.animationEnabled && this.animationFrame < 1) gridAlpha = this.animationFrame;, 0x000000, gridAlpha); for (let x of this.idx) { for(let y of this.idx) { if([x][y]==0 || (this.animationEnabled &&[x][y]!=-1)) {, y, 1, 1); } } } // Draw dominos. for (var domino of this.dominos) { var alpha = 1; if (this.animationEnabled && domino.stepAdded == this.order) { alpha = (this.animationFrame <= 3) ? 0 : this.animationFrame - 3; } var shift = 0; if (this.animationEnabled && domino.stepAdded < this.order && this.animationFrame <= 3) { shift = this.animationFrame <= 2 ? -1 : this.animationFrame - 3; } domino.draw(, alpha, shift); } // Fade out dominos removed on last step. if (this.animationEnabled && this.animationFrame <= 2.0) { var alpha = 1; if (this.animationFrame >= 1) alpha = 2 - this.animationFrame; for (var domino of this.dominosRemovedOnLastStep) { domino.draw(, alpha, 0.0); } } this.fixPixi(); } // See // This is needed to make PIXI handle large number of shapes. // To be safe, let's do it always. fixPixi() {; // in case you didnt use closed paths; // try commenting that to see Uint16 overflow Uint32Array(; } drawAnimate() { if (this.order > QUICK_DRAW_START_ORDER) { this.draw(); return; } this.locked = true; this.animationEnabled = true; var interval = 1000 / ANIMATION_FPS; var stepIncrement = 4.0 / (ANIMATION_DURATION_SEC * ANIMATION_FPS); this.animationFrame = 0.0; var drawTimer = setInterval(() => { this.animationFrame += stepIncrement; if (this.animationFrame >= 4) this.animationFrame = 4; this.draw(); if (this.animationFrame >= 4.0) { clearInterval(drawTimer); this.locked = false; this.animationEnabled = false; } }, interval); } iteration() { if(this.order == MAX_ORDER) return; if(this.locked) return; // Step 1. Extend grid. this.order += 1; this.idx=[]; for (var i=MAX_ORDER-this.order+1; i <= MAX_ORDER+this.order;i++)this.idx.push(i); this.updateMap_(); // Step 2. Remove clashing dominos. var newDominos = []; this.dominosRemovedOnLastStep = [] for(let domino of this.dominos) { if (domino.isClashing()) { this.dominosRemovedOnLastStep.push(domino); } else { newDominos.push(domino); } } this.dominos = newDominos; this.updateMap_(); // Step 3. Move dominos according to their direction. for (let domino of this.dominos) { domino.x += domino.dx; domino.y += domino.dy; } this.updateMap_(); // Step 4. Add dominos for empty squares. for (let x of this.idx) { for(let y of this.idx) { if([x][y] == 0) { this.randomFill_(x, y); } } } this.updateMap_(); assert(this.dominos.length == this.order * (this.order + 1)); } updateMap_() { // Clear all cells. for (var i=0;i