NAME gtdrm - Write the energy dispersion matrix USAGE gtdrm cmap outfile irfs evtype expcube bexpmap DESCRIPTION The detector response matrix (DRM) maps the true counts spectrum to the measured counts spectrum. It is computed by taking the integrals of the energy dispersion across each measured energy bin assuming the true energy is the geometric mean of each bin. This is a approximation, the exact computation would require the convolution integral of product of the spectrum with the effective area and the energy dispersion. The individual elements of the DRM are computed in Drm::matrix_element(double etrue, double emeas_min, double emeas_max), which computes the fraction of counts with etrue that are observed in the energy bin between emeas_min and emeas_max. This is evaluated with emeas_min, emeas_max corresponding to each of the energy bin edges, and with etrue corresponding to the geometric centers of the energy bins, and extended to one extra bin on either end of the spectrum. This means that the Drm is a (n,n+2) matrix, where n is the number of measured energy bin (i.e., the number of energy bins in the binned counts cube). PARAMETERS cmap [file] Source maps (or counts map) file. outfile [file] Output FITS file name. irfs [string] Instrument response functions. The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) is currently a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal) and photon category. Since the LAT will usually survey the sky, a source will be observed at different inclination angles. Each count will therefore be characterized by a different instrument response function (IRF). The default value is “CALDB”. (evtype = INDEF) [integer] The event type selection for Pass 8 data. The event type is a subselection of the event class. Users can select on range of events based on conversion type (front/back), angular reconstruction quality (PSF values), and energy reconstruction quality (EDISP values). The default value is INDEF, which will not apply a subselection. expcube [file] FITS file containing live-time as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. This file should be generated by gtltcube. See the gtltcube documentation for further explanation. bexpmap [file] Exposure map for binned analysis. The geometry of the map must match the geometry of the counts map. Only for binned likelihood analysis. Default is "none". (chatter = 2) [integer] This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). The default value is 2. (clobber = yes) [boolean] Overwrite or do not overwrite existing output files. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "yes". (debug = no) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui = no) [boolean] Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode activated is "yes" is specified. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". (mode = ql) [string] Mode of automatic parameters. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model: They could be passed answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. To run gtdrm simply type in the command line: > gtdrm This will prompt for parameter values. Not all parameter are prompted: some of them are "hidden". To change one of the "hidden" parameter, the user should specify the values in the command line or modify its mode by editing the parameter file. For example, to prevent overwrite the existing output file, the following command line as to be typed: > gtdrm clobber=no An example of how to run the tool is given below: > gtdrm Source maps (or counts map) file[] cmap.fits Output file[] drm.fits Response functions[CALDB] CALDB Exposure cube[] expcube.fits Binned exposure map[none] bexposure.fits That last example could be also run in the command line as follows: gtdrm cmap=srcMaps.fits outfile=drm.fits irfs=CALDB expcube=expCube.fits bexpmap=bexposure.fits SEE ALSO gtlike