#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys import json import time import binascii import tarfile import atexit import socket origin_getaddrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo def getaddrinfo_wrapper(host, port, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0): return origin_getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_INET, socktype, proto, flags) socket.getaddrinfo = getaddrinfo_wrapper try: import ssl import hashlib except ImportError as ex: print("Error: cannot import module ssl or hashlib (%s)." % str(ex)) print("If you are using openwrt, run \"opkg install python-openssl\"") os._exit(0) try: import zlib except ImportError as ex: print("Warning: cannot import module zlib (%s)." % str(ex)) # TODO: if there's a python dist that is not bundled with zlib ever exists, disable gzip Accept-Encoding #xunlei use self-signed certificate; on py2.7.9+ if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context') and hasattr(ssl, '_create_default_https_context'): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context #rsa_mod = 0xAC69F5CCC8BDE47CD3D371603748378C9CFAD2938A6B021E0E191013975AD683F5CBF9ADE8BD7D46B4D2EC2D78AF146F1DD2D50DC51446BB8880B8CE88D476694DFC60594393BEEFAA16F5DBCEBE22F89D640F5336E42F587DC4AFEDEFEAC36CF007009CCCE5C1ACB4FF06FBA69802A8085C2C54BADD0597FC83E6870F1E36FD #rsa_pubexp = 0x010001 APP_VERSION = "" PROTOCOL_VERSION = 200 VASID_DOWN = 14 # vasid for downstream accel VASID_UP = 33 # vasid for upstream accel FALLBACK_MAC = '000000000000' FALLBACK_PORTAL = "" FALLBACK_UPPORTAL = "" UNICODE_WARNING_SHOWN = False PY3K = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if not PY3K: import urllib2 from urllib2 import URLError from urllib import quote as url_quote from cStringIO import StringIO as sio #rsa_pubexp = long(rsa_pubexp) else: import urllib.request as urllib2 from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import quote as url_quote from io import BytesIO as sio account_session = '.swjsq.session' account_file_plain = 'swjsq.account.txt' shell_file = 'swjsq_wget.sh' ipk_file = 'swjsq_0.0.1_all.ipk' log_file = 'swjsq.log' login_xunlei_intv = 600 # do not login twice in 10min DEVICE = "SmallRice R1" DEVICE_MODEL = "R1" OS_VERSION = "5.0.1" OS_API_LEVEL = "24" OS_BUILD = "LRX22C" header_xl = { 'Content-Type':'', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': 'android-async-http/xl-acc-sdk/version-' } header_api = { 'Content-Type':'', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android %s; %s Build/%s)' % (OS_VERSION, DEVICE_MODEL, OS_BUILD) } def get_mac(nic = '', to_splt = ':'): if os.name == 'nt': cmd = 'ipconfig /all' splt = '-' elif os.name == "posix": if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/ip') or os.path.exists('/bin/ip'): if nic: cmd = 'ip link show dev %s' % nic else: # Unfortunately, loopback interface always comes first # So we have to grep it out cmd = 'ip link show up | grep -v loopback' else: cmd = 'ifconfig %s' % (nic or '-a') splt = ':' else: return FALLBACK_MAC try: r = os.popen(cmd).read() if r: _ = re.findall('((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}%s){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})' % splt, r) if not _: return FALLBACK_MAC else: return _[0].replace(splt, to_splt) except: pass return FALLBACK_MAC def api_url(up = False): portal = None if up: portals = (("", "up", 80), ) else: portals = (("", "", 81), ("2", "", 81), ("", "", 82)) for cmb in portals: portal = json.loads(http_req("http://api%s.%sportal.swjsq.vip.xunlei.com:%d/v2/queryportal" % cmb)) try: portal = json.loads(http_req("http://api%s.