import subprocess import os import pwd import socket import json import sys import psutil import platform from datetime import datetime #print("-----------------\nYou have started the virtual terminal.\n-----------------")"clear", shell=True) original_dir = os.getcwd() fullscreen_esc = True new_neofetch = True def bytes_to_MB(bytes): mb = bytes/(1024*1024) mb = int(mb) return str(mb) def neofetch(): print() print(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] + "@" + platform.node()) print("---------------") # prints the currently using system name print("[+] OS :", platform.system() + " " + platform.machine()) # printing the Operating System release information print("[+] Kernel :", platform.release()) # getting thesystem up time from the uptime file at proc directory with open("/proc/uptime", "r") as f: uptime =" ")[0].strip() uptime = int(float(uptime)) uptime_minutes = uptime // 60 print("[+] Uptime : " + str(uptime_minutes) + " mins") # reading the cpuinfo file to print the name of # the CPU present with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as f: file_info = f.readlines() cpuinfo = [x.strip().split(":")[1] for x in file_info if "model name" in x] for index, item in enumerate(cpuinfo): if index == 0: item = item.split("@") if len(item) < 2: print("[+] CPU :" + item[0]) else: print("[+] CPU :" + item[0] + "(" + str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)) + ") " + "@" + item[1]) # Using the virtual_memory() function it will return a tuple virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory() #This will print the primary memory details print("[+] Memory :", bytes_to_MB(virtual_memory.used) + "Mib", "/", bytes_to_MB( + "Mib") print() def change_directory(command: str): try: dir = command[3:] if "\"" in command[3:]: dir = dir.split("\"")[1] elif "\'" in command[3:]: dir = dir.split("\'")[1] if "~" in dir: split = dir.split("~") dir = "" for l in range(0, len(split)): dir += split[l] if l < len(split)-1: dir += "/home/" + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] os.chdir(dir) except: pass def history_logic(command: str, history: list, flscrn: dict): length = len(history) if length > 20: length = 20 start = 0 if command.startswith("history run"): if command != "history run": command = command.split(" ")[2] if command.isdigit(): if int(command) in range(0, len(history)): command = history[int(command)] else: command = "none" elif command == "last": command = history[-1] if command != "none": history, flscrn = term_process(command, history, flscrn) else: if command != "history": if ":" in command: args = command.split(" ")[1] args = args.split(":") if args[0].isdigit() and args[1].isdigit(): start = int(args[0]) length = int(args[1])+1 else: arg = command.split(" ")[1] if arg.isdigit(): if int(arg) < length: start = length - int(arg) elif "-" in arg and arg.split("-")[1].isdigit(): if int(arg.split("-")[1]) < length: length = int(arg.split("-")[1]) for i in range(start, length): print(" ", i, history[i]) return history, flscrn def term_process(command: str, history: list, flscrn: dict): if command.startswith("cd"): history.append(command) change_directory(command) elif command.startswith("whoami"): print(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] + " (on PyTerm)") elif command.startswith("history"): history, flscrn = history_logic(command, history, flscrn) elif command.startswith("add-flscrn"): flscrn_list = flscrn['flscrn'] flscrn_list.append(command.split(" ")[1]) flscrn['flscrn'] = flscrn_list savedata(original_dir + "/" + ".flscrn.json", flscrn) elif command.startswith("neofetch") and new_neofetch == True: history.append(command) neofetch() else: try:, shell=True) history.append(command) except: print("For some reason the command didn't work. Sorry about that.") if command.split(" ")[0] in flscrn['flscrn'] and fullscreen_esc == True:"clear", shell=True) return history, flscrn def savedata(file: str, data: dict): "removes old file and then replaces it with fresh data @tpowell11" os.remove(file) # delete outdated data dumpData = json.dumps(data) with open(file, 'w') as f: # open file f.write(dumpData) # write the new json if os.path.exists('.flscrn.json') == False: flscrn = {'flscrn': ["nano", "top", "cmatrix", "vim", "htop", "lynx", "netris", "petris"]}"touch .flscrn.json", shell=True) savedata(".flscrn.json", flscrn) with open('.flscrn.json', 'r') as myfile: data = flscrn = json.loads(data) # global file open for i in sys.argv: if i == "--no-fullscreen": fullscreen_esc = False elif i == "--og-neofetch": new_neofetch = False history = [] while True: pretty_print_dir = os.getcwd() if os.getcwd().startswith("/home/" + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]): pretty_print_dir = "~" + \ str(os.getcwd())[len("/home/" + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]):] command = input(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[ 0] + "@" + socket.gethostname() + ":" + pretty_print_dir + "$ ") if command == "exit": break history, flscrn = term_process(command, history, flscrn) print("-----------------\nYou are no longer in the virtual terminal.\n-----------------")