{ "homepage": "http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/more-overlays", "promos":{ "1.9.4-recommended":"1.6", "1.10-recommended":"1.6", "1.10.2-recommended":"1.11", "1.11-recommended":"1.9", "1.11.2-recommended":"1.12", "1.12-recommended":"1.13", "1.12.1-recommended":"1.13", "1.12.2-recommended":"1.15.1", "1.14.4-latest":"1.16.1" }, "1.9.4": { "1.4":"Added API to override Slot positions\nAdded slot position override for Mantle", "1.5":"Added version json for update checks\nAdded option to change line width and colors\nFixed invisible lines with Shader", "1.6":"Updated to Forge\nUpdated to JEI" }, "1.10": { "1.4":"Added API to override Slot positions\nAdded slot position override for Mantle", "1.5":"Added version json for update checks\nAdded option to change line width and colors\nFixed invisible lines with Shader", "1.6":"Updated to Forge\nUpdated to JEI" }, "1.10.2": { "1.4":"Added API to override Slot positions\nAdded slot position override for Mantle", "1.5":"Added version json for update checks\nAdded option to change line width and colors\nFixed invisible lines with Shader", "1.6":"Updated to Forge\nUpdated to JEI", "1.7":"Updated Forge & JEI\nFixed blinking JEI Tooltips\nFixed non matching items when filter is empty", "1.8":"Improve startup time and reduce log spam (by mezz)\nShow Key to disable Item Search (config option, default true)", "1.9":"Updated Forge & JEI\nFixed Tooltip on empty slots if Waila is installed", "1.10":"Added config option to set the Safe Light Level. (For mods that change the Vanilla Value)\nRemoved Inventory Search Key Binding & Notification Text", "1.11":"Removed useless language keys\nAdded Russian translation ( Thanks raspopov )" }, "1.11": { "1.9":"Updated to Minecraft 1.11" }, "1.11.2": { "1.10":"Added config option to set the Safe Light Level. (For mods that change the Vanilla Value)\nRemoved Inventory Search Key Binding & Notification Text", "1.11":"Updated JEI ( Fixed Crash )\nRemoved useless language keys\nAdded Russian translation ( Thanks raspopov )", "1.12":"Updated JEI ( Fixed Crash )\nUpdated Mantle\nUpdated Forge" }, "1.12": { "1.12":"Updated to Minecraft 1.12", "1.13":"Removed spawn overlay Y-Clamps\nFixed lightning bug\nAdded Config option to match NBT" }, "1.12.1": { "1.13":"Removed spawn overlay Y-Clamps\nFixed lightning bug\nAdded Config option to match NBT" }, "1.12.2": { "1.14":"Updated Forge & JEI\n Fixed: All items were highlighted if the JEI search contains Damageable items (fixed by Shovinus)\nRemoved Y-Coordinate clamps", "1.15.0":"Updated Forge & JEI\nFixed: Item nbt matching\nAdded: CustomMobSpawner integration ( Thanks xs2007 & chickenbones )\nAdded: Region overlay ( Thanks Foghrye4 )\nFixed: Creative Inventory Item search", "1.15.1":"Fixed: Region files actually store 32 by 32 Chunks\nFixed: Region offset at negative chunk coordinates\nFixed: Region filename doesn't render sometimes" }, "1.14.4": { "1.16.0": "Port to 1.14.4\nRemoved config ui\nRemoved MoCreatures support", "1.16.1": "Fixed config issues (breaks existing configs)\nFixed generating 2 configs at startup\nFixed NPE when turning on LightOverlay\nReadded config ui\nAdded config option for simple spawn checks" } }