%sportal.swjsq.vip.xunlei.com:%d/v2/queryportal" % cmb)) except: pass else: break if not portal or portal['errno']: print('Warning: get interface_ip failed, use fallback address') if up: return FALLBACK_UPPORTAL else: return FALLBACK_PORTAL return '%s:%s' % (portal['interface_ip'], portal['interface_port']) def long2hex(l): return hex(l)[2:].upper().rstrip('L') _real_print = print logfd = open(log_file, 'ab') def print(s, **kwargs): line = "%s %s" % (time.strftime('%X', time.localtime(time.time())), s) if PY3K: logfd.write(line.encode('utf-8')) else: try: logfd.write(line) except UnicodeEncodeError: logfd.write(line.encode('utf-8')) if PY3K: logfd.write(b'\n') else: logfd.write("\n") _real_print(line, **kwargs) def uprint(s, fallback = None, end = None): global UNICODE_WARNING_SHOWN while True: try: print(s, end = end) except UnicodeEncodeError: if UNICODE_WARNING_SHOWN: print('Warning: locale of your system may not be utf8 compatible, output will be truncated') UNICODE_WARNING_SHOWN = True else: break try: print(s.encode('utf-8'), end = end) except UnicodeEncodeError: if fallback: print(fallback, end = end) break def http_req(url, headers = {}, body = None, encoding = 'utf-8'): req = urllib2.Request(url) for k in headers: req.add_header(k, headers[k]) if sys.version.startswith('3') and isinstance(body, str): body = bytes(body, encoding = 'ascii') resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, data = body, timeout = 60) buf = resp.read() # check if response is gzip encoded if buf.startswith(b'\037\213'): try: buf = zlib.decompress(buf, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) # skip gzip headers except Exception as ex: print('Warning: malformed gzip response (%s).' % str(ex)) # buf is unchanged ret = buf.decode(encoding) if sys.version.startswith('3') and isinstance(ret, bytes): ret = str(ret) return ret class fast_d1ck(object): def __init__(self): self.api_url = api_url(up = False) self.api_up_url = api_url(up = True) self.mac = get_mac(to_splt = '').upper() + '004V' self.xl_uid = None self.xl_session = None self.xl_loginkey = None self.xl_login_payload = None self.last_login_xunlei = 0 self.do_down_accel = False self.do_up_accel = False self.state = 0 def load_xl(self, dt): if 'sessionID' in dt: self.xl_session = dt['sessionID'] if 'userID' in dt: self.xl_uid = dt['userID'] if 'loginKey' in dt: self.xl_loginkey = dt['loginKey'] def login_xunlei(self, uname, pwd): _ = int(login_xunlei_intv - time.time() + self.last_login_xunlei) if _ > 0: print("sleep %ds to prevent login flood" % _) time.sleep(_) self.last_login_xunlei = time.time() # pwd = rsa_encode(pwd_md5) fake_device_id = hashlib.md5(("msfdc%s23333" % pwd).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # just generate a 32bit string # sign = div.10?.device_id + md5(sha1(packageName + businessType + md5(a protocolVersion specific GUID))) device_sign = "div101.%s%s" % (fake_device_id, hashlib.md5( hashlib.sha1(("%scom.xunlei.vip.swjsq68c7f21687eed3cdb400ca11fc2263c998" % fake_device_id).encode('utf-8')) .hexdigest().encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest()) _payload = { "protocolVersion": str(PROTOCOL_VERSION), "sequenceNo": "1000001", "platformVersion": "2", "sdkVersion": "177662", "peerID": self.mac, "businessType": "68", "clientVersion": APP_VERSION, "devicesign":device_sign, "isCompressed": "0", #"cmdID": 1, "userName": uname, "passWord": pwd, #"loginType": 0, # normal account "sessionID": "", "verifyKey": "", "verifyCode": "", "appName": "ANDROID-com.xunlei.vip.swjsq", #"rsaKey": { # "e": "%06X" % rsa_pubexp, # "n": long2hex(rsa_mod) #}, #"extensionList": "", "deviceModel": DEVICE_MODEL, "deviceName": DEVICE, "OSVersion": OS_VERSION } ct = http_req('https://mobile-login.xunlei.com:443/login', body=json.dumps(_payload), headers=header_xl, encoding='utf-8') self.xl_login_payload = _payload dt = json.loads(ct) self.load_xl(dt) return dt def check_xunlei_vas(self, vasid): # copy original payload to new dict _payload = dict(self.xl_login_payload) _payload.update({ "sequenceNo": "1000002", "vasid": str(vasid), "userID": str(self.xl_uid), "sessionID": self.xl_session, #"extensionList": [ # "payId", "isVip", "mobile", "birthday", "isSubAccount", "isAutoDeduct", "isYear", "imgURL", # "vipDayGrow", "role", "province", "rank", "expireDate", "personalSign", "jumpKey", "allowScore", # "nickName", "vipGrow", "isSpecialNum", "vipLevel", "order", "payName", "isRemind", "account", # "sex", "vasType", "register", "todayScore", "city", "country" #] }) # delete unwanted kv pairs for k in ('userName', 'passWord', 'verifyKey', 'verifyCode'): del _payload[k] ct = http_req('https://mobile-login.xunlei.com:443/getuserinfo', body=json.dumps(_payload), headers=header_xl, encoding='utf-8') return json.loads(ct) def renew_xunlei(self): _ = int(login_xunlei_intv - time.time() + self.last_login_xunlei) if _ > 0: print("sleep %ds to prevent login flood" % _) time.sleep(_) self.last_login_xunlei = time.time() _payload = dict(self.xl_login_payload) _payload.update({ "sequenceNo": "1000001", "userName": str(self.xl_uid), #wtf "loginKey": self.xl_loginkey, }) for k in ('passWord', 'verifyKey', 'verifyCode', "sessionID"): del _payload[k] ct = http_req('https://mobile-login.xunlei.com:443/loginkey ', body=json.dumps(_payload), headers=header_xl, encoding='utf-8') dt = json.loads(ct) self.load_xl(dt) return dt def api(self, cmd, extras = '', no_session = False): ret = {} for _k1, api_url_k, _clienttype, _v in (('down', 'api_url', 'swjsq', 'do_down_accel'), ('up', 'api_up_url', 'uplink', 'do_up_accel')): if not getattr(self, _v): continue while True: # missing dial_account, (userid), os api_url = getattr(self, api_url_k) # TODO: phasing out time_and url = 'http://%s/v2/%s?%sclient_type=android-%s-%s&peerid=%s&time_and=%d&client_version=android%s-%s&userid=%s&os=android-%s%s' % ( api_url, cmd, ('sessionid=%s&' % self.xl_session) if not no_session else '', _clienttype, APP_VERSION, self.mac, time.time() * 1000, _clienttype, APP_VERSION, self.xl_uid, url_quote("%s.%s%s" % (OS_VERSION, OS_API_LEVEL, DEVICE_MODEL)), ('&%s' % extras) if extras else '', ) try: ret[_k1] = {} ret[_k1] = json.loads(http_req(url, headers = header_api)) break except URLError as ex: uprint("Warning: error during %sapi connection: %s, use portal: %s" % (_k1, str(ex), api_url)) if (_k1 == 'down' and api_url == FALLBACK_PORTAL) or (_k1 == 'up' and api_url == FALLBACK_UPPORTAL): print("Error: can't connect to %s api" % _k1) os._exit(5) if _k1 == 'down': setattr(self, api_url_k, FALLBACK_PORTAL) elif _k1 == 'up': setattr(self, api_url_k, FALLBACK_UPPORTAL) return ret def run(self, uname, pwd, save=True): if uname[-2] == ':': print('Error: sub account can not upgrade') os._exit(3) login_methods = [lambda : self.login_xunlei(uname, pwd)] if self.xl_session: login_methods.insert(0, self.renew_xunlei) failed = True for _lm in login_methods: dt = _lm() if dt['errorCode'] != "0" or not self.xl_session or not self.xl_loginkey: uprint('Error: login xunlei failed, %s' % dt['errorDesc'], 'Error: login failed') print(dt) else: failed = False break if failed: logfd.close() os._exit(1) print('Login xunlei succeeded') yyyymmdd = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.time())) if 'vipList' not in dt: vipList = [] else: vipList = dt['vipList'] # chaoji member if vipList and vipList[0]['isVip'] == "1" and vipList[0]['vasType'] == "5" and vipList[0]['expireDate'] > yyyymmdd: # choaji membership self.do_down_accel = True # self.do_up_accel = True print('Expire date for chaoji member: %s' % vipList[0]['expireDate']) # kuainiao down/up member _vas_debug = [] for _vas, _name, _v in ((VASID_DOWN, 'fastdick', 'do_down_accel'), (VASID_UP, 'upstream acceleration', 'do_up_accel')): if getattr(self, _v): # don't check again if vas is activated in other membership continue _dt = self.check_xunlei_vas(_vas) if 'vipList' not in _dt or not _dt['vipList']: continue for vip in _dt['vipList']: if vip['vasid'] == str(_vas): _vas_debug.append(vip) if vip['isVip'] == "1": if vip['expireDate'] < yyyymmdd: print('Warning: Your %s membership expires on %s' % (_name, vip['expireDate'])) else: print('Expire date for %s: %s' % (_name, vip['expireDate'])) setattr(self, _v, True) if not self.do_down_accel and not self.do_up_accel: print('Error: You are neither xunlei fastdick member nor upstream acceleration member, buy buy buy!\nDebug: %s' % _vas_debug) os._exit(2) if save: try: os.remove(account_file_plain) except: pass with open(account_session, 'w') as f: f.write('%s\n%s' % (json.dumps(dt), json.dumps(self.xl_login_payload))) api_ret = self.api('bandwidth', no_session = True) _to_upgrade = [] for _k1, _k2, _name, _v in ( ('down', 'downstream', 'fastdick', 'do_down_accel'), ('up', 'upstream', 'upstream acceleration', 'do_up_accel')): if not getattr(self, _v): continue _ = api_ret[_k1] if 'can_upgrade' not in _ or not _['can_upgrade']: uprint('Warning: %s can not upgrade, so sad TAT: %s' % (_name, _['message']), 'Error: %s can not upgrade, so sad TAT' % _name) setattr(self, _v, False) else: _to_upgrade.append('%s %dM -> %dM' % ( _k1, _['bandwidth'][_k2]/1024, _['max_bandwidth'][_k2]/1024, )) if not self.do_down_accel and not self.do_up_accel: print("Error: neither downstream nor upstream can be upgraded") os._exit(3) _avail = api_ret[list(api_ret.keys())[0]] uprint('To Upgrade: %s%s %s' % ( _avail['province_name'], _avail['sp_name'], ", ".join(_to_upgrade)), 'To Upgrade: %s %s %s' % ( _avail['province'], _avail['sp'], ", ".join(_to_upgrade)) ) _dial_account = _avail['dial_account'] _script_mtime = os.stat(os.path.realpath(__file__)).st_mtime if not os.path.exists(shell_file) or os.stat(shell_file).st_mtime < _script_mtime: self.make_wget_script(pwd, _dial_account) if not os.path.exists(ipk_file) or os.stat(ipk_file).st_mtime < _script_mtime: update_ipk() #print(_) def _atexit_func(): print("Sending recover request") try: self.api('recover', extras = "dial_account=%s" % _dial_account) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Secondary ctrl+c pressed, exiting') try: logfd.close() except: pass atexit.register(_atexit_func) self.state = 0 while True: has_error = False try: # self.state=1~35 keepalive, self.state++ # self.state=18 (3h) re-upgrade all, self.state-=18 # self.state=100 login, self.state:=18 if self.state == 100: _dt_t = self.renew_xunlei() if int(_dt_t['errorCode']): time.sleep(60) dt = self.login_xunlei(uname, pwd) if int(dt['errorCode']): self.state = 100 continue else: _dt_t = dt self.state = 18 if self.state % 18 == 0:#3h print('Initializing upgrade') if self.state:# not first time self.api('recover', extras = "dial_account=%s" % _dial_account) # throttle to avoid later upgrade call error with too frequent request time.sleep(20) api_ret = self.api('upgrade', extras = "user_type=1&dial_account=%s" % _dial_account) #print(_) _upgrade_done = [] for _k1, _k2 in ('down', 'downstream'), ('up', 'upstream'): if _k1 not in api_ret: continue if not api_ret[_k1]['errno']: _upgrade_done.append("%s %dM" % (_k1, api_ret[_k1]['bandwidth'][_k2]/1024)) if _upgrade_done: print("Upgrade done: %s" % ", ".join(_upgrade_done)) op = "upgrade" print(api_ret) else: # _dt_t = self.renew_xunlei() # if _dt_t['errorCode']: # self.state = 100 # continue try: api_ret = self.api('keepalive') except Exception as ex: print("keepalive exception: %s" % str(ex)) time.sleep(60) self.state = 18 continue op = "keepalive" # controls if we skip sleep skip_sleep = False for _k1, _k2, _name, _v in ('down', 'Downstream', 'fastdick', 'do_down_accel'), ('up', 'Upstream', 'upstream acceleration', 'do_up_accel'): if _k1 in api_ret and api_ret[_k1]['errno']: _ = api_ret[_k1] print('%s %s error %s: %s' % (_k2, op, _['errno'], _['message'])) if _['errno'] in (513, 824):# TEST: re-upgrade when get 513 or 824 speedup closed self.state = 100 elif _['errno'] == 812: print('%s already upgraded, continuing' % _k2) elif _['errno'] == 717 or _['errno'] == 718:# re-upgrade when get 'account auth session failed' self.state = 100 elif _['errno'] == 518: # disable down/up when get qurey vip response user not has business property print("Warning: membership expired? Disabling %s" % _name) setattr(self, _v, False) elif _['errno'] == 711: print("request too frequent, retrying in 1 minute") time.sleep(60) skip_sleep = True # not sure if re-login is needed # self.state = 100 else: has_error = True if self.state == 100 or skip_sleep: continue except Exception as ex: import traceback _ = traceback.format_exc() print(_) has_error = True if has_error: # sleep 5 min and repeat the same state time.sleep(290)#5 min else: self.state += 1 time.sleep(590)#10 min def make_wget_script(self, pwd, dial_account): # i=1~17 keepalive, renew session, i++ # i=18 (3h) re-upgrade, i:=0 # i=100 login, i:=18 xl_renew_payload = dict(self.xl_login_payload) xl_renew_payload.update({ "sequenceNo": "1000001", "userName": str(self.xl_uid), #wtf "loginKey": "$loginkey", }) for k in ('passWord', 'verifyKey', 'verifyCode', "sessionID"): del xl_renew_payload[k] with open(shell_file, 'wb') as f: _ = '''#!/bin/ash TEST_URL="https://baidu.com" UA_XL="User-Agent: swjsq/0.0.1" if [ ! -z "`wget --no-check-certificate -O - $TEST_URL 2>&1|grep "100%"`" ]; then HTTP_REQ="wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - " POST_ARG="--post-data=" else command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 && curl -kI $TEST_URL >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Xunlei-FastD1ck cannot find wget or curl installed with https(ssl) enabled in this system."; exit 1; } HTTP_REQ="curl -ks" POST_ARG="--data " fi uid='''+str(self.xl_uid)+''' pwd='''+pwd+''' nic=eth0 peerid='''+self.mac+''' uid_orig=$uid last_login_xunlei=0 login_xunlei_intv='''+str(login_xunlei_intv)+''' day_of_month_orig=`date +%d` orig_day_of_month=`echo $day_of_month_orig|grep -oE "[1-9]{1,2}"` #portal=`$HTTP_REQ http://api.portal.swjsq.vip.xunlei.com:82/v2/queryportal` #portal_ip=`echo $portal|grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}'` #portal_port_temp=`echo $portal|grep -oE "port...[0-9]{1,5}"` #portal_port=`echo $portal_port_temp|grep -oE '[0-9]{1,5}'` portal_ip='''+self.api_url.split(":")[0]+''' portal_port='''+self.api_url.split(":")[1]+''' portal_up_ip='''+self.api_up_url.split(":")[0]+''' portal_up_port='''+self.api_up_url.split(":")[1]+''' if [ -z "$portal_ip" ]; then sleep 30 portal=`$HTTP_REQ http://api.portal.swjsq.vip.xunlei.com:81/v2/queryportal` portal_ip=`echo $portal|grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}'` portal_port_temp=`echo $portal|grep -oE "port...[0-9]{1,5}"` portal_port=`echo $portal_port_temp|grep -oE '[0-9]{1,5}'` if [ -z "$portal_ip" ]; then portal_ip="'''+FALLBACK_PORTAL.split(":")[0]+'''" portal_port='''+FALLBACK_PORTAL.split(":")[1]+''' fi fi log () { echo `date +%X 2>/dev/null` $@ } api_url="http://$portal_ip:$portal_port/v2" api_up_url="http://$portal_up_ip:$portal_up_port/v2" do_down_accel='''+str(int(self.do_down_accel))+''' do_up_accel='''+str(int(self.do_up_accel))+''' i=100 while true; do if test $i -ge 100; then tmstmp=`date "+%s"` let slp=login_xunlei_intv-tmstmp+last_login_xunlei if test $slp -ge 0; then sleep $slp fi last_login_xunlei=$tmstmp if [ ! -z "$loginkey" ]; then log "renew xunlei" ret=`$HTTP_REQ https://mobile-login.xunlei.com:443/loginkey $POST_ARG"'''+json.dumps(xl_renew_payload).replace('"','\\"')+'''" --header "$UA_XL"` error_code=`echo $ret|grep -oE "errorCode...[0-9]+"|grep -oE "[0-9]+"` if [[ -z $error_code || $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then log "renew error code $error_code" fi session_temp=`echo $ret|grep -oE "sessionID...[A-F,0-9]{32}"` session=`echo $session_temp|grep -oE "[A-F,0-9]{32}"` if [ -z "$session" ]; then log "renew session is empty" sleep 60 else log "session is $session" fi fi if [ -z "$session" ]; then log "login xunlei" ret=`$HTTP_REQ https://mobile-login.xunlei.com:443/login $POST_ARG"'''+json.dumps(self.xl_login_payload).replace('"','\\"')+'''" --header "$UA_XL"` session_temp=`echo $ret|grep -oE "sessionID...[A-F,0-9]{32}"` session=`echo $session_temp|grep -oE "[A-F,0-9]{32}"` uid_temp=`echo $ret|grep -oE "userID...[0-9]+"` uid=`echo $uid_temp|grep -oE "[0-9]+"` if [ -z "$session" ]; then log "login session is empty" uid=$uid_orig else log "session is $session" fi if [ -z "$uid" ]; then #echo "uid is empty" uid=$uid_orig else log "uid is $uid" fi fi if [ -z "$session" ]; then sleep 600 continue fi loginkey=`echo $ret|grep -oE "lk...[a-f,0-9,\.]{96}"` i=18 fi if test $i -eq 18; then # TODO: is it needed to recover before upgrade? _ts=`date +%s`0000 if test $do_down_accel -eq 1; then log "upgrade downstream" ret=`$HTTP_REQ "$api_url/upgrade?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&user_type=1&client_type=android-swjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androidswjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''"` if [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "client request too frequent"`" ]; then log "upgrade request too frequent, retrying in 1 minute" sleep 60 continue fi fi if test $do_up_accel -eq 1; then log "upgrade upstream" ret=`$HTTP_REQ "$api_up_url/upgrade?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&user_type=1&client_type=android-uplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androiduplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''"` if [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "client request too frequent"`" ]; then log "upgrade request too frequent, retrying in 1 minute" sleep 60 continue fi fi i=1 sleep 590 continue fi sleep 1 day_of_month_orig=`date +%d` day_of_month=`echo $day_of_month_orig|grep -oE "[1-9]{1,2}"` if [[ -z $orig_day_of_month || $day_of_month -ne $orig_day_of_month ]]; then log "recover" orig_day_of_month=$day_of_month _ts=`date +%s`0000 if test $do_down_accel -eq 1; then $HTTP_REQ "$api_url/recover?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&client_type=android-swjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androidswjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''" fi if test $do_up_accel -eq 1; then $HTTP_REQ "$api_up_url/recover?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&client_type=android-uplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androiduplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''" fi sleep 5 i=100 continue fi log "keepalive" _ts=`date +%s`0000 if test $do_down_accel -eq 1; then ret=`$HTTP_REQ "$api_url/keepalive?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&client_type=android-swjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androidswjsq-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''"` if [[ -z $ret ]]; then log "keepalive downstream error, re-upgrade" sleep 60 i=18 continue elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "not exist channel"`" ]; then log "keepalive downstream not exist channel, re-login" i=100 continue elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "user not has business property"`" ]; then log "membership expired? disabling fastdick" do_down_accel=0 elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "client request too frequent"`" ]; then log "keepalive downstream request too frequent, retrying in 1 minute" sleep 60 continue fi fi if test $do_up_accel -eq 1; then ret=`$HTTP_REQ "$api_up_url/keepalive?peerid=$peerid&userid=$uid&sessionid=$session&client_type=android-uplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&time_and=$_ts&client_version=androiduplink-'''+APP_VERSION+'''&os=android-'''+OS_VERSION+'.'