NAME gtexpcube2 - Generates an exposure map, or a set of exposure maps for different energies, from a livetime cube written by gtltcube. USAGE gtexpcube2 infile cmap outfile irfs nxpix nypix binxz coordsys xref yref axisrot proj emin emax enumbins ebinfile DESCRIPTION The new gtexpcube2 tool replaces the old gtexpcube application from the map_tools package, and it also replaces the "on-the-fly" binned exposure map calculation that was provided by gtsrcmaps. The new gtexpcube2 tool accounts for the phi-modulation of the effective area for the irfs that implement this dependence (e.g., P7*_V* ). gtexpcube2 also includes effects of the livetime-fraction dependent efficiency that has been available starting from the P6_V3_DIFFUSE irfs. It is strongly recommended that the old gtexpcube application not be used for Likelihood analysis any longer. PARAMETERS infile [filename] Livetime or Exposure cube FITS file from gtltcube. cmap [filename] Counts map file from gtbin, for which gtexpcube2 should match the coordinate projection and gridding. The counts map also specifies the effective area response functions for gtexpcube2 to use. Select "none" if the map geometry is specified from parameters (nxpix, nypix, xref, yref, enumbins, etc).(optional) outfile [filename] Exposure map output FITS file name. irfs [string] The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) is a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal), and photon category. Default is "CALDB". evtype [integer] The evtype to be used in generating the background data. The default is INDEF which will use the default in the input file. This can be overridden by entering the desired event type e.g. 3 for FRONT + BACK events. (edisp_bins) [integer] Number of extra bins to compute for energy dispersion purposes. Defaults to zero. Note, any gtlike and pyLikehood analysis with edisp_bins > 0 using a source map file or exposure map file that does not include the at least as many extra energy bins will abort and give you a message explaining that you need to remake the offending file. nxpix [integer] Size of the X (i.e., horizontal) axis in pixels. If proj is "CAR", "AIT", or "ZEA", the value "1" is used for full sky. Default is "360". nypix [integer] Size of the Y (i.e., vertical) axis in pixels. If proj is "CAR", "AIT", or "ZEA", the value "1" is used for full sky. Default is "180". binsz [float] Image scale (in degrees/pixel). Default is "1". coordsys [string] Coordinate system ("CEL" - celestial, "GAL" - galactic). If "CEL" is chosen, RA and Dec (J2000) in the xref and yref parameters have to be provided; If "GAL" is chosen, the Galactic coordinates (l and b) must be given. Default is "GAL". xref [float] First Coordinate (i.e., horizontal) of image center either in degrees (RA) for celestial coordinates; or in decimal degrees decimal degrees (l) for Galactic coordinates. Default is "0". yref [float] Second coordinate (i.e., vertical) of image center either in degrees (DEC) in celestial coordinates; or in decimal degrees (b) in Galactic coordinates. Default is "0". axisrot [float] Rotation angle desired for the image in degrees. Default is "0". proj [string] Desired coordinate projection: Aitoff [AIT], Zenithal equal- area [ZEA], Zenithal equidistant [ARC], Plate Carree [CAR], Sanson-Flamsteed [GLS], Mercator [MER], North-Celestial-Pole [NCP], Slant orthographic [SIN], Stereographic [STG], Gnomonic [TAN]. See Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 for definitions of the projections. Must be AIT, ZEA, or CAR for auto full sky. Default is "CAR". (ebinalg) [string] Algorithm for defining energy bins, in logarithmic scale ("LOG") or provided by a user ("FILE"). Default is "LOG". emin [float] Start energy (MeV) of first bin. It must be larger than, or equal to, 100 MeV to match the available IRFs. Default is "100". emax [float] Stop energy (MeV) of last bin. It must be less than, or equal to, 300 GeV. Default is "3e5". enumbins [integer] Number of logarithmically spaced energy bins spanning emin to emax. Default is "10". ebinfile [string] Name of FITS file containing the energy bin definition. Default is "NONE". hpx_ordering_scheme [string: RING|NESTED] Ordering Scheme for the binning (see for more info) hpx_order [integer] Order of the map (integer between 0 and 12, included), corresponding to the level of pixelization or resolution. (bincalc) [string] Allows to choose how energy layers are computed from the count map (cmap parameter) energy bounds, e.g., bincalc="CENTER" will force the tool to compute the exposures using the energy at the geometric mean of the energy bounds for each energy bin. The default is bincalc="EDGE" and should be what is used in the binned Likelihood analysis. (ignorephi) [boolean] Ignore phi information (i.e., phi-averaged effective area) in Livetime cube. Default is "no". (thmax) [integer] Applies a theta cut on the entries from the livetime cube that are included in the exposure integrals. Units are degrees from the LAT's z-axis. The default is "180" and should not be changed for standard Likelihood analyses. (thmin) [integer] Applies a theta cut on the entries from the livetime cube that are included in the exposure integrals. Units are degrees from the LAT's z-axis. Default is "0". (table) [string] Exposure cube extension. Default is "Exposure". (chatter) [integer] Output verbosity; no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). Default is "2". (clobber) [boolean] Overwrite existing output files. Default is "yes". (debug) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. Default is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (mode) [string] Mode of automatic parameters: "h" for batch, "ql" for interactive. Default is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model (i.e., they can be passed interactively by: answering a prompt; as a list in a command line; or by editing the parameter file). To run gtexpcube2 interactively, enter (at the command line): > gtexpcube2 The user will then be prompted for parameter values. Note: Not all parameter are prompted; some of them are "hidden". To change one of the "hidden" parameter, the user should specify the values in the command line or modify its mode by editing the parameter file. For example, if the user wants to change the bincalc parameter, the following command must be entered (at the prompt): >gtexpcube2 bincalc=CENTER In this case the energy layers are computed at the CENTER of the count map ebounds. Observe that, in the following examples, the interface to gtexpcube2 differs somewhat from the old gtexpcube: Example 1. Used for nominal cases; provides a geometry that matches the counts cube. > gtexpcube2 Livetime cube file[] ltcube_phi4.fits Counts map file[] cmap.fits Output file name[] bexpmap_phi4.fits Response functions to use[P7REP_SOURCE_V15] Note: The livetime cube ("ltcube_phi4.fits") is created using gtltcube phibins=4. If the phi-dependence is missing from the livetime cube, the phi-averaged effective area tabulation will be used. Example 2: Used for specialized cases (e.g., the catalogp pipeline); provides an "all-sky" exposure cube. Allows to specify the geometry when the input counts map is explicitly set to "none". > gtexpcube2 Livetime cube file[] ltcube_phi4.fits Counts map file[] none Output file name[] bexpmap_allsky_phi4_nocmap.fits Response functions to use[P7REP_SOURCE_V15] Size of the X axis in pixels[360] Size of the Y axis in pixels[180] Image scale (in degrees/pixel)[1] 0.5 Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL -galactic) (CEL|GAL) [GAL] First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l)[0] Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b)[0] Rotation angle of image axis, in degrees[0] Projection method e.g. AIT|ARC|CAR|GLS|MER|NCP|SIN|STG|TAN[CAR] AIT Start energy (MeV) of first bin[100] Stop energy (MeV) of last bin[300000] Number of logrithmically-spaced energy bins[10] 3 The user is prompted for a Livetime cube file, which in this case is called "ltcube_phi4.fits", and it was previously created using gtltcube phibins=4. In the example the geometry was entered by hand, so "none" was selected in the Counts map file parameter. After that, the output FITS file name and the irfs was specified. A map of the entire sky was created, with 0.5 degree bins centered on Galactic Coordinates l=0, b=0. A total number of 3 energy logarithmic bins were selected starting from an energy of 100 MeV and ending in 300 GeV. Note: Once the output exposure FITS file has been generated, it can be viewed with a FITS viewer such as ds9 or fv. It contains a data structure with layers corresponding to the number of bins specified. The previous example can also be run in the command line as follows: >gtexpcube2 infile= ltcube_phi4.fits cmap=none \ outfile=bexpmap_allsky_phi4_nocmap.fits irfs=P7REP_SOURCE_V15 \ nxpix=360 nypix=180 pixscale=0.5 coordsys=GAL xref=0 yref=0 \ axisrot=0 proj=AIT emin=100 emax=300000 enumbins=3 Once the output exposure FITS file has been generated, it can be viewed with a FITS viewer such as ds9 or fv. It contains a data structure with layers corresponding to the number of bins specified. Example 3. Ignore phi-dependence. > gtexpcube2 ignorephi=yes Livetime cube file[] ltcube_phi4.fits Counts map file[] cmap.fits Output file name[] bexpmap_phi4.fits Response functions to use[P7REP_SOURCE_V15] Example 4. Enable ebinalg=FILE; ebinalg=LOG is the default. > gtexpcube2 ebinalg=FILE Livetime cube file[] ltcube_phi4.fits Counts map file[] none Output file name[] bexpmap_test.fits Response functions to use[P7REP_SOURCE_V15] Size of the X axis in pixels[360] Size of the Y axis in pixels[180] Image scale (in degrees/pixel)[1] Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL -galactic) (CEL|GAL) [GAL] First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l)[0] Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b)[0] Rotation angle of image axis, in degrees[0] Projection method e.g. AIT|ARC|CAR|GLS|MER|NCP|SIN|STG|TAN[AIT] Name of FITS file containing the energy bin definition[] ebins.fits SEE ALSO gtbin gtdiffrsp gtlike gtltcube gtsrcmaps