version 0.11: - show in the statusbar the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse cursor according to the tikzpicture's coordinate system - add the directory in which the pgf file is located to TEXINPUTS - add Czech translation (by Pavel Fric) - add JPEG, TIFF, BMP to the Export menu - in multiple images mode, export to EPS now exports the currently visible image (instead of giving an error) - add printing of the preview image - in multiple image mode, the export dialog automatically appends the number of the current image to the file name - let the built-in template also work with xelatex - check whether the file has been modified by another program when ktikz gets the focus or when the user saves or closes the file (similar to kwrite) - rearrange "Insert" menu - improve syntax highlighting (now path commands such as ".. controls", "parabola", ... are highlighted too) - remove bug in the Qt-only version which caused in the config dialog the "TikZ documentation" to contain the list of all occurrences of pgfmanual.* when more than one was found in the LaTeX trees, now only the first occurrence is shown - in the "Insert" menu, show the description of the currently highlighted item at the bottom of the current submenu (instead of only showing it in the statusbar which could be covered by those submenus) - sort the entries in the completion box - correct tab order so that pressing the Tab-key when the "Edit template" button is focussed, switches the focus to the editor (instead of the preview) - abort still running process before starting a new one (without this, if a LaTeX compilation process hangs, all subsequently started processes are executed one after the other when the user aborts the hanging process) - update list of tikz commands in the "Insert" menu - let the mouse "back" and "forward" button (the buttons on the sides of the mouse) switch the image in multiple image mode (if these buttons exist) - remove bug which caused the preview to slightly move to the left/top each time it was generated until the left/top edge is reached (this happened when the width/height of the preview window is an odd integer) - remove bugs which caused incorrect recentering of the preview when zooming - the text box showing the messages in the preview is now centered correctly - remove bug in preview rendering: remove flicker while zooming fast - don't show the "Reload" and "Edit" button in the template widget in the kpart (the purpose of the kpart is viewing, not editing, and there is already a "Reload" action in Konqueror) - remove bug: if non-Latin UTF-8 characters are used in the editor then they are not correctly written to the file when the file is saved - add an "About KtikZ Viewer" item in Konqueror's "Help" menu (when the kpart is used) - let the actions of the kpart go in a separate section labeled "KtikZ Viewer" in the "Configure Shortcuts" dialog - update code snippets for circle, ellipse and arc to TikZ v2.10 - remove bug: searching a string doesn't find the very first word of the document if it matches - remove bug: replacing a string and pressing "Ctrl+F" again when the "Replace ... by ...?" box is visible doesn't hide that box, so both that box and the "Search and Replace" box are visible - remove bug: sometimes when indenting a highlighted text consisting of several lines, the last line is not indented - replace the "Indent" dialog by an "Indent" box (similar to the "Find and Replace" box) - when the Tab key is pressed when the cursor is in the white space at the beginning of the line or when more than one line is selected, the corresponding lines are indented using the indentation character and the number of indentations last specified in the "Indent" box - add an "Unindent" action; pressing the Shift+Tab key has a similar effect as pressing the Tab key described above, but for unindenting - make sure that the temporary files are also deleted when a session in the desktop environment ends - add menu with user defined code snippets - remove bug: in the Qt-only version, when an empty window is opened and a new window is opened and closed, then the temporary directory is removed, so in the first window no preview can be successfully generated - allow multiple files to be opened from the command line - in session management the line number in which the text cursor is, is remembered during startup of the new session - add line number area to the left of the editor - add bookmark functionality - display error message when export to EPS, JPEG, ... fails - have more sensible sizes for the main window and the preview panel on first run (for screens larger than 1024x768) - remove bug in syntax highlighting: \filldraw is incorrectly highlighted - allow configuring the current line highlight - remove bug: the scrollbars in the preview remain visible after closing the file - add support for Qt5 version 0.10 (2010-08-26): - KDE integration (the possibility to compile Qt-only still exists) - template files on remote machines can be used using KIO (only in the KDE version) - TikZ source files on remote machines can be loaded, saved and exported using KIO (only in the KDE version) - error messages while generating the preview are shown in the preview window itself - zooming is done in a separate thread now, so the interface is not blocked when zooming at large sizes - a kpart is available that can be used to view TikZ source files in konqueror (the kpart opens files having the text/x-pgf mimetype) - update list of tikz commands - remove bug which causes ktikz to hang (since Qt 4.6) when typesetting a picture - remove bug: cannot find TikZ documentation when selecting "TikZ Manual" in the Help menu, even if configured correctly - display description of a newly inserted tikz command (using command completion or menu) in the statusbar, so that the user still sees the usage of a command after it is inserted - add option to compile the TikZ code only when pushing a "Build" button - add reload button - add shell script and ktikz template