+OS_API_LEVEL+DEVICE_MODEL+'''&dial_account='''+dial_account+'''"` if [[ -z $ret ]]; then log "keepalive upstream error, re-upgrade" sleep 60 i=18 continue elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "not exist channel"`" ]; then log "keepalive upstream not exist channel, re-login" i=100 continue elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "user not has business property"`" ]; then log "membership expired? disabling upstream acceleration" do_up_accel=0 elif [ ! -z "`echo $ret|grep "client request too frequent"`" ]; then log "keepalive request too frequent, retrying in 1 minute" sleep 60 continue fi fi if test $i -ne 100; then let i=i+1 sleep 590 fi done '''.replace("\r", "") if PY3K: _ = _.encode("utf-8") f.write(_) def update_ipk(): def _sio(s = None): if not s: return sio() if PY3K: return sio(bytes(s, "ascii")) else: return sio(s) def flen(fobj): pos = fobj.tell() fobj.seek(0) _ = len(fobj.read()) fobj.seek(pos) return _ def add_to_tar(tar, name, sio_obj, perm = 420): info = tarfile.TarInfo(name = name) info.size = flen(sio_obj) info.mode = perm sio_obj.seek(0) tar.addfile(info, sio_obj) if os.path.exists(ipk_file): os.remove(ipk_file) ipk_fobj = tarfile.open(name = ipk_file, mode = 'w:gz') data_stream = sio() data_fobj = tarfile.open(fileobj = data_stream, mode = 'w:gz') # /usr/bin/swjsq data_content = open(shell_file, 'rb') add_to_tar(data_fobj, './bin/swjsq', data_content, perm = 511) # /etc/init.d/swjsq data_content = _sio('''#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=90 STOP=15 USE_PROCD=1 start_service() { procd_open_instance procd_set_param respawn ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-5} ${respawn_retry:-5} procd_set_param command /bin/swjsq procd_set_param stdout 1 procd_set_param stderr 1 procd_close_instance } ''') add_to_tar(data_fobj, './etc/init.d/swjsq', data_content, perm = 511) # wrap up data_fobj.close() add_to_tar(ipk_fobj, './data.tar.gz', data_stream) data_stream.close() control_stream = sio() control_fobj = tarfile.open(fileobj = control_stream, mode = 'w:gz') control_content = _sio('''Package: swjsq Version: 0.0.1 Depends: libc Source: none Section: net Maintainer: fffonion Architecture: all Installed-Size: %d Description: Xunlei Fast Dick ''' % flen(data_content)) add_to_tar(control_fobj, './control', control_content) control_fobj.close() add_to_tar(ipk_fobj, './control.tar.gz', control_stream) control_stream.close() data_content.close() control_content.close() debian_binary_stream = _sio('2.0\n') add_to_tar(ipk_fobj, './debian-binary', debian_binary_stream) debian_binary_stream.close() ipk_fobj.close() if __name__ == '__main__': # change to script directory if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): _wd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.executable)) else: _wd = sys.path[0] os.chdir(_wd) ins = fast_d1ck() try: if os.path.exists(account_file_plain): uid, pwd = open(account_file_plain).read().strip().split(',') ins.run(uid, pwd) elif os.path.exists(account_session): with open(account_session) as f: session = json.loads(f.readline()) ins.xl_login_payload = json.loads(f.readline()) ins.load_xl(session) ins.run(ins.xl_login_payload['userName'], ins.xl_login_payload['passWord']) elif 'XUNLEI_UID' in os.environ and 'XUNLEI_PASSWD' in os.environ: uid = os.environ['XUNLEI_UID'] pwd = os.environ['XUNLEI_PASSWD'] ins.run(uid, pwd) else: _real_print('Please use XUNLEI_UID=/XUNLEI_PASSWD= envrionment varibles or create config file "%s", input account splitting with comma(,). Eg:\nyonghuming,mima' % account_file_plain) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass