function callCfApi(method, callback) { var url = "" + method; // + '?' + params console.log('Calling CF API:', url) const request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url); request.onreadystatechange = (e) => { if (request.readyState != 4 || request.status != 200) { return; } response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (response["status"] != "OK") { console.log(response); } else { callback(response["result"]); } } request.send(); } class CfLoader { constructor() { this.allLangs = new Set(); } onProblemListLoaded(response) { this.problemDropdown = document.getElementById("select-problem"); this.problemDropdown.onchange = () => this.onProblemSelected(); const problems = response["problems"]; this.problemsByName = {}; for (const problem of problems) { const problemName = problem["contestId"] + problem["index"] + " - " + problem["name"]; const option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = problemName; this.problemsByName[problemName] = problem; this.problemDropdown.appendChild(option); } this.problemDropdown.selectedIndex = 100; this.onProblemSelected(); } onProblemSelected() { const problemName = this.problemDropdown.options[this.problemDropdown.selectedIndex].text; const problem = this.problemsByName[problemName]; this.contestId = problem["contestId"]; this.problemId = problem["index"]; const method = "contest.status?contestId=" + this.contestId + "&from=1&count=100000"; callCfApi(method, r => this.onStatusLoaded(r)); } onStatusLoaded(response) { this.allLangs = new Set(); this.okSubmissions = []; for (const subm of response) { if(subm['testset'] != 'TESTS') continue; if(subm['verdict'] != 'OK') continue; if(subm['problem']['index'] != this.problemId) continue; this.okSubmissions.push(subm); this.allLangs.add(subm['programmingLanguage']); } this.refreshLangsDropdown(); } refreshLangsDropdown() { this.langDropdown = document.getElementById("lang-dropdown"); this.langDropdown.innerHTML = ''; this.langDropdown.onchange = () => this.onLangSelected(); const langs = []; for (const lang of this.allLangs) { langs.push(lang); } langs.sort(); for (const lang of langs) { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = lang; this.langDropdown.appendChild(option); } this.langDropdown.selectedIndex = 0; this.onLangSelected(); } onLangSelected() { this.selectedLang = this.langDropdown.options[this.langDropdown.selectedIndex].text; this.renderSubmissions(); } renderSubmissions() { var subms = []; for (const subm of this.okSubmissions) { if (subm["programmingLanguage"] == this.selectedLang) { subms.push(subm); } } console.log(this.okSubmissions.length, subms.length); var tableHtml = 'SubmissionAuthor'; for (const subm of subms) { const id = subm["id"]; const author = subm['author']['members'][0]['handle']; const url = "" + this.contestId + "/submission/" + id; tableHtml += "" + id + "" + author + ""; } const tableSubms = document.getElementById("table-subms"); tableSubms.innerHTML = tableHtml; } init() { callCfApi("problemset.problems", r => this.onProblemListLoaded(r)); } } const cfl = new CfLoader(); cfl.init();