NAME gtsuntemp - Generates the average intensity skymaps as a function of energy for the Sun or the Moon. The output fits file can be used in likelihood analysis in a similar fashion as the diffuse emission model. USAGE gtsuntemp expsun avgexp sunprof cmap outfile nxpix nypix binsz coordsys xref yref axisrot proj ebinalg emin emax enumbins bincalc DESCRIPTION This tool takes the standard exposure map used for normal analysis, the exposure map from gthpexpsun and a profile of the intensity of the Moon or the Sun as a function of angle from the Sun or the Moon and energy. The only profile format currently supported is a FITS file with extensions named: ANGLES, ENERGIES, SST_PROFILE. The parameters controlling the binning of the final template are identical to those of gtexpcube2. The tool works by first calculating the expected photons sr-1 MeV-1 from the moving source using the angular binned exposure map and the input profile. This is then turned into average intensity by dividing with the normal exposure map. If the energy binning of the solar profile does not match that of the output map a power-law interpolation is used. NOTES The template of the moving source must be generated using the same events file and livetime cube used in the analysis. Different cuts generate different templates. At present, models used for the solar and lunar emission are fixed for any period of solar activity. The energy binning for gtexpcube2, gtexphpsun, and gtsuntemp must match or the tools will fail with an error message saying that some energy bins are not found. PARAMETERS expsun [filename] Exposure map from gtexphpsun binned in healpix and solar angles. avgexp [filename] Binned xposure map from gtexpcube2. sunprof [filename] Profile of the intensity of the moving source for the moon and the sun (e.g., lunar_profile_v2r0.fits and solar_profile_v2r0.fits). The tool expects fits files with the following tables: ANGLES listing the angles used in the profile (center values), ENERGIES listing the energies in the profile, and SST_PROFILE listing the intensity as a function of energy and distance from the source. The SST_PROFILE should be a vector table where each row gives the spectrum of the emission for a given distance. cmap [filename] Counts map file from gtbin, for which gtsuntemp should match the coordinate projection and gridding. Select "none" if the map geometry is specified from parameters (nxpix, nypix, xref, yref, enumbins, etc). outfile [filename] Average intensity skymaps. nxpix [integer] Size of the X (i.e., horizontal) axis in pixels. If proj is "CAR", "AIT", or "ZEA", the value "1" is used for full sky. nypix [integer] Size of the Y (i.e., vertical) axis in pixels. If proj is "CAR", "AIT", or "ZEA", the value "1" is used for full sky. binsz [double] The number of degrees per pixel at the center of the image. coordsys [boolean] Coordinate system. If you choose CEL you will be prompted for ra and dec (J2000), if you choose GAL you will be prompted for l and b coordinates. xref [double] The horizontal position of the center of the image, either RA in celestial coordinates or l in galactic coordinates. yref [double] The vertical position of the center of the image, either DEC in celestial c oordinates or b in galactic coordinates. axisrot [double] The rotation angle desired for the image. proj [string] The allowed values are: AIT, ZEA, ARC, CAR, GLS, MER, NCP, SIN, STG, TAN or any other three letter identifier recognized by wcslib (see Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 for definitions of the projections). Must be AIT, ZEA, or CAR for auto full sky. (ebinalg = LOG) [string] Indicates how the energy bins will be specified. Legal values are FILE (bin boundaries will be read from a bin definition file) or LOG (logarithmically uniform bins). emin [double] The lowest energy of the first interval for linearly or logarithmically uniform bins. Only used if ebinalg is LOG. emax [double] The highest energy of the last interval for linearly or logarithmically uniform bins. Only used if ebinalg is LOG. enumbins [integer] The number of bins for logarithmically uniform bins. Only used if ebinalg is LOG. ebinfile [filename] The name of the energy bin definition file. Only used if ebinalg is FILE. (bincalc = EDGE) [string] Allows to choose how energy layers are computed from the count map (cmap parameter) energy bounds, e.g., bincalc="CENTER" will force the tool to compute the exposures using the energy at the geometric mean of the energy bounds for each energy bin. The default is bincalc="EDGE" and should be what is used in the binned Likelihood analysis. It must be the same as the one used in the gtexpcube2 irfs [string] Instrument response functions. The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) is currently a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal) and photon category. The default value is the lastest available IRF. (evtype) [integer] The event type selection for Pass 8 data. The event type is a subselection of the event class. Users can select on range of events based on conversion type (front/back), angular reconstruction quality (PSF values), and energy reconstruction quality (EDISP values). The default value is INDEF, which will not apply a subselection. (chatter = 2) [integer] This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). (clobber = yes) [boolean] If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. (debug = no) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (mode = ql) [string] Mode of automatic parameters: "h" for batch, "ql" for interactive. EXAMPLE Parameters are passed to gtltcubesun following the FTOOLs model. They can be passed by answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. This allows gtltcubesun to be called from a script. To be prompted for gtltcubesun simply type in the command line: > gtsuntemp Exposure binned in healpix and solar angles[] : expMapSun.fits Binned exposure[] : expMap.fits Fits file containing solar intensity profile[solar_profile_v2r0.fits, lunar_profile_v2r0.fits]: solar_profile_v2r0.fits Counts map file[none] : Output file name[] : TemplateMap.fits Size of the X axis in pixels[] : 720 Size of the Y axis in pixels[] : 360 Image scale (in degrees/pixel)[] : 0.5 Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL -galactic) (CEL|GAL) [] : GAL First coordinate of image center in degrees (RA or galactic l)[] : 0 Second coordinate of image center in degrees (DEC or galactic b)[] : 0 Rotation angle of image axis, in degrees[] : 0 Projection method e.g. AIT|ARC|CAR|GLS|MER|NCP|SIN|STG|TAN[] : CAR Start energy (MeV) of first bin[] : 100 Stop energy (MeV) of last bin[] : 10000 Number of logarithmically-spaced energy bins[] : 10 Computing binned TemplateMap....................! Note: Once the output exposure FITS file has been generated, it can be viewed with a FITS viewer such as ds9 or fv. It contains a data structure with layers corresponding to the number of bins specified. The previous example can also be run in the command line as follows: > gtsuntemp avgexp=expMapSun.fits expsun=expMap.fits sunprof=solar_profile_v2r0.fits \ cmap=none nxpix=720 nypix=360 binsz=0.5 coordsys=GAL xref=0 yref=0 axisrot=0 proj=CAR \ emin=100 emax=100000 enumbins=10 outfile=TemplateMap.fits SEE ALSO gtltcubesun gtexphpsun gtltsumsun