to the examples directory which can be used to generate the preview with the latex; dvips; ps2pdf sequence instead of pdflatex (the usage is described in the shell script code) - check whether the file has changed when ktikz gets the focus (similar to kwrite) - in the kpart check for file changes and reload if there are any (similar as in okular) - the zoom percentage field is now displayed and edited in the user's locale - added documentation - remove bug: when the error box is larger than the preview and the next compilation does not give errors, the error box is still visible outside the area covered by the preview - try to find or use the default hard-coded (configurable in conf.pri and CMakeLists.txt) path to the TikZ documentation when an empty path is stored in the local settings (this is the case e.g. when ktikz is run for the first time) - when inserting code using code-completion, the arguments and options that must be filled in are marked by a bullet, the bullets can be browsed with the Tab-key - now also an URL to an online version of the TikZ documentation can be specified in the configuration dialog - an icon for Windows and an NSIS Windows Installer script are now available - the "Insert" menu is now also translated version 0.9 (2009-09-10): - remove bug that on startup the item selected in the template combobox did not correspond to the text in the lineedit of the combobox - correct the height of the lineedits in the configuration dialog - the path to the TikZ documentation must now be set in the configuration dialog - don't wait one second before generating the preview when a file is loaded, the template is changed or shell escaping is toggled - only files are used now as a template file (previously directories and everything with a valid path was used), otherwise the default template is used - if the replacement text is empty, then the default template is used instead of giving non-informative errors - when the commands dock is visible (instead of the menu), the code that will be inserted is visible in the status bar on hovering the item in the list - clicking on an item in the commands dock only includes the corresponding code once (instead of twice) - added file name completion to the template line edit and the line edits in the configuration dialog - space and tab markers resize according to the font size of the main text - the color of the space and tab markers can be changed in the configuration dialog - white space and tabulator settings are separate now - scrolling in the text edit with the arrow keys is faster now - better completion of \begin{... and \end{... - allow to use the icons set in KDE4 when the appropriate variable in conf.pri is set - remove bug that the "Next Image" and "Previous Image" buttons remained visible when emptying the code text area - remove bug: statustip of the toggle view actions in the Settings menu is not shown when a toolbar or sidebar is hidden on startup - add support for session management (open windows will be reopened after logging out and logging in again) - added option in the config dialog to enable/disable completion of the tikz commands - trying to open a file from the "Open Recent" menu that does not exist anymore does not cause an empty window to be opened anymore, furthermore the file is removed from the "Open Recent" list Version 0.8 (2009-05-25): - allow text under icons in toolbar - remove bug: when a second ktikz window is closed while typesetting, the cursor is not restored from busy to normal - remove bug: when the document is untitled and not yet saved, then opening a file opens the file in the current window, destroying the unsaved text - added some tikz commands to the list of commands - disable "Save" and "Save As" actions when the file in the text editor is the same as on disk - replace the "Replace this occurrence" dialog by a widget shown at the bottom of the text editor - added filter "PGF files" in "Open File" dialog - the previously selected templates can now be selected from a combobox - added "Clear" button to each line edit - remove bug: the size of the default font did not change after setting a new font size in the config dialog - new way of writing the temporary latex and pgf files, this also solves the bug in which the line numbers in the log window did not correspond to the line numbers in the editor - each time the template is changed a new QTemporaryFile is used, this avoids the bug that if the template contains less characters, then the bottom of the old template is still there in the file (luckily latex stops parsing at the first \end{document}, so this bug was not visible) - allow to use KDE4 file dialogs when the appropriate variable in conf.pri is set - remove bug (I hope) that caused ktikz to crash when zooming while ktikz is typesetting Version 0.7 (2008-08-26): - disable previous image button if the first image is shown, disable next image button if the last image is shown - the first time that the End button is pressed the cursor is moved to the end of the line (on screen), the second time the cursor is moved to the end of the block (end of the line in the file) - don't run latex on startup when no document is loaded from the command line - adjust size of the viewport in which the preview is displayed when new items are added to the tikz picture - added completion of the tikz commands - the tikz commands are now loaded from an XML file - corrected the size of the colored background around the highlighted brackets - remove bug in ConfigDialog::selectFont() (replace "if (&ok)" by "if (ok)") - the command "New" in the "File" menu now opens a new empty window, the commands "Open" and "Open Recent" open the selected file in a new window, a "Close" command is added which empties the current window - the (empty) document is not typesetted anymore when the "Close" command (which has the same behavior as the old "New" command) is executed - add the directory in which the template file is located to the $TEXINPUTS environment variable (useful if the template \inputs other files) - layout changes in the configuration dialog Version 0.6 (2008-02-25): - added find and replace - added go to line - added indent selected paragraph - remove crash when first character of the document is '\' - allow usage of -shell-escape, so that functions can be plotted using gnuplot from within tikz - added highlighting of the current line in code editor - added show white spaces - added show matching brackets - allow scrolling of code editor without moving the cursor with Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down - added template support for the LaTeX file in which the PGF picture is included - updated the icons to the latest version of Oxygen (now available at svn:// Version 0.5 (2007-10-02): - removed memory leaks - added Qt logo to the "About Qt" item in the Help menu - zooming now keeps the same object in the center of the visible area that was previously in the center (instead of scrolling to position (0,0)) - the tikz commands can be inserted from either a menu or a dockwidget - more tikz commands are added to the menu/dockwidget - put the preview area in a dock widget which allows more flexibility than a splitter - added an item in the "Help" menu for opening the file pgfmanual.pdf in the PDF viewer configured in the system (if that file is located somewhere in the LaTeX texmf tree) - switched to poppler version 0.6 - removed bug in the config dialog which caused the table items to not be shown as disabled upon opening the config dialog when the highlighting is set to standard - added a What's This button in the configuration dialog - remove crash when zooming at startup before loading or editing tikz code - ktikz now remembers the zoom factor from the previous session - the application icon is now also installed and is referred to in the desktop file (so the icon also appears in the KMenu) - the build files (*.o *.ui moc_* qrc_*) are now put in a separate build directory (when building), leaving the source directory clean Version 0.4 (2007-08-13): - added German translation - show status tip for the "Open Recent" and "Export" submenus - it is now possible to have more than one image in one document: just put the different tikzpictures one below the other in the code and then press the "Show previous image" and "Show next image" button to browse between the previews (but it is not possible to save or export them separately) - the previous picture is not displayed anymore in the preview when the text edit becomes empty (or when the user starts a new document) - the document modification status is shown correctly now in the title bar - the preview can be scrolled by dragging the image - added undo, redo and select all to the Edit menu and to the toolbar - added comment/uncomment of the current line or selection - the scrollbars will disappear if the image becomes smaller than the view when zooming out - added a menu with tikz commands - a better highlighting of the tikz code is implemented based on the contents of the tikz commands menu - made an application icon (I just took the kate icon from oxygen and added the text "KTikZ", the text in the icon is in the Fertigo font from - added What's This texts for most widgets and icons - added a configuration dialog (the highlighting colors and fonts, the number of entries in the "Open Recent" menu and the path to pdflatex and pdftops can be set) - messages on standard output are only shown when compiled in debug mode - in the log box short messages are shown instead of the contents of the log file; the contents of the log file can be viewed by pressing the "View Log" button - added an "Abort typesetting" button; for example, typesetting the following code never exits: \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm,y=1cm % note the missing ] \draw[->] (0,0) -- (4,0); \end{tikzpicture} - added a context menu to the preview area - more sensible default sizes for the different widgets in the main window on first startup Version 0.3 (2007-08-06): - show in the statusbar the position of the cursor in the text edit - the preview image (in PDF format) is displayed using poppler instead of converting the PDF file to PNG first and displaying the PNG file (poppler version 0.5.4 is used) - added zooming of the image (using poppler) - export to PNG is done directly in Qt now; as a consequence (of this and of using poppler to display the preview image) ktikz no longer depends on ImageMagick - added "Open Recent" menu - if ktikz is run on the command line, then it loads the first argument (if it is a valid file name) - the open/save file dialog remembers the last directory in which a PGF source file was opened/saved - loading of translations if available - added French translation - changed qmake files so that the files will be installed in the correct place (the installation prefix can be configured in the file conf.pri) - the wait cursor is displayed while typesetting the PGF picture to PDF Version 0.2 (2007-08-02): - replaced the icons in XPM format by icons in PNG format from KDE4's Oxygen theme (obtained from svn:// - placed the text edit and the preview area in a splitter so that their relative width can be changed by the user - placed the log text edit in a dockwidget (which can be hidden) - temporary files are now put in QDir::tempPath() + "/ktikz" (on Linux this is /tmp/ktikz), so your working directory remains clean - closing the application now removes all temporary files and stops the thread - the first time that the thread (generating the output image) is executed is not on startup anymore, but when the user actually changes the text or loads a file - images can now be exported to EPS, PDF and PNG - for some standard actions, the standard key sequence is used (e.g. QKeySequence::Open instead of Ctrl+O) - the toolbars can be hidden - corrected typo "TiKz" to "TikZ" - a function runProcess is used which makes the code of generatePdfFile and generatePngFile easier (in tikzpngpreviewer.cpp) - made a better about dialog