NAME gtwtsmap - Creates maps of the likelihood weight factors USAGE gtwtsmap effbkgfile alphafile outfile epsilon DESCRIPTION This tool is used to generate likelihood weights maps for maps of the effective background. The likelihood weight is defined so that the total uncertainty will be some small fraction (epsilon) of the effective background. Since the effective background is expected contribution to the uncertainty on a likelihood fit for a point source coming from statistical uncertainty of the background model, epsilon can be interpreted as the contribution to the systematic uncertainty coming from mis-modeling the background expressed as a fraction of the background model. PARAMETERS effbkgfile [filename] FITS file containing the effective background maps. alphafile [filename] FITS file containing the factor needed to correctly combine contributions from multiple components. outfile [filename] Name of the output FITS file that will contain the likelihood weights. epsilon [float] Epsilon parameter, this is the fractional systematic uncertainty, i.e., the desired systematic uncertainty, expressed as a fraction of the effective background. Defaults to 0.03. (chatter) [integer] This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). Default is "2". (clobber) [boolean] If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. Default is "yes". (debug) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. Default is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui) [boolean] Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode is activated if set to "yes". Default is "no". (mode) [string] Mode of automatic parameters: "h" for batch, "ql" for interactive. Default is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model: They could be passed answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. To run gtwtsmap simply type in the command line: > gtwtsmap The parameter values have to be provided. Not all parameter are prompted: some of them are "hidden". To change one of the "hidden" parameter, the user should specify the values in the command line or modify its mode by editing the parameter file. For example, to avoid overwriting the outfile, the following command line has to be typed: > gtwtsmap clobber=no An example of how to run the tool is given below: > gtwtsmap Input effective background map file[] bkgeff.fits Input alpha map file. 'none' for single component weights[] alphabkg.fits Output File[] wmap.fits Epsilon parameter, fractional syst. uncertaintiy[0.03] That last example could be also run in the command line as follows: > gtwtsmap effbkgfile=bkgeff.fits alphafile=alphabkg.fits outfile=wmap.fits epsilon=0.03 SEE ALSO gtlike gtsrcmaps gtltcube gteffbkg gtalphbkg