#!/bin/bash REPO=https://github.com/fetchai/agents-aea.git BRANCH=master TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t bench-XXXXXXXXXX) git clone --branch $BRANCH $REPO $TMP_DIR CURDIR=`pwd` cd $TMP_DIR echo "Installing the dependencies." pip install pipenv # this is to install benchmark dependencies pipenv install --dev --skip-lock # this is to install the AEA in the Pipenv virtual env pipenv run pip install --upgrade aea[all]=="0.10.1" chmod +x benchmark/checks/run_benchmark.sh echo "Start the experiments." # we need to add the current directory to PYTHONPATH so we can import from local dirs PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:. pipenv run ./benchmark/checks/run_benchmark.sh rm -fr $TMPDIR cd $CURDIR echo "Done!"