#This script installs rgbdslam_v2 and g2o in ~/Code #This script can be downloaded individually, as it #does not require rest of the rgbdslam repository. #It will download all required code in the process. #If you have a fast machine with 4GB RAM or more, increase the #two occurences of "-j2" below to parallelize the compilation more #Prepare System if test ! -d /opt/ros/kinetic; then echo This script assumes ROS kinetic to be installed echo The directory /opt/ros/kinetic was not found exit 1 fi SUBDIR=~/Code echo "This script puts all code into '$SUBDIR'. Edit this script to change the location." echo "Press enter to continue, Ctrl-C to cancel" read mkdir -p $SUBDIR source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash echo echo "Removing packages known to conflict (password required for apt-get)" echo sudo apt-get purge ros-kinetic-libg2o libqglviewer-dev echo echo "Updating ROS dependency database" echo rosdep update echo "Install dependences for g2o" sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev libeigen3-dev echo echo echo "Downloading, building and installing g2o" echo G2O_REPO_DIR=$SUBDIR/g2ofork git clone -b c++03 https://github.com/felixendres/g2o.git $G2O_REPO_DIR mkdir $G2O_REPO_DIR/build cd $G2O_REPO_DIR/build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$G2O_REPO_DIR/install -DG2O_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF nice make -j2 install echo echo "Preparing catkin workspace for rgbdslam_v2" echo WORKSPACE=$SUBDIR/rgbdslam_catkin_ws mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/src cd $WORKSPACE/src catkin_init_workspace catkin_make -C $WORKSPACE source $WORKSPACE/devel/setup.bash echo echo "Downloading rgbdslam_v2" echo #Get and build rgbdslam_v2 export G2O_DIR=$G2O_REPO_DIR/install git clone -b kinetic https://github.com/felixendres/rgbdslam_v2.git $WORKSPACE/src/rgbdslam #Install missing dependencies rosdep install rgbdslam echo echo "Building rgbdslam_v2" echo nice catkin_make -C $WORKSPACE